Hated back then and still do.

Liver &Onions. Sauer Kraut. sardines.
HMMMM.................I love every one of those...Sardines and mustard...HMMMMMM
Your like my granny. We used to go fishing only thing she would bring for us to eat was Sardines ,mustard and soda crackers with a jug of tea. saure kraut boiled with sausage I ate the sausage and mom made me eat the saure kraut said it was healthy for me.. same with liver and onions. I like the gravy she made meat the liver.
I ate whatever was put in front of me because I never knew when the next meal would come.
Skim Milk
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Eggplant is disgusting.
Went to another kids house for lunch and his mother served boiled eggplant.
Took one bite and started gagging. ... :cool:
Eggplant is beautiful. It's my favorite vegetable. Don't think I would like it boiled though.
Eggplant is disgusting.
Went to another kids house for lunch and his mother served boiled eggplant.
Took one bite and started gagging. ... :cool:
Eggplant is beautiful. It's my favorite vegetable. Don't think I would like it boiled though.
Eggplant is slimy when it is boiled.
I love it on a a grill or breaded and fried
Eggplant is disgusting.
Went to another kids house for lunch and his mother served boiled eggplant.
Took one bite and started gagging. ... :cool:
Eggplant is beautiful. It's my favorite vegetable. Don't think I would like it boiled though.
Eggplant is slimy when it is boiled.
I love it on a a grill or breaded and fried
Baba Ganoush, eggplant moussaka, Greek eggplant salad and papsuka are the best! I have only boiled it when I was making papsuka but it was more to soften the shells before baking.
Can't say I've ever been deprived of food. I don't like asparagus stalks, the tips are tolerable if salted. Califlour sucks unless it's raw and drenched in ranch.

I recall not liking liver, but as an adult I would eat it.

Then again we've never had a problem with food. I ate most of a fuckin $80 four pound lobster last night as a matter of fact just to celebrate hitler's death (belated but in spirit). The worst deprivation I can recall was coming home after school hungry and being told the best thing I could hope to eat was a fuckin apple until dinner was ready.

To this day I don't eat fuckin apples.


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