'Hate Speech' Is Anything You Don't Want To Hear

Where does it state in the statement that Trump and Putin are good friends and Trump is the manchurian candidate?

That's not what we're talking about. We are talking about Trump's campaign colluding with Russia. Papadopolous says very clearly that he was working on behalf of the Trump campaign to use his Russian connections to not only get "dirt" on Clinton, but to arrange a high-level meeting between Putin and Trump. He did this with the knowledge of "senior campaign officials". Who those officials are will obviously be revealed in the next round of indictments. Plus, you have Clovis already turning witness (likely to save his fat pig hide from getting buttraped in jail).

You can fill in the blanks from there.

That is Anti Trumpers self emposed burden of proof. To prove that Trump is the manchurian candidate. An campaign advisor excepting dirt on someone is not proof.

Yes, it is proof of collusion because it was done by that adviser on behalf of the campaign he worked for.

Talk about moving the goal post. We went from manchurian candidate to Trump may very well have had no clue about anything and Russia not doing anything more than what everyone else does.
I believe carter page has a lawsuit out against fake accusations about him. I wonder how many more are coming.
<Russian Active Measure>

So real quick about your Russian propaganda:

1. No one denies the DNC was in the tank for Hillary. But political party primaries aren't subject to election laws. The parties run their own primaries however they want. Personally, I think the DNC pulled a boner for many reasons. But the Establishment controls the DNC, just like it controls the RNC. If you want to get rid of the Establishment, take money out of politics and have all elections and campaigns and primaries publicly funded.

2. Again, the party primaries are not run by the State, they are run by the parties and the parties can do whatever they want. If you really have a problem with the way parties run their primaries, then you should be supporting public campaign finance. But you don't. Because you're an idiot.

3. No, Democrats did not accept help from Russia. This is a lie and propaganda on your part. But you're just doing your job, so I know you don't really believe it. In fact, I doubt you even care. This is just a job for you and you get paid in rubles, vodka, and Russian hooker pee.
Talk about moving the goal post. We went from manchurian candidate to Trump may very well have had no clue about anything and Russia not doing anything more than what everyone else does.

So this inarticulate post of yours is the perfect example of Russian propaganda. Rather than reconcile the facts like a normal person, you instead hammer out something that clearly looks like it was run through a Google translator in an attempt to what? Obfuscate? Misdirect? Dodge?

Fact is that Trump's team openly and brazenly colluded with Russia to get "dirt" on Clinton and set high-level meetings between Trump and Putin. It was all done under the supervision of "senior campaign advisers".

Now the real question is; do the people Trump took on to his team have loyalty to him and are willing to fall on their swords for him? LOL! What do you think???
I believe carter page has a lawsuit out against fake accusations about him. I wonder how many more are coming.

Carter Page doesn't know when to keep his mouth shut. He basically implicated himself on Chris Hayes' show on MSNBC the other day by admitting to contact over e-mail with Russia and about Russia.
I believe carter page has a lawsuit out against fake accusations about him. I wonder how many more are coming.

Carter Page doesn't know when to keep his mouth shut. He basically implicated himself on Chris Hayes' show on MSNBC the other day by admitting to contact over e-mail with Russia and about Russia.
well actually he didn't. he said he may have been on email copies. he wasn't going to answer direct. you're again wishing something that isn't. wow you have a really good imagination bubba.
huh? who ever said that? that just ain't so.

Ah, but it is what Trump said. Over and over. "No contact with Russia".

I think I broke this particular Russian post-bot.

you would have to ask those who lied. I don't speak for them.

Now hold on just one second more...you all seem to have no problem divining the reasons behind Hillary and Obama "lying". Yet suddenly those psionic powers disappear when it comes to those you're getting paid to spread propaganda on Conservatives' behalf? That's funny and suspicious.
I wish you libs would learn what collusion is and that it isn't illegal if they did do it. and it's funny you don't want to touch the dossier. too funny.

You all said initially he had no contact with Russia. So why did you lie about that?
huh? who ever said that? that just ain't so.

Ah, but it is what Trump said. Over and over. "No contact with Russia".

I think I broke this particular Russian post-bot.

you would have to ask those who lied. I don't speak for them.

Now hold on just one second more...you all seem to have no problem divining the reasons behind Hillary and Obama "lying". Yet suddenly those psionic powers disappear when it comes to those you're getting paid to spread propaganda on Conservatives' behalf? That's funny and suspicious.

they lied so did the trumpbots as you call em. why they lied I have no fking clue. you have to ask them. That's all i said. I never denied their lies. WTF
I wish you libs would learn what collusion is and that it isn't illegal if they did do it. and it's funny you don't want to touch the dossier. too funny.

You all said initially he had no contact with Russia. So why did you lie about that?
dude without evidence of that you're toast on that one. cause no one ever made that claim.
well actually he didn't. he said he may have been on email copies. he wasn't going to answer direct. you're again wishing something that isn't. wow you have a really good imagination bubba.

He said before that there was nothing to do with Russia at all the last time he was on MSNBC. Now he's saying the opposite. So he either lied then, or he is lying now. In either case, it looks bad for you guys.
Talk about moving the goal post. We went from manchurian candidate to Trump may very well have had no clue about anything and Russia not doing anything more than what everyone else does.

So this inarticulate post of yours is the perfect example of Russian propaganda. Rather than reconcile the facts like a normal person, you instead hammer out something that clearly looks like it was run through a Google translator in an attempt to what? Obfuscate? Misdirect? Dodge?

Fact is that Trump's team openly and brazenly colluded with Russia to get "dirt" on Clinton and set high-level meetings between Trump and Putin. It was all done under the supervision of "senior campaign advisers".

Now the real question is; do the people Trump took on to his team have loyalty to him and are willing to fall on their swords for him? LOL! What do you think???

I hope this is "articulate" enough:

Liberals and Democrats have accused Trump of having a relationship with Russia that goes beyond that of what other government officials have with Russia and other countries.

That is the burden of proof. Nothing so far has even come close to proving anything.

No one in the government or press is talking about Clinton's ties to the Ukraine, Russia, China, Saudi Arabia.
they lied so did the trumpbots as you call em.

So when they said there was "no contact with Russia" they were lying. OK. So if they were lying about that, what makes you think they're telling the truth about anything else?
huh? who ever said that? that just ain't so.

Ah, but it is what Trump said. Over and over. "No contact with Russia".

I think I broke this particular Russian post-bot.

you would have to ask those who lied. I don't speak for them.

Now hold on just one second more...you all seem to have no problem divining the reasons behind Hillary and Obama "lying". Yet suddenly those psionic powers disappear when it comes to those you're getting paid to spread propaganda on Conservatives' behalf? That's funny and suspicious.

dude, too funny. never once was that question ever ever asked. there were many questions but each one had a variable that gave an out. did they have knowledge of meddling. How can you prove that? nope. doesn't mean they weren't in contact with russian people. listen to the questions derp. way funny way way funny. shit.
Yeah that is why Democrats keep losing elections. If conservative ideas were as unpopular as liberals claim no amount of"voter suppression" and gerrymandering would work.

As I said, that's why Conservatives rig elections through gerrymandering, voter suppression, and accepting help from Russia. That's how they win.

You still believe in "Russian collusion"? Dear God. Liberals have no right to pick on a "birther" again.

I don't believe it, I accept it because it's fact. Papdopolous' plea statement says very clearly that there was collusion happening between Trump's team and Russia.
as opposed to buying help from Russia and losing?
So this post here is an example of Russian propaganda that is either being pushed by a bot, or by an unwitting Conservative.

So you PROVE you can NOT discredit / disprove ONE single thing in my post and instead have to wage a personal attack on me.

Thank you for demonstrating - iceberg's was it - point about how Liberals who can not debate using facts, links, & evidence have to resort to the crap you just posted.

Go away, troll.....
yea, the derp. i gave up. he won't talk he just demands his way be accepted and then gets as pissed off and slams you vs. talks about the issues.

like i said - there are times you simply walk away cause nothing good will ever come from a convo w/him.
dude without evidence of that you're toast on that one. cause no one ever made that claim.

I just posted a video clip of Trump and his surrogates denying contact with Russia 17 times. Those were 17 lies, were they not? So if they lied about having no contact with Russia, what else are they lying about?
iberals and Democrats have accused Trump of having a relationship with Russia that goes beyond that of what other government officials have with Russia and other countries..

And so far, what Mueller has uncovered has not disproved the allegations of improper conduct, collusion, and/or conspiracy against Trump and his associates.

The point is that Trump and all the Conservatives and all his surrogates for months denied there was any contact with Russia at all. Any allegation of contact was met with arrogant, brazen, and repeated denials.

So it turns out all those denials were fucking lies, weren't they? That Trump's team did have contact with Russia.

So why lie about it unless you have something to hide?
dude, too funny. never once was that question ever ever asked.

Oh, it was certainly asked...and Trump, his surrogates, and his supporters all denied there was any contact with Russia at all. That clip I linked to was 17 different times Trump, his surrogates, and his supporters denied any contact with Russia.

But it turns out there was contact with Russia. So why lie about it? Why repeat the lie? Why defend it?

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