'Hate Speech' Is Anything You Don't Want To Hear

Then don't piss or shit in NYC, or drink the water.

Off topic moron is off topic. Figures, you have nothing left and have to stoop to that level.

You disputed people are dying becuase of Trump's gross incompetence.

I'm pointing out- People are dying because of Trump's gross incompetence.

But, but, but... founding fathers.

So trump is supposed to somehow make time move faster when it comes to repairing an existing crappy electrical infrastructure?

And how many "people have died" because of this, and how does that link directly to Trump?

The local authorities have no responsibility for anything?

I dispute the "PEOPLE ARE/WILL DYING/DIE" bullshit both sides blather about various policies.
I love math

Yeah, I just didn't think you'd actually be petty enough to do it.. but you are a bundle of insecurities, aren't you.

Boy, am I glad we don't have that. That would be bad.

Yeah, it is kind of bad. Every day the man makes a laughingstock of this country, and every day, you are back here making excuses for him....

He was elected just fine, stop trying to say having more hits than the other team wins you the baseball game.

Nobody DIES because of a baseball game, buddy. Sports analogies are lame. People are DYING because this guy sucks at his job. And the people said NO!

"The people" all decided to live in California and wasted their vote. How silly of them.

And who is dying that would not be with a different president? Be specific, because you know I won't let you fling stupid exaggerated unsubstantiated accusations around.
It sounds like you're trying to make the point that a community should have the right to violently enforce a moral code that other communities would not. Is that what you are saying? Should a community have the legal right to, for example, burn down a movie theater that was showing a Michael Moore or Algore monstrosity?

After all, they would be exercising their right to police the content of speech within their own community, something of which you apparently approve.

All for it. Just like you guys were when you fired Milo from Breitbart and tried to shut down the NEA.

I don't work at Breitbart, and no one burned down anything to do with the NEA, so again with the wild accusations.

So, you're one vote for mob rule. You might want to make sure you understand the community where you live. There might be enough Christians to shut down things you like.

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So trump is supposed to somehow make time move faster when it comes to repairing an existing crappy electrical infrastructure?

And how many "people have died" because of this, and how does that link directly to Trump?

The local authorities have no responsibility for anything?

I dispute the "PEOPLE ARE/WILL DYING/DIE" bullshit both sides blather about various policies.

You can dispute it all you want...

More than 900 people have died in Puerto Rico since Hurricane Maria
"The people" all decided to live in California and wasted their vote. How silly of them.

Only because we have a ridiculous system that gives extra votes to sparsely populated states.

The People Said No. Trump is a fraud.

They all knew the rules and she failed. All your complaining simply adds up to a miserable attempt to feel better. Hillary is not president, Trump is, she lost the election, he won.
And who is dying that would not be with a different president? Be specific, because you know I won't let you fling stupid exaggerated unsubstantiated accusations around.

I think even a nitwit like Bush wouldn't have let things get as bad as they are in PR.

Really? Why didn't Obama beef up the power grid ahead of the storm?

You have to know how ridiculous you sound.
They all knew the rules and she failed. All your complaining simply adds up to a miserable attempt to feel better. Hillary is not president, Trump is, she lost the election, he won.

Not my President. Mr. 35% can pretend he's president all day, but even his own people are ignoring him.

Really? Why didn't Obama beef up the power grid ahead of the storm?

You have to know how ridiculous you sound.

Because the Storm didn't hit on Obama's watch. It hit on Trumps. And a month later, most of those people don't have power and 900 people have died.
"Most Americans (59%) think people should be allowed to express unpopular opinions in public, even those deeply offensive to other people."

it should be a lot closer to 100 percent

this is what happens when you let the anti freedom leftists run the public education system

it is anything but education
Real liberals expect and demand freedom of expression for all Americans.

Unencumbered, unintimidated, loud and clear.

Regressives are not liberals. They are illiberal leftist authoritarians.

Yeah, we truly aren't free if Ann Coulter can't get up on a stage that Students are paying for and rant racist garbage at them.

Again- if we were throwing Ann Coulter into a re-education camp and beating her with rubber hoses until she became a decent human being, you MIGHT have a point about our freedoms being curtailed. (Then again, I'd pay good money to see that.)

But Students at Berkeley deciding not to give her a forum, as newspapers who have dropped her column and TV networks that won't invite her on have done... sorry, dude, that's not an infringement of freedom.

That's the consequences of your bad behavior.
We can't let the Regressives win, gang. Freedom of expression is the most important American value.

Their hatred of this country can't be allowed to win out.

So trump is supposed to somehow make time move faster when it comes to repairing an existing crappy electrical infrastructure?

And how many "people have died" because of this, and how does that link directly to Trump?

The local authorities have no responsibility for anything?

I dispute the "PEOPLE ARE/WILL DYING/DIE" bullshit both sides blather about various policies.

You can dispute it all you want...

More than 900 people have died in Puerto Rico since Hurricane Maria

How many people on average die in that time period?
We can't let the Regressives win, gang. Freedom of expression is the most important American value.

Their hatred of this country can't be allowed to win out.


i think bernie would have won actually had he ran

my brother(s) would have voted for him

they had always voted ((D) until Hillary came along

then went for the Donald
They all knew the rules and she failed. All your complaining simply adds up to a miserable attempt to feel better. Hillary is not president, Trump is, she lost the election, he won.

Not my President. Mr. 35% can pretend he's president all day, but even his own people are ignoring him.

Really? Why didn't Obama beef up the power grid ahead of the storm?

You have to know how ridiculous you sound.

Because the Storm didn't hit on Obama's watch. It hit on Trumps. And a month later, most of those people don't have power and 900 people have died.

Because the power grid was in poor shape long before the storm hit. The point is, that's not the American president's responsibility. When such a powerful storm hits a poorly maintained power grid in an area that is not easily accessed, restoration does not happen quickly, no matter how much you think it should.

Your whining about your president (oh, yes he is) in this regard is ridiculous.

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