Hatred or Anger?

ROFL. Wow, you really don't know how to read a map, do you? Sad, but understandable.
Keyword "overwhelmingly", not "100%". It also shows how weak the Poles were compared to Germans. I guess Germans have the better genes, eh?

Just like Africans, Native Americans, Australoids, Siberians, South Asians, the Maori ect. must have been weak in comparison to the whites who colonized them?

But, you wouldn't that would be racist, so you think picking on Poles is non-racist as Poles are White.

Typical Brit might I add.

You can tell these Brits from a mile away in their extreme senselessness, and primitive nature in comparison to other Whites.
LOL... Finally! You say the word that you hate so much: "Brit". When you struggled with the phrase "Western Europe" it was "British" that you should have said. It was the Brits who colonized North America and Australia. Not Poles. Poles were too weak to colonize and spread their culture. Heck, even the Germans conquered them.

Now, when are you going back to Poland?

Germans never really conquered Poland on their own, the 2 times they did they had support from Russia, and Austria.

Please, Poles crushed larger British forces, and also larger Spanish forces in the Battle Fuengirola in 1810.

It's not so much of a British superiority, as a British land advantage, having a natural mote the English channel to protect them from war.
LOL. You brag about winning a battle over 200 years ago then pooh-pooh losing the war.

Again, those "individualist" countries are not Polish descent, they are British and Irish. However, that was a couple hundred years ago. Australians identify as Australians, Canadians as Canadian and American as American. The legacy is British philosophy such as John Locke, but the present is its own. Meanwhile, you pine for Poland, a collectivist state.

I didn't say those Individualist countries are of Polish descent, now did I?

Nor, would I think of that as something to brag about.

Brits are crown champions of brutality, and their U.S cousins aren't far behind.

I think it's hilarious how Brits of the U.S South tend to conduct themselves, denying healthcare, but supporting war.

Seems just like they have "Death plans for us all"

Not, that I'm an extreme Collectivist either, I think Communism gives too much power, and not enough freedom.
You dance nicely for a Socialist.
Most of the Individualists of the World are Western European / Western European based countries.

Your map might have a few small countries in Eastern Europe as individualists, but they only amount to 10's of millions, not 100's of millions like Individualist Western European based U.S.A.
ROFL. Wow, you really don't know how to read a map, do you? Sad, but understandable.
....Funny that Poland recently listed the most detailed list of Concentration Camp staff from multiple sources including Austrian, German, Russian, Polish, and American sources.

Guess what?
It was overwhelmingly Germans.
Keyword "overwhelmingly", not "100%". It also shows how weak the Poles were compared to Germans. I guess Germans have the better genes, eh?

Just like Africans, Native Americans, Australoids, Siberians, South Asians, the Maori ect. must have been weak in comparison to the whites who colonized them?

But, you wouldn't that would be racist, so you think picking on Poles is non-racist as Poles are White.

Typical Brit might I add.

You can tell these Brits from a mile away in their extreme senselessness, and primitive nature in comparison to other Whites.
LOL... Finally! You say the word that you hate so much: "Brit". When you struggled with the phrase "Western Europe" it was "British" that you should have said. It was the Brits who colonized North America and Australia. Not Poles. Poles were too weak to colonize and spread their culture. Heck, even the Germans conquered them.

Now, when are you going back to Poland?

Germans never really conquered Poland on their own, the 2 times they did they had support from Russia, and Austria.

Please, Poles crushed larger British forces, and also larger Spanish forces in the Battle Fuengirola in 1810.

It's not so much of a British superiority, as a British land advantage, having a natural mote the English channel to protect them from war.
Meanwhile, you pine for Poland, a collectivist state.

Poland's only mildly collectivist, though.

Yes, Poland's more collectivist than much of the West.

Poland has real societal solutions, like solutions to healthcare (Fund it more)
Solutions to Islamist jihad (Keep them out)
Solutions to dwindling birth rates (Give allowances to families)

As opposed to the U.S, where the solution of it's Brits, is "Do nothing" Except when it comes to military, and war.
Just like Africans, Native Americans, Australoids, Siberians, South Asians, the Maori ect. must have been weak in comparison to the whites who colonized them?

But, you wouldn't that would be racist, so you think picking on Poles is non-racist as Poles are White.

Typical Brit might I add.

You can tell these Brits from a mile away in their extreme senselessness, and primitive nature in comparison to other Whites.
LOL... Finally! You say the word that you hate so much: "Brit". When you struggled with the phrase "Western Europe" it was "British" that you should have said. It was the Brits who colonized North America and Australia. Not Poles. Poles were too weak to colonize and spread their culture. Heck, even the Germans conquered them.

Now, when are you going back to Poland?

Germans never really conquered Poland on their own, the 2 times they did they had support from Russia, and Austria.

Please, Poles crushed larger British forces, and also larger Spanish forces in the Battle Fuengirola in 1810.

It's not so much of a British superiority, as a British land advantage, having a natural mote the English channel to protect them from war.
LOL. You brag about winning a battle over 200 years ago then pooh-pooh losing the war.

Again, those "individualist" countries are not Polish descent, they are British and Irish. However, that was a couple hundred years ago. Australians identify as Australians, Canadians as Canadian and American as American. The legacy is British philosophy such as John Locke, but the present is its own. Meanwhile, you pine for Poland, a collectivist state.

I didn't say those Individualist countries are of Polish descent, now did I?

Nor, would I think of that as something to brag about.

Brits are crown champions of brutality, and their U.S cousins aren't far behind.

I think it's hilarious how Brits of the U.S South tend to conduct themselves, denying healthcare, but supporting war.

Seems just like they have "Death plans for us all"

Not, that I'm an extreme Collectivist either, I think Communism gives too much power, and not enough freedom.
You dance nicely for a Socialist.

As genocidal as the Soviet, and Nazi Socialists were.

Nothing compares to the British Empire Capitalists, who killed on all continents.

Ethnic cleansing was in every British territory they controlled.
I'm not sad about it. It happens.
Agreed. Evolution in action.

Again, the problem is cultural not genetic...at least "race" genetics.

You got that right. White racism is a cultural problem.
As is Black racism and Black dependency upon government. Most Americans believe in Individualism over Collectivism. Americans who are black, especially those who are low income or like yourself, believe all Americans owe them money. You are free to sit around doing nothing waiting for Uncle Sugar to give you $10,000 or whatever you believe "reparations" should be, but you'll continue to be disappointed. Only until you grow a strong sense of individuality will you be able to rise up and step forward as a man. You can also try moving to another country that favorites collectivism and/or government dependency.



Sure its easy for you to say. Born white, in a white society, where all the hiring managers are your daddy's friends. And even if they aren't your daddys friends you're still a good old boy because you are white.

Imagine you living in a black run country where you are the minority. You'd probably be more violent than any black. Maybe you'd be like an arab suicide bomber.

Just look at how angry, mean and violent you all are when you are in power. Imagine if you lost that power. Holy fuck you'd be the most rioting mother fuckers ever. Remember this?

The Boston Tea Party was a political protest by the Sons of Liberty in Boston, Massachusetts, on December 16, 1773. The demonstrators, some disguised as Native Americans, in defiance of the Tea Act of May 10, 1773, destroyed an entire shipment of tea sent by the East India Company. They boarded the ships and threw the chests of tea into Boston Harbor. The British government responded harshly and the episode escalated into the American Revolution.

All over some tea?
Nice personal attack and typical of you.

1) My "daddy" was career military. I grew up in a desegregated environment based on merit.

2) Your mention of a black country where whites are a minority is funny because you completely blew away the liberal definition of "white privilege" by replacing it with "black privilege" AKA democracy. Tyranny of the majority...which is why we have a Constitution; to protect the rights of the individual.

3) "Just look at how angry, mean and violent you all are when you are in power." Name one thing that I've done that is "angry, mean and violent" much less while I'm "in power".

Lastly, despite your quotes of my posts and your false accusations against me, you have not disputed nor supported the fact that our differences are primarily cultural, not genetic. You haven't addressed why you support the idea of reparations and that all whites owe all blacks money as IM2 desires.

How high do you want to raise taxes on the Middle Class so you can give it to American blacks? How much do you want to give each black American? Will you divide it up based on their percentage of being black or do you want to give equal payments to anyone who identifies as black?

It's nurture not nature.

You still don't understand the black communities mess, we created.

You are racist because you think black people are inferior.

Yes, look at how you guys cling to your guns and beat your wives. You want to kill something all the time. And you are the priviledge class. Imagine if you were a minority you'd be a nut job and a half.

I just want jobs in cities. Cities where poor people reside.
ROFL. Wow, you really don't know how to read a map, do you? Sad, but understandable.
Keyword "overwhelmingly", not "100%". It also shows how weak the Poles were compared to Germans. I guess Germans have the better genes, eh?

Just like Africans, Native Americans, Australoids, Siberians, South Asians, the Maori ect. must have been weak in comparison to the whites who colonized them?

But, you wouldn't that would be racist, so you think picking on Poles is non-racist as Poles are White.

Typical Brit might I add.

You can tell these Brits from a mile away in their extreme senselessness, and primitive nature in comparison to other Whites.
LOL... Finally! You say the word that you hate so much: "Brit". When you struggled with the phrase "Western Europe" it was "British" that you should have said. It was the Brits who colonized North America and Australia. Not Poles. Poles were too weak to colonize and spread their culture. Heck, even the Germans conquered them.

Now, when are you going back to Poland?

Germans never really conquered Poland on their own, the 2 times they did they had support from Russia, and Austria.

Please, Poles crushed larger British forces, and also larger Spanish forces in the Battle Fuengirola in 1810.

It's not so much of a British superiority, as a British land advantage, having a natural mote the English channel to protect them from war.
Meanwhile, you pine for Poland, a collectivist state.

Poland's only mildly collectivist, though.

Yes, Poland's more collectivist than much of the West.

Poland has real societal solutions, like solutions to healthcare (Fund it more)
Solutions to Islamist jihad (Keep them out)
Solutions to dwindling birth rates (Give allowances to families)

As opposed to the U.S, where the solution of it's Brits, is "Do nothing" Except when it comes to military, and war.
Translation: You are correct, DW. I'm a Socialist and I support a Socialist country.

Your admission of Socialism AKA Collectivism and your hatred of Brits reveals your true face. Pack your bags and leave.
Agreed. Evolution in action.

Again, the problem is cultural not genetic...at least "race" genetics.

You got that right. White racism is a cultural problem.
As is Black racism and Black dependency upon government. Most Americans believe in Individualism over Collectivism. Americans who are black, especially those who are low income or like yourself, believe all Americans owe them money. You are free to sit around doing nothing waiting for Uncle Sugar to give you $10,000 or whatever you believe "reparations" should be, but you'll continue to be disappointed. Only until you grow a strong sense of individuality will you be able to rise up and step forward as a man. You can also try moving to another country that favorites collectivism and/or government dependency.



Sure its easy for you to say. Born white, in a white society, where all the hiring managers are your daddy's friends. And even if they aren't your daddys friends you're still a good old boy because you are white.

Imagine you living in a black run country where you are the minority. You'd probably be more violent than any black. Maybe you'd be like an arab suicide bomber.

Just look at how angry, mean and violent you all are when you are in power. Imagine if you lost that power. Holy fuck you'd be the most rioting mother fuckers ever. Remember this?

The Boston Tea Party was a political protest by the Sons of Liberty in Boston, Massachusetts, on December 16, 1773. The demonstrators, some disguised as Native Americans, in defiance of the Tea Act of May 10, 1773, destroyed an entire shipment of tea sent by the East India Company. They boarded the ships and threw the chests of tea into Boston Harbor. The British government responded harshly and the episode escalated into the American Revolution.

All over some tea?
Nice personal attack and typical of you.

1) My "daddy" was career military. I grew up in a desegregated environment based on merit.

2) Your mention of a black country where whites are a minority is funny because you completely blew away the liberal definition of "white privilege" by replacing it with "black privilege" AKA democracy. Tyranny of the majority...which is why we have a Constitution; to protect the rights of the individual.

3) "Just look at how angry, mean and violent you all are when you are in power." Name one thing that I've done that is "angry, mean and violent" much less while I'm "in power".

Lastly, despite your quotes of my posts and your false accusations against me, you have not disputed nor supported the fact that our differences are primarily cultural, not genetic. You haven't addressed why you support the idea of reparations and that all whites owe all blacks money as IM2 desires.

How high do you want to raise taxes on the Middle Class so you can give it to American blacks? How much do you want to give each black American? Will you divide it up based on their percentage of being black or do you want to give equal payments to anyone who identifies as black?

It's nurture not nature.

You still don't understand the black communities mess, we created.

You are racist because you think black people are inferior.

Yes, look at how you guys cling to your guns and beat your wives. You want to kill something all the time. And you are the priviledge class. Imagine if you were a minority you'd be a nut job and a half.

I just want jobs in cities. Cities where poor people reside.
LOL Sweetie, you just agreed with me whether you want to admit it or not. "Nurture" = Culture = Environment. The problems within the black community are, as you said, "nurture", not genetic. I've been saying the same thing for dozens of posts on this thread and others.

Your personal attack on me and your hatred is revealed in the lies "you think black people are inferior" and "you guys cling to your guns and beat your wives. You want to kill something all the time". Your refusal to admit you are part of the problem is exemplified in by your hatred and racial division.
Just like Africans, Native Americans, Australoids, Siberians, South Asians, the Maori ect. must have been weak in comparison to the whites who colonized them?

But, you wouldn't that would be racist, so you think picking on Poles is non-racist as Poles are White.

Typical Brit might I add.

You can tell these Brits from a mile away in their extreme senselessness, and primitive nature in comparison to other Whites.
LOL... Finally! You say the word that you hate so much: "Brit". When you struggled with the phrase "Western Europe" it was "British" that you should have said. It was the Brits who colonized North America and Australia. Not Poles. Poles were too weak to colonize and spread their culture. Heck, even the Germans conquered them.

Now, when are you going back to Poland?

Germans never really conquered Poland on their own, the 2 times they did they had support from Russia, and Austria.

Please, Poles crushed larger British forces, and also larger Spanish forces in the Battle Fuengirola in 1810.

It's not so much of a British superiority, as a British land advantage, having a natural mote the English channel to protect them from war.
Meanwhile, you pine for Poland, a collectivist state.

Poland's only mildly collectivist, though.

Yes, Poland's more collectivist than much of the West.

Poland has real societal solutions, like solutions to healthcare (Fund it more)
Solutions to Islamist jihad (Keep them out)
Solutions to dwindling birth rates (Give allowances to families)

As opposed to the U.S, where the solution of it's Brits, is "Do nothing" Except when it comes to military, and war.
Translation: You are correct, DW. I'm a Socialist and I support a Socialist country.

Your admission of Socialism AKA Collectivism and your hatred of Brits reveals your true face. Pack your bags and leave.

I'm not a Communist, in fact I think Communism, and Capitalism are both pretty inferior systems.

But, yes I'd consider myself somewhat Socialist.

While, I support private land ownership, I also support National parks. (Like we have)

I also support gun rights, and freedom of individual thought. (Which only is on a civilian level)

I also support freedom when it comes to hiring, or renting to who you wish to.

I'd like to see National healthcare, it's morally unacceptable to allow people to die, furthermore we already have a system where no citizen is denied healthcare, therefor in the U.S we spend the most on healthcare in the World.

I'd like to see a crackdown on Liberal media lies, and Liberal Hollywood's degeneracy.

I'd like to see a micromanaged academia which shows more mixed view points.

I'd like to see those American elites who hire foreigners over American, thrown behind bars, be it by hiring illegals, or outsourcing jobs.

I'd like to see public works programs, which funnel America's welfare problems into the work force, and also build up America's infrastructure.
Just like Africans, Native Americans, Australoids, Siberians, South Asians, the Maori ect. must have been weak in comparison to the whites who colonized them?

But, you wouldn't that would be racist, so you think picking on Poles is non-racist as Poles are White.

Typical Brit might I add.

You can tell these Brits from a mile away in their extreme senselessness, and primitive nature in comparison to other Whites.
LOL... Finally! You say the word that you hate so much: "Brit". When you struggled with the phrase "Western Europe" it was "British" that you should have said. It was the Brits who colonized North America and Australia. Not Poles. Poles were too weak to colonize and spread their culture. Heck, even the Germans conquered them.

Now, when are you going back to Poland?

Germans never really conquered Poland on their own, the 2 times they did they had support from Russia, and Austria.

Please, Poles crushed larger British forces, and also larger Spanish forces in the Battle Fuengirola in 1810.

It's not so much of a British superiority, as a British land advantage, having a natural mote the English channel to protect them from war.
Meanwhile, you pine for Poland, a collectivist state.

Poland's only mildly collectivist, though.

Yes, Poland's more collectivist than much of the West.

Poland has real societal solutions, like solutions to healthcare (Fund it more)
Solutions to Islamist jihad (Keep them out)
Solutions to dwindling birth rates (Give allowances to families)

As opposed to the U.S, where the solution of it's Brits, is "Do nothing" Except when it comes to military, and war.
your hatred of Brits reveals your true face. Pack your bags and leave.

Brits are also very anti-Polish, might I add you also leave anti-Polish remarks while standing fully up for Blacks, and other minorities.

On Stormfront many Brits are more anti-Polish, than anti-Minority.

Even some British Americans held such views like that loon Southron Blood who just spent 90% of his time attacking Poles.

But, not just that.

I just don't like Brits, I think their history of extreme brutality of erasing non-White people from the future is atrocious, as is their anti-Racism of today erasing White people from the future.

Furthermore, I think many Brits are irrationally pro-Jewish / pro-Israeli, and don't seem to value Healthcare very much.

So, no I wouldn't say I like Brits what so ever.

In fact, I can't think of a European people I dislike more.
You got that right. White racism is a cultural problem.
As is Black racism and Black dependency upon government. Most Americans believe in Individualism over Collectivism. Americans who are black, especially those who are low income or like yourself, believe all Americans owe them money. You are free to sit around doing nothing waiting for Uncle Sugar to give you $10,000 or whatever you believe "reparations" should be, but you'll continue to be disappointed. Only until you grow a strong sense of individuality will you be able to rise up and step forward as a man. You can also try moving to another country that favorites collectivism and/or government dependency.



Sure its easy for you to say. Born white, in a white society, where all the hiring managers are your daddy's friends. And even if they aren't your daddys friends you're still a good old boy because you are white.

Imagine you living in a black run country where you are the minority. You'd probably be more violent than any black. Maybe you'd be like an arab suicide bomber.

Just look at how angry, mean and violent you all are when you are in power. Imagine if you lost that power. Holy fuck you'd be the most rioting mother fuckers ever. Remember this?

The Boston Tea Party was a political protest by the Sons of Liberty in Boston, Massachusetts, on December 16, 1773. The demonstrators, some disguised as Native Americans, in defiance of the Tea Act of May 10, 1773, destroyed an entire shipment of tea sent by the East India Company. They boarded the ships and threw the chests of tea into Boston Harbor. The British government responded harshly and the episode escalated into the American Revolution.

All over some tea?
Nice personal attack and typical of you.

1) My "daddy" was career military. I grew up in a desegregated environment based on merit.

2) Your mention of a black country where whites are a minority is funny because you completely blew away the liberal definition of "white privilege" by replacing it with "black privilege" AKA democracy. Tyranny of the majority...which is why we have a Constitution; to protect the rights of the individual.

3) "Just look at how angry, mean and violent you all are when you are in power." Name one thing that I've done that is "angry, mean and violent" much less while I'm "in power".

Lastly, despite your quotes of my posts and your false accusations against me, you have not disputed nor supported the fact that our differences are primarily cultural, not genetic. You haven't addressed why you support the idea of reparations and that all whites owe all blacks money as IM2 desires.

How high do you want to raise taxes on the Middle Class so you can give it to American blacks? How much do you want to give each black American? Will you divide it up based on their percentage of being black or do you want to give equal payments to anyone who identifies as black?

It's nurture not nature.

You still don't understand the black communities mess, we created.

You are racist because you think black people are inferior.

Yes, look at how you guys cling to your guns and beat your wives. You want to kill something all the time. And you are the priviledge class. Imagine if you were a minority you'd be a nut job and a half.

I just want jobs in cities. Cities where poor people reside.
LOL Sweetie, you just agreed with me whether you want to admit it or not. "Nurture" = Culture = Environment. The problems within the black community are, as you said, "nurture", not genetic. I've been saying the same thing for dozens of posts on this thread and others.

Your personal attack on me and your hatred is revealed in the lies "you think black people are inferior" and "you guys cling to your guns and beat your wives. You want to kill something all the time". Your refusal to admit you are part of the problem is exemplified in by your hatred and racial division.

You said something a little ways back that led me to believe you are a racist. I'll go find it.

And yes nurture. As in if us whites treat them as second class citizens, they're going to act that way. We need to stop. I was on your side that they need to change before anything is going to change but they made the effort and we didn't live up to our end. Why? Because you white guys didn't want black guys dating your daughters. You are afraid. I get it. It's not your fault. You weren't born that way your grandpappy taught you to be afraid and a racist.
LOL... Finally! You say the word that you hate so much: "Brit". When you struggled with the phrase "Western Europe" it was "British" that you should have said. It was the Brits who colonized North America and Australia. Not Poles. Poles were too weak to colonize and spread their culture. Heck, even the Germans conquered them.

Now, when are you going back to Poland?

Germans never really conquered Poland on their own, the 2 times they did they had support from Russia, and Austria.

Please, Poles crushed larger British forces, and also larger Spanish forces in the Battle Fuengirola in 1810.

It's not so much of a British superiority, as a British land advantage, having a natural mote the English channel to protect them from war.
Meanwhile, you pine for Poland, a collectivist state.

Poland's only mildly collectivist, though.

Yes, Poland's more collectivist than much of the West.

Poland has real societal solutions, like solutions to healthcare (Fund it more)
Solutions to Islamist jihad (Keep them out)
Solutions to dwindling birth rates (Give allowances to families)

As opposed to the U.S, where the solution of it's Brits, is "Do nothing" Except when it comes to military, and war.
your hatred of Brits reveals your true face. Pack your bags and leave.

Brits are also very anti-Polish, might I add you also leave anti-Polish remarks while standing fully up for Blacks, and other minorities.

On Stormfront many Brits are more anti-Polish, than anti-Minority.

Even some British Americans held such views like that loon Southron Blood who just spent 90% of his time attacking Poles.

But, not just that.

I just don't like Brits, I think their history of extreme brutality of erasing non-White people from the future is atrocious, as is their anti-Racism of today erasing White people from the future.

Furthermore, I think many Brits are irrationally pro-Jewish / pro-Israeli, and don't seem to value Healthcare very much.

So, no I wouldn't say I like Brits what so ever.

In fact, I can't think of a European people I dislike more.

A polack spick and wap can assimilate. Blacks can't.
Brits are also very anti-Polish, might I add you also leave anti-Polish remarks while standing fully up for Blacks, and other minorities.

On Stormfront many Brits are more anti-Polish, than anti-Minority.

Even some British Americans held such views like that loon Southron Blood who just spent 90% of his time attacking Poles.

But, not just that.

I just don't like Brits, I think their history of extreme brutality of erasing non-White people from the future is atrocious, as is their anti-Racism of today erasing White people from the future.

Furthermore, I think many Brits are irrationally pro-Jewish / pro-Israeli, and don't seem to value Healthcare very much.

So, no I wouldn't say I like Brits what so ever.

In fact, I can't think of a European people I dislike more.
Your hatred of others is sad, but expected from someone in desperate need for both social acceptance and lacking in a strong sense of individuality.

I make jokes about you being Polish because you yammer about it constantly praising how everything in Poland is superior while hating on everything else. Sorry, kid, but you are the punch line of a joke. Not because you Polish, not because you are white, not because you are male, but because you turned yourself into a caricature of a racist idiot who only sees what he wants to see and nothing else.
You said something a little ways back that led me to believe you are a racist. I'll go find it....
Go for it, Sealy. Like our resident Polish racist, I strongly suspect you only see what you want to see. Please try to quote it in context. :)

...And yes nurture. As in if us whites treat them as second class citizens, they're going to act that way. We need to stop. I was on your side that they need to change before anything is going to change but they made the effort and we didn't live up to our end. Why? Because you white guys didn't want black guys dating your daughters. You are afraid. I get it. It's not your fault. You weren't born that way your grandpappy taught you to be afraid and a racist.
Do you know how racist that comment is? You're saying that Blacks are inferior because they can only act in a way that Whites treat them.

Once again you are projecting hate on anyone who doesn't completely agree with you. Once again, you are refusing to admit that you are part of the problem.
...But, yes I'd consider myself somewhat Socialist.....
Of course you do.

The Capitalist Individualist has the same answer for everything, which is "Do nothing"]

Do nothing as Capitalists hire illegals, and outsource jobs, at the expense of American livelihood, and prop up potential hostile invaders.

Do nothing as people die from lack of healthcare.

Do nothing about pollution.

Do nothing about abortion killing the unborn.

Do nothing about our crumbling infrastructure.

Do nothing about Media, and Hollywood's outlandishness.

Do nothing as people spread HIV / AIDS.

Do nothing about imported Islamic Jihadists.

I certainly wouldn't say "Do nothing" has the best results for serious problems.
You said something a little ways back that led me to believe you are a racist. I'll go find it....
Go for it, Sealy. Like our resident Polish racist, I strongly suspect you only see what you want to see. Please try to quote it in context. :)

...And yes nurture. As in if us whites treat them as second class citizens, they're going to act that way. We need to stop. I was on your side that they need to change before anything is going to change but they made the effort and we didn't live up to our end. Why? Because you white guys didn't want black guys dating your daughters. You are afraid. I get it. It's not your fault. You weren't born that way your grandpappy taught you to be afraid and a racist.
Do you know how racist that comment is? You're saying that Blacks are inferior because they can only act in a way that Whites treat them.

Once again you are projecting hate on anyone who doesn't completely agree with you. Once again, you are refusing to admit that you are part of the problem.
I confused you with bgrouse. Sorry.
Brits are also very anti-Polish, might I add you also leave anti-Polish remarks while standing fully up for Blacks, and other minorities.

On Stormfront many Brits are more anti-Polish, than anti-Minority.

Even some British Americans held such views like that loon Southron Blood who just spent 90% of his time attacking Poles.

But, not just that.

I just don't like Brits, I think their history of extreme brutality of erasing non-White people from the future is atrocious, as is their anti-Racism of today erasing White people from the future.

Furthermore, I think many Brits are irrationally pro-Jewish / pro-Israeli, and don't seem to value Healthcare very much.

So, no I wouldn't say I like Brits what so ever.

In fact, I can't think of a European people I dislike more.
Your hatred of others is sad, but expected from someone in desperate need for both social acceptance and lacking in a strong sense of individuality.

I make jokes about you being Polish because you yammer about it constantly praising how everything in Poland is superior while hating on everything else. Sorry, kid, but you are the punch line of a joke. Not because you Polish, not because you are white, not because you are male, but because you turned yourself into a caricature of a racist idiot who only sees what he wants to see and nothing else.

So, why don't you make such racist punchlines towards Blacks because of Black racists like IM2?

Maybe because that's not politically correct?

Don't worry you haven't changed my opinion of Brits.

I already know that most Brits seem to struggle with abstract thought.
...But, yes I'd consider myself somewhat Socialist.....
Of course you do.

The Capitalist Individualist has the same answer for everything, which is "Do nothing"]

Do nothing as Capitalists hire illegals, and outsource jobs, at the expense of American livelihood, and prop up potential hostile invaders.

Do nothing as people die from lack of healthcare.

Do nothing about pollution.

Do nothing about abortion killing the unborn.

Do nothing about our crumbling infrastructure.

Do nothing about Media, and Hollywood's outlandishness.

Do nothing as people spread HIV / AIDS.

Do nothing about imported Islamic Jihadists.

I certainly wouldn't say "Do nothing" has the best results for serious problems.
Awesome, Comrade. You'd make a good communist. Why don't you pack your bags and leave for a communist country? One you hate less than you do the United States?
Brits are also very anti-Polish, might I add you also leave anti-Polish remarks while standing fully up for Blacks, and other minorities.

On Stormfront many Brits are more anti-Polish, than anti-Minority.

Even some British Americans held such views like that loon Southron Blood who just spent 90% of his time attacking Poles.

But, not just that.

I just don't like Brits, I think their history of extreme brutality of erasing non-White people from the future is atrocious, as is their anti-Racism of today erasing White people from the future.

Furthermore, I think many Brits are irrationally pro-Jewish / pro-Israeli, and don't seem to value Healthcare very much.

So, no I wouldn't say I like Brits what so ever.

In fact, I can't think of a European people I dislike more.
Your hatred of others is sad, but expected from someone in desperate need for both social acceptance and lacking in a strong sense of individuality.

I make jokes about you being Polish because you yammer about it constantly praising how everything in Poland is superior while hating on everything else. Sorry, kid, but you are the punch line of a joke. Not because you Polish, not because you are white, not because you are male, but because you turned yourself into a caricature of a racist idiot who only sees what he wants to see and nothing else.

So, why don't you make such racist punchlines towards Blacks because of Black racists like IM2?

Maybe because that's not politically correct?

Don't worry you haven't changed my opinion of Brits.

I already know that most Brits seem to struggle with abstract thought.
Scroll up, Comrade, I did. Several times.

Now quit lying, pack your fucking bags and GTFO of the country you hate so much.
...But, yes I'd consider myself somewhat Socialist.....
Of course you do.

The Capitalist Individualist has the same answer for everything, which is "Do nothing"]

Do nothing as Capitalists hire illegals, and outsource jobs, at the expense of American livelihood, and prop up potential hostile invaders.

Do nothing as people die from lack of healthcare.

Do nothing about pollution.

Do nothing about abortion killing the unborn.

Do nothing about our crumbling infrastructure.

Do nothing about Media, and Hollywood's outlandishness.

Do nothing as people spread HIV / AIDS.

Do nothing about imported Islamic Jihadists.

I certainly wouldn't say "Do nothing" has the best results for serious problems.
Awesome, Comrade. You'd make a good communist. Why don't you pack your bags and leave for a communist country? One you hate less than you do the United States?

I'm anti-Communist too, they're too controlling, empower tyrants, and stifle wealth creation, and stifle creativity.

But, just because Communism is bad, doesn't mean that Capitalism is good.

I just support enough Socialism to protect ones people from senseless Capitalist shenanigans, like supporting people to die from a lack of healthcare, or from poverty, or to stop Capitalists from hiring foreigners at our expense.
Brits are also very anti-Polish, might I add you also leave anti-Polish remarks while standing fully up for Blacks, and other minorities.

On Stormfront many Brits are more anti-Polish, than anti-Minority.

Even some British Americans held such views like that loon Southron Blood who just spent 90% of his time attacking Poles.

But, not just that.

I just don't like Brits, I think their history of extreme brutality of erasing non-White people from the future is atrocious, as is their anti-Racism of today erasing White people from the future.

Furthermore, I think many Brits are irrationally pro-Jewish / pro-Israeli, and don't seem to value Healthcare very much.

So, no I wouldn't say I like Brits what so ever.

In fact, I can't think of a European people I dislike more.
but expected from someone in desperate need for both social acceptance and lacking in a strong sense of individuality.



How do U.S Southerners (Brits) care about America, exactly?

If they got their way millions of their "Fellow" Americans would senselessly die from lack of healthcare over years.

Is that what you mean by strong sense of individuality?

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