Haters lose

What kind of person is going to want to worship at a house divided into three separate faiths, that have almost no shared beliefs, except monotheism?

My guess is the only people who will go to this place are those who don't really believe in anything.

I think you should read up a little.
The three share a lot.

Of course, that doesn't mean they're the same, but there are so many similarities you're totally unaware of.
Start with a simple one; Muslims can eat kosher food, including all meat products.
This is because Kosher slaughter is pretty much exactly the same as halal slaughter, a prayer being said to the almighty, as you kill the animal with as little distress to the creature as possible.

There's a bond between Muslims and Jews.
Christians, as far as the new testament followers go, have few rules about food, so they can join in the meal as well.
Old testament followers, seventh day adventists come to mind, should eat no pork, nor drink alcohol.
That about fits with Islamic rules.

Now, I've told you a couple, read up on others and learn an important lesson, peace, love and understanding beats hate and stupidity.

Do you agree?
You can make peace with another man's faith without compromising belief in your own.

You can, easily.
All you have to do is understand the other man's belief system, and respect it.
You don't have to agree with it, just not try to destroy it.

I have to be honest, I love this multi faith place of worship idea.
It isn't new, it's been done in airports and hospitals for years, but this is far bigger and far more of a message to those who promote hate.

That goes for the extreme ends of all religious groups, and atheists.

Now another question - why would anyone want to stop such a wonderful idea?
I think you should read up a little.
The three share a lot.

Of course, that doesn't mean they're the same, but there are so many similarities you're totally unaware of.
Start with a simple one; Muslims can eat kosher food, including all meat products.
This is because Kosher slaughter is pretty much exactly the same as halal slaughter, a prayer being said to the almighty, as you kill the animal with as little distress to the creature as possible.

There's a bond between Muslims and Jews.
Christians, as far as the new testament followers go, have few rules about food, so they can join in the meal as well.
Old testament followers, seventh day adventists come to mind, should eat no pork, nor drink alcohol.
That about fits with Islamic rules.

Now, I've told you a couple, read up on others and learn an important lesson, peace, love and understanding beats hate and stupidity.

Do you agree?
You can make peace with another man's faith without compromising belief in your own.

You can, easily.
All you have to do is understand the other man's belief system, and respect it.
You don't have to agree with it, just not try to destroy it.

I have to be honest, I love this multi faith place of worship idea.
It isn't new, it's been done in airports and hospitals for years, but this is far bigger and far more of a message to those who promote hate.

That goes for the extreme ends of all religious groups, and atheists.

Now another question - why would anyone want to stop such a wonderful idea?
I don't want to stop it, I just think it's a silly idea.
I don't want to stop it, I just think it's a silly idea.

Bringing people together in a spirit of friendship and understanding.
I really can't see where that's silly.

Care to explain how peace, co-operation and understanding are bad things?
I tend to look at things in a simple way; perhaps I'm not bright enough to care about the finer points.

If it hurts someone, it's probably wrong.
If it makes someone smile, it's probably right.

My hobby is, as many here will have seen, street photography.
I deliberately go to areas where I know ultra nationalist, ultra religious groups live.
The sight of a white guy in these places throws them off. They claim to hate the west, but they meet a westerner with a happy smile, keen to meet and talk to them.
I don't mention my religious bent until/unless it comes up in conversation but the more extreme people tend to.
One guy, whilst I was in a village riddled with FBR and FPI members, one guy told me the village was 100% Muslim.
He was expecting me to be scared, a sort of intimidation.
I told him how pleased I was at learning this and he had no clue what to do next.
He was expecting fear or hate, but got friendship.

There is a standard Muslim greeting, peace be upon you, it should be said when you meet a fellow Muslims but, as is usual with the more extreme, they abuse their religion, using the greeting as a challenge.
I really dislike the abuse of such a nice greeting, but I reply correctly, usually really bugging the fool that used it.

As for Paul the apostle, I'm far from a saint but, in a very small way, I try to infect faces with smiles - commonly faces that have little reason for anything but sadness.
Saul spread the word of God, I try to spread happiness, peace and understanding.
I'm hardly in the same league.

You have surely touched my heart deeply, Indo, and I shall always be thankful for our paths meeting. You are a most precious man and I can see why the heart of God would leap over you. I keep you in my prayers always that God will bless you with his very best. You are loved deeply by Jesus, Indofred. :smiliehug:
You have surely touched my heart deeply, Indo, and I shall always be thankful for our paths meeting. You are a most precious man and I can see why the heart of God would leap over you. I keep you in my prayers always that God will bless you with his very best. You are loved deeply by Jesus, Indofred. :smiliehug:

No, I'm just some dude - but thanks for the prayer - I very probably need every one people say for me.
We may use a different name for God, even a different name for Jesus, but I see no reason why those little details should be a barrier to friendship.
As for Paul the apostle, I'm far from a saint but, in a very small way, I try to infect faces with smiles - commonly faces that have little reason for anything but sadness.
Saul spread the word of God, I try to spread happiness, peace and understanding.
I'm hardly in the same league.

Saul did indeed preach the word of God wherever he went and I believe you will do the same in Indonesia. Why do I say this? Because Indonesia needs a servant like Paul and if you are willing? God will use you. All it takes is a yes.

If God was able to keep Paul in the midst of the fire, is He not also able to keep you? Of course he is, Indo. The greatest difference you will find in accepting Jesus Christ as your Lord and Savior is that all the fear and the guilt will be gone, you will experience a peace that passes all understanding - that is the peace that only the Lord Jesus Christ who is God who came in the flesh to us - can give. There is true rest in that peace! The God Paul served and the God I serve loves you unconditionally and when you accept His pardon for all your sins by believing on His Only Begotten Son's shed blood on the cross & resurrection? You too will know resurrection power. Just as Paul did. Just as I do. This new life is as near as the breath coming out of your mouth. Today the kingdom of heaven is near you, Fred. Reach out and take the Saviors hand. He is waiting for you.
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What kind of person is going to want to worship at a house divided into three separate faiths, that have almost no shared beliefs, except monotheism?

My guess is the only people who will go to this place are those who don't really believe in anything.

I think you should read up a little.
The three share a lot.

Of course, that doesn't mean they're the same, but there are so many similarities you're totally unaware of.
Start with a simple one; Muslims can eat kosher food, including all meat products.
This is because Kosher slaughter is pretty much exactly the same as halal slaughter, a prayer being said to the almighty, as you kill the animal with as little distress to the creature as possible.

There's a bond between Muslims and Jews.
Christians, as far as the new testament followers go, have few rules about food, so they can join in the meal as well.
Old testament followers, seventh day adventists come to mind, should eat no pork, nor drink alcohol.
That about fits with Islamic rules.

Now, I've told you a couple, read up on others and learn an important lesson, peace, love and understanding beats hate and stupidity.

Do you agree?

Sorry no, I don't agree. It's like saying I have a bond with Hitler because he liked sauerkraut and I do too.
And yes, there is a bond between Muslims and Jews. It's called hatred.

I applaud your peaceful gestures, but as far as religion is concerned it is not the few small points of agreement that bonds these religions, it is the glaring difference that keeps them separate.

When the "lam" in Chrislam declares that Jesus Christ is the Son of the God of Abraham, and helps the Jews rebuild the Temple for Christ to accommodate, I'll believe that hate and stupidity have been replaced with peace, love, and understanding.

If you need to remove Christ's work on the cross to be compatible, then compatibility is a Satanic sham, and not justification for the sake of fusion.

". . .ye have perverted the words of the living God. . ." Jeremiah 23:3

Just of few of the perversions of the Bible in an effort to make it compatible:

Matt. 1:25 REMOVE "Firstborn"
Matt. 5:22 REMOVE "without a cause"
Matt. 5:44 REM 12 WORDS "bless them that curse you..."
Matt. 6:13 REM LAST 14 WORDS (For thine is the kingdom...)
Matt. 6:27 CHG "cubit to his stature" TO "hour to his life"

See more at link: http://www.jesus-is-savior.com/Bible/NIV/300_changes.htm

26 verses have been removed altogether.
Purging the word of God doesn't make it compatible. It corrupts it.
Give me Christ or give me death, but don't give me this garbage.......... :mad:
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What kind of person is going to want to worship at a house divided into three separate faiths, that have almost no shared beliefs, except monotheism?

My guess is the only people who will go to this place are those who don't really believe in anything.

I think you should read up a little.
The three share a lot.

Of course, that doesn't mean they're the same, but there are so many similarities you're totally unaware of.
Start with a simple one; Muslims can eat kosher food, including all meat products.
This is because Kosher slaughter is pretty much exactly the same as halal slaughter, a prayer being said to the almighty, as you kill the animal with as little distress to the creature as possible.

There's a bond between Muslims and Jews.
Christians, as far as the new testament followers go, have few rules about food, so they can join in the meal as well.
Old testament followers, seventh day adventists come to mind, should eat no pork, nor drink alcohol.
That about fits with Islamic rules.

Now, I've told you a couple, read up on others and learn an important lesson, peace, love and understanding beats hate and stupidity.

Do you agree?

If nothing else, all three share a God: The God of Abraham, as described in The Torah, The New Testament and The Koran.

The God of Abraham is a VERY specific figure in earth history.
And yes, there is a bond between Muslims and Jews. It's called hatred.

Tell that to the Muslims and Jews that are trying to build this place.

No, peace and understanding will always win, but all sides have to admit to and try to solve the problems with extremism within their own groups.
We all have our idiot end, Islam's need no explanation, but the others also have them and should tackle to their problem groups.

If we can rid ourselves of our extremists, there is no further barrier to peace.
I hope and pray this example of peace, love and understanding is the start of something far greater.
What kind of person is going to want to worship at a house divided into three separate faiths, that have almost no shared beliefs, except monotheism?

My guess is the only people who will go to this place are those who don't really believe in anything.

Of course a real Christian will not deny Christ. That is what defines them. Many churches have entered into this interfaithism but that is the great falling away we were warned of. ( Read Matthew Chapter 24 ) Five times Jesus said, Do not be deceived! ( in one chapter he said it 5 times )

I would never dare pray in unity with those who have denied Jesus Christ is God. It is forbidden.

Still as Indofred pointed out, Haters lose. Why? Because any man who hates his brother who has seen with his own eyes while claiming to love God whom he has not seen with his own eyes is a liar and the truth is not in him.

God loved us while we were yet sinners. We are commanded to do the same.

How can we present the gospel to the lost if we do not love them? How will they know the love of Jesus Christ for them if we do not demonstrate it towards them ourselves? There is no contradiction here.

Love your neighbor as you love yourself and Love the Lord thy God with all of your heart, with all of your mind, with all your strength, with all that is within you and when Jesus ( who is love for it is written : God is Love ) is lifted up? He shall draw all men unto him! That is what Love does. It redeems. Redeem the time you have. There isn't much time left, friend.
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What kind of person is going to want to worship at a house divided into three separate faiths, that have almost no shared beliefs, except monotheism?

My guess is the only people who will go to this place are those who don't really believe in anything.

I think you should read up a little.
The three share a lot.

Of course, that doesn't mean they're the same, but there are so many similarities you're totally unaware of.
Start with a simple one; Muslims can eat kosher food, including all meat products.
This is because Kosher slaughter is pretty much exactly the same as halal slaughter, a prayer being said to the almighty, as you kill the animal with as little distress to the creature as possible.

There's a bond between Muslims and Jews.
Christians, as far as the new testament followers go, have few rules about food, so they can join in the meal as well.
Old testament followers, seventh day adventists come to mind, should eat no pork, nor drink alcohol.
That about fits with Islamic rules.

Now, I've told you a couple, read up on others and learn an important lesson, peace, love and understanding beats hate and stupidity.

Do you agree?

Sorry no, I don't agree. It's like saying I have a bond with Hitler because he liked sauerkraut and I do too.
And yes, there is a bond between Muslims and Jews. It's called hatred.

I applaud your peaceful gestures, but as far as religion is concerned it is not the few small points of agreement that bonds these religions, it is the glaring difference that keeps them separate.

When the "lam" in Chrislam declares that Jesus Christ is the Son of the God of Abraham, and helps the Jews rebuild the Temple for Christ to accommodate, I'll believe that hate and stupidity have been replaced with peace, love, and understanding.

If you need to remove Christ's work on the cross to be compatible, then compatibility is a Satanic sham, and not justification for the sake of fusion.

". . .ye have perverted the words of the living God. . ." Jeremiah 23:3

Just of few of the perversions of the Bible in an effort to make it compatible:

Matt. 1:25 REMOVE "Firstborn"
Matt. 5:22 REMOVE "without a cause"
Matt. 5:44 REM 12 WORDS "bless them that curse you..."
Matt. 6:13 REM LAST 14 WORDS (For thine is the kingdom...)
Matt. 6:27 CHG "cubit to his stature" TO "hour to his life"

See more at link: 300 Changes In The NIV and Other Modern Bible Versions

26 verses have been removed altogether.
Purging the word of God doesn't make it compatible. It corrupts it.
Give me Christ or give me death, but don't give me this garbage.......... :mad:

I thank you, Irish Ram, for sharing this latter part of your post about men altering the word of God! I am astonished that they actually did not have enough fear of God to know what happens to those who dare to alter the Words of the bible! The men who did this are under a tremendous judgment! I do not even want to think of what will become of them! God have mercy! It is one thing to sin in ignorance! Even the Apostle Paul sinned in ignorance and it was forgiven, but after coming to the knowledge of the truth it is no longer ignorance but willful disobedience! God have mercy!
BBC News - Berlin House of One: The first church-mosque-synagogue?

Christisns, Jews and Muslims work together to prove hate is a loser.

Just idiot appeasers bowing down before islam.

But the three have equal space, equal rights to use the central space, equal everything.
Why does that mean the other two are bowing to Islam?

Perhaps you could explain. Thanks in advance.

1. I am not religious, just to get this straight. For me every religion is delusional.
2. I live in this country, and I experience the invasion of Muslims since 50 years now.
From a few thousand in the 60's to about 5 million nowadays.
3. The muslim community, though their majority are by no means citizens (and they don't want to be, proving that by rejecting our society values, language and laws) are basically known by constantly increasing clamors for special rights, superior to the indigenous population.
4. Muslims are not interested in peaceful coexistence with other religions. their views on atheists are even more radical. If they pretend to cooperate, this is only because it is the faster and easier way to reach another advantage, one more foot in the door, one more stronghold on the way to dominate.
See, the same people who accuse Germans not to have read Hitlers "Mein Kampf" because everything he planned was written there, should read the Quran and the Hadith. Because everything is written there.
5. Don't be fooled by the existance of Muslims who seem to be not more religious than Christians or Jews who just belong to their respective religion because they were born into it and don't really care about its contents.
This is camouflage. You will never have a muslim friend, it is prohibited for them to have unbelievers as friends. But is is mandatory for them to lie to unbelievers if this could result in an advantage. Read the Quran.
6. Recent events: we have several hundred muslim youths wit German passports who travelled to Syria to join the terrorists there. Some may be in Irak with the ISIL now.
There is not one, I repeat not ONE statement of an islamic functionary, imam or whatever to call their youths back to reason, expressing regret over that situation, taking rasponsibility or anything similar. Not one. They just blame our society for it and demand there should be no suspicion aganst islam, because islam has nothing to do with it. Of course, we all know that islam has nothing to do with islam.

Your talking about equality is pure naivety. You want to grant equality to people with an ideology that has not the slightest interest in equality. You just stumble into a knife, ignoring the blade directed against you.
Did you notice the declaration of islamic human rights? There is no room for you, you have no rights. You are a kuffar, determined to serve the superior muslims.
You think you are a referee. You are not. You are participating in that game, only you still sit on the reserve bank. Once you realise that you will have to play, the situation will be already very ugly.

I am pretty sure there will be some reaction with the usual accusations of German xenophobia and racism. We have about 15 million immigrants over the past 50 years, at a populaton of 65 million indigenous citizens. Makes 1 into 6 roughly.
There are only little problems with other immigrants than the 5 million muslims. Besides some smaller adaption difficulties nothing of real concern. If there are discussions about integration, it is always and only about muslims. Actually everytime started by some of their impertinent demands for special superior rights. No exception.

You want to know why conservative (the leftists call them right extemists) parties are on a constant rise in Europe?
That's why.

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