'Hate Speech' Is Anything You Don't Want To Hear

well actually he didn't. he said he may have been on email copies. he wasn't going to answer direct. you're again wishing something that isn't. wow you have a really good imagination bubba.

He said before that there was nothing to do with Russia at all the last time he was on MSNBC. Now he's saying the opposite. So he either lied then, or he is lying now. In either case, it looks bad for you guys.
well quote him, cause so far you are making shit up.
dude, too funny. never once was that question ever ever asked.

Oh, it was certainly asked...and Trump, his surrogates, and his supporters all denied there was any contact with Russia at all. That clip I linked to was 17 different times Trump, his surrogates, and his supporters denied any contact with Russia.

But it turns out there was contact with Russia. So why lie about it? Why repeat the lie? Why defend it?
dude, I presented to you what was in those videos. and no where did the question you post here ever get asked. Just wasn't. for instance......any contact with Russia ...concerning meddling. see the added piece you left off? so the answer is no. so what is it you have as evidence that they knew russia was meddling? I don't believe you kind of shit is acceptable. but you just showed you are a liar. BTW, listening is a skill.
As expected, Joe and Derp have spent the whole day lying, denying, and justifying the Left's crusade against Free Speech and the tactics they use to silence those who disagree with their opinions and ideology.

Go figure...

again, free speech allows you to say what you want.

It doesn't promise you a forum to say it.
It doesn't promise you immunity from consequences.
well at universities it actually does. but hey never let facts get in your way.
And ANYONE who or any other ENTITY - Conservatives, Liberals, Antifa, the US govt - that attempts to strip any other American of their Constitutional Rights is a threat to the United States of America, the Constitution, the Rule of Law, and our Freedom.

Get over yourself. I can stand on my desk today and announce "my boss is a psychotic weasel" but guess what, I'd better be ready to clean out my desk.

Remember, these are people who loathe the Constitution and the country in the first place.

So you're holding them to too high a standard.

Naw, what we oppose is a scumbag like Milo who says awful stuff....

But remember, it's okay when Breitbart fires him after he says something obnoxious, but those Berkeley kids better be ready to pony up and pay to let him speak after they've just plunked down $29,000 a year to go there.
but you have a right to say it, whereever you want. you just said that isn't part of the first amendment, it is. Your boss merely has a right to use his and he most likely would.

hate speech is protected. The SCOTUS already said so. and the freedom to assemble is part of the first amendment. so dude, your entire argument is toast.
And ANYONE who or any other ENTITY - Conservatives, Liberals, Antifa, the US govt - that attempts to strip any other American of their Constitutional Rights is a threat to the United States of America, the Constitution, the Rule of Law, and our Freedom.

Get over yourself. I can stand on my desk today and announce "my boss is a psychotic weasel" but guess what, I'd better be ready to clean out my desk.

Remember, these are people who loathe the Constitution and the country in the first place.

So you're holding them to too high a standard.

Naw, what we oppose is a scumbag like Milo who says awful stuff....

But remember, it's okay when Breitbart fires him after he says something obnoxious, but those Berkeley kids better be ready to pony up and pay to let him speak after they've just plunked down $29,000 a year to go there.
but you have a right to say it, whereever you want. you just said that isn't part of the first amendment, it is. Your boss merely has a right to use his and he most likely would.

hate speech is protected. The SCOTUS already said so. and the freedom to assemble is part of the first amendment. so dude, your entire argument is toast.
funny, just like the nfl players taking a knee, they have the right, but we all have the right to do what your boss would do. fire them
Are you trying to say the kids at Berkeley have the right to 'make law', to violate the Constitution by using violence to strip someone else of their Freedom of Speech? That's sure what it sounds like....

I'm saying the kids at Berkeley have every right to express their outrage at Milo's filth.

Freedom of speech doesnt' apply here.
sure they do, they have the right peacefully. if they can't, then their riot is considered illegal and arrests to make. violence isn't a right or part of the first amendment. no matter what you might want.
Considering Berkeley is a public university, it does.

If some Berkeley students want Milo to speak, and they allow groups to invite speakers, the University cannot stop them due to the content of the speech.

Sure they can.

Just like Breitbart can fire him and Twitter can ban him.
no they can't. and for the rest of the stupid you post about sure they can, well, .....no they can't. they can be expelled, money lost, the university shut down. oh boy,
JoeB is a fascist coward, who loves it when government or thugs (or government thugs) beat up on people he disagrees with politically, morally or personally.

He would never get his own hands dirty, he just cheers when like-minded idiots who actually have the "balls" to do something go out and try to suppress other's free speech rights.

He is probably the worst poster on this board, and that says a lot.

Yes, Marty, I've spanked you a bunch of times.

No, they can't.

Stop making up stuff.

Breitbart’s Milo Yiannopoulos resigns following outrage over his past comments about pedophilia

Twitter Permanently Suspends Conservative Writer Milo Yiannopoulos

So why should the kids at Berkeley have to put up with Milo's filth when Twitter and Breitbart don't?
because it was what the university signed up and agreed to to get federal money. oops.
First, neither you nor the students have the authority to make that judgement. You think you do, but you don't.

Yeah, actually, they do, it's their community.

Second, you're making Milo into a martyr, which only attracts more interest. If he gets the left wing that n mad, he must be saying something brilliant.

No, he's saying whatever obnoxious thing that gets him attention. The problem today is that we pay attention to people like Trump, Milo, Coulter because they are entertaining. (Unless they finally cross a line like Milo did and get consigned to oblivion). And we are seeing the end result of that when News becomes Entertainment. Let's give Trump a shitload of free air time because he might say something like 'Mexicans are rapists" instead of listening to boring old Jeb Bush talk about common core.

This isn't "brilliant", buddy. It's kind of the opposite of that.

And third, if you're really going to claim that the mob has the right to shut down speech that it thinks has no place in the public square, you should have no problem with someone torching Howard Stern's studio and destroying any device that's streaming his show. Or is that different because reasons?

Well, let's look at that. Why is Howard on Streaming video. Well, it's because too many times when he was on publicly broadcast radio, people called in and complained about him, to the point no radio station wanted to carry him anymore. So now if you want to listen to Howard sexually harrass young actresses, you'll have to pay to do it.

So you kind of picked a bad example, didn't you?
Yeah, actually, they do, it's their community.

but it isn't, it's our community federal dollars pay for it and agreements are in place that they must abide by. so sorry charlie the inmates don't run the prison.
No, I'm an engineer, we always have Excel up and running for some quick calculations.

Right. Please let me know which things you've worked on so I can avoid them.

Yeah, drama from the drama queen of USMB.

Puerto Rico- Most of the Island still doesn't have power and they are performing surgery by flashlight.


Thank God, Trump almost had to touch a brown person!!!
No, I'm an engineer, we always have Excel up and running for some quick calculations.

Right. Please let me know which things you've worked on so I can avoid them.

Yeah, drama from the drama queen of USMB.

Puerto Rico- Most of the Island still doesn't have power and they are performing surgery by flashlight.


Thank God, Trump almost had to touch a brown person!!!

Then don't piss or shit in NYC, or drink the water.

Off topic moron is off topic. Figures, you have nothing left and have to stoop to that level.
I don't want some corporate asshole deciding which speech is OK and which is not, it's comical that you want this.

They already do... I'm just saying the rest of us should decide we don't want Nazis on our campuses.

The problem is you assholes call anyone to the Right of Mitt Romney Nazi's.

besides Nazis have rights too, and to deny them those brings us to their level.

People like you are FAR more of a risk to our society then a bunch of paunchy middle age white guys in too tight uniforms.
No, I'm an engineer, we always have Excel up and running for some quick calculations.

Right. Please let me know which things you've worked on so I can avoid them.

Yeah, drama from the drama queen of USMB.

Puerto Rico- Most of the Island still doesn't have power and they are performing surgery by flashlight.


Thank God, Trump almost had to touch a brown person!!!
so why doesn't most of puerto rico have power? can you be honest or just a jack monkey. here I'll let you know, the existing infrastructure was shit. and it needs to be rebuilt. which is what is happening. that is on the local government and power agency. oops, nice try, but your racist.
Then don't piss or shit in NYC, or drink the water.

Off topic moron is off topic. Figures, you have nothing left and have to stoop to that level.

You disputed people are dying becuase of Trump's gross incompetence.

I'm pointing out- People are dying because of Trump's gross incompetence.

But, but, but... founding fathers.
dude that is unprovable. a useless rathole.


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