Hateful Facebook Libs Control Free Speech On Diamond And Silk?

Hogwash? So if I own and run a server, I have to let you say what you want on it? REALLY?
What is unsafe espousing a conservative view to running our government? Advocating the 2nd amendment? Opposing liberal views on these two topics are never squashed. The conservative side always is. And it's getting worse.

No true liberal would allow this.

I never said there was anything unsafe about diamond and silk. What I am saying is that facebook is private, it's not gov't run. The constitution doesn't apply to it. Zucker is well within his rights to ban whoever he wants.
Why can cockzucker not serve people for ideology when billy has to fix a chicken meal for a black guy
This is why i am against PA laws. They are discrimination.
You chums keep forgetting that Facebook is a privately owned company, not a government agency. Remember how excited you guys were when Chick-fil-a wasn't gonna let homosexual people eat there? Same kinda thing.

Or a bakery that has to go against its beliefs, weren’t they a private company

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You chums keep forgetting that Facebook is a privately owned company, not a government agency. Remember how excited you guys were when Chick-fil-a wasn't gonna let homosexual people eat there? Same kinda thing.
They were up until they opened their doors to a political party to get information and began being a shill for progressive causes. That changed everything.
Lol, yeah, when they took Russian money to help trump get elected it really kinda screwed up stuff didn't it.

Don’t forget that Obama was the smartest for using the same information, and the Russians bought adds for both sides, not to help either side but to cause us Americans to divide our selves from inside ( FBI findings not mine)

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Diamond and Silk a danger to the community
The real danger is liberal speech oppressors
You chums keep forgetting that Facebook is a privately owned company, not a government agency. Remember how excited you guys were when Chick-fil-a wasn't gonna let homosexual people eat there? Same kinda thing.
So you are saying private businesses should be able to serve and censor who they want?
I TOTALLY agree.
Email your reps and have them get rid of PA laws so we can have the concept of private property back!
Political affiliation is not part of PA law.
You chums keep forgetting that Facebook is a privately owned company, not a government agency. Remember how excited you guys were when Chick-fil-a wasn't gonna let homosexual people eat there? Same kinda thing.
So you are saying private businesses should be able to serve and censor who they want?
I TOTALLY agree.
Email your reps and have them get rid of PA laws so we can have the concept of private property back!
Political affiliation is not part of PA law.
So you are cool with some discrimination?
You chums keep forgetting that Facebook is a privately owned company, not a government agency. Remember how excited you guys were when Chick-fil-a wasn't gonna let homosexual people eat there? Same kinda thing.
They never did that. The owner said he didn't support gay marriage and the queers called for a boycott. But I do remember when the queers put a private owned bakery out of business, because the owner didn't want to bake a cake for them.

All for talking politics Diamond and Silk were considered "unsafe" by Facebook/Zuckerberg. The racism and socialistic control by the DNC has gone to monumental levels by Zuckerberg allowing that to happen. Through his social network of course. It's all a controlled state that has Zucky sell out to his users that sign up for it. Sad for Diamon and Silk!

/-----/ Well well well - look who is back on Facebook. My my my
Diamond And Silk

So, all this consternation and hand wringing was over nothing. Figures

/——-/ The outcry in Congress exposed liberal censorship and got them back on Facebook. Leave it to a libtard moonbat to miss that obvious point.

No, the point is the ignorance and stupidity of conservatives, your post being one of many examples.

All for talking politics Diamond and Silk were considered "unsafe" by Facebook/Zuckerberg. The racism and socialistic control by the DNC has gone to monumental levels by Zuckerberg allowing that to happen. Through his social network of course. It's all a controlled state that has Zucky sell out to his users that sign up for it. Sad for Diamon and Silk!

/-----/ Well well well - look who is back on Facebook. My my my
Diamond And Silk

So, all this consternation and hand wringing was over nothing. Figures

/——-/ The outcry in Congress exposed liberal censorship and got them back on Facebook. Leave it to a libtard moonbat to miss that obvious point.

No, the point is the ignorance and stupidity of conservatives, your post being one of many examples.

/——/,Attacking the messenger again??? Out of ammo? So explain why my post is stupid?
“Diamond & Silk to Zuckerberg: We are not unsafe”

Perhaps not.

But that’s not for them to decide – that decision rests solely with the owner of Facebook, who may edit content as he sees fit.

And whatever content might be removed neither ‘violates’ free speech nor ‘silences’ conservative rhetoric.

All for talking politics Diamond and Silk were considered "unsafe" by Facebook/Zuckerberg. The racism and socialistic control by the DNC has gone to monumental levels by Zuckerberg allowing that to happen. Through his social network of course. It's all a controlled state that has Zucky sell out to his users that sign up for it. Sad for Diamon and Silk!

/-----/ Well well well - look who is back on Facebook. My my my
Diamond And Silk

So, all this consternation and hand wringing was over nothing. Figures

/——-/ The outcry in Congress exposed liberal censorship and got them back on Facebook. Leave it to a libtard moonbat to miss that obvious point.

No, the point is the ignorance and stupidity of conservatives, your post being one of many examples.

/——/,Attacking the messenger again??? Out of ammo? So explain why my post is stupid?

Can you honestly say, as one that calls themselves a "conservative" that you believe it is the job of congress to force companies like Facebook to be "fair" and to control what they post on their website?

Is that the sort of power you want congress to have when it is again controlled by the Dems? Would you be so happy if they forced FoxNews to run an hour of Rachel Maddow?
/-----/ Well well well - look who is back on Facebook. My my my
Diamond And Silk

So, all this consternation and hand wringing was over nothing. Figures
/——-/ The outcry in Congress exposed liberal censorship and got them back on Facebook. Leave it to a libtard moonbat to miss that obvious point.
No, the point is the ignorance and stupidity of conservatives, your post being one of many examples.
/——/,Attacking the messenger again??? Out of ammo? So explain why my post is stupid?

Can you honestly say, as one that calls themselves a "conservative" that you believe it is the job of congress to force companies like Facebook to be "fair" and to control what they post on their website?

Is that the sort of power you want congress to have when it is again controlled by the Dems? Would you be so happy if they forced FoxNews to run an hour of Rachel Maddow?
/----/ Your idol Zuckerberg was called out for obvious censorship and he folded like a cheap camera. Do you have equal fake outrage at Libs who want to shut down Fox News and get Rush and Hannity off the air?
“Diamond & Silk to Zuckerberg: We are not unsafe”

Perhaps not.

But that’s not for them to decide – that decision rests solely with the owner of Facebook, who may edit content as he sees fit.

And whatever content might be removed neither ‘violates’ free speech nor ‘silences’ conservative rhetoric.
/---/ That is true, but it exposes liberal intolerance for all to see.
intolerant lib.jpg

All for talking politics Diamond and Silk were considered "unsafe" by Facebook/Zuckerberg. The racism and socialistic control by the DNC has gone to monumental levels by Zuckerberg allowing that to happen. Through his social network of course. It's all a controlled state that has Zucky sell out to his users that sign up for it. Sad for Diamon and Silk!

Libs control nothing! They have no power at the moment! They hold no offices!

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