Hateful Facebook Libs Control Free Speech On Diamond And Silk?

All for talking politics Diamond and Silk were considered "unsafe" by Facebook/Zuckerberg. The racism and socialistic control by the DNC has gone to monumental levels by Zuckerberg allowing that to happen. Through his social network of course. It's all a controlled state that has Zucky sell out to his users that sign up for it. Sad for Diamon and Silk!

Let's see how this plays out. Through yesterday, Zuckerberg took a very low profile on them in congressional hearings.
On a private server he can silence anyone for any reason or no reason at all.
Easy to say just as long as your political speech is allowed while others aren't. You're no liberal are you, Lefty? Don't be so confident the politicos can't pull a regulation out of their ass to clamp down hard on the free reign practices of Facebook.
Let’s also not forget the only reason this hearing happened is he give access to the “wrong” people. After he did it for obie he got cash, high fives and high dollar hookers from the dems. Now that a repub group got to that same info he’s in front of congress for it.

In front of a Repub congress for it...

All for talking politics Diamond and Silk were considered "unsafe" by Facebook/Zuckerberg. The racism and socialistic control by the DNC has gone to monumental levels by Zuckerberg allowing that to happen. Through his social network of course. It's all a controlled state that has Zucky sell out to his users that sign up for it. Sad for Diamon and Silk!

/-----/ Well well well - look who is back on Facebook. My my my
Diamond And Silk

So, all this consternation and hand wringing was over nothing. Figures
You chums keep forgetting that Facebook is a privately owned company, not a government agency. Remember how excited you guys were when Chick-fil-a wasn't gonna let homosexual people eat there? Same kinda thing.
Got your facts wrong there, Melvin.

Sorry those facts are exactly right.

The first amendment has to do with restrictions on free speech put in place BY GOVERNMENT not by private citizens on their servers.

Just like if I say you aren't allowed to carry a gun in my house its not a violation of 2nd amendment because it's my house, I make the rules. It's my server, I make the rules. If this for wanted to they could block and ban all conservatives and nothing could be done. Why? It's privately owned.
. Zuckerberg may own his server, but he didn't build the "highway" he receives and sends out his content. My, my, my. What a sound argument I just made. Although I think somebody else said it first. Can't remember who. It certainly applies here.
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All for talking politics Diamond and Silk were considered "unsafe" by Facebook/Zuckerberg. The racism and socialistic control by the DNC has gone to monumental levels by Zuckerberg allowing that to happen. Through his social network of course. It's all a controlled state that has Zucky sell out to his users that sign up for it. Sad for Diamon and Silk!

/-----/ Well well well - look who is back on Facebook. My my my
Diamond And Silk

So, all this consternation and hand wringing was over nothing. Figures

/——-/ The outcry in Congress exposed liberal censorship and got them back on Facebook. Leave it to a libtard moonbat to miss that obvious point.
You chums keep forgetting that Facebook is a privately owned company, not a government agency. Remember how excited you guys were when Chick-fil-a wasn't gonna let homosexual people eat there? Same kinda thing.
/——-/ Chic-fil-a never stopped gayes from eating there. Leave it to a Libtard Moonbat to get the story wrong.
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All for talking politics Diamond and Silk were considered "unsafe" by Facebook/Zuckerberg. The racism and socialistic control by the DNC has gone to monumental levels by Zuckerberg allowing that to happen. Through his social network of course. It's all a controlled state that has Zucky sell out to his users that sign up for it. Sad for Diamon and Silk!

/-----/ Well well well - look who is back on Facebook. My my my
Diamond And Silk

So, all this consternation and hand wringing was over nothing. Figures

/——-/ The outcry in Congress exposed liberal censorship and got them back on Facebook. Leave it to a libtard moonbat to miss that obvious point.

And you think that is the job of the Congress? They have nothing better to do than to force private companies to bend to the will of Congress?

I am not surprised you hold that view.

All for talking politics Diamond and Silk were considered "unsafe" by Facebook/Zuckerberg. The racism and socialistic control by the DNC has gone to monumental levels by Zuckerberg allowing that to happen. Through his social network of course. It's all a controlled state that has Zucky sell out to his users that sign up for it. Sad for Diamon and Silk!

/-----/ Well well well - look who is back on Facebook. My my my
Diamond And Silk

So, all this consternation and hand wringing was over nothing. Figures

/——-/ The outcry in Congress exposed liberal censorship and got them back on Facebook. Leave it to a libtard moonbat to miss that obvious point.

And you think that is the job of the Congress? They have nothing better to do than to force private companies to bend to the will of Congress?

I am not surprised you hold that view.

/——-/ Your fake outrage is duly noted in our log books.
You chums keep forgetting that Facebook is a privately owned company, not a government agency. Remember how excited you guys were when Chick-fil-a wasn't gonna let homosexual people eat there? Same kinda thing.
Got your facts wrong there, Melvin.

Sorry those facts are exactly right.

The first amendment has to do with restrictions on free speech put in place BY GOVERNMENT not by private citizens on their servers.

Just like if I say you aren't allowed to carry a gun in my house its not a violation of 2nd amendment because it's my house, I make the rules. It's my server, I make the rules. If this for wanted to they could block and ban all conservatives and nothing could be done. Why? It's privately owned.
. Zuckerberg may own his server, but he didn't build the "highway" he receives and sends out his content. My, my, my. What a sound argument I just made. Although I think somebody else said it first. Can't remember who. It certainly applies here.
Hypocrisy party!!!
You chums keep forgetting that Facebook is a privately owned company, not a government agency. Remember how excited you guys were when Chick-fil-a wasn't gonna let homosexual people eat there? Same kinda thing.
Got your facts wrong there, Melvin.

Sorry those facts are exactly right.

The first amendment has to do with restrictions on free speech put in place BY GOVERNMENT not by private citizens on their servers.

Just like if I say you aren't allowed to carry a gun in my house its not a violation of 2nd amendment because it's my house, I make the rules. It's my server, I make the rules. If this forum wanted to they could block and ban all conservatives and nothing could be done. Why? It's privately owned.

You chums keep forgetting that Facebook is a privately owned company, not a government agency. Remember how excited you guys were when Chick-fil-a wasn't gonna let homosexual people eat there? Same kinda thing.
They were up until they opened their doors to a political party to get information and began being a shill for progressive causes. That changed everything.
Lol, yeah, when they took Russian money to help trump get elected it really kinda screwed up stuff didn't it.

Show us on the doll where Putin touched you to make you flip your vote
Don't be stupider than you have to be.
You're the only one going full retard here.
That was just a little friendly advice.

I suggest you take it to heart.
You chums keep forgetting that Facebook is a privately owned company, not a government agency. Remember how excited you guys were when Chick-fil-a wasn't gonna let homosexual people eat there? Same kinda thing.
They were up until they opened their doors to a political party to get information and began being a shill for progressive causes. That changed everything.
Lol, yeah, when they took Russian money to help trump get elected it really kinda screwed up stuff didn't it.
One more question. Are the 80's and their policies back? We were told by obie that was a thing to be laughed at.
That makes even less sense than the rest of you posts, would you like to clarify?
You chums keep forgetting that Facebook is a privately owned company, not a government agency. Remember how excited you guys were when Chick-fil-a wasn't gonna let homosexual people eat there? Same kinda thing.
They were up until they opened their doors to a political party to get information and began being a shill for progressive causes. That changed everything.
Lol, yeah, when they took Russian money to help trump get elected it really kinda screwed up stuff didn't it.

Show us on the doll where Putin touched you to make you flip your vote
Don't be stupider than you have to be.
We're supposed too believe that you resisted Putin's Facebook Mind Control Beam.

I hate to repeat myself, but: Don't be stupider than you have to be.
Lakhota the typical Trump hater of course puts that as funny. Goes to show how loopy the average Trump haters have gotten with no substance and deflections. While thinking real life is a joke...

Those are the same ones to stupid to realize the reality of

: first they came for the jews" .................. then they came for me and nobody was left.

Idiots who don't get that don't figure out anything even when they are being lead to their own death like the gas chamber and one they step inside the doors and here them slammed shut it is then they realize they were fooled the whole time.........Oooops little to late to wake up to reality dumb asses. As warnings took place years before it all took place.

Just as they call the informed of today " conspiracy theorist" in the end those so called conspiracy theorist end up being true. Most of them anyway.
I’ll admit, watching people flip their positions on discriminatory business practices when they feel targeted is rather comical to me. You don’t have a right to post Facebook, Twitter, and, YouTube.

Tell me about it. And it's both sides flipping. Republicans are whining about discrimination and Democrats are defending the prerogative of private business.
Actually not.

Democrats have consistently and correctly acknowledged the fact that ‘free speech’ has no application in the private sector, that only government has the authority to regulate speech, and that private media entities are at liberty to edit content as they see fit, where edited or remove content in no manner ‘violates’ free speech.

And Republicans have consistently exhibited their ignorance with regard to private media entities and the editing of content, incorrectly claiming that edited or removed content ‘violates’ free speech, when in fact nothing could be further from the truth.

Nothing has changed – the right is just as ignorant and dishonest, this thread premise is yet another example of that.
Are you a Christian baker?
You chums keep forgetting that Facebook is a privately owned company, not a government agency. Remember how excited you guys were when Chick-fil-a wasn't gonna let homosexual people eat there? Same kinda thing.
So you are saying private businesses should be able to serve and censor who they want?
I TOTALLY agree.
Email your reps and have them get rid of PA laws so we can have the concept of private property back!
When they do serve gays, Chick-fil-a has a separate section for queers. :mad:

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