Hatred or Anger?

In time, all Confederate Flags are going to taken down, stomped on and torn assunder.

It's racist message needs to be placed in the dust bin of history once and for ever.

Good post OP.
Soon, those flags will only be available on the black market.


Racist anti-Americans will always be able to buy them.

American Patriots will stomp them into the dirt.

I'm in favor of both.

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If I were Black, I would likely be consumed by anger and hatred. They've been crapped on and denied an level playing field for ever and it's time that changed.instead, all we hear from the conservative right is whining that they should be given more because they're white.

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And yet they don't immigrate to an African niggertopia free from whitey's tilted playing field.
In time, all Confederate Flags are going to taken down, stomped on and torn assunder.

It's racist message needs to be placed in the dust bin of history once and for ever.

Good post OP.
Soon, those flags will only be available on the black market.


Racist anti-Americans will always be able to buy them.

American Patriots will stomp them into the dirt.

I'm in favor of both.

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What's particularly racist about the Confederacy?

Keep in mind Confederate types bought over, and supported a Black slave population to be here.

I certainly don't know any true White racists who think this is good.

It's all greed, not racism.
Whites? Are you a racist? Why not compare Irish, Italians and other groups who have been prejudiced against in the 20th Century just like Blacks? Lemme guess, because they weren't slaves? You might want to go deeper into history on that one. Specifically "indentured servitidue".

No matter, feel free to spread your hate, keep up the divide, push that attitude that "whites" owe you and let's keep playing the race card as an excuse for everything that's wrong with "black" culture in America. Not your responsibility at all, just keep blaming "whites".

I said what I said and racism has nothing to do with it. When you look at the 20th, you see that whites, such as Irish, Italians or whatever practiced racism against blacks. These whites had full constitutional rights .You need to understand that I have gone deep. Much deeper than you apparently. Because indentured servants signed a contract to come here and work for 7 years in return for getting their trip here paid for you fucking idiot. .I will blame whites for what they deserve to be blamed for, whites do owe us and whites have played the mother fucking race card since at least July 4th ,1776. So shove that hate shit right back up your ass.
Which whites owe you, and for what?

Stop asking that dumb ass question. Whites owe us money. That's just the way it is.
lol No real answer huh? wtf have you done that would warrant anyone owing you money? wtf have I done that would warrant me owing you money? NOTHING is the right answer. You supposedly made a good living by working hard, which is what everyone should do. So, why is it that everyone can't do the same? You can't blame it on race, since you obviously succeeded. If race was a barrier today, you would not see any successful people that weren't white. You just want to bitch and moan and you are the most racist poster on these threads. You call people racist who disagree with you. You act like you are superior to others, who is the real racist? Look in the mirror.
He's not big on specifics. Or math. Not sure how he "made a good living." I've never met any adult who couldn't understand basic per capita ratios. Well, there was one. He would bob and weave back and forth all the time and make noises. Some kind of brain damage. I didn't ask since I assumed he couldn't speak.

Maybe some white liberal gave him a "job" to fill some company minority quota. Isn't that enough of a repayment of whitey's "debt" to negroes?
Do you think Palestinians are just naturally violent people? Do you think their parents are doing a bad job? I mean come on! There are 50 successful Palestinians in Israel. That's proof the Jews must not treat Palestinians like second class citizens, right? And why don't the Palestinians just start their own business'?

And of course Palestinian kids are more violent criminals than the Jewish boys who live in a society that favors jews
Why don't coal miners re invent themselves?

Whites own all the mega corporations. Blacks did a good job when ford, gm and Chrysler were in Detroit. What company can blacks own to make up for that loss?

I don't know what nationality you are but I'm sure they were treated better than blacks the minute they stepped off the boat.
So how does that explain Negro crime in all the other American cities? DeToilet isn't the only crappy black town.

How do you explain the higher number of white crimes?
MUCH higher white population numbers.
Oh I forgot, we start doing math and them multiplying things to create a situation that does not exist in order to make up a lie that makes us feel good as white people.
Here, I'll try to keep it simple, though I fear it will be too difficult for you:

Ford builds 100,000 cars. All 100,000 cars fail fail within the first day of use.
Toyota builds 100,000,000,000 cars, but 150,000 of them fail within the first day of use. The rest are still on the road a year later with no problems.

Next year, both companies release the same model of car with no changes. Do you buy the Toyota because it produced fewer failed models per capita or the Ford because it produced fewer failed models altogether? I'd get the Toyota. What about you?
Dude, where did you learn math?
Do you think Palestinians are just naturally violent people? Do you think their parents are doing a bad job? I mean come on! There are 50 successful Palestinians in Israel. That's proof the Jews must not treat Palestinians like second class citizens, right? And why don't the Palestinians just start their own business'?

And of course Palestinian kids are more violent criminals than the Jewish boys who live in a society that favors jews
Your prejudices are getting the better of you again. Your antisemitism aside, let's not forget all the Arab Muslim nations that "support" the Palestinians only send a little bit of food and a shitload of weapons, not factories or willingly accept Palestinians into their own countries.
ROFLMAO. Another funny from you. Do you have a fucking clue how stupid you look when you take leaps of logic like that?

By your "logic", my town is doing an excellent job of preventing terrorism because we've never had a terrorist attack.

Sure, but towns aren't countries with 38 million like Poland has.
Ahh, so it's a matter of size...and importance. Now you are starting to get a fucking clue. Congrats!

It's a matter of proportions, and collectives, something that from dealing with Brits, I wouldn't exactly say is your peoples strong point.
LOL Racism is strong in this one. BTW, I'm not British. Unlike you, I'm an American, through and through. Pack your bags, comrade, and go find a place you'd love to live.

What is an American ethnicity, exactly?

It's a fake ethnicity, unless you're Native American.
That's not what I said, but expected coming from an anti-American Socialist like yourself.
I said what I said and racism has nothing to do with it. When you look at the 20th, you see that whites, such as Irish, Italians or whatever practiced racism against blacks. These whites had full constitutional rights .You need to understand that I have gone deep. Much deeper than you apparently. Because indentured servants signed a contract to come here and work for 7 years in return for getting their trip here paid for you fucking idiot. .I will blame whites for what they deserve to be blamed for, whites do owe us and whites have played the mother fucking race card since at least July 4th ,1776. So shove that hate shit right back up your ass.
Which whites owe you, and for what?

Stop asking that dumb ass question. Whites owe us money. That's just the way it is.
lol No real answer huh? wtf have you done that would warrant anyone owing you money? wtf have I done that would warrant me owing you money? NOTHING is the right answer. You supposedly made a good living by working hard, which is what everyone should do. So, why is it that everyone can't do the same? You can't blame it on race, since you obviously succeeded. If race was a barrier today, you would not see any successful people that weren't white. You just want to bitch and moan and you are the most racist poster on these threads. You call people racist who disagree with you. You act like you are superior to others, who is the real racist? Look in the mirror.
He's not big on specifics. Or math. Not sure how he "made a good living." I've never met any adult who couldn't understand basic per capita ratios. Well, there was one. He would bob and weave back and forth all the time and make noises. Some kind of brain damage. I didn't ask since I assumed he couldn't speak.

Maybe some white liberal gave him a "job" to fill some company minority quota. Isn't that enough of a repayment of whitey's "debt" to negroes?
Do you think Palestinians are just naturally violent people? Do you think their parents are doing a bad job?
I think one of those is true. Perhaps both.
I mean come on! There are 50 successful Palestinians in Israel. That's proof the Jews must not treat Palestinians like second class citizens, right? And why don't the Palestinians just start their own business'?

And of course Palestinian kids are more violent criminals than the Jewish boys who live in a society that favors jews
Jews have an army there to kill Palestinians and blockade their ports. Africans are killing each other. How do the two compare? Are whites blockading all Negro ports?
Which whites owe you, and for what?

Stop asking that dumb ass question. Whites owe us money. That's just the way it is.
lol No real answer huh? wtf have you done that would warrant anyone owing you money? wtf have I done that would warrant me owing you money? NOTHING is the right answer. You supposedly made a good living by working hard, which is what everyone should do. So, why is it that everyone can't do the same? You can't blame it on race, since you obviously succeeded. If race was a barrier today, you would not see any successful people that weren't white. You just want to bitch and moan and you are the most racist poster on these threads. You call people racist who disagree with you. You act like you are superior to others, who is the real racist? Look in the mirror.
He's not big on specifics. Or math. Not sure how he "made a good living." I've never met any adult who couldn't understand basic per capita ratios. Well, there was one. He would bob and weave back and forth all the time and make noises. Some kind of brain damage. I didn't ask since I assumed he couldn't speak.

Maybe some white liberal gave him a "job" to fill some company minority quota. Isn't that enough of a repayment of whitey's "debt" to negroes?
Do you think Palestinians are just naturally violent people? Do you think their parents are doing a bad job?
I think one of those is true. Perhaps both.
I mean come on! There are 50 successful Palestinians in Israel. That's proof the Jews must not treat Palestinians like second class citizens, right? And why don't the Palestinians just start their own business'?

And of course Palestinian kids are more violent criminals than the Jewish boys who live in a society that favors jews
Jews have an army there to kill Palestinians and blockade their ports. Africans are killing each other. How do the two compare? Are whites blockading all Negro ports?
Do you think Palestinians are just naturally violent people? Do you think their parents are doing a bad job? I mean come on! There are 50 successful Palestinians in Israel. That's proof the Jews must not treat Palestinians like second class citizens, right? And why don't the Palestinians just start their own business'?

And of course Palestinian kids are more violent criminals than the Jewish boys who live in a society that favors jews
Your prejudices are getting the better of you again. Your antisemitism aside, let's not forget all the Arab Muslim nations that "support" the Palestinians only send a little bit of food and a shitload of weapons, not factories or willingly accept Palestinians into their own countries.
So the analogy went over your head. Typical when talking to a close minded person. Rather than see the similarities you choose to see the difference.
Sure, but towns aren't countries with 38 million like Poland has.
Ahh, so it's a matter of size...and importance. Now you are starting to get a fucking clue. Congrats!

It's a matter of proportions, and collectives, something that from dealing with Brits, I wouldn't exactly say is your peoples strong point.
LOL Racism is strong in this one. BTW, I'm not British. Unlike you, I'm an American, through and through. Pack your bags, comrade, and go find a place you'd love to live.

What is an American ethnicity, exactly?

It's a fake ethnicity, unless you're Native American.
That's not what I said, but expected coming from an anti-American Socialist like yourself.

How do you figure that American is an ethnicity, exactly?
Here's a cool little historical tidbit.

African-American Civil Rights Movement (1896–1954) - Wikipedia

"In 1862, the US Congress passed the Morrill Act, which established federal funding of a land grant college in each state, but 17 states refused to admit black students to their land grant colleges. In response, Congress enacted the second Morrill Act of 1890, which required states that excluded blacks from their existing land grant colleges to open separate institutions and to equitably divide the funds between the schools. The colleges founded in response to the second Morill Act became today's public historically black colleges and universities (HBCUs) and, together with the private HBCUs and the unsegregated colleges in the North and West, provided higher educational opportunities to African Americans. Federally funded extension agents from the land grant colleges spread knowledge about scientific agriculture and home economics to rural communities with agents from the HBCUs focusing on black farmers and families."

18 fucking 62, white congressmen elected by white voters, using federal power and white tax dollars to help blacks.

Here is something in the time frame you said nothing was done.

"After the case was reheard in December, Warren set about persuading his colleagues to reach a unanimous decision overruling Plessy. Five of the other eight judges were firmly on his side. He persuaded another two by saying that the decision would not touch greatly on the original question of Plessy's legality, focusing instead on the principle of equality. Justice Stanley Reed was swayed after Warren suggested that a Southerner's lone dissent on this issue could be more dangerous and incendiary than the court's unanimous decision.[citation needed] In May 1954, Warren announced the Court's decision, which he wrote. It said that "segregation of children in public schools solely on the basis of race" was unconstitutional because it deprived "the children of the minority group of equal educational opportunities" and thus equal protection under the law"

Separate but equal, overturned unanimously by an all white Supreme Court in 1954.

Warren worked hard and smart to get a strong unanimous decision to settle the issue. You ignored his work and his bravery.

Not to mention the decision of Eisenhower, who choose a civil rights supporter for the court.

Eisenhower, who won two landslide elections despite, (or because?) of his strong support for civil rights.

This is Eisenhower on civil rights, in 19 fucking 53

"Eisenhower overruled him: "We have not taken and we shall not take a single backward step. There must be no second class citizens in this country."[197]"

Generations of good people, working and sacrifice and putting themselves at risk at times, and you dismiss them and lie and deny their contributions.
Here's a cool little historical tidbit.

African-American Civil Rights Movement (1896–1954) - Wikipedia

"In 1862, the US Congress passed the Morrill Act, which established federal funding of a land grant college in each state, but 17 states refused to admit black students to their land grant colleges. In response, Congress enacted the second Morrill Act of 1890, which required states that excluded blacks from their existing land grant colleges to open separate institutions and to equitably divide the funds between the schools. The colleges founded in response to the second Morill Act became today's public historically black colleges and universities (HBCUs) and, together with the private HBCUs and the unsegregated colleges in the North and West, provided higher educational opportunities to African Americans. Federally funded extension agents from the land grant colleges spread knowledge about scientific agriculture and home economics to rural communities with agents from the HBCUs focusing on black farmers and families."

18 fucking 62, white congressmen elected by white voters, using federal power and white tax dollars to help blacks.

Here is something in the time frame you said nothing was done.

"After the case was reheard in December, Warren set about persuading his colleagues to reach a unanimous decision overruling Plessy. Five of the other eight judges were firmly on his side. He persuaded another two by saying that the decision would not touch greatly on the original question of Plessy's legality, focusing instead on the principle of equality. Justice Stanley Reed was swayed after Warren suggested that a Southerner's lone dissent on this issue could be more dangerous and incendiary than the court's unanimous decision.[citation needed] In May 1954, Warren announced the Court's decision, which he wrote. It said that "segregation of children in public schools solely on the basis of race" was unconstitutional because it deprived "the children of the minority group of equal educational opportunities" and thus equal protection under the law"

Separate but equal, overturned unanimously by an all white Supreme Court in 1954.

Warren worked hard and smart to get a strong unanimous decision to settle the issue. You ignored his work and his bravery.

Not to mention the decision of Eisenhower, who choose a civil rights supporter for the court.

Eisenhower, who won two landslide elections despite, (or because?) of his strong support for civil rights.

This is Eisenhower on civil rights, in 19 fucking 53

"Eisenhower overruled him: "We have not taken and we shall not take a single backward step. There must be no second class citizens in this country."[197]"

Generations of good people, working and sacrifice and putting themselves at risk at times, and you dismiss them and lie and deny their contributions.

Please. In your haste to insist that I express gratitude to a few white politicians of the distant past for DOING THEIR JOBS, you lied. I did NOT say NOTHING was done between the years that I called out, I said that from 1947 to 1957 there was nothing then or now that happened to marginalize the white population as you implied.

You are wasting time and words trying to convince the wrong person to express gratitude for lawmakers only doing the right thing.

Your problem is that you actually believe that black citizens should be second class and subservient to even the lowest bottomfeeding white man.

You also think that ANY laws passed to create a path to equal citizenship for blacks should be viewed as a gift as oppposed to a RIGHT. And ANY gains made by anyone black is considered "taking from white people" by you.

You are a condecending prick and habitual whiner.

1. Nothing I said, has implied in anyway that blacks should be second class citizens. You are a filthy race baiting liar.

2. The laws designed to "create a path to equal citizenship" were fully supported by republicans then and republicans now. It is as those laws and policies have moved BEYOND that to anti-white discrimination that I object. Nothing I have said gives you reason to say otherwise. YOu are a filthy race baiting liar.

3. The historical tidbit about 1862 was very interesting. White republicans even back before the Civil War, busting their asses for your ancestors. And look at the result. Generations of increasing entitlement and racism and hatred, from people like you.

4. THe Eisenhower stuff was great too. YOu know he appointed FIVE justices to the Supreme Court? NOne of them southerns or segregationists.

5. Yes, in arguing with you over and over the same points, with your constant lying and insults, i did lose the immediate thread of your insane denials and conflated "nothing" with "nothing to marginalize whites". Did I mention that you are a filthy race baiting liar?

Sniff, sniff...have a tissue, sister.

I have told you before, you can stop addressing me immediately, because you will get the same response over and over, you effeminate, pathological nutcase.

You are terminally obsessed with dictating what YOU believe that adults who you do not know should be grateful for. You do not get to decide that in my case.

And as fsr as race baiting, it is YOU who is the race baiter.

You in all of your abject stupidity had the gall to state to IM2 "to look at the last 60 to 70 years" and you intended for that to mean "Blacks have gained at the expense of whites" over that time frame.

I then told you "nothing happened in that time frame to MARGINALIZE the white population". and you, being the egregious, lying asswipe that you are twisted my words so suit your agenda.

I called you on your bullshit and you had a meltdown.

You're a moronic little tool.

There was no meltdown, just me calming and repeatedly calling you on your constant stream of bullshit.

Let's remember you are the one arguing that Abraham Lincoln was not strongly anti-slavery and deserves no credit for freeing the slaves.

You are the stupid one here, not me.

Yet you have failed abysmally at providing even a shred of a fact that he placed ending slavery for HUMANITARIAN REASONS above preserving the Union, while I have repeatedly shown evidence of him placing the preservation of the Union first. I never said that he wasnt anti slavery. I said that his priority was keeping the Union whole.

You have been on a failing mission to write your own footnote over his real legacy.

In his own words, he said if he could preserve the union and not free a single slave or vice versa he would do so.

Looks like you need to check your mirror for a living definition of stupid.

I've repeatedly posted quotes from him voicing his moral opposition to slavery.

Your lies are designed only to fool yourself and other willful dupes.
I just posted a response to someone saying that Blacks are full of hate. I would like to expand on that post. I believe there is a big difference between anger and hate.

Most married folks have been angry with their spouse at one time or another. Most parents have been angry with their children. But being angry at them does not mean that we hate them.

Lots of black people are angry, and with good reason. But how free have they been to express that anger? How much have they held back and for how long? When black people express their anger over slavery they’ve been told to forget about it. That was years ago. We’re tired of hearing about the past. Stop blaming your troubles on somebody else. Pull yourselves up by your own bootstraps, etc., etc.

I think that eventually many people stopped expressing themselves and held it in because they always got the same answer. They were told how to think, how to feel and how to respond to something that was done to their ancestors. And all the while they watch other groups hold annual prayer vigils in order to “remember the past, so that we do not repeat it.”

While some folks think we should forget the past, others, like me, believe we should apologize for it. The Southern Baptist Convention passed a resolution apologizing for supporting racism for much of its history. It reads in part, “We unwaveringly denounce racism in all its forms, as deplorable sin; and that we lament and repudiate historic acts of evil such as slavery from which we continue to reap a bitter harvest.”

I think Black people have good reason to be angry. I, as a White person, have never felt the pangs from the stares, the negative vibes from the body language, the rejection from the crossing to the other side that many black people have felt. Every time a white person inches away, screws up their face, follows customers around the store, pulls someone over because he looks suspicious, assumes a child can’t learn, passes over someone for a promotion, pays someone less money for the same job, clutches a purse or quickly locks a car door, it is a reminder that for many white people, color still matters. And I don’t think we can get past it until we face it.

I must finally say that I see a big difference between placing blame and telling the truth. People who refuse to hear and accept the truth have no hope of finding solutions to their differences. People who embrace the truth, no matter how painful or self-revealing it may be, will ultimately find themselves set free.
It's not just a black psychological problem, it exist in all humans, some have to power to overcome it and control it, others can't and let it control them, but your inability to see the blacks as anything else but victims blinds you to the truth...

The only one here with the psychological problem is you. For the past 30 odd years I have heard nothing but whites crying about being victims and that incudes you. The truth is this, without slavery, laws and policies that eliminated all completion and gave whites every advantage your ass would not be here making the arrogant comments you make.
yes I would...and the only one crying is the one that feels the need to wear the victim badge....You poor guys can't seem to get over a damn thing and constantly want to whine about it.You claim to be a self made man and already retired, well dumb-ass, you seem to have made it in a society which holds da black man down...
Im2 isn't playing the victim. He's a successful person. He's trying to tell you America has huge ghettos full of black people who have been purposely cut off from the economic opportunity. And it's been determined whites did it because they don't want to live and work with black people. Even up north in Chicago, Flint, Saginaw and Detroit among many other black cities in America.

Are you suggesting it's black people's fault? I've been convinced it is not. It's white people who've got the power.

Don't Tell us white racist hiring managers don't still exist. Affirmative action should have been amended not ended.

Black people were doing amazingly well ten years after the civil rights then the progress slowed. Cops treated blacks like second class citizens, white flight, etc. No wonder blacks are mad. I'm surprised they don't lash out more similar to the Palestinians

I've been in management meetings about hiring. Having blacks proportionally represented is a major concern and even the most unsupported accusation of racism has upper management hanging you out to dry to cover their own asses.

I've never seen anything to support your view.
It's not just a black psychological problem, it exist in all humans, some have to power to overcome it and control it, others can't and let it control them, but your inability to see the blacks as anything else but victims blinds you to the truth...

The only one here with the psychological problem is you. For the past 30 odd years I have heard nothing but whites crying about being victims and that incudes you. The truth is this, without slavery, laws and policies that eliminated all completion and gave whites every advantage your ass would not be here making the arrogant comments you make.
yes I would...and the only one crying is the one that feels the need to wear the victim badge....You poor guys can't seem to get over a damn thing and constantly want to whine about it.You claim to be a self made man and already retired, well dumb-ass, you seem to have made it in a society which holds da black man down...
Im2 isn't playing the victim. He's a successful person. He's trying to tell you America has huge ghettos full of black people who have been purposely cut off from the economic opportunity. And it's been determined whites did it because they don't want to live and work with black people. Even up north in Chicago, Flint, Saginaw and Detroit among many other black cities in America.

Are you suggesting it's black people's fault? I've been convinced it is not. It's white people who've got the power.

Don't Tell us white racist hiring managers don't still exist. Affirmative action should have been amended not ended.

Black people were doing amazingly well ten years after the civil rights then the progress slowed. Cops treated blacks like second class citizens, white flight, etc. No wonder blacks are mad. I'm surprised they don't lash out more similar to the Palestinians
So how have whites "cut them off" from economic opportunity?

Blacks moved up north for the jobs. Then whites move and take the jobs with them.

That was the 70s. Today Detroit is 80% black but only 20% of the workers downtown are black.

And out in the burbs white hiring managers hire whites not blacks. The blacks in the poorest parts of Detroit are stuck. Where should they go? Whites will leave

I live in a city. There are black neighborhoods.

You would have to be a fool to move there or stay there.

The city itself has paid a major price for black dem block voting. We've been owned by the dems for generations.

Whites who leave have real good fucking reasons.

Blaming them for leaving is bullshit.
So the analogy went over your head. Typical when talking to a close minded person. Rather than see the similarities you choose to see the difference.
I understood your analogy. What you don't understand is that it was not only a poor one, but antisemitic and, therefore, just as hateful as those you accuse or, as in my case, you've falsely accused.
Ahh, so it's a matter of size...and importance. Now you are starting to get a fucking clue. Congrats!

It's a matter of proportions, and collectives, something that from dealing with Brits, I wouldn't exactly say is your peoples strong point.
LOL Racism is strong in this one. BTW, I'm not British. Unlike you, I'm an American, through and through. Pack your bags, comrade, and go find a place you'd love to live.

What is an American ethnicity, exactly?

It's a fake ethnicity, unless you're Native American.
That's not what I said, but expected coming from an anti-American Socialist like yourself.

How do you figure that American is an ethnicity, exactly?
American culture, like most groups, has a uniqueness all it's own. That doesn't necessarily make it better or worse, just different. If you were an American and not a Polish Nationalist Socialist, you might understand that point.
I just posted a response to someone saying that Blacks are full of hate. I would like to expand on that post. I believe there is a big difference between anger and hate.

Most married folks have been angry with their spouse at one time or another. Most parents have been angry with their children. But being angry at them does not mean that we hate them.

Lots of black people are angry, and with good reason. But how free have they been to express that anger? How much have they held back and for how long? When black people express their anger over slavery they’ve been told to forget about it. That was years ago. We’re tired of hearing about the past. Stop blaming your troubles on somebody else. Pull yourselves up by your own bootstraps, etc., etc.

I think that eventually many people stopped expressing themselves and held it in because they always got the same answer. They were told how to think, how to feel and how to respond to something that was done to their ancestors. And all the while they watch other groups hold annual prayer vigils in order to “remember the past, so that we do not repeat it.”

While some folks think we should forget the past, others, like me, believe we should apologize for it. The Southern Baptist Convention passed a resolution apologizing for supporting racism for much of its history. It reads in part, “We unwaveringly denounce racism in all its forms, as deplorable sin; and that we lament and repudiate historic acts of evil such as slavery from which we continue to reap a bitter harvest.”

I think Black people have good reason to be angry. I, as a White person, have never felt the pangs from the stares, the negative vibes from the body language, the rejection from the crossing to the other side that many black people have felt. Every time a white person inches away, screws up their face, follows customers around the store, pulls someone over because he looks suspicious, assumes a child can’t learn, passes over someone for a promotion, pays someone less money for the same job, clutches a purse or quickly locks a car door, it is a reminder that for many white people, color still matters. And I don’t think we can get past it until we face it.

I must finally say that I see a big difference between placing blame and telling the truth. People who refuse to hear and accept the truth have no hope of finding solutions to their differences. People who embrace the truth, no matter how painful or self-revealing it may be, will ultimately find themselves set free.
It's not just a black psychological problem, it exist in all humans, some have to power to overcome it and control it, others can't and let it control them, but your inability to see the blacks as anything else but victims blinds you to the truth...

The only one here with the psychological problem is you. For the past 30 odd years I have heard nothing but whites crying about being victims and that incudes you. The truth is this, without slavery, laws and policies that eliminated all completion and gave whites every advantage your ass would not be here making the arrogant comments you make.
yes I would...and the only one crying is the one that feels the need to wear the victim badge....You poor guys can't seem to get over a damn thing and constantly want to whine about it.You claim to be a self made man and already retired, well dumb-ass, you seem to have made it in a society which holds da black man down...
Im2 isn't playing the victim. He's a successful person. He's trying to tell you America has huge ghettos full of black people who have been purposely cut off from the economic opportunity. And it's been determined whites did it because they don't want to live and work with black people. Even up north in Chicago, Flint, Saginaw and Detroit among many other black cities in America.

Are you suggesting it's black people's fault? I've been convinced it is not. It's white people who've got the power.

Don't Tell us white racist hiring managers don't still exist. Affirmative action should have been amended not ended.

Black people were doing amazingly well ten years after the civil rights then the progress slowed. Cops treated blacks like second class citizens, white flight, etc. No wonder blacks are mad. I'm surprised they don't lash out more similar to the Palestinians

I've been in management meetings about hiring. Having blacks proportionally represented is a major concern and even the most unsupported accusation of racism has upper management hanging you out to dry to cover their own asses.

I've never seen anything to support your view.

I commend any company that makes sure it has a proper %age of minorities and women.

And just because you haven't seen it, doesn't mean it doesn't exist. I've never ran into a serial killer but they are out there.
The only one here with the psychological problem is you. For the past 30 odd years I have heard nothing but whites crying about being victims and that incudes you. The truth is this, without slavery, laws and policies that eliminated all completion and gave whites every advantage your ass would not be here making the arrogant comments you make.
yes I would...and the only one crying is the one that feels the need to wear the victim badge....You poor guys can't seem to get over a damn thing and constantly want to whine about it.You claim to be a self made man and already retired, well dumb-ass, you seem to have made it in a society which holds da black man down...
Im2 isn't playing the victim. He's a successful person. He's trying to tell you America has huge ghettos full of black people who have been purposely cut off from the economic opportunity. And it's been determined whites did it because they don't want to live and work with black people. Even up north in Chicago, Flint, Saginaw and Detroit among many other black cities in America.

Are you suggesting it's black people's fault? I've been convinced it is not. It's white people who've got the power.

Don't Tell us white racist hiring managers don't still exist. Affirmative action should have been amended not ended.

Black people were doing amazingly well ten years after the civil rights then the progress slowed. Cops treated blacks like second class citizens, white flight, etc. No wonder blacks are mad. I'm surprised they don't lash out more similar to the Palestinians
So how have whites "cut them off" from economic opportunity?

Blacks moved up north for the jobs. Then whites move and take the jobs with them.

That was the 70s. Today Detroit is 80% black but only 20% of the workers downtown are black.

And out in the burbs white hiring managers hire whites not blacks. The blacks in the poorest parts of Detroit are stuck. Where should they go? Whites will leave

I live in a city. There are black neighborhoods.

You would have to be a fool to move there or stay there.

The city itself has paid a major price for black dem block voting. We've been owned by the dems for generations.

Whites who leave have real good fucking reasons.

Blaming them for leaving is bullshit.

It's not Dems or voting Dems that's the problem. It's Republicans that are the problem. If not, blacks wouldn't have left the Republican party. You do know blacks once voted GOP? How did you lose them?
I've been in management meetings about hiring. Having blacks proportionally represented is a major concern....
I commend any company that makes sure it has a proper %age of minorities and women...
Hiring by quota instead of qualifications is a "feel good" approach, not the best one for a business or a nation.

Should the military recruit solely by quota? Give a rifle to whoever wants to join and put them on the front lines of battle just to look good?
...The city itself has paid a major price for black dem block voting. We've been owned by the dems for generations.....
It's not Dems or voting Dems that's the problem. It's Republicans that are the problem. If not, blacks wouldn't have left the Republican party. You do know blacks once voted GOP? How did you lose them?
A typical politically extreme POV. The blame game. Republicans put all the blame on Democrats without accepting a single bit of responsibility and the Democrats, as you just demonstrated, do exactly the same thing. Meanwhile, the divides are perpetuated and nothing is resolved.
It's a matter of proportions, and collectives, something that from dealing with Brits, I wouldn't exactly say is your peoples strong point.
LOL Racism is strong in this one. BTW, I'm not British. Unlike you, I'm an American, through and through. Pack your bags, comrade, and go find a place you'd love to live.

What is an American ethnicity, exactly?

It's a fake ethnicity, unless you're Native American.
That's not what I said, but expected coming from an anti-American Socialist like yourself.

How do you figure that American is an ethnicity, exactly?
American culture, like most groups, has a uniqueness all it's own. That doesn't necessarily make it better or worse, just different. If you were an American and not a Polish Nationalist Socialist, you might understand that point.

The cultures of America while being unique, don't represent a real ethnic heritage.

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