Hatred or Anger?

LOL Racism is strong in this one. BTW, I'm not British. Unlike you, I'm an American, through and through. Pack your bags, comrade, and go find a place you'd love to live.

What is an American ethnicity, exactly?

It's a fake ethnicity, unless you're Native American.
That's not what I said, but expected coming from an anti-American Socialist like yourself.

How do you figure that American is an ethnicity, exactly?
American culture, like most groups, has a uniqueness all it's own. That doesn't necessarily make it better or worse, just different. If you were an American and not a Polish Nationalist Socialist, you might understand that point.

The cultures of America while being unique, don't represent a real ethnic heritage.
Disagreed, but feel free to define "real ethnic heritage".

Meanwhile, why aren't you leaving the US, the land you hate so much, and returning to the Polish Nationalist Socialist "ethnicity" you love so much?
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What is an American ethnicity, exactly?

It's a fake ethnicity, unless you're Native American.
That's not what I said, but expected coming from an anti-American Socialist like yourself.

How do you figure that American is an ethnicity, exactly?
American culture, like most groups, has a uniqueness all it's own. That doesn't necessarily make it better or worse, just different. If you were an American and not a Polish Nationalist Socialist, you might understand that point.

The cultures of America while being unique, don't represent a real ethnic heritage.
Disagreed, but feel free to define "real ethnic heritage".

Meanwhile, why aren't you leaving the US, the land you hate so much, and returning to the Polish Nationalist Socialist "ethnicity" you love so much?

Real ethnicity, as in a people who have been thousands upon thousands of years in the making.
It's not just a black psychological problem, it exist in all humans, some have to power to overcome it and control it, others can't and let it control them, but your inability to see the blacks as anything else but victims blinds you to the truth...

The only one here with the psychological problem is you. For the past 30 odd years I have heard nothing but whites crying about being victims and that incudes you. The truth is this, without slavery, laws and policies that eliminated all completion and gave whites every advantage your ass would not be here making the arrogant comments you make.
yes I would...and the only one crying is the one that feels the need to wear the victim badge....You poor guys can't seem to get over a damn thing and constantly want to whine about it.You claim to be a self made man and already retired, well dumb-ass, you seem to have made it in a society which holds da black man down...
Im2 isn't playing the victim. He's a successful person. He's trying to tell you America has huge ghettos full of black people who have been purposely cut off from the economic opportunity. And it's been determined whites did it because they don't want to live and work with black people. Even up north in Chicago, Flint, Saginaw and Detroit among many other black cities in America.

Are you suggesting it's black people's fault? I've been convinced it is not. It's white people who've got the power.

Don't Tell us white racist hiring managers don't still exist. Affirmative action should have been amended not ended.

Black people were doing amazingly well ten years after the civil rights then the progress slowed. Cops treated blacks like second class citizens, white flight, etc. No wonder blacks are mad. I'm surprised they don't lash out more similar to the Palestinians

I've been in management meetings about hiring. Having blacks proportionally represented is a major concern and even the most unsupported accusation of racism has upper management hanging you out to dry to cover their own asses.

I've never seen anything to support your view.

I commend any company that makes sure it has a proper %age of minorities and women.

And just because you haven't seen it, doesn't mean it doesn't exist. I've never ran into a serial killer but they are out there.

THe way the tried to reach that percentage was by passing over more qualified white candidates.

And sure there are serial killers out there. But not nearly as many as you would think from watching TV.
That's not what I said, but expected coming from an anti-American Socialist like yourself.

How do you figure that American is an ethnicity, exactly?
American culture, like most groups, has a uniqueness all it's own. That doesn't necessarily make it better or worse, just different. If you were an American and not a Polish Nationalist Socialist, you might understand that point.

The cultures of America while being unique, don't represent a real ethnic heritage.
Disagreed, but feel free to define "real ethnic heritage".

Meanwhile, why aren't you leaving the US, the land you hate so much, and returning to the Polish Nationalist Socialist "ethnicity" you love so much?

Real ethnicity, as in a people who have been thousands upon thousands of years in the making.

Older does not mean better, or even that new doesn't exist.

I don't even know how much I do or do not have in common with the "Real ethnic Scots" who still live in Scotland.

But I know that I have a LOT in common with my fellow White Americans, even though many of them have names that make it likely that a few centuries ago, their distant ancestors were in the middle of the Black Forest or pissing in the Med.
yes I would...and the only one crying is the one that feels the need to wear the victim badge....You poor guys can't seem to get over a damn thing and constantly want to whine about it.You claim to be a self made man and already retired, well dumb-ass, you seem to have made it in a society which holds da black man down...
Im2 isn't playing the victim. He's a successful person. He's trying to tell you America has huge ghettos full of black people who have been purposely cut off from the economic opportunity. And it's been determined whites did it because they don't want to live and work with black people. Even up north in Chicago, Flint, Saginaw and Detroit among many other black cities in America.

Are you suggesting it's black people's fault? I've been convinced it is not. It's white people who've got the power.

Don't Tell us white racist hiring managers don't still exist. Affirmative action should have been amended not ended.

Black people were doing amazingly well ten years after the civil rights then the progress slowed. Cops treated blacks like second class citizens, white flight, etc. No wonder blacks are mad. I'm surprised they don't lash out more similar to the Palestinians
So how have whites "cut them off" from economic opportunity?

Blacks moved up north for the jobs. Then whites move and take the jobs with them.

That was the 70s. Today Detroit is 80% black but only 20% of the workers downtown are black.

And out in the burbs white hiring managers hire whites not blacks. The blacks in the poorest parts of Detroit are stuck. Where should they go? Whites will leave

I live in a city. There are black neighborhoods.

You would have to be a fool to move there or stay there.

The city itself has paid a major price for black dem block voting. We've been owned by the dems for generations.

Whites who leave have real good fucking reasons.

Blaming them for leaving is bullshit.

It's not Dems or voting Dems that's the problem. It's Republicans that are the problem. If not, blacks wouldn't have left the Republican party. You do know blacks once voted GOP? How did you lose them?

The republicans have no impact in most urban areas, because of dem machine politics. All the problems there are of black and.or dem origin.

We lost the black vote, because once the dems gave up actively oppressing the blacks, the dem position of higher social spending appealed to the generally poorer blacks.
I've been in management meetings about hiring. Having blacks proportionally represented is a major concern....
I commend any company that makes sure it has a proper %age of minorities and women...
Hiring by quota instead of qualifications is a "feel good" approach, not the best one for a business or a nation.

Should the military recruit solely by quota? Give a rifle to whoever wants to join and put them on the front lines of battle just to look good?

If you don't get it yet then you never will. We treat black people badly. No debating it. We treated their parents badly, and their grandparents, and great, great great etc......

Ok, so we notice 12% of our population is black but companies only have 4% or zero % black workforce. That's a problem. And those blacks aren't educated or qualified because of this generational abuse. So the 18 year olds today may not be the best and brightest citizens. But we need to give them the opportunity.

We learned in my masters program that we need to make up for past racism by giving these less than desirables an opportunity. Hopefully this will put their families/kids on the right path. Remember, economic opportunity is their problem. Give them that and they'll do better than your people.

I'm not talking about a job that takes skill training or an education. I have white trash poker buddies who are no better than the low education blacks you are referring to. And why you think these white trash factory rats are "qualified" to push a button on a machine or sweep up after the job is done but a black is not, tells me you are a racist. It's not rocket science. You're just making excuses.

You seem to have no interest in righting the wrongs.

You remind me of the Jews. They don't do ANYTHING wrong. It's all the Palestinians. The Jews are perfect just like white Americans.
How do you figure that American is an ethnicity, exactly?
American culture, like most groups, has a uniqueness all it's own. That doesn't necessarily make it better or worse, just different. If you were an American and not a Polish Nationalist Socialist, you might understand that point.

The cultures of America while being unique, don't represent a real ethnic heritage.
Disagreed, but feel free to define "real ethnic heritage".

Meanwhile, why aren't you leaving the US, the land you hate so much, and returning to the Polish Nationalist Socialist "ethnicity" you love so much?

Real ethnicity, as in a people who have been thousands upon thousands of years in the making.

Older does not mean better, or even that new doesn't exist.

I don't even know how much I do or do not have in common with the "Real ethnic Scots" who still live in Scotland.

But I know that I have a LOT in common with my fellow White Americans, even though many of them have names that make it likely that a few centuries ago, their distant ancestors were in the middle of the Black Forest or pissing in the Med.

Scottish is an ethnicity, American is not.
Im2 isn't playing the victim. He's a successful person. He's trying to tell you America has huge ghettos full of black people who have been purposely cut off from the economic opportunity. And it's been determined whites did it because they don't want to live and work with black people. Even up north in Chicago, Flint, Saginaw and Detroit among many other black cities in America.

Are you suggesting it's black people's fault? I've been convinced it is not. It's white people who've got the power.

Don't Tell us white racist hiring managers don't still exist. Affirmative action should have been amended not ended.

Black people were doing amazingly well ten years after the civil rights then the progress slowed. Cops treated blacks like second class citizens, white flight, etc. No wonder blacks are mad. I'm surprised they don't lash out more similar to the Palestinians
So how have whites "cut them off" from economic opportunity?

Blacks moved up north for the jobs. Then whites move and take the jobs with them.

That was the 70s. Today Detroit is 80% black but only 20% of the workers downtown are black.

And out in the burbs white hiring managers hire whites not blacks. The blacks in the poorest parts of Detroit are stuck. Where should they go? Whites will leave

I live in a city. There are black neighborhoods.

You would have to be a fool to move there or stay there.

The city itself has paid a major price for black dem block voting. We've been owned by the dems for generations.

Whites who leave have real good fucking reasons.

Blaming them for leaving is bullshit.

It's not Dems or voting Dems that's the problem. It's Republicans that are the problem. If not, blacks wouldn't have left the Republican party. You do know blacks once voted GOP? How did you lose them?

The republicans have no impact in most urban areas, because of dem machine politics. All the problems there are of black and.or dem origin.

We lost the black vote, because once the dems gave up actively oppressing the blacks, the dem position of higher social spending appealed to the generally poorer blacks.

Because in rural areas there's cheaper operation costs, thus cheaper taxes.

Furthermore, in urban areas you have often different ethnic groups than in rural areas.
Ones which in urban areas came more for economic reasons, as opposed to rural areas having more colonials, who came from freedom reasons.
I've been in management meetings about hiring. Having blacks proportionally represented is a major concern....
I commend any company that makes sure it has a proper %age of minorities and women...
Hiring by quota instead of qualifications is a "feel good" approach, not the best one for a business or a nation.

Should the military recruit solely by quota? Give a rifle to whoever wants to join and put them on the front lines of battle just to look good?

If you don't get it yet then you never will. We treat black people badly. No debating it. We treated their parents badly, and their grandparents, and great, great great etc......

Ok, so we notice 12% of our population is black but companies only have 4% or zero % black workforce. That's a problem. And those blacks aren't educated or qualified because of this generational abuse. So the 18 year olds today may not be the best and brightest citizens. But we need to give them the opportunity.

We learned in my masters program that we need to make up for past racism by giving these less than desirables an opportunity. Hopefully this will put their families/kids on the right path. Remember, economic opportunity is their problem. Give them that and they'll do better than your people.

I'm not talking about a job that takes skill training or an education. I have white trash poker buddies who are no better than the low education blacks you are referring to. And why you think these white trash factory rats are "qualified" to push a button on a machine or sweep up after the job is done but a black is not, tells me you are a racist. It's not rocket science. You're just making excuses.

You seem to have no interest in righting the wrongs.

You remind me of the Jews. They don't do ANYTHING wrong. It's all the Palestinians. The Jews are perfect just like white Americans.
American culture, like most groups, has a uniqueness all it's own. That doesn't necessarily make it better or worse, just different. If you were an American and not a Polish Nationalist Socialist, you might understand that point.

The cultures of America while being unique, don't represent a real ethnic heritage.
Disagreed, but feel free to define "real ethnic heritage".

Meanwhile, why aren't you leaving the US, the land you hate so much, and returning to the Polish Nationalist Socialist "ethnicity" you love so much?

Real ethnicity, as in a people who have been thousands upon thousands of years in the making.

Older does not mean better, or even that new doesn't exist.

I don't even know how much I do or do not have in common with the "Real ethnic Scots" who still live in Scotland.

But I know that I have a LOT in common with my fellow White Americans, even though many of them have names that make it likely that a few centuries ago, their distant ancestors were in the middle of the Black Forest or pissing in the Med.

Scottish is an ethnicity, American is not.

But, I'm not really scottish. My mother was eastern european. I don't even know about my grandmother.

My buddies arent' pure bloods either,

So, what are we if we are not Scottish or German or Italian?

But all interbred white mutts, all drawing from the same pool of genes...

We are certainly a group and your reasons for not wanting to call it an ethnic group seem very weak, especially coming from guy who likes to cite INDIVIDUAL GENES in your arguments.

At the very least we are seeing the birth of a Tribe or Nation.
I've been in management meetings about hiring. Having blacks proportionally represented is a major concern....
I commend any company that makes sure it has a proper %age of minorities and women...
Hiring by quota instead of qualifications is a "feel good" approach, not the best one for a business or a nation.

Should the military recruit solely by quota? Give a rifle to whoever wants to join and put them on the front lines of battle just to look good?

If you don't get it yet then you never will. We treat black people badly. No debating it. We treated their parents badly, and their grandparents, and great, great great etc......

Ok, so we notice 12% of our population is black but companies only have 4% or zero % black workforce. That's a problem. And those blacks aren't educated or qualified because of this generational abuse. So the 18 year olds today may not be the best and brightest citizens. But we need to give them the opportunity.

We learned in my masters program that we need to make up for past racism by giving these less than desirables an opportunity. Hopefully this will put their families/kids on the right path. Remember, economic opportunity is their problem. Give them that and they'll do better than your people.

I'm not talking about a job that takes skill training or an education. I have white trash poker buddies who are no better than the low education blacks you are referring to. And why you think these white trash factory rats are "qualified" to push a button on a machine or sweep up after the job is done but a black is not, tells me you are a racist. It's not rocket science. You're just making excuses.

You seem to have no interest in righting the wrongs.

You remind me of the Jews. They don't do ANYTHING wrong. It's all the Palestinians. The Jews are perfect just like white Americans.
The cultures of America while being unique, don't represent a real ethnic heritage.
Disagreed, but feel free to define "real ethnic heritage".

Meanwhile, why aren't you leaving the US, the land you hate so much, and returning to the Polish Nationalist Socialist "ethnicity" you love so much?

Real ethnicity, as in a people who have been thousands upon thousands of years in the making.

Older does not mean better, or even that new doesn't exist.

I don't even know how much I do or do not have in common with the "Real ethnic Scots" who still live in Scotland.

But I know that I have a LOT in common with my fellow White Americans, even though many of them have names that make it likely that a few centuries ago, their distant ancestors were in the middle of the Black Forest or pissing in the Med.

Scottish is an ethnicity, American is not.

But, I'm not really scottish. My mother was eastern european. I don't even know about my grandmother.

My buddies arent' pure bloods either,

So, what are we if we are not Scottish or German or Italian?

But all interbred white mutts, all drawing from the same pool of genes...

We are certainly a group and your reasons for not wanting to call it an ethnic group seem very weak, especially coming from guy who likes to cite INDIVIDUAL GENES in your arguments.

At the very least we are seeing the birth of a Tribe or Nation.

The U.S.A most certainly a unique culture.
That's not what I said, but expected coming from an anti-American Socialist like yourself.

How do you figure that American is an ethnicity, exactly?
American culture, like most groups, has a uniqueness all it's own. That doesn't necessarily make it better or worse, just different. If you were an American and not a Polish Nationalist Socialist, you might understand that point.

The cultures of America while being unique, don't represent a real ethnic heritage.
Disagreed, but feel free to define "real ethnic heritage".

Meanwhile, why aren't you leaving the US, the land you hate so much, and returning to the Polish Nationalist Socialist "ethnicity" you love so much?

Real ethnicity, as in a people who have been thousands upon thousands of years in the making.
Did you make that definition up yourself or were you taught it at the local Polish Nationalist Socialist beer hall?
I've been in management meetings about hiring. Having blacks proportionally represented is a major concern....
I commend any company that makes sure it has a proper %age of minorities and women...
Hiring by quota instead of qualifications is a "feel good" approach, not the best one for a business or a nation.

Should the military recruit solely by quota? Give a rifle to whoever wants to join and put them on the front lines of battle just to look good?

If you don't get it yet then you never will. We treat black people badly. No debating it. We treated their parents badly, and their grandparents, and great, great great etc......

Ok, so we notice 12% of our population is black but companies only have 4% or zero % black workforce. That's a problem. And those blacks aren't educated or qualified because of this generational abuse. So the 18 year olds today may not be the best and brightest citizens. But we need to give them the opportunity.

We learned in my masters program that we need to make up for past racism by giving these less than desirables an opportunity. Hopefully this will put their families/kids on the right path. Remember, economic opportunity is their problem. Give them that and they'll do better than your people.

I'm not talking about a job that takes skill training or an education. I have white trash poker buddies who are no better than the low education blacks you are referring to. And why you think these white trash factory rats are "qualified" to push a button on a machine or sweep up after the job is done but a black is not, tells me you are a racist. It's not rocket science. You're just making excuses.

You seem to have no interest in righting the wrongs.

You remind me of the Jews. They don't do ANYTHING wrong. It's all the Palestinians. The Jews are perfect just like white Americans.
The cultures of America while being unique, don't represent a real ethnic heritage.
Disagreed, but feel free to define "real ethnic heritage".

Meanwhile, why aren't you leaving the US, the land you hate so much, and returning to the Polish Nationalist Socialist "ethnicity" you love so much?

Real ethnicity, as in a people who have been thousands upon thousands of years in the making.

Older does not mean better, or even that new doesn't exist.

I don't even know how much I do or do not have in common with the "Real ethnic Scots" who still live in Scotland.

But I know that I have a LOT in common with my fellow White Americans, even though many of them have names that make it likely that a few centuries ago, their distant ancestors were in the middle of the Black Forest or pissing in the Med.

Scottish is an ethnicity, American is not.

But, I'm not really scottish. My mother was eastern european. I don't even know about my grandmother.

My buddies arent' pure bloods either,

So, what are we if we are not Scottish or German or Italian?

But all interbred white mutts, all drawing from the same pool of genes...

We are certainly a group and your reasons for not wanting to call it an ethnic group seem very weak, especially coming from guy who likes to cite INDIVIDUAL GENES in your arguments.

At the very least we are seeing the birth of a Tribe or Nation.
Sobie is digging himself a nice little hole with his false "ethnicity" claims.

Intelligent and educated people use standard definitions, not ones made up by their local socialist groups. Example:

Definition of ETHNICITY
  1. : ethnic quality or affiliation aspects of ethnicity

  2. 2: a particular ethnic affiliation or group students of diverse ethnicities
First Known Use: 1920

Definition of ETHNIC
a : of or relating to large groups of people classed according to common racial, national, tribal, religious, linguistic, or cultural origin or background ethnic minorities ethnic enclaves
The only one here with the psychological problem is you. For the past 30 odd years I have heard nothing but whites crying about being victims and that incudes you. The truth is this, without slavery, laws and policies that eliminated all completion and gave whites every advantage your ass would not be here making the arrogant comments you make.
yes I would...and the only one crying is the one that feels the need to wear the victim badge....You poor guys can't seem to get over a damn thing and constantly want to whine about it.You claim to be a self made man and already retired, well dumb-ass, you seem to have made it in a society which holds da black man down...
Im2 isn't playing the victim. He's a successful person. He's trying to tell you America has huge ghettos full of black people who have been purposely cut off from the economic opportunity. And it's been determined whites did it because they don't want to live and work with black people. Even up north in Chicago, Flint, Saginaw and Detroit among many other black cities in America.

Are you suggesting it's black people's fault? I've been convinced it is not. It's white people who've got the power.

Don't Tell us white racist hiring managers don't still exist. Affirmative action should have been amended not ended.

Black people were doing amazingly well ten years after the civil rights then the progress slowed. Cops treated blacks like second class citizens, white flight, etc. No wonder blacks are mad. I'm surprised they don't lash out more similar to the Palestinians

I've been in management meetings about hiring. Having blacks proportionally represented is a major concern and even the most unsupported accusation of racism has upper management hanging you out to dry to cover their own asses.

I've never seen anything to support your view.

I commend any company that makes sure it has a proper %age of minorities and women.

And just because you haven't seen it, doesn't mean it doesn't exist. I've never ran into a serial killer but they are out there.

THe way the tried to reach that percentage was by passing over more qualified white candidates.

And sure there are serial killers out there. But not nearly as many as you would think from watching TV.
Passing over more qualified or even equally qualified candidates because of their race is racism.
If you don't get it yet then you never will. ...
Fine then. Write me off as someone who doesn't "get it". Keep creating walls between people and see how far that not only gets you in life, but solves the problems you are seeking to solve.
yes I would...and the only one crying is the one that feels the need to wear the victim badge....You poor guys can't seem to get over a damn thing and constantly want to whine about it.You claim to be a self made man and already retired, well dumb-ass, you seem to have made it in a society which holds da black man down...
Im2 isn't playing the victim. He's a successful person. He's trying to tell you America has huge ghettos full of black people who have been purposely cut off from the economic opportunity. And it's been determined whites did it because they don't want to live and work with black people. Even up north in Chicago, Flint, Saginaw and Detroit among many other black cities in America.

Are you suggesting it's black people's fault? I've been convinced it is not. It's white people who've got the power.

Don't Tell us white racist hiring managers don't still exist. Affirmative action should have been amended not ended.

Black people were doing amazingly well ten years after the civil rights then the progress slowed. Cops treated blacks like second class citizens, white flight, etc. No wonder blacks are mad. I'm surprised they don't lash out more similar to the Palestinians

I've been in management meetings about hiring. Having blacks proportionally represented is a major concern and even the most unsupported accusation of racism has upper management hanging you out to dry to cover their own asses.

I've never seen anything to support your view.

I commend any company that makes sure it has a proper %age of minorities and women.

And just because you haven't seen it, doesn't mean it doesn't exist. I've never ran into a serial killer but they are out there.

THe way the tried to reach that percentage was by passing over more qualified white candidates.

And sure there are serial killers out there. But not nearly as many as you would think from watching TV.
Passing over more qualified or even equally qualified candidates because of their race is racism.

Yes and that's exactly what whites were and still are doing to black people.

And lets cut the shit. The white factory rat working on the assembly line isn't more qualified, more experienced or smarter than the black. He's just white which is why he gets the job first. Now you guys want to cry if we give the black guy the job first for a few years to make up for the last 100.
If you don't get it yet then you never will. ...
Fine then. Write me off as someone who doesn't "get it". Keep creating walls between people and see how far that not only gets you in life, but solves the problems you are seeking to solve.

The younger generation is a lot less racist or racial. We just need the old people to die/retire. And we need to replace old racist cops with better ones.
Im2 isn't playing the victim. He's a successful person. He's trying to tell you America has huge ghettos full of black people who have been purposely cut off from the economic opportunity. And it's been determined whites did it because they don't want to live and work with black people. Even up north in Chicago, Flint, Saginaw and Detroit among many other black cities in America.

Are you suggesting it's black people's fault? I've been convinced it is not. It's white people who've got the power.

Don't Tell us white racist hiring managers don't still exist. Affirmative action should have been amended not ended.

Black people were doing amazingly well ten years after the civil rights then the progress slowed. Cops treated blacks like second class citizens, white flight, etc. No wonder blacks are mad. I'm surprised they don't lash out more similar to the Palestinians

I've been in management meetings about hiring. Having blacks proportionally represented is a major concern and even the most unsupported accusation of racism has upper management hanging you out to dry to cover their own asses.

I've never seen anything to support your view.

I commend any company that makes sure it has a proper %age of minorities and women.

And just because you haven't seen it, doesn't mean it doesn't exist. I've never ran into a serial killer but they are out there.

THe way the tried to reach that percentage was by passing over more qualified white candidates.

And sure there are serial killers out there. But not nearly as many as you would think from watching TV.
Passing over more qualified or even equally qualified candidates because of their race is racism.

Yes and that's exactly what whites were and still are doing to black people.

And lets cut the shit. The white factory rat working on the assembly line isn't more qualified, more experienced or smarter than the black. He's just white which is why he gets the job first. Now you guys want to cry if we give the black guy the job first for a few years to make up for the last 100.

We've been giving the black job the job first for quite some time now.

And you on the left are denying that we have been.

That tells me that no amount of pro-black/anti-white discrimination will be enough. THat you will ALWAYS be pushing for more.

And actually, due to many reasons, generally the white guy is going to be more qualified. OR do you think that those crap blacks schools are really preparing blacks for the 21st century job force?
If you don't get it yet then you never will. ...
Fine then. Write me off as someone who doesn't "get it". Keep creating walls between people and see how far that not only gets you in life, but solves the problems you are seeking to solve.

The younger generation is a lot less racist or racial. We just need the old people to die/retire. And we need to replace old racist cops with better ones.

If they don't want to be discriminated against, to make up for the sins of people long dead who had similar skin tones,

then they will be counted as racist by the Left.

And if demographic shift gives dems that One Party State they dream of, those pissed of, discriminated against whites will have NO legal or political recourse.

Fun, huh?
I've been in management meetings about hiring. Having blacks proportionally represented is a major concern and even the most unsupported accusation of racism has upper management hanging you out to dry to cover their own asses.

I've never seen anything to support your view.

I commend any company that makes sure it has a proper %age of minorities and women.

And just because you haven't seen it, doesn't mean it doesn't exist. I've never ran into a serial killer but they are out there.

THe way the tried to reach that percentage was by passing over more qualified white candidates.

And sure there are serial killers out there. But not nearly as many as you would think from watching TV.
Passing over more qualified or even equally qualified candidates because of their race is racism.

Yes and that's exactly what whites were and still are doing to black people.

And lets cut the shit. The white factory rat working on the assembly line isn't more qualified, more experienced or smarter than the black. He's just white which is why he gets the job first. Now you guys want to cry if we give the black guy the job first for a few years to make up for the last 100.

We've been giving the black job the job first for quite some time now.

And you on the left are denying that we have been.

That tells me that no amount of pro-black/anti-white discrimination will be enough. THat you will ALWAYS be pushing for more.

And actually, due to many reasons, generally the white guy is going to be more qualified. OR do you think that those crap blacks schools are really preparing blacks for the 21st century job force?
While I understand the philosophy behind Affirmative Action, it still amounts to institutionalized racism. Additionally, where does it end? JFK signed the first law for AA in 1961. Over 50 years later the LW still wants to have quotas and pass over more qualified people in a desperate effort for "social justice". Like Sealy's earlier post to me, all they are doing is creating walls between Americans and causing more and more Americans to distrust their judgment.

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