Hatred of prostitutes

This phenomenon has been around for long time....yet now they are trying to claim it is racist.

Bill Maher is seldom right but he did call this case in Atlanta correctly.....not about race...if the prostitutes had been mormons they still would have been shot. The authorities claim the guy was a sex-addict--- how do they link that with the murder of those who must have given the perp some relief---as he was a customer.... strains credulity.

Obviously this guy hated prostitutes....that is the real preoblem with him I venture to say--that is why prostitution has been known to be dangerous from way...back...these Asian ladies are not the first prostitutes to be killed by someone who for some reason hates prostitutes.

Thus once again we see the problem being obfusicated.....liberals seem to always go down that road......aka...the road of refusing to recognize the real problem and instead promote some current racial thigamagig....always trying to promote racism of white folk.

If they want to prevent the killings and beating of prostitutes....they need to look into and study the phenomenon of why some men really hate prostitutes.....I am sure somewhere there must be a psychiatric study of the phenomenon....they should check up on that.....see what the Psychiatrists have to say--- instead of promoting some off the wall and half-baked theory about sex addiction....btw what teen is not sex addicted.......and they have a age old way of dealing with it.....kinda gross, makes them feel guilty but with alll the sex education going on today they should know how to handle it(no pun intended) the Bible says that it is better to go with a whore than to spill your seed on the ground.

Anyhow....I doubt any explanation will be adequate for a nut case willing to kill people for whatever delusional idea they might have.

I really believe the proper way to handle these cases of multiple homicides would be a fast hanging in the public square of the perp and make sure it is broadcast live. That would do more good I think..... to stop senseless killings than trying to figure out a psychiatric solution....some day medical researchers might come up with a pill to prevent murder....but until that time....just hang em high and hang em fast.
Hated prostitutes or liked killing
Men don't kill prostitutes because they hate them. Prostitutes are a demographic that doesn't get close attention. It's a way to kill without question. Jack the Ripper killed prostitutes. The Green River killer and the Grim Sleeper in Los Angeles killed prostitutes in the double digits for years.

Had the Spa killer not run into a business guns blazing he would have been able to kill asian hookers for years and may never have gotten caught.

Well, you might be correct that there is no such thing as hatred of prostitutes.....I had always thought that to be the case in some of these murders.....but maybe hatred is never a motive for the killing of a hooker.

Yet in this case I think it had to be either a hatred of hookers, or a hatred of asian hookers ...yet why he hated asian hookers might not have been based strictly on racism....I think it had to have something to do with prostitution itself....maybe they humiliated him in some way....and perhaps he was very sensitive about that and decided to take revenge on the lot of them....bottome line though....no matter what motivated him he still had to be a nut case.
These are the brothel massage parlors that he patronized. He never hated hookers. He hated his sex addiction. When caught he was on his way to Florida to kill porn actresses. Not specifically Asian ones.

The world is very lucky that he was caught early. Before his sex addiction turned into a murder addiction.
This phenomenon has been around for long time....yet now they are trying to claim it is racist.

Bill Maher is seldom right but he did call this case in Atlanta correctly.....not about race...if the prostitutes had been mormons they still would have been shot. The authorities claim the guy was a sex-addict--- how do they link that with the murder of those who must have given the perp some relief---as he was a customer.... strains credulity.

Obviously this guy hated prostitutes....that is the real preoblem with him I venture to say--that is why prostitution has been known to be dangerous from way...back...these Asian ladies are not the first prostitutes to be killed by someone who for some reason hates prostitutes.

Thus once again we see the problem being obfusicated.....liberals seem to always go down that road......aka...the road of refusing to recognize the real problem and instead promote some current racial thigamagig....always trying to promote racism of white folk.

If they want to prevent the killings and beating of prostitutes....they need to look into and study the phenomenon of why some men really hate prostitutes.....I am sure somewhere there must be a psychiatric study of the phenomenon....they should check up on that.....see what the Psychiatrists have to say--- instead of promoting some off the wall and half-baked theory about sex addiction....btw what teen is not sex addicted.......and they have a age old way of dealing with it.....kinda gross, makes them feel guilty but with alll the sex education going on today they should know how to handle it(no pun intended) the Bible says that it is better to go with a whore than to spill your seed on the ground.

Anyhow....I doubt any explanation will be adequate for a nut case willing to kill people for whatever delusional idea they might have.

I really believe the proper way to handle these cases of multiple homicides would be a fast hanging in the public square of the perp and make sure it is broadcast live. That would do more good I think..... to stop senseless killings than trying to figure out a psychiatric solution....some day medical researchers might come up with a pill to prevent murder....but until that time....just hang em high and hang em fast.
Hated prostitutes or liked killing
Not mutually exclusive.
This phenomenon has been around for long time....yet now they are trying to claim it is racist.

Bill Maher is seldom right but he did call this case in Atlanta correctly.....not about race...if the prostitutes had been mormons they still would have been shot. The authorities claim the guy was a sex-addict how do they link that with murder of those who must have given some relief strains credulity.

Obviously this guy hated prostitutes....that is why prostitution has been known to be dangerous from way...back...these Asian ladies are not the first prositutes to be killed by someone who for some reason hates prostitutes.

Thus once again we see the problem being obfusicated.....liberals seem to always go down that road......aka...the road of refusing to recognize the real problem and instead promote some current raciaal thigamagig....always trying to promote racism of white folk.

If they want to prevent the killings and beating of prostitutes....they need to look into and study the phenomenon of why some men really hate prostitutes.....I am sure soewhere there must be a psychiatric study of the phenomenon....they should check up on that.....see what the Psychiatrists have to say instead of promoting some off the wall theory about sex addiction....btw what teen is not sex addicted.......and they have a age old way of dealing with it.....kinda gross, makes them feel guilty but with alll the sex education going on today they should know how to handled it(no pun intended) the Bible says that it is better to go with a whoere than to spill your seed on the ground.

Anyhow....I doubt any explanation will be adequate for a nut case willing to kill people for whatever delusional idea they might have.

I really believe the proper way to handle these cases of multiple homicides would be a fast hanging in the public square of the perp and make sure it is broadcast live. That would do more good I think to stop senseless killings than trying to figure out a psyciatric solution....some day medical researchers might come up with a pill to prevent murder....but until that time....just hang em high and hang em fast.
This was unusual. Those who pathologically hate prostitutes often will kill them up close so as to be more personal, with a knife, ligature and so on. Many of them of course are serial killers. A spree killer of prostitutes using a firearm is unique. I have never seen that. In this case I can't eliminate a racist angle.

Yes....I agree this was an unsual case....multiple murders of prostitutes.....unless they can find some evidence he hated asians I will not believe it was racially motivated.....and if sex addiction can cause murder.....I have never heard of that being used as a motive for homicide.....so unless they can explain how sexual addiction can cause someone to engage in murder....I will not believe it.

Thus.....it is of course difficult to figure out what motivates some nut case....but I think they should be looking into why he might have hated prostitutes or prostitution whilst they are trying to turn this into some racially motiviated killing spree.....if he wanted to kill asians there are china towns in a lot of our big cities....why did he concentrate on prostitutes....and at least a couple of victims were not even Asian.
What makes this case unusual is that he didn't want to kill all prostitutes Just the ones he fucked.

Men with a serious porn addiction will sometimes lose the ability to climax with a woman. Hence the fury. This is what happened to Charlie Sheen. With his money he could afford a never ending stream of women to practice on.
Or ban guns.

Medicine doesn't recognize sexual addiction as an illness or an addiction.
Tell Tiger Woods that.

Look it up.
You said it, you source it.

Sex Addiction: Rejected Yet Again by APA | Psychology Today
Dec 05, 2012 · Sex addiction is NOT a real disorder. It’s a morally-based concept that reflects our society’s conflicted feelings about sex. It is NOT a mental disorder, and never will be.

Sex addiction isn't a medically recognized diagnosis ...
1 day ago · Sex Addicts Anonymous is a 12-step recovery program that provides no scientific or clinical expertise, and therefore doesn't get involved in clinical discussions "around whether sex addiction is ..

Sex addiction isn't a medically recognized diagnosis ...
1 day ago · Sex Addicts Anonymous is a 12-step recovery program that provides no scientific or clinical expertise, and therefore doesn't get involved in clinical discussions "around whether sex addiction is .
Homosexuality used to be a mental disorder. There was no particular breakthrough study to say it wasn't. It was a political proclamation.

Yes there is a sex addiction. Although it might better be referred to as an OCD.
Or ban guns.
Fuck off you authoritarian anti-liberty anti-civil rights piece of shit. Gary Ridgway killed dozens of prostitutes by strangling them.

I bet they were all wishing they had a gun.

If his first victim had a gun the body count could have been 1 instead of 71. And he'd be the one taking a dirt nap.
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This phenomenon has been around for long time....yet now they are trying to claim it is racist.

Bill Maher is seldom right but he did call this case in Atlanta correctly.....not about race...if the prostitutes had been mormons they still would have been shot. The authorities claim the guy was a sex-addict how do they link that with murder of those who must have given some relief strains credulity.

Obviously this guy hated prostitutes....that is why prostitution has been known to be dangerous from way...back...these Asian ladies are not the first prositutes to be killed by someone who for some reason hates prostitutes.

Thus once again we see the problem being obfusicated.....liberals seem to always go down that road......aka...the road of refusing to recognize the real problem and instead promote some current raciaal thigamagig....always trying to promote racism of white folk.

If they want to prevent the killings and beating of prostitutes....they need to look into and study the phenomenon of why some men really hate prostitutes.....I am sure soewhere there must be a psychiatric study of the phenomenon....they should check up on that.....see what the Psychiatrists have to say instead of promoting some off the wall theory about sex addiction....btw what teen is not sex addicted.......and they have a age old way of dealing with it.....kinda gross, makes them feel guilty but with alll the sex education going on today they should know how to handled it(no pun intended) the Bible says that it is better to go with a whoere than to spill your seed on the ground.

Anyhow....I doubt any explanation will be adequate for a nut case willing to kill people for whatever delusional idea they might have.

I really believe the proper way to handle these cases of multiple homicides would be a fast hanging in the public square of the perp and make sure it is broadcast live. That would do more good I think to stop senseless killings than trying to figure out a psyciatric solution....some day medical researchers might come up with a pill to prevent murder....but until that time....just hang em high and hang em fast.
This was unusual. Those who pathologically hate prostitutes often will kill them up close so as to be more personal, with a knife, ligature and so on. Many of them of course are serial killers. A spree killer of prostitutes using a firearm is unique. I have never seen that. In this case I can't eliminate a racist angle.
That's because you're ignorant. We already know his motivation for the crimes because he was very open about it.

We also know that the fake news media is trying to brainwash people into thinking is was racially motivated. And the usual suspects (CNN, NBC, WaPo, NYT) have been repeatedly lying by saying that 6 of the dead are Asian.

In reality, 2 were white, 1 was Hispanic and 5 were Asian.

Why is the fake news media lying to you?
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People in the sex trade are often killed by their customers. The customers are too stupid to blame themselves, just the people whom they hire, when it's their own fault. There is that "personal responsibility" thing. Many men seem to blame women for sex, but everyone has control of their own actions.

This is not to say that all, or even some, of those murdered in Atlanta worked in the sex trade. We simply don't know that.
This phenomenon has been around for long time....yet now they are trying to claim it is racist.

Bill Maher is seldom right but he did call this case in Atlanta correctly.....not about race...if the prostitutes had been mormons they still would have been shot. The authorities claim the guy was a sex-addict how do they link that with murder of those who must have given some relief strains credulity.

Obviously this guy hated prostitutes....that is why prostitution has been known to be dangerous from way...back...these Asian ladies are not the first prositutes to be killed by someone who for some reason hates prostitutes.

Thus once again we see the problem being obfusicated.....liberals seem to always go down that road......aka...the road of refusing to recognize the real problem and instead promote some current raciaal thigamagig....always trying to promote racism of white folk.

If they want to prevent the killings and beating of prostitutes....they need to look into and study the phenomenon of why some men really hate prostitutes.....I am sure soewhere there must be a psychiatric study of the phenomenon....they should check up on that.....see what the Psychiatrists have to say instead of promoting some off the wall theory about sex addiction....btw what teen is not sex addicted.......and they have a age old way of dealing with it.....kinda gross, makes them feel guilty but with alll the sex education going on today they should know how to handled it(no pun intended) the Bible says that it is better to go with a whoere than to spill your seed on the ground.

Anyhow....I doubt any explanation will be adequate for a nut case willing to kill people for whatever delusional idea they might have.

I really believe the proper way to handle these cases of multiple homicides would be a fast hanging in the public square of the perp and make sure it is broadcast live. That would do more good I think to stop senseless killings than trying to figure out a psyciatric solution....some day medical researchers might come up with a pill to prevent murder....but until that time....just hang em high and hang em fast.
This was unusual. Those who pathologically hate prostitutes often will kill them up close so as to be more personal, with a knife, ligature and so on. Many of them of course are serial killers. A spree killer of prostitutes using a firearm is unique. I have never seen that. In this case I can't eliminate a racist angle.
That's because you're ignorant. We already know his motivation for the crimes because he was very open about it.

We also know that the fake news media is trying to brainwash people into thinking is was racially motivated. And the usual suspects (CNN, NBC, WaPo, NYT) have been repeatedly lying by saying that 6 of the dead are Asian.

In reality, 2 were white, 1 was Hispanic and 5 were Asian.

Why is the fake news media lying to you?
No, I am not ignorant. I know quite a bit about this topic. People who kill prostitutes for being what they are almost always do so in a far more intimate manner and individually, not in sprees. It is virtually impossible to kill someone in a more impersonal manner than with a fire arm.

I simply said I could not eliminate the possibility of another motive than hatred of women or prostitutes.
The democrats want to divide our nation up into a bunch of tribes that all hate the evil white republican man and will vote for democrats who will punish the evil white man for making everybody else a victim. They are even trying to get the evil white man to hate himself and in some cases even succeeding.

As an evil white man of the worst kind, a Christian gun owner who supports Trump, I am all for ignoring race, gender, religion and sexual orientation and making this country once again a land of equal opportunity for all. I also oppose the democrat‘s plan to flush the Constitution down the toilet and turn our nation into a socialist worker’s paradise like Cuba or Venezuela.

So when a young man has a sex addition problem and decides to murder Oriental message parlor girls, the democrats insist the evil white man is attacking Chinese because of the coronavirus that originated in China.

Obviously this shooter,who I will not name, has serious mental issues but these issues deal more with his feelings of sexual guilt than the “China virus.” He feels guilt about the sexual gratification he received from the girls not COVID-19.

But of course the democrats will point out that attacks on people who are Chinese have increased recently. That way they can get the Chinese to join everybody else and vote against the evil republican white man.

What the democrats are trying to do is to divide our nation against itself and if they succeed we will nit longer have a nation as....

The real problem here...and frankly it's society's fault for being a day late and a dollar short....is Pepe Le Pew....frankly had the leftist act faster to cancel him, then this guy would not have been corrupted by the evil Pepe...
This phenomenon has been around for long time....yet now they are trying to claim it is racist.

Bill Maher is seldom right but he did call this case in Atlanta correctly.....not about race...if the prostitutes had been mormons they still would have been shot. The authorities claim the guy was a sex-addict--- how do they link that with the murder of those who must have given the perp some relief---as he was a customer.... strains credulity.

Obviously this guy hated prostitutes....that is the real preoblem with him I venture to say--that is why prostitution has been known to be dangerous from way...back...these Asian ladies are not the first prostitutes to be killed by someone who for some reason hates prostitutes.

Thus once again we see the problem being obfusicated.....liberals seem to always go down that road......aka...the road of refusing to recognize the real problem and instead promote some current racial thigamagig....always trying to promote racism of white folk.

If they want to prevent the killings and beating of prostitutes....they need to look into and study the phenomenon of why some men really hate prostitutes.....I am sure somewhere there must be a psychiatric study of the phenomenon....they should check up on that.....see what the Psychiatrists have to say--- instead of promoting some off the wall and half-baked theory about sex addiction....btw what teen is not sex addicted.......and they have a age old way of dealing with it.....kinda gross, makes them feel guilty but with alll the sex education going on today they should know how to handle it(no pun intended) the Bible says that it is better to go with a whore than to spill your seed on the ground.

Anyhow....I doubt any explanation will be adequate for a nut case willing to kill people for whatever delusional idea they might have.

I really believe the proper way to handle these cases of multiple homicides would be a fast hanging in the public square of the perp and make sure it is broadcast live. That would do more good I think..... to stop senseless killings than trying to figure out a psychiatric solution....some day medical researchers might come up with a pill to prevent murder....but until that time....just hang em high and hang em fast.

The Romans already figured out the solution to right wing Christians.

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