Hateful Facebook Libs Control Free Speech On Diamond And Silk?

You chums keep forgetting that Facebook is a privately owned company, not a government agency. Remember how excited you guys were when Chick-fil-a wasn't gonna let homosexual people eat there? Same kinda thing.
They were up until they opened their doors to a political party to get information and began being a shill for progressive causes. That changed everything.
Lol, yeah, when they took Russian money to help trump get elected it really kinda screwed up stuff didn't it.

Show us on the doll where Putin touched you to make you flip your vote
You chums keep forgetting that Facebook is a privately owned company, not a government agency. Remember how excited you guys were when Chick-fil-a wasn't gonna let homosexual people eat there? Same kinda thing.
Not let homosexual people eat there?
You chums keep forgetting that Facebook is a privately owned company, not a government agency. Remember how excited you guys were when Chick-fil-a wasn't gonna let homosexual people eat there? Same kinda thing.
They were up until they opened their doors to a political party to get information and began being a shill for progressive causes. That changed everything.
Lol, yeah, when they took Russian money to help trump get elected it really kinda screwed up stuff didn't it.

Show us on the doll where Putin touched you to make you flip your vote
Don't be stupider than you have to be.
Zuck has every right to run Facebook any way he likes. He just needs to be honest and quit lying about it. And everyone has a right not to join or quit if they don’t like it.
He cannot run a platform without it being a revenue stream. That is a given and each account represents dollars in his pocket, whether through ad revenue or the highest bidders for datasets.

Anyone expecting total privacy has always fooled themselves.

It is his dishonesty about the company’s practices that pisses me off about it. Even in the hearings he was lying his tail off. Through the years he has issued apologies for the deceptive practices he has gotten caught doing, and expects everyone to believe he means it, yet carries on until the next time.
I'm a staunch libertarian. Facebook is a privately owned and run server.

I'd have walked into congress and said one thing: I own it, I run it like I want. If you don't like it, lump it. Goodbye.

And walked out.
Hey, if you host a compartmentalized chat site on the web and your business is in the US borders, isn't it a violation of Constitutional rights to tell people what they can and cannot say? Isn't that discrimination? If people can block other people, why does Facebook act like gestapo?
You chums keep forgetting that Facebook is a privately owned company, not a government agency. Remember how excited you guys were when Chick-fil-a wasn't gonna let homosexual people eat there? Same kinda thing.
Not let homosexual people eat there?
Well, that was kinda the net effect.
I'm fairly certain Chick Fil A will happily sell anyone a chicken sandwich. I'm not aware of any qualifying questionnaires required to eat there.
Hey, if you host a compartmentalized chat site on the web and your business is in the US borders, isn't it a violation of Constitutional rights to tell people what they can and cannot say? Isn't that discrimination? If people can block other people, why does Facebook act like gestapo?

What is a compartmentalized chat site?

And if you use a private server to chat you can be told what to say or not to say. If you don't like it, leave.

One thing these whiny conservatives need to understand, there is no such thing as free speech on a private server. No first amendment rights, sorry. If I own the server I can block or ban whoever I want to. I OWN THE SERVER. Congress knows this to be true and is why they are treating Zucker with kid gloves. They know he has the Trump card, no pun intended.

It's the same thing as if I allow you into my home. If I tell you that you are not allowed to discuss anything negative about Hillary and you do, I can kick you out. The server is the same way. It's owned just like the home.
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One thing these whiny conservatives need to understand, there is no such thing as free speech on a private server. No first amendment rights, sorry. If I own the server I can block or ban whoever I want to. I OWN THE SERVER
Even a liberal wouldn't say such hogwash. The Leftist are coming out of the woodwork,
One thing these whiny conservatives need to understand, there is no such thing as free speech on a private server. No first amendment rights, sorry. If I own the server I can block or ban whoever I want to. I OWN THE SERVER
Even a liberal wouldn't say such hogwash. The Leftist are coming out of the woodwork,
They're saying he has the right to run a censoring, groupthink propaganda tool site disguised as an innocent way to stay connected with friends and family. Which of course, he does.

But now that he's been doxxed, so to speak, it will play hell with his data gathering reliability. You know how people are.
One thing these whiny conservatives need to understand, there is no such thing as free speech on a private server. No first amendment rights, sorry. If I own the server I can block or ban whoever I want to. I OWN THE SERVER
Even a liberal wouldn't say such hogwash. The Leftist are coming out of the woodwork,

Hogwash? So if I own and run a server, I have to let you say what you want on it? REALLY?
Hogwash? So if I own and run a server, I have to let you say what you want on it? REALLY?
What is unsafe espousing a conservative view to running our government? Advocating the 2nd amendment? Opposing liberal views on these two topics are never squashed. The conservative side always is. And it's getting worse.

No true liberal would allow this.

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