'Hate Speech' Is Anything You Don't Want To Hear

Blah, blah, blah.... So you are bitter, hold a grudge, and now believe libtards have the right to use violence to shut down Freedom of Speech. Got it. Thanks for continuing to be that living example of what I posted....

are you taking the mac school of just declaring victory when you run out of arguments?

/----/ And another example for Joe:
Here is a list of disruptions that have occurred this year.

  • 1. Protesters at Claremont McKenna College distrupted a speech by author Heather MacDonald
  • April 6, 2017

YOu mean they weren't cool with a racist bitch who has excused cops killing unarmed black people? Shocking.

/----/ Super delegates threw the primary to Hildabeast.

Well, not really. If you took the SuperDelegates out, Clinton still had 360 more of them than Commie Bernie had.

But for some reason, Superdelegates of the democratic party didn't want to support a guy who had never been a member of the democratic party. Gee, how strange.

That ... and rigging the primaries, engaging in election fraud, cheating in debates.....

I find it amusing that you guys keep crying for Commie Bernie...

But the fact is, Hillary got 15.8 Million votes to Commie Bernies' 12 million.

It's really not more complicated than that.
No adult cares.

Most adults care. You are pretending people don't care because that way, you don't have to answer for the fact that the guy you cast your lot in with is a fucking lying piece of shit who played you for a fool.
as opposed to buying help from Russia and losing?

Clinton didn't buy help from Russia. So stop the fucking lies.

And why would Russia help Clinton? Putin hated Clinton. She called his elections "illegitimate". She put sanctions on Russia.

Do you just lie out of habit or necessity?
yea, the derp. i gave up. he won't talk he just demands his way be accepted and then gets as pissed off and slams you vs. talks about the issues

I'm all about discussing the issues. You're the ones who think your imagination is a viable substitute for an issue. It isn't. Your imagination is shit. You are shit. You have no worth. You are not special. You are not significant. Nothing you do or say has any meaningful impact. You're entitled to nothing, not even your opinion.

like i said - there are times you simply walk away cause nothing good will ever come from a convo w/him.

To you, "plenty good" means I accept your bullshit lies and innuendo. Well, here's the thing pal...you all said for months that Trump had no contact with Russia -not collusion, contact. Turns out that wasn't true. So why did you all lie about Trump not having any contact with Russia?

Then you whine like a fucking whiny little bitch that I'm being mean to you because I refuse to accept your bullshit. Well, you all maintained for months that Trump had no contact with Russia. Then when it turned out he did, you suddenly said there was no collusion. But now, with Papadopolous' plea there is clear evidence the Trump campaign colluded with Russia to get "dirt" on Clinton. So now your argument is "collusion isn't a crime". Maybe not, but lying about it to the FBI sure as shit is. Lying about it to Congress sure as shit is. Obstructing an investigation into it sure as shit is.
As expected, Joe and Derp have spent the whole day lying, denying, and justifying the Left's crusade against Free Speech and the tactics they use to silence those who disagree with their opinions and ideology.

Go figure...
As expected, Joe and Derp have spent the whole day lying, denying, and justifying the Left's crusade against Free Speech and the tactics they use to silence those who disagree with their opinions and ideology.

Go figure...

again, free speech allows you to say what you want.

It doesn't promise you a forum to say it.
It doesn't promise you immunity from consequences.
again, free speech allows you to say what you want.

It doesn't promise you a forum to say it.
It doesn't promise you immunity from consequences.
And ANYONE who or any other ENTITY - Conservatives, Liberals, Antifa, the US govt - that attempts to strip any other American of their Constitutional Rights is a threat to the United States of America, the Constitution, the Rule of Law, and our Freedom.
And ANYONE who or any other ENTITY - Conservatives, Liberals, Antifa, the US govt - that attempts to strip any other American of their Constitutional Rights is a threat to the United States of America, the Constitution, the Rule of Law, and our Freedom.
Remember, these are people who loathe the Constitution and the country in the first place.

So you're holding them to too high a standard.
And ANYONE who or any other ENTITY - Conservatives, Liberals, Antifa, the US govt - that attempts to strip any other American of their Constitutional Rights is a threat to the United States of America, the Constitution, the Rule of Law, and our Freedom.
Remember, these are people who loathe the Constitution and the country in the first place. So you're holding them to too high a standard.
I am holding them to THE standard. Our Freedoms / Rights are NON-Negotiable. If anyone attempts to take them away, to strip them, they identify themselves as a 'threat', as an 'enemy'.

Off the top of my head right now, the only INTOLERANCE should be the refusal to tolerate any attempt to silence or strip Americans of their Constitutional Rights.
As expected, Joe and Derp have spent the whole day lying, denying, and justifying the Left's crusade against Free Speech and the tactics they use to silence those who disagree with their opinions and ideology.

Go figure...

again, free speech allows you to say what you want.

It doesn't promise you a forum to say it.
It doesn't promise you immunity from consequences.
/-----/ Close but not entirely accurate.
“Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press, or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the Government for a redress of grievances.”

– The First Amendment of the U.S. Constitution
And ANYONE who or any other ENTITY - Conservatives, Liberals, Antifa, the US govt - that attempts to strip any other American of their Constitutional Rights is a threat to the United States of America, the Constitution, the Rule of Law, and our Freedom.
Remember, these are people who loathe the Constitution and the country in the first place. So you're holding them to too high a standard.
I am holding them to THE standard. Our Freedoms / Rights are NON-Negotiable. If anyone attempts to take them away, to strip them, they identify themselves as a 'threat', as an 'enemy'. Off the top of my head right now, the only INTOLERANCE should be the refusal to tolerate any attempt to silence or strip Americans of their Constitutional Rights.
Well, just remember that you're playing under different rules. These people have no qualms about doing whatever it takes to silence words with which they disagree. They know that flies in the face of the spirit of Freedom of Speech, but Freedom of Speech itself is a tenet of a document they dismiss, a document they only support when it can be leveraged.
And ANYONE who or any other ENTITY - Conservatives, Liberals, Antifa, the US govt - that attempts to strip any other American of their Constitutional Rights is a threat to the United States of America, the Constitution, the Rule of Law, and our Freedom.

Get over yourself. I can stand on my desk today and announce "my boss is a psychotic weasel" but guess what, I'd better be ready to clean out my desk.

Remember, these are people who loathe the Constitution and the country in the first place.

So you're holding them to too high a standard.

Naw, what we oppose is a scumbag like Milo who says awful stuff....

But remember, it's okay when Breitbart fires him after he says something obnoxious, but those Berkeley kids better be ready to pony up and pay to let him speak after they've just plunked down $29,000 a year to go there.
'Political Correctness', a fascist-created term / movement that has infected this country like a cancer, has spawned an offspring just as destructive, if not more, to our freedoms and liberty, one that directly opposes our Constitutional Right to Free Speech: 'Hate Speech'.

Of course, I remember when "Political Correctness" was called by it's original name, "Just having good manners'. or "not being a racist jerk", but never mind.

"Nearly three-fourths (71%) of Americans believe that political correctness has done more to silence important discussions our society needs to have."

99% of Americans will agree to a statement if you word it just the right way. So why not get down to cases of the 'important' speech you think is being stifled by "Political Correctness", as if the words if spoken would summon Dread C'Thulhu from his resting place if ever allowed to be said.

Oh, wait. There aren't any. You guys say whatever ignorant, racist and stupid shit you want, and then you get upset when you get dirty looks and no one takes you seriously.

A perfect example of this is the terrorist attack that occurred yesterday. The Left and the Media don't want Americans to mention / point out that the terrorist was an Islamic Extremist radicalized MUSLIM. Despite no one declaring that all Muslims are terrorists or support terrorism, the Left does not even want Americans to discuss the fact that there is a small minority of Muslims who are extremists, who are threats, and who are a danger to this country.

Well, mostly, because they aren't a danger to the country. The country is still here every day even after the worst attack.

I think the reason why people say these things is because the first reaction of Billy-Bob and Cleetus to an incident like this is go out and beat up a Sikh because they are too piss-ignorant to know the difference between a Sikh and a Muslim, other than they are both "ragheads".

"Forty percent (40%) think government should prevent hate speech in public."

again, goes back to my point that you'll always find someone to agree to something if you word the question the right way.

I do find it funny to watch you and Mac"I'm totally not a bigot from"1958 absolutely shit yourselves over a Muslim running some folks down with a truck, but weren't half as upset a couple weeks ago when some gun nut shot 60 people going to a concert.

That's stupid. In fact it's moronic. Now for something completely different.

You say PC is just good manners. Okay, let's explore that for a moment. We're talking about the push to criminalize certain kinds of speech on the grounds that it upsets someone. How are you then NOT arguing for legislating morality? And if you are for legislating morality, then why would you be offended when someone else wants to do the same thing?

And discuss.
And ANYONE who or any other ENTITY - Conservatives, Liberals, Antifa, the US govt - that attempts to strip any other American of their Constitutional Rights is a threat to the United States of America, the Constitution, the Rule of Law, and our Freedom.

Get over yourself. I can stand on my desk today and announce "my boss is a psychotic weasel" but guess what, I'd better be ready to clean out my desk.

Remember, these are people who loathe the Constitution and the country in the first place.

So you're holding them to too high a standard.

Naw, what we oppose is a scumbag like Milo who says awful stuff....

But remember, it's okay when Breitbart fires him after he says something obnoxious, but those Berkeley kids better be ready to pony up and pay to let him speak after they've just plunked down $29,000 a year to go there.
What the hell does that have to do with what I just said?

While I do and have agreed that free speech does not protect anyone from consequences, standing on your desk calling your boss a weasel has nothing to do with a bunch of fascists using violence to shut down freedom of speech, has nothing to do with Berkeley students rioting, looting, burning, and destroying public property to successfully silence the speech of anyone who disagrees with their opinions or ideology.
I am holding them to THE standard. Our Freedoms / Rights are NON-Negotiable. If anyone attempts to take them away, to strip them, they identify themselves as a 'threat', as an 'enemy'.

Off the top of my head right now, the only INTOLERANCE should be the refusal to tolerate any attempt to silence or strip Americans of their Constitutional Rights.

Maybe you should read what the First Amendment says...

it says "Congress shall make no law..."

It doesn't say, "The kids at Berkeley" who didn't want to listen to Milo's filth

It doesn't say "the editorial staff at Breitbart" that fired his ass when he talked about how wonderful it was to be molested by a priest.

It doesn't say Twitter that banned Milo after he instigated a hate campaign against Leslie Jones.

Nothing is stopping Milo from getting out on a street corner and screaming his filth.
And ANYONE who or any other ENTITY - Conservatives, Liberals, Antifa, the US govt - that attempts to strip any other American of their Constitutional Rights is a threat to the United States of America, the Constitution, the Rule of Law, and our Freedom.

Get over yourself. I can stand on my desk today and announce "my boss is a psychotic weasel" but guess what, I'd better be ready to clean out my desk.

Remember, these are people who loathe the Constitution and the country in the first place.

So you're holding them to too high a standard.

Naw, what we oppose is a scumbag like Milo who says awful stuff....

But remember, it's okay when Breitbart fires him after he says something obnoxious, but those Berkeley kids better be ready to pony up and pay to let him speak after they've just plunked down $29,000 a year to go there.
What the hell does that have to do with what I just said?

While I do and have agreed that free speech does not protect anyone from consequences, standing on your desk calling your boss a weasel has nothing to do with a bunch of fascists using violence to shut down freedom of speech, has nothing to do with Berkeley students rioting, looting, burning, and destroying public property to successfully silence the speech of anyone who disagrees with their opinions or ideology.
The Regressives pretend that "consequences" are required, that they have no choice but to shut you down and punish you if you say something they don't like.

This, of course, is a lie.

They don't want to have to engage you in conversation, they don't believe in live and let live.

They are illiberal leftist authoritarians who hold true liberal freedom of expression in contempt.
While I do and have agreed that free speech does not protect anyone from consequences, standing on your desk calling your boss a weasel has nothing to do with a bunch of fascists using violence to shut down freedom of speech, has nothing to do with Berkeley students rioting, looting, burning, and destroying public property to successfully silence the speech of anyone who disagrees with their opinions or ideology.

Sounds to me like they are expressing their first amendment rights, too. They are offended by what Milo has done.

Frankly, if you charge these kids $29,000 a year to go there, you probably shouldn't bring on someone to offend them.
Maybe you should read what the First Amendment says... it says "Congress shall make no law..." It doesn't say, "The kids at Berkeley" who didn't want to listen to Milo's filth
Are you trying to say the kids at Berkeley have the right to 'make law', to violate the Constitution by using violence to strip someone else of their Freedom of Speech? That's sure what it sounds like....

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