Hateful Religious Bigots Attack Doonesbury

Procrustes Stretched

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Dec 1, 2008
Location: Nowhere
Hateful Religious Bigots Attack Doonesbury

Garry Trudeau defends "Doonesbury" abortion strip

It's a cartoon strip a-holes! More proof the religious sects in America are not much different than the crazies who went after Denmark cartoonists.

Garry Trudeau defends "Doonesbury" abortion strip - Yahoo! News

LOS ANGELES (Reuters) - "Doonesbury" author Garry Trudeau on Friday defended an upcoming strip that one newspaper has rejected and others have questioned because it deals with a Texas abortion law the cartoonist described as "lunacy."
It seems than an angry racist bigot named Trudeau once drew hateful cartoons depicting Dr. Condie Rice in grotesque slave costumes because he hated president Bush. It isn't surprising that he thinks the manslaughter of the unborn is a hilarious subject for a cartoon.
Hateful Religious Bigots Attack Doonesbury

Garry Trudeau defends "Doonesbury" abortion strip

It's a cartoon strip a-holes! More proof the religious sects in America are not much different than the crazies who went after Denmark cartoonists.

Garry Trudeau defends "Doonesbury" abortion strip - Yahoo! News

LOS ANGELES (Reuters) - "Doonesbury" author Garry Trudeau on Friday defended an upcoming strip that one newspaper has rejected and others have questioned because it deals with a Texas abortion law the cartoonist described as "lunacy."

Do you really think everyone who opposes abortion is a religious bigot? Doesn't that make you a bigot?


Oh my... I think it is going to be a long time before I read another Doonesberry Cartoon... then again, I don't remember when the last time I read one was either.

Much ado about nothing.

Just a satirical political cartoon about a hot issue in politics.

Trudeau is welcome to his opinion even if it differs from my own.

<yawn> How long until the first pitch?

It seems than an angry racist bigot named Trudeau once drew hateful cartoons depicting Dr. Condie Rice in grotesque slave costumes because he hated president Bush. It isn't surprising that he thinks the manslaughter of the unborn is a hilarious subject for a cartoon.

It's a cartoon, a political commentary, :eusa_clap:
Hateful Religious Bigots Attack Doonesbury

Garry Trudeau defends "Doonesbury" abortion strip

It's a cartoon strip a-holes! More proof the religious sects in America are not much different than the crazies who went after Denmark cartoonists.

Garry Trudeau defends "Doonesbury" abortion strip - Yahoo! News

LOS ANGELES (Reuters) - "Doonesbury" author Garry Trudeau on Friday defended an upcoming strip that one newspaper has rejected and others have questioned because it deals with a Texas abortion law the cartoonist described as "lunacy."

Do you really think everyone who opposes abortion is a religious bigot? Doesn't that make you a bigot?



still slow on the uptake?

they are bigots NOT because they oppose abortion. they are religious bigots because they want to censor those whom they feel disagree with their religious views
Trudeau said in an email that the "party of limited government," a reference to Republicans, has legislated "onerous preconditions for a perfectly legal procedure" and withdrawn funds for reproductive health services that prevent unwanted pregnancies.

"This is happening in statehouses across the country," Trudeau said in the statement. "It's lunacy, and lunacy, of course, is in my wheelhouse."

It is lunacy, and hypocrisy – the insane authoritarianism of the right placing government between a woman and her doctor, interfering with the making of sound medical decisions, and violating her fundamental right to privacy.
Trudeau said in an email that the "party of limited government," a reference to Republicans, has legislated "onerous preconditions for a perfectly legal procedure" and withdrawn funds for reproductive health services that prevent unwanted pregnancies.

"This is happening in statehouses across the country," Trudeau said in the statement. "It's lunacy, and lunacy, of course, is in my wheelhouse."

It is lunacy, and hypocrisy – the insane authoritarianism of the right placing government between a woman and her doctor, interfering with the making of sound medical decisions, and violating her fundamental right to privacy.

more than the right, it's the christian community (and many Jews and Mooslims)
Hateful Religious Bigots Attack Doonesbury

Garry Trudeau defends "Doonesbury" abortion strip

It's a cartoon strip a-holes! More proof the religious sects in America are not much different than the crazies who went after Denmark cartoonists.

Garry Trudeau defends "Doonesbury" abortion strip - Yahoo! News

LOS ANGELES (Reuters) - "Doonesbury" author Garry Trudeau on Friday defended an upcoming strip that one newspaper has rejected and others have questioned because it deals with a Texas abortion law the cartoonist described as "lunacy."

Do you really think everyone who opposes abortion is a religious bigot? Doesn't that make you a bigot?



still slow on the uptake?

they are bigots NOT because they oppose abortion. they are religious bigots because they want to censor those whom they feel disagree with their religious views

Hey, genius, Portland Oregon is hardly the Bible Belt, and the LA Times is hardly a right wing paper.

'Doonesbury': Editors decide not to run next week's strip | OregonLive.com

Maybe, just maybe, if you weren't a bigot you would have actually read the story you posted instead of jumping to conclusions.

Then again, if you weren't a bigot it wouldn't be half as much fun making you look like a complete idiot.
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This was just a cartoon, too:


But you drooling idiot leftists wet your pants over it.

really bad taste with a nasty message about killing a President one disagrees with politically...but I would never call for it to be censored. It's a political cartoon.

Gloria Allred is going with the standard leftist response to something she disagrees with:

Gloria Allred seeks Rush Limbaugh prosecution - MJ Lee - POLITICO.com
not many people like Gloria, and even less follow her every word -- like dimwitted wingnuts do.

gawd, you're as pathetic as those on the left who follow every word of Hannity.

Trudeau said in an email that the "party of limited government," a reference to Republicans, has legislated "onerous preconditions for a perfectly legal procedure" and withdrawn funds for reproductive health services that prevent unwanted pregnancies.

"This is happening in statehouses across the country," Trudeau said in the statement. "It's lunacy, and lunacy, of course, is in my wheelhouse."
It is lunacy, and hypocrisy – the insane authoritarianism of the right placing government between a woman and her doctor, interfering with the making of sound medical decisions, and violating her fundamental right to privacy.

As opposed to, for example, the left telling doctors, and patients, what has to be discussed in annual doctors visits? Your problem, other than being a complete ignoramus about the law, is you only see one side as the problem.
really bad taste with a nasty message about killing a President one disagrees with politically...but I would never call for it to be censored. It's a political cartoon.

Gloria Allred is going with the standard leftist response to something she disagrees with:

Gloria Allred seeks Rush Limbaugh prosecution - MJ Lee - POLITICO.com
not many people like Gloria, and even less follow her every word -- like dimwitted wingnuts do.

gawd, you're as pathetic as those on the left who follow every word of Hannity.

Yes. I follow her Tweets and everything. :cool:

And you have proof of this...how, exactly?

That story is the top headline on Drudge, retard. DRUDGE REPORT 2012®
This was just a cartoon, too:


But you drooling idiot leftists wet your pants over it.
And, the droolers DIDN'T wet their pants over these:




Oh, haven't you heard? It's impossible for liberals to be racist.

At least, that's what they keep saying.
That's what I hear from them and obviously it's a lie.

Interestingly enough, none of them say anything here, either about the cartoons about Rice.

Maybe I'm the bent one thinking that avoiding hypocrisy is much more important than partisanship. :eusa_whistle:

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