'Hate Speech' Is Anything You Don't Want To Hear

/----/ Super delegates threw the primary to Hildabeast.

Very true, and while wholly unethical, it wasn't illegal. If the Democrats had opened up all their primaries to Independents, Sanders would have received the nomination and would have utterly annihilated Trump in the General Election.

But the DNC is just like any other cronyist organization; it takes big donors and corporate interests into account and bolsters the establishment. Because that's what these groups do. They're fundraising arms. It's all about the $$. If you remove $$ from politics, you lose the influcence of cronyism, the establishment, and all those special interest groups. Leaving a vacuum where candidates' ideas compete for votes instead of candidates competing for money.

But Conservatives oppose that because they know they cannot win elections based on the merits of their ideas. So they suppress the vote, gerrymander, and accept help from hostile foreign powers.
well, unethical most people don't care for.
Sure, there's no real definition of "hate speech".

It's entirely up for situational interpretation, and entirely the realm of the PC zealots for political advantage.
yep. but i thought "anything you don't want to hear" worked well. i do believe far too many people use it as an excuse to "get away with" telling someone to shut up when there is really no recourse or reason to do it other than you don't like it.
Like all the "STFU" and "GFY" people here.
Conservatives oppose that because they know they cannot win elections based on the merits of their ideas. So they suppress the vote, gerrymander, and accept help from hostile foreign powers.

Yeah that is why Democrats keep losing elections. If conservative ideas were as unpopular as liberals claim no amount of"voter suppression" and gerrymandering would work.

You still believe in "Russian collusion"? Dear God. Liberals have no right to pick on a "birther" again.
So this post here is an example of Russian propaganda that is either being pushed by a bot, or by an unwitting Conservative.

So you PROVE you can NOT discredit / disprove ONE single thing in my post and instead have to wage a personal attack on me.

Thank you for demonstrating - iceberg's was it - point about how Liberals who can not debate using facts, links, & evidence have to resort to the crap you just posted.

Go away, troll.....
So this post here is an example of Russian propaganda that is either being pushed by a bot, or by an unwitting Conservative.

So you PROVE you can NOT discredit / disprove ONE single thing in my post and instead have to wage a personal attack on me.

Thank you for demonstrating - iceberg's was it - point about how Liberals who can not debate using facts, links, & evidence have to resort to the crap you just posted.

Go away, troll.....
they won't debate. they just distract from the thread.
Yeah that is why Democrats keep losing elections. If conservative ideas were as unpopular as liberals claim no amount of"voter suppression" and gerrymandering would work.

As I said, that's why Conservatives rig elections through gerrymandering, voter suppression, and accepting help from Russia. That's how they win.

You still believe in "Russian collusion"? Dear God. Liberals have no right to pick on a "birther" again.

I don't believe it, I accept it because it's fact. Papdopolous' plea statement says very clearly that there was collusion happening between Trump's team and Russia.
So you PROVE you can NOT discredit / disprove ONE single thing in my post and instead have to wage a personal attack on me.

I don't bother with Russian propaganda. If you want to talk about something, don't use words someone else wrote then represent it as if you came up with it yourself.
Yeah that is why Democrats keep losing elections. If conservative ideas were as unpopular as liberals claim no amount of"voter suppression" and gerrymandering would work.

As I said, that's why Conservatives rig elections through gerrymandering, voter suppression, and accepting help from Russia. That's how they win.

You still believe in "Russian collusion"? Dear God. Liberals have no right to pick on a "birther" again.

I don't believe it, I accept it because it's fact. Papdopolous' plea statement says very clearly that there was collusion happening between Trump's team and Russia.
Yeah that is why Democrats keep losing elections. If conservative ideas were as unpopular as liberals claim no amount of"voter suppression" and gerrymandering would work.

As I said, that's why Conservatives rig elections through gerrymandering, voter suppression, and accepting help from Russia. That's how they win.

You still believe in "Russian collusion"? Dear God. Liberals have no right to pick on a "birther" again.

I don't believe it, I accept it because it's fact. Papdopolous' plea statement says very clearly that there was collusion happening between Trump's team and Russia.
post the part that says that from his statement.
Yeah that is why Democrats keep losing elections. If conservative ideas were as unpopular as liberals claim no amount of"voter suppression" and gerrymandering would work.

As I said, that's why Conservatives rig elections through gerrymandering, voter suppression, and accepting help from Russia. That's how they win.

You still believe in "Russian collusion"? Dear God. Liberals have no right to pick on a "birther" again.

I don't believe it, I accept it because it's fact. Papdopolous' plea statement says very clearly that there was collusion happening between Trump's team and Russia.

Where does it state in the statement that Trump and Putin are good friends and Trump is the manchurian candidate?

That is Anti Trumpers self imposed burden of proof. To prove that Trump is the manchurian candidate. An campaign advisor excepting dirt on someone is not proof.
so? that isn't collusion.

Yes, it is collusion. Papadopolous, on behalf of the Trump campaign of which he was employed, was colluding with his Russian contacts to not only get "dirt" on Clinton, but to also set up a high-level meeting between Putin and Trump. Nothing Papadopolous did happened without the knowledge of "senior campaign officials" (re: Lewandowski, Manafort, Clovis)
so? that isn't collusion.

Yes, it is collusion. Papadopolous, on behalf of the Trump campaign of which he was employed, was colluding with his Russian contacts to not only get "dirt" on Clinton, but to also set up a high-level meeting between Putin and Trump. Nothing Papadopolous did happened without the knowledge of "senior campaign officials" (re: Lewandowski, Manafort, Clovis)
it's called opposition research. that's what the dossier is. you haven't heard, it's all legit. ask any demoloser.
Where does it state in the statement that Trump and Putin are good friends and Trump is the manchurian candidate?

That's not what we're talking about. We are talking about Trump's campaign colluding with Russia. Papadopolous says very clearly that he was working on behalf of the Trump campaign to use his Russian connections to not only get "dirt" on Clinton, but to arrange a high-level meeting between Putin and Trump. He did this with the knowledge of "senior campaign officials". Who those officials are will obviously be revealed in the next round of indictments. Plus, you have Clovis already turning witness (likely to save his fat pig hide from getting buttraped in jail).

You can fill in the blanks from there.

That is Anti Trumpers self emposed burden of proof. To prove that Trump is the manchurian candidate. An campaign advisor excepting dirt on someone is not proof.

Yes, it is proof of collusion because it was done by that adviser on behalf of the campaign he worked for.
it's called opposition research. that's what the dossier is. you haven't heard, it's all legit. ask any demoloser.


We were told, over and over, by Trump, by his surrogates, and by people like you on this very board that there was "no contact with Russia" at all. So that was a big, fat, stinking lie, wasn't it? So a couple questions from that:

1. Why would they lie about having contact with Russia in the first place?
2. Since they lied about contact with Russia, what else are they lying about?
it's called opposition research. that's what the dossier is. you haven't heard, it's all legit. ask any demoloser.


We were told, over and over, by Trump, by his surrogates, and by people like you on this very board that there was "no contact with Russia" at all. So that was a big, fat, stinking lie, wasn't it? So a couple questions from that:

1. Why would they lie about having contact with Russia in the first place?
2. Since they lied about contact with Russia, what else are they lying about?
huh? who ever said that? that just ain't so. now .....you're........reaching.........stretching............. failing.

you would have to ask those who lied. I don't speak for them.
Where does it state in the statement that Trump and Putin are good friends and Trump is the manchurian candidate?

That's not what we're talking about. We are talking about Trump's campaign colluding with Russia. Papadopolous says very clearly that he was working on behalf of the Trump campaign to use his Russian connections to not only get "dirt" on Clinton, but to arrange a high-level meeting between Putin and Trump. He did this with the knowledge of "senior campaign officials". Who those officials are will obviously be revealed in the next round of indictments. Plus, you have Clovis already turning witness (likely to save his fat pig hide from getting buttraped in jail).

You can fill in the blanks from there.

That is Anti Trumpers self emposed burden of proof. To prove that Trump is the manchurian candidate. An campaign advisor excepting dirt on someone is not proof.

Yes, it is proof of collusion because it was done by that adviser on behalf of the campaign he worked for.
I wish you libs would learn what collusion is and that it isn't illegal if they did do it. and it's funny you don't want to touch the dossier. too funny.

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