'Hate Speech' Is Anything You Don't Want To Hear

Sounds to me like they are expressing their first amendment rights, too. They are offended by what Milo has done.
Thank you for revealing to everyone that you fully support the illegal and terroristic tactics perpetrated by the Berkeley students, attempting to justify their rioting, looting, arson, physical attacks, destruction of property to successfully strip others of the Constitutional Rights because they are 'offended' by anyone else's opinions and rejection of their ideology.

You have just summed up what being a Leftist extremist is all about.

Hey snowflake, these thugs jumping up and down on cop cars, torching businesses, and looting stores are the same pathetic PsOS who claim THEY need a 'safe space' because they are offended'. Safe space? If I were a cop at these riots, I would have blown the thug jumping up and down on the police car off the roof with a bean-bag-firing shotgun then dragged his ass off to a really 'safe space' - JAIL!

Americans have many rights in this country - the right NOT to be offended is NOT one of them.
I am holding them to THE standard. Our Freedoms / Rights are NON-Negotiable. If anyone attempts to take them away, to strip them, they identify themselves as a 'threat', as an 'enemy'.

Off the top of my head right now, the only INTOLERANCE should be the refusal to tolerate any attempt to silence or strip Americans of their Constitutional Rights.

Maybe you should read what the First Amendment says...

it says "Congress shall make no law..."

It doesn't say, "The kids at Berkeley" who didn't want to listen to Milo's filth[\quote]

Which naturally begs the question, who made them attend the lecture?

It doesn't say "the editorial staff at Breitbart" that fired his ass when he talked about how wonderful it was to be molested by a priest.

It doesn't say Twitter that banned Milo after he instigated a hate campaign against Leslie Jones.

Nothing is stopping Milo from getting out on a street corner and screaming his filth.

If the first amendment can be used to prevent a teacher from putting up a copy of the ten Commandments in a government school classroom, it can be used to prevent students from destroying property because they don't want to hear something on a public university campus. You can't have it both ways.

And, of course, the students weren't trying to avoid hearing Milo, they were trying to prevent others from hearing him. They don't have that right.
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Are you trying to say the kids at Berkeley have the right to 'make law', to violate the Constitution by using violence to strip someone else of their Freedom of Speech? That's sure what it sounds like....

I'm saying the kids at Berkeley have every right to express their outrage at Milo's filth.

Freedom of speech doesnt' apply here.
Are you trying to say the kids at Berkeley have the right to 'make law', to violate the Constitution by using violence to strip someone else of their Freedom of Speech? That's sure what it sounds like....

I'm saying the kids at Berkeley have every right to express their outrage at Milo's filth.

Freedom of speech doesnt' apply here.
Thank you 'comrade' for taking it upon yourself to declare when (you think) Freedom of Speech applies and when it doesn't, for declaring the Berkeley thugs had every right to torch businesses, riot, loot, and destroy property to shut down actual Free Speech.
Thank you for revealing to everyone that you fully support the illegal and terroristic tactics perpetrated by the Berkeley students, attempting to justify their rioting, looting, arson, physical attacks, destruction of property to successfully strip others of the Constitutional Rights because they are 'offended' by anyone else's opinions and rejection of their ideology.

Hey, when you have an unelected president threatening to round up millions of people, the time to quietly play nice is over.

Hey snowflake, these thugs jumping up and down on cop cars, torching businesses, and looting stores are the same pathetic PsOS who claim THEY need a 'safe space' because they are offended'. Safe space? If I were a cop at these riots, I would have blown the thug jumping up and down on the police car off the roof with a bean-bag-firing shotgun then dragged his ass off to a really 'safe space' - JAIL!

So it's okay to use violence against people you don't like, just not for the people you don't like to use violence in return.

Got it.
Are you trying to say the kids at Berkeley have the right to 'make law', to violate the Constitution by using violence to strip someone else of their Freedom of Speech? That's sure what it sounds like....

I'm saying the kids at Berkeley have every right to express their outrage at Milo's filth.

Freedom of speech doesnt' apply here.

They don't, however, have the right to prevent others from hearing it.
'Political Correctness', a fascist-created term / movement that has infected this country like a cancer, has spawned an offspring just as destructive, if not more, to our freedoms and liberty, one that directly opposes our Constitutional Right to Free Speech: 'Hate Speech'.

Of course, I remember when "Political Correctness" was called by it's original name, "Just having good manners'. or "not being a racist jerk", but never mind.

"Nearly three-fourths (71%) of Americans believe that political correctness has done more to silence important discussions our society needs to have."

99% of Americans will agree to a statement if you word it just the right way. So why not get down to cases of the 'important' speech you think is being stifled by "Political Correctness", as if the words if spoken would summon Dread C'Thulhu from his resting place if ever allowed to be said.

Oh, wait. There aren't any. You guys say whatever ignorant, racist and stupid shit you want, and then you get upset when you get dirty looks and no one takes you seriously.

A perfect example of this is the terrorist attack that occurred yesterday. The Left and the Media don't want Americans to mention / point out that the terrorist was an Islamic Extremist radicalized MUSLIM. Despite no one declaring that all Muslims are terrorists or support terrorism, the Left does not even want Americans to discuss the fact that there is a small minority of Muslims who are extremists, who are threats, and who are a danger to this country.

Well, mostly, because they aren't a danger to the country. The country is still here every day even after the worst attack.

I think the reason why people say these things is because the first reaction of Billy-Bob and Cleetus to an incident like this is go out and beat up a Sikh because they are too piss-ignorant to know the difference between a Sikh and a Muslim, other than they are both "ragheads".

"Forty percent (40%) think government should prevent hate speech in public."

again, goes back to my point that you'll always find someone to agree to something if you word the question the right way.

I do find it funny to watch you and Mac"I'm totally not a bigot from"1958 absolutely shit yourselves over a Muslim running some folks down with a truck, but weren't half as upset a couple weeks ago when some gun nut shot 60 people going to a concert.
First of all political correctness is for pussies, who can’t tolerate someone that disagrees with them. Fact
If the first amendment can be used to prevent a teacher from putting up a copy of the ten Commandments in a government school classroom, it can be used to prevent students from destroying property because they don't want to hear something on a public university campus. You can't have it both ways.

And, of course, the students weren't trying to avoid hearing Milo, they were trying to prevent others from hearing him. They don't have that right.

Sure they do. What Milo says is so offensive it doesn't belong in the public square. Twitter figured that out. Breitbart figured that out. But Berkeley is supposed to put up with him, and spend money protecting him?

I think not.
First of all political correctness is for pussies, who can’t tolerate someone that disagrees with them. Fact
It's not about being "pussies", it's about controlling the speech of others.

The Regressives are even to the Left of these people:
If the first amendment can be used to prevent a teacher from putting up a copy of the ten Commandments in a government school classroom, it can be used to prevent students from destroying property because they don't want to hear something on a public university campus. You can't have it both ways.

And, of course, the students weren't trying to avoid hearing Milo, they were trying to prevent others from hearing him. They don't have that right.

Sure they do. What Milo says is so offensive it doesn't belong in the public square. Twitter figured that out. Breitbart figured that out. But Berkeley is supposed to put up with him, and spend money protecting him?

I think not.
So basically you’re saying you’re a control freak? Got it
Are you trying to say the kids at Berkeley have the right to 'make law', to violate the Constitution by using violence to strip someone else of their Freedom of Speech? That's sure what it sounds like....

I'm saying the kids at Berkeley have every right to express their outrage at Milo's filth.

Freedom of speech doesnt' apply here.

Considering Berkeley is a public university, it does.

If some Berkeley students want Milo to speak, and they allow groups to invite speakers, the University cannot stop them due to the content of the speech.
It's not about being "pussies", it's about controlling the speech of others.

The Regressives are even to the Left of these people:

again, buddy, how's this for a plan.

You can say whatever you want.

And if someone kicks your ass for saying it, that's on you.

Works for me.
Easy for you to say sitting in your mothers basement snowflake
If the first amendment can be used to prevent a teacher from putting up a copy of the ten Commandments in a government school classroom, it can be used to prevent students from destroying property because they don't want to hear something on a public university campus. You can't have it both ways.

And, of course, the students weren't trying to avoid hearing Milo, they were trying to prevent others from hearing him. They don't have that right.

Sure they do. What Milo says is so offensive it doesn't belong in the public square. Twitter figured that out. Breitbart figured that out. But Berkeley is supposed to put up with him, and spend money protecting him?

I think not.
So basically you’re saying you’re a control freak? Got it

JoeB is a fascist coward, who loves it when government or thugs (or government thugs) beat up on people he disagrees with politically, morally or personally.

He would never get his own hands dirty, he just cheers when like-minded idiots who actually have the "balls" to do something go out and try to suppress other's free speech rights.

He is probably the worst poster on this board, and that says a lot.
Considering Berkeley is a public university, it does.

If some Berkeley students want Milo to speak, and they allow groups to invite speakers, the University cannot stop them due to the content of the speech.

Sure they can.

Just like Breitbart can fire him and Twitter can ban him.
You don’t like what he has to say? Tough shit… LOL
If the first amendment can be used to prevent a teacher from putting up a copy of the ten Commandments in a government school classroom, it can be used to prevent students from destroying property because they don't want to hear something on a public university campus. You can't have it both ways.

And, of course, the students weren't trying to avoid hearing Milo, they were trying to prevent others from hearing him. They don't have that right.

Sure they do. What Milo says is so offensive it doesn't belong in the public square. Twitter figured that out. Breitbart figured that out. But Berkeley is supposed to put up with him, and spend money protecting him?

I think not.

First, neither you nor the students have the authority to make that judgement. You think you do, but you don't.

Second, you're making Milo into a martyr, which only attracts more interest. If he gets the left wing that mad, he must be saying something brilliant.

And third, if you're really going to claim that the mob has the right to shut down speech that it thinks has no place in the public square, you should have no problem with someone torching Howard Stern's studio and destroying any device that's streaming his show. Or is that different because reasons?
JoeB is a fascist coward, who loves it when government or thugs (or government thugs) beat up on people he disagrees with politically, morally or personally.

He would never get his own hands dirty, he just cheers when like-minded idiots who actually have the "balls" to do something go out and try to suppress other's free speech rights.

He is probably the worst poster on this board, and that says a lot.

Yes, Marty, I've spanked you a bunch of times.

No, they can't.

Stop making up stuff.


Twitter Permanently Suspends Conservative Writer Milo Yiannopoulos

So why should the kids at Berkeley have to put up with Milo's filth when Twitter and Breitbart don't?
JoeB is a fascist coward, who loves it when government or thugs (or government thugs) beat up on people he disagrees with politically, morally or personally.

He would never get his own hands dirty, he just cheers when like-minded idiots who actually have the "balls" to do something go out and try to suppress other's free speech rights.

He is probably the worst poster on this board, and that says a lot.

Yes, Marty, I've spanked you a bunch of times.

No, they can't.

Stop making up stuff.

Breitbart’s Milo Yiannopoulos resigns following outrage over his past comments about pedophilia

Twitter Permanently Suspends Conservative Writer Milo Yiannopoulos

So why should the kids at Berkeley have to put up with Milo's filth when Twitter and Breitbart don't?

the only thing you have probably spanked in the past few years is your own 2" pecker.

Briebart and Twitter are not public universities.

And honestly the FCC should declare Twitter, Facebook et al as part of the commons via use of airwaves/bandwidth, and apply the first amendment to them as well.

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