Haters lose

An abomination. The first thing that church has to do to unite is to erase the existence of Christ.
Welcome to Satan's One World Church. The lukewarmness of it makes Christ puke it out. There is no mention of it among the 7 lamp stands. Avoid it like the trap it is.

Hate has nothing to do with it. Corrupting the word has everything to do with it. Christ removed your sins at great cost to Him. Not KosherChrislam.
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An abomination. The first thing that church has to do to unite is to erase the existence of Christ.
Welcome to Satan's One World Church. The lukewarmness of it makes Christ puke it out. There is no mention of it among the 7 lamp stands. Avoid it like the trap it is.

Hate has nothing to do with it. Corrupting the word has everything to do with it. Christ removed your sins at great cost to Him. Not KosherChrislam.

Sounds like you don't have much faith. What makes you think Christianity will be so easily corrupted?
Nice post, last time I clicked link on this board , I got tons of malware. So... If you have something to SAY, then say it. Not going there. Muslims will have to work a little harder to stop hatred, after watching videos of ISIS men casually murdering unarmed men in Iraq, that was evil and sickening, and the stoning deaths and the Fatwas, and the jihads.....Not feeling warm fuzzies for Muslims. All of them are suspect of evil. Like the NAZIS, I am sure there was a few nice ones. I don't worry about the nice ones, I worry about the bad ones. And I am not going to split hairs or play games anymore.
A devilish attempt to water down Christianity and Judaism. Muslims won't change, even if the other ones do.
Meanwhile, back at the ranch:We lost more people on 9/11 than the attack on Pearl harbor. We fought and overcame the attackers THEN. In 4 years. But, 13 years later, we still wrestle with these weirdos. WHY? We are so nice, we might as well slit our own necks. We even elect a man that doesn't have any roots in this country as a sign of "wisdom". Yeah. I don't have a clue about this country anymore, but it better shape up or we are all lost.
Meanwhile, back at the ranch:We lost more people on 9/11 than the attack on Pearl harbor. We fought and overcame the attackers THEN. In 4 years.

As we have done this time as well. The US is not at war with Islam just because you are a frightened old lady bigot.
So much hate here, all from people who aren't Muslims.
One wonders if they can see, they're the same as what they claim to hate.

So much hate here, all from people who aren't Muslims.
One wonders if they can see, they're the same as what they claim to hate.



No, Friend. I am not at war with Islam or Muslims. My enemy is Satan and his fallen angels, principalities and demonic spirits. Not human beings.

I was suprised to find this, Fred, because for days now I have struggled over whether I should have kept my vow to never write on another Palestine and Israel forum or whether to answer your question to Christians about the christian womans stolen land! Aside from that I was already withdrawing myself from writing anything as I felt that was the will of God on the matter. You put me in a hard place, Fred, and finally I just prayed, Lord? If you want me to respond to Fred's question give him the idea to post something on the religion forum. Not the Palestine and Israel forum. Otherwise I will say nothing because truly I felt God was not in it. I find I was wrong about that.

So here you are and now I want to answer you concerning your question the womans rights to her family owned property of 98 yrs. First of all it is a kingdom question and when the Lord was approached and asked to tell a sibling to share an inheritance he made clear this was not His role on earth. Neither is it the Christians role, Fred.

But this was the answer that came to me immediately this past week after reading your question and I do desire to share it with you because you have touched my heart deeply and I believe one day you will be like a Paul to Indonesia. It is surely my prayer and I believe for the answer. You are most precious to me and I see something good that will come out of this.

So here is the answer the Holy Spirit gave me concerning your question of the woman and whether or not her land was stolen. And it is also the answer to your question about hatred and such things as you mention here.

First the question each should ask themselves from their own heart. You who say it is wrong to steal. Have you stolen? You who condemn those who commit adultery. Have you ever commit adultery? You who hate idols, do you commit sacrilege? Here is the response....

It is found in Romans 2: 1 - 6 and it is about judgment.

Therefore thou art inexcusable, O man, whosoever thou art that judgest another: for wherein thou judgest another, thou condemnest thyself, for thou that judgest doest the same things.

But we are sure that the judgment of God is according to truth against them which commit such things. And thinkest thou this, O man, that judgest them which do such things, and doest the same, that thou shalt escape the judgment of God? Or despisest thou the riches of his goodness and forbearance and longsuffering, not knowing that the goodness of God leadeth thee to repentance? But after thy hardness and impenitent heart treasurest up unto thyself wrath against the day of wrath and revelation of the righteous judgment of God: WHO WILL RENDER TO EVERY MAN ACCORDING TO HIS DEEDS. -Romans 2: 1-6

It's a hard word but delivered with much love, Fred, because we all must come to terms with this. The Israelis, the Arabs, the Christians, the Jews, the Muslims, the Hindus and even those who believe in nothing at all. It applies to us all. A thought from my heart to yours:

Mercy triumphs over judgment. :smiliehug:
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I tend to look at things in a simple way; perhaps I'm not bright enough to care about the finer points.

If it hurts someone, it's probably wrong.
If it makes someone smile, it's probably right.

My hobby is, as many here will have seen, street photography.
I deliberately go to areas where I know ultra nationalist, ultra religious groups live.
The sight of a white guy in these places throws them off. They claim to hate the west, but they meet a westerner with a happy smile, keen to meet and talk to them.
I don't mention my religious bent until/unless it comes up in conversation but the more extreme people tend to.
One guy, whilst I was in a village riddled with FBR and FPI members, one guy told me the village was 100% Muslim.
He was expecting me to be scared, a sort of intimidation.
I told him how pleased I was at learning this and he had no clue what to do next.
He was expecting fear or hate, but got friendship.

There is a standard Muslim greeting, peace be upon you, it should be said when you meet a fellow Muslims but, as is usual with the more extreme, they abuse their religion, using the greeting as a challenge.
I really dislike the abuse of such a nice greeting, but I reply correctly, usually really bugging the fool that used it.

As for Paul the apostle, I'm far from a saint but, in a very small way, I try to infect faces with smiles - commonly faces that have little reason for anything but sadness.
Saul spread the word of God, I try to spread happiness, peace and understanding.
I'm hardly in the same league.
What kind of person is going to want to worship at a house divided into three separate faiths, that have almost no shared beliefs, except monotheism?

My guess is the only people who will go to this place are those who don't really believe in anything.
What kind of person is going to want to worship at a house divided into three separate faiths, that have almost no shared beliefs, except monotheism?

My guess is the only people who will go to this place are those who don't really believe in anything.

I think you should read up a little.
The three share a lot.

Of course, that doesn't mean they're the same, but there are so many similarities you're totally unaware of.
Start with a simple one; Muslims can eat kosher food, including all meat products.
This is because Kosher slaughter is pretty much exactly the same as halal slaughter, a prayer being said to the almighty, as you kill the animal with as little distress to the creature as possible.

There's a bond between Muslims and Jews.
Christians, as far as the new testament followers go, have few rules about food, so they can join in the meal as well.
Old testament followers, seventh day adventists come to mind, should eat no pork, nor drink alcohol.
That about fits with Islamic rules.

Now, I've told you a couple, read up on others and learn an important lesson, peace, love and understanding beats hate and stupidity.

Do you agree?
What kind of person is going to want to worship at a house divided into three separate faiths, that have almost no shared beliefs, except monotheism?

My guess is the only people who will go to this place are those who don't really believe in anything.

I think you should read up a little.
The three share a lot.

Of course, that doesn't mean they're the same, but there are so many similarities you're totally unaware of.
Start with a simple one; Muslims can eat kosher food, including all meat products.
This is because Kosher slaughter is pretty much exactly the same as halal slaughter, a prayer being said to the almighty, as you kill the animal with as little distress to the creature as possible.

There's a bond between Muslims and Jews.
Christians, as far as the new testament followers go, have few rules about food, so they can join in the meal as well.
Old testament followers, seventh day adventists come to mind, should eat no pork, nor drink alcohol.
That about fits with Islamic rules.

Now, I've told you a couple, read up on others and learn an important lesson, peace, love and understanding beats hate and stupidity.

Do you agree?
You can make peace with another man's faith without compromising belief in your own.

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