'Hate Speech' Is Anything You Don't Want To Hear

Part of why Trump was elected was because of the backlash against PC speech. I know lots of people who voted for Trump in part because they where hoping he would "offend" people all the time.

Well, that's pretty petty, then.

Incidently, Trump didn't get any more votes than Romney did, so the idea that Trump somehow caused a political shift is silly.

What happened was too many people pissed away their votes on third party candidates who weren't going to win.

It would be petty if that was the only reason, but it wasn't.

Third party votes aren't a waste if you don't like either candidate. It is showing that you don't like them.

Trump's win was a political shift. Trump and Bernie were the shift. Hillary didn't win the Democrat nomination she stole it from Bernie.
who are *YOU* in this *WE* instance who *FEELS* your "PERSPECTIVE* is better than everyone elses?

So you are going to avoid the question of why Forrest deserves to be honored, then? I feel your pain. It's kind of hard to rationalize.

no one gave you carte blanche to define our society. that is up to us all and while yes that would include you and others, i don't see you and same others asking for input or a joint resolution to what in effect is a bullshit made up problem to do nothing more than flog us for not being perfect.

It's not really a matter of being "perfect". Shit, I'm not perfect.

It is a matter of admitting when you were wrong. Slavery was wrong. Starting the KKK was wrong. Putting up a statue to a guy who did those things (and really ,nothing else of note) is...well... wrong.

Happy to have cleared that up for you.
who are *YOU* in this *WE* instance who *FEELS* your "PERSPECTIVE* is better than everyone elses?

So you are going to avoid the question of why Forrest deserves to be honored, then? I feel your pain. It's kind of hard to rationalize.

no one gave you carte blanche to define our society. that is up to us all and while yes that would include you and others, i don't see you and same others asking for input or a joint resolution to what in effect is a bullshit made up problem to do nothing more than flog us for not being perfect.

It's not really a matter of being "perfect". Shit, I'm not perfect.

It is a matter of admitting when you were wrong. Slavery was wrong. Starting the KKK was wrong. Putting up a statue to a guy who did those things (and really ,nothing else of note) is...well... wrong.

Happy to have cleared that up for you.
i'm not going to answer a singular instance when you can put the entire situation into question with a single incident.

you tell me why *the left* gets to determine who should and should not represent our history. i don't give jack nor shit about what said history is - so your "going there" is pretty pointless as it's not my question.

who made the liberals the ones who determine this for us all?

*that* is the problem we face that the liberals keep avoiding a direct answer to. only asks more questions to push control further.
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/----/ Big difference between firing a guy for being a creep and protesting a speaker because he says things you disagree with.

Not really... if your argument is that he has an absolute right to a forum, then Breitbart should have been compelled to provide him one just like you want to compel the students of Berkeley to, right.

Because this isn't about his right to say stuff that is meant specifically to inflame people, it's about whether or not he should have a forum. The students at Berkeley said no. Breitbart said no. Although Breitbart had to think about it because he said some things they agreed with.

/----/ Is there a reason you bunch up your responses in one post, other than to be annoying?

Yes, most of you don't deserve the effort of starting a new post.

"Is a guy who shouts "Fire" in a crowded theater exercising his "constitutional right'" Yes he is if there is a fire in the theater.

SO I'm sorry, how is a "Draw Mohammed because I know that offends your religion" the same as pointing out there is a fire?

It's because JoeBlow is not only one of the intellectual lightweights on the board he is one of the top three asshole posters on the board.

But yet I can always get under your skin, Marty...
you assume that when people talk it is their intent to inflame people, hence they need to cut it out.

if that is our criteria, even saying that, well dude, you inflame me with your rhetoric. ergo, by your rules, you must stop it.

your rules, i'm just borrowing them. but something tells me you're about to backup and reroute to where you still can do what you want and others can't cause they're not you.
Joe continues to be a living example of my 1st 2 posts. His self-valued opinion, which he sees as superior ... for little more reason than because HE says it ... is obvious.

Liberals have continued to demonstrate they feel they are superior and anyone who disagrees with them is full of shite. If that was all they did it would be ok. In the last year, however, Liberals have become violently more intolerant, successfully using violence to shutdown opposition to their opinions and ideology.
It would be petty if that was the only reason, but it wasn't.

Third party votes aren't a waste if you don't like either candidate. It is showing that you don't like them.

That would be great, if there was no consequence to your little hissy fit, then hissy away.

But now we are seeing the consequences, a man who is mentally unstable in the White House rattling the nuclear sabers.

Trump's win was a political shift. Trump and Bernie were the shift.

I would agree that they are a shift in that Americans don't want to do the hard work of Democracy and are willing to vote for Fascists and Communists because they promise quick fixes to problems.

It's just not a good thing. The thing is, we rejected people on both sides who were good, but not entertaining, because we are treating picking leader of the free world like picking the winner of American Idol.

Hillary didn't win the Democrat nomination she stole it from Bernie.

No, she got 3 million more votes than Bernie. That's why she won. Now, that some Bernie voters had a hissy and vote for Stein or even Trump is their prerogative, but they shouldn't come whining to me that Trump is taking away their tuition to give tax breaks to billionaires.
Joe continues to be a living example of my 1st 2 posts. His self-valued opinion, which he sees as superior ... for little more reason than because HE says it ... is obvious.

Liberals have continued to demonstrate they feel they are superior and anyone who disagrees with them is full of shite. If that was all they did it would be ok. In the last year, however, Liberals have become violently more intolerant, successfully using violence to shutdown opposition to their opinions and ideology.
when you can't logically and intelligently back up your point, you resort to tantrums, emo-bursts and violence.

see it every day.
Joe continues to be a living example of my 1st 2 posts. His self-valued opinion, which he sees as superior ... for little more reason than because HE says it ... is obvious.

well, that and it is based on actual data and not kneejerk beliefs in Imaginary Sky Pixies.... so there's that.

Liberals have continued to demonstrate they feel they are superior and anyone who disagrees with them is full of shite. If that was all they did it would be ok. In the last year, however, Liberals have become violently more intolerant, successfully using violence to shutdown opposition to their opinions and ideology.

Here's the thing, buddy, up until about 9 years ago, I was probably more right wing than you are.

And then my boss told me that he could totally screw me over after I had a medical issue because "he didn't have to deal with a union".

Kind of then that I figured out that the Hispanic Lesbian and I were really in the same boat and it was a boat the One Percent likes to try to sink for shit and grins.

As far as shutting down speech, the right wing is just as bad as the left when it comes to that. Remember when you guys tried to cut off all arts funding because some guy pissed on a crucifix? I do.

So just remember, kiddies, when the Berkeley students throw Milo off their campus for being a jerk,t hat's bad, but when breitbart fires him for being a jerk,that's okay.
Joe continues to be a living example of my 1st 2 posts. His self-valued opinion, which he sees as superior ... for little more reason than because HE says it ... is obvious.

well, that and it is based on actual data and not kneejerk beliefs in Imaginary Sky Pixies.... so there's that.

Liberals have continued to demonstrate they feel they are superior and anyone who disagrees with them is full of shite. If that was all they did it would be ok. In the last year, however, Liberals have become violently more intolerant, successfully using violence to shutdown opposition to their opinions and ideology.

Here's the thing, buddy, up until about 9 years ago, I was probably more right wing than you are.

And then my boss told me that he could totally screw me over after I had a medical issue because "he didn't have to deal with a union".

Kind of then that I figured out that the Hispanic Lesbian and I were really in the same boat and it was a boat the One Percent likes to try to sink for shit and grins.

As far as shutting down speech, the right wing is just as bad as the left when it comes to that. Remember when you guys tried to cut off all arts funding because some guy pissed on a crucifix? I do.

So just remember, kiddies, when the Berkeley students throw Milo off their campus for being a jerk,t hat's bad, but when breitbart fires him for being a jerk,that's okay.

Blah, blah, blah.... So you are bitter, hold a grudge, and now believe libtards have the right to use violence to shut down Freedom of Speech. Got it. Thanks for continuing to be that living example of what I posted....
It would be petty if that was the only reason, but it wasn't.

Third party votes aren't a waste if you don't like either candidate. It is showing that you don't like them.

That would be great, if there was no consequence to your little hissy fit, then hissy away.

But now we are seeing the consequences, a man who is mentally unstable in the White House rattling the nuclear sabers.

Trump's win was a political shift. Trump and Bernie were the shift.

I would agree that they are a shift in that Americans don't want to do the hard work of Democracy and are willing to vote for Fascists and Communists because they promise quick fixes to problems.

It's just not a good thing. The thing is, we rejected people on both sides who were good, but not entertaining, because we are treating picking leader of the free world like picking the winner of American Idol.

Hillary didn't win the Democrat nomination she stole it from Bernie.

No, she got 3 million more votes than Bernie. That's why she won. Now, that some Bernie voters had a hissy and vote for Stein or even Trump is their prerogative, but they shouldn't come whining to me that Trump is taking away their tuition to give tax breaks to billionaires.
/----/ Super delegates threw the primary to Hildabeast.
Joe continues to be a living example of my 1st 2 posts. His self-valued opinion, which he sees as superior ... for little more reason than because HE says it ... is obvious.

well, that and it is based on actual data and not kneejerk beliefs in Imaginary Sky Pixies.... so there's that.

Liberals have continued to demonstrate they feel they are superior and anyone who disagrees with them is full of shite. If that was all they did it would be ok. In the last year, however, Liberals have become violently more intolerant, successfully using violence to shutdown opposition to their opinions and ideology.

Here's the thing, buddy, up until about 9 years ago, I was probably more right wing than you are.

And then my boss told me that he could totally screw me over after I had a medical issue because "he didn't have to deal with a union".

Kind of then that I figured out that the Hispanic Lesbian and I were really in the same boat and it was a boat the One Percent likes to try to sink for shit and grins.

As far as shutting down speech, the right wing is just as bad as the left when it comes to that. Remember when you guys tried to cut off all arts funding because some guy pissed on a crucifix? I do.

So just remember, kiddies, when the Berkeley students throw Milo off their campus for being a jerk,t hat's bad, but when breitbart fires him for being a jerk,that's okay.

Blah, blah, blah.... So you are bitter, hold a grudge, and now believe libtards have the right to use violence to shut down Freedom of Speech. Got it. Thanks for continuing to be that living example of what I posted....
/----/ And another example for Joe:
Here is a list of disruptions that have occurred this year.

  • 1. Protesters at Claremont McKenna College distrupted a speech by author Heather MacDonald
  • April 6, 2017
    Conservative commentator and author Heather Mac Donald said it was an "exercise of brute totalitarian force" when protesters at Claremont McKenna College shut down her speaking event.
No, she got 3 million more votes than Bernie. That's why she won. Now, that some Bernie voters had a hissy and vote for Stein or even Trump is their prerogative, but they shouldn't come whining to me that Trump is taking away their tuition to give tax breaks to billionaires.
/----/ Super delegates threw the primary to Hildabeast.[/QUOTE]
That ... and rigging the primaries, engaging in election fraud, cheating in debates.....
A 'statue' is not Freedom of Speech.

'History' is not 'speech' - it is a record of what occurred in the past.

So it is. So let's replace the statue of Forrest proudly on a horse with one where he's whipping a slave, so everyone knows accurately what this guy was all about. That would be an "accurate" record.

Although not 'speech', it IS something Leftists seek to either re-write or outlaw / ban altogether because they are 'Deeply Offended' by it.

Or put into the proper perspective. When you put a statue of Forrest on a horse, you are implying he was a great man, who had done some wonderful thing that we should remember and honor him.

You know, instead of a guy who started a hate group that is still committing racist acts to this very day.

should we put up a statue of Hitler or Bin Laden? I mean, after all, they are "historical", and even though statues of them might offend some sensitive people, we should remember them, right?

Again, Americans have many Rights in this country - the Right NOT to be offended is NOT one of them ... and those who claimed to be offended do NOT have the right to strip others of their Rights simply because they claim to be 'Deeply Offended' by something.

I think you are talking yourself in circles here, bud. Muslims shouldn't be offended by your racism, but if someone says, 'Hey, maybe we should take down the statue of the Klan Leader", you are complaining about how your rights are being stripped. Or something.
I see you don't ever want to relinquish control? You want what you want and fk everything in the archives. gotcha. good luck with that anti american man.
No, she got 3 million more votes than Bernie. That's why she won. Now, that some Bernie voters had a hissy and vote for Stein or even Trump is their prerogative, but they shouldn't come whining to me that Trump is taking away their tuition to give tax breaks to billionaires.
/----/ Super delegates threw the primary to Hildabeast.
That ... and rigging the primaries, engaging in election fraud, cheating in debates.....[/QUOTE]
pay no attention to the man behind the curtain.
Joe continues to be a living example of my 1st 2 posts. His self-valued opinion, which he sees as superior ... for little more reason than because HE says it ... is obvious.

well, that and it is based on actual data and not kneejerk beliefs in Imaginary Sky Pixies.... so there's that.

Liberals have continued to demonstrate they feel they are superior and anyone who disagrees with them is full of shite. If that was all they did it would be ok. In the last year, however, Liberals have become violently more intolerant, successfully using violence to shutdown opposition to their opinions and ideology.

Here's the thing, buddy, up until about 9 years ago, I was probably more right wing than you are.

And then my boss told me that he could totally screw me over after I had a medical issue because "he didn't have to deal with a union".

Kind of then that I figured out that the Hispanic Lesbian and I were really in the same boat and it was a boat the One Percent likes to try to sink for shit and grins.

As far as shutting down speech, the right wing is just as bad as the left when it comes to that. Remember when you guys tried to cut off all arts funding because some guy pissed on a crucifix? I do.

So just remember, kiddies, when the Berkeley students throw Milo off their campus for being a jerk,t hat's bad, but when breitbart fires him for being a jerk,that's okay.

Blah, blah, blah.... So you are bitter, hold a grudge, and now believe libtards have the right to use violence to shut down Freedom of Speech. Got it. Thanks for continuing to be that living example of what I posted....
/----/ And another example for Joe:
Here is a list of disruptions that have occurred this year.

  • 1. Protesters at Claremont McKenna College distrupted a speech by author Heather MacDonald
  • April 6, 2017
    Conservative commentator and author Heather Mac Donald said it was an "exercise of brute totalitarian force" when protesters at Claremont McKenna College shut down her speaking event.
how about Charlottesville. the Mayor intentionally invited the antifa's .
'Political Correctness', a fascist-created term / movement that has infected this country like a cancer, has spawned an offspring just as destructive, if not more, to our freedoms and liberty, one that directly opposes our Constitutional Right to Free Speech: 'Hate Speech'.

'Hate Speech' takes 'Political Correctness' up a notch'. 'Hate Speech' is like the 'enforcer' behind 'Political Correctness'. One can be criticized for being 'Politically Incorrect', but there are those who want to 'criminalize' 'Hate Speech'. 'Hate Speech' has been elevated by some to the level of the 'N*-word' - 'YOU JUST CAN'T USE IT!'

'Hate Speech' is nothing more than saying something someone else does not want to hear. It is saying something that might 'offend' someone, and the Left is using it to strip Americans of their Right to Free Speech:

"Nearly three-fourths (71%) of Americans believe that political correctness has done more to silence important discussions our society needs to have."

A perfect example of this is the terrorist attack that occurred yesterday. The Left and the Media don't want Americans to mention / point out that the terrorist was an Islamic Extremist radicalized MUSLIM. Despite no one declaring that all Muslims are terrorists or support terrorism, the Left does not even want Americans to discuss the fact that there is a small minority of Muslims who are extremists, who are threats, and who are a danger to this country.

A serious discussion needs to be had in this country as the threat of such attacks continue to grow...but if you try to have one, the Left attacks you for being a racist, an 'Islam-a-phobe'. They try to silence you. President Obama and his administration was so determined to silence those discussions after a terrorist, given a visa and allowed to enter this country, murdered 7 Americans in California that he sent out his US Attorney General who then THREATENED American citizens with JUDICIAL PUNISHMENT if they discussed the attacks and Muslim / Islamic Extremism - if they 'engaged in 'hate speech' about Islam / Muslims'. Once again, the discussions we NEEDED to have were silenced.

Instead, after the attack yesterday, the Mayor of NY pulled out his Liberal Talking-Point sheet and went down it point-by-point.
- This was horrible.
- We will not let this destroy us.
- We will go on.
- We will recover.
- All Muslims are not evil.

Yeah, we KNOW all of that already...but when are we going to have the REAL discussions about the REAL problem and how to REALLY address it.

I do not want to make this entire thread about what happened yesterday. Again, I want to address 'Hate Speech'.

"58% of Americans believe the political climate today prevents them from saying things they believe."

That is SERIOUS.

OVER half of the country believes the political climate in this country today IS SILENCING their Constitutionally-Protected Freedom of Speech, that it is being suppressed. AND THE EVIDENCE SUPPORTS THEIR BELIEF:

- Thugs, many hired by the DNC Presidential Candidate's campaign, physically attacked opposition supporters at the opposition's own rallies, beating and bloodying supporters.

- Electoral College Voters' lives were threatened for voting the way they were going to vote

- Calls for assassinations on the left for opposing their opinions and ideology turned into an actual assassination attempt

- As mentioned, the President of the United States sent out his AG to silence American voices

- Leftist Extremist Antifa admittedly used violence to strip Americans of their Constitutional Right to Free Speech

- Berkeley Students rioted, looted, burned, and used violence to strip Americans of their right to Free Speech

.....and then they accused those on the right who they were attacking and silencing of being a 'Nazi'.

It is this VIOLENCE and INTOLERANCE from the Left that has made over half of Americans feel they can no longer fully exercise their Constitutional Freedom of Speech in this country.

The State of Free Speech and Tolerance in America

So this post here is an example of Russian propaganda that is either being pushed by a bot, or by an unwitting Conservative. How do we know? Look at the date when easy's account was created; right in the midst of the Russian troll ramp-up. What he's doing here is testing out propaganda before flushing it into Facebook, Twitter, and other social media platforms.
/----/ Super delegates threw the primary to Hildabeast.

Very true, and while wholly unethical, it wasn't illegal. If the Democrats had opened up all their primaries to Independents, Sanders would have received the nomination and would have utterly annihilated Trump in the General Election.

But the DNC is just like any other cronyist organization; it takes big donors and corporate interests into account and bolsters the establishment. Because that's what these groups do. They're fundraising arms. It's all about the $$. If you remove $$ from politics, you lose the influcence of cronyism, the establishment, and all those special interest groups. Leaving a vacuum where candidates' ideas compete for votes instead of candidates competing for money.

But Conservatives oppose that because they know they cannot win elections based on the merits of their ideas. So they suppress the vote, gerrymander, and accept help from hostile foreign powers.

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