Hatred or Anger?

If you don't get it yet then you never will. ...
Fine then. Write me off as someone who doesn't "get it". Keep creating walls between people and see how far that not only gets you in life, but solves the problems you are seeking to solve.

I told IM2 the same thing. I was arguing with him telling him that it's not longer white people's fault and that it's now time for blacks to stop being victims and fix their own problems. I was wrong to tell him that. Things still aren't right for black people in this country. Now I think my advice to black people is still good advice. Father your kids, take school seriously, stop speaking eubonics, move out of Detroit, etc. But these are not the cause of the situation blacks find themselves in. Those are not the reasons blacks are in bad shape. Those are things that happened because we treat them like second class citizens.

Kerner Commission - Wikipedia

Are you aware of this? Because after the findings, Johnson shelved this report. He didn't want to tell white people they were to blame. And so all these years later white people still haven't righted the wrongs.

Just look at how you white people cry when we try to get white companies to hire the appropriate number of blacks. White companies hire zero blacks even though blacks make up 12% of the population. Is it any wonder they resort to crime? If I lived in a country where blacks wouldn't hire me, I'd give up too. I'd commit crime too. I wouldn't take school seriously either. And I too would think the American dream was not for me, even though Ben Carson is a doctor and Lebron James is a millionaire.
I commend any company that makes sure it has a proper %age of minorities and women.

And just because you haven't seen it, doesn't mean it doesn't exist. I've never ran into a serial killer but they are out there.

THe way the tried to reach that percentage was by passing over more qualified white candidates.

And sure there are serial killers out there. But not nearly as many as you would think from watching TV.
Passing over more qualified or even equally qualified candidates because of their race is racism.

Yes and that's exactly what whites were and still are doing to black people.

And lets cut the shit. The white factory rat working on the assembly line isn't more qualified, more experienced or smarter than the black. He's just white which is why he gets the job first. Now you guys want to cry if we give the black guy the job first for a few years to make up for the last 100.

We've been giving the black job the job first for quite some time now.

And you on the left are denying that we have been.

That tells me that no amount of pro-black/anti-white discrimination will be enough. THat you will ALWAYS be pushing for more.

And actually, due to many reasons, generally the white guy is going to be more qualified. OR do you think that those crap blacks schools are really preparing blacks for the 21st century job force?
While I understand the philosophy behind Affirmative Action, it still amounts to institutionalized racism. Additionally, where does it end? JFK signed the first law for AA in 1961. Over 50 years later the LW still wants to have quotas and pass over more qualified people in a desperate effort for "social justice". Like Sealy's earlier post to me, all they are doing is creating walls between Americans and causing more and more Americans to distrust their judgment.

No one. I repeat NO ONE is suggesting you hire an inferior stock broker over a experienced one because of color. But for god sakes, when you are hiring janitors and factory rats, hire an appropriate number of blacks. It's sad corporations even have to be told to do the right thing.

And sorry but there are still way too many companies out there not hiring blacks because they are black. You may argue they are justified or should be free to not hire anyone they want. But then don't complain and wonder why the crime rate in black neighborhoods is higher than in white neighborhoods.

And stop talking about who's more qualified. That's such a lame old argument. The guy sitting next to me wasn't more qualified to do his job than anyone else who interviewed for the job. He was his bosses neighbor. That's another benefit to being white and living in white communities. That's where all the hiring managers live.

People hire who they want to work with. In the interview you have no idea how this potential employee is going to work out. Are they going to be late, motivated, good? Who knows. Managers hire who they imagine they will get along with. And since so many of them don't know blacks and have negative attitudes towards blacks, it hurts blacks when they are sitting in front of a potential employer.

Now I have seen and worked with bad black employees. What I don't like is that a white company won't fire a bad black employee as fast as they will a bad white employee for fear of being sued.

Just the fact that someone would suggest AA is not needed anymore tells me they have zero clue as to what blacks are dealing with. Is it as bad as it was in the 60's? No. But things really started getting better for black people in the 70's and beyond but then HW Bush invented NAFTA and next thing you know millions of good manufacturing jobs went overseas. Remember how bad it was for whites during the Bush Recession of 2007? Well can you imagine how bad it was for blacks? For every 1 job 60 people were applying for that 1 job. So imagine how many blacks got hired after the Bush recession.
I commend any company that makes sure it has a proper %age of minorities and women.

And just because you haven't seen it, doesn't mean it doesn't exist. I've never ran into a serial killer but they are out there.

THe way the tried to reach that percentage was by passing over more qualified white candidates.

And sure there are serial killers out there. But not nearly as many as you would think from watching TV.
Passing over more qualified or even equally qualified candidates because of their race is racism.

Yes and that's exactly what whites were and still are doing to black people.

And lets cut the shit. The white factory rat working on the assembly line isn't more qualified, more experienced or smarter than the black. He's just white which is why he gets the job first. Now you guys want to cry if we give the black guy the job first for a few years to make up for the last 100.

We've been giving the black job the job first for quite some time now.

And you on the left are denying that we have been.

That tells me that no amount of pro-black/anti-white discrimination will be enough. THat you will ALWAYS be pushing for more.

And actually, due to many reasons, generally the white guy is going to be more qualified. OR do you think that those crap blacks schools are really preparing blacks for the 21st century job force?
While I understand the philosophy behind Affirmative Action, it still amounts to institutionalized racism. Additionally, where does it end? JFK signed the first law for AA in 1961. Over 50 years later the LW still wants to have quotas and pass over more qualified people in a desperate effort for "social justice". Like Sealy's earlier post to me, all they are doing is creating walls between Americans and causing more and more Americans to distrust their judgment.

AND it bears mentioning, that time and time again, the liberals in question, complete ignore if not outright deny that ANYTHING has already been done.
If you don't get it yet then you never will. ...
Fine then. Write me off as someone who doesn't "get it". Keep creating walls between people and see how far that not only gets you in life, but solves the problems you are seeking to solve.

I told IM2 the same thing. I was arguing with him telling him that it's not longer white people's fault and that it's now time for blacks to stop being victims and fix their own problems. I was wrong to tell him that. Things still aren't right for black people in this country. Now I think my advice to black people is still good advice. Father your kids, take school seriously, stop speaking eubonics, move out of Detroit, etc. But these are not the cause of the situation blacks find themselves in. Those are not the reasons blacks are in bad shape. Those are things that happened because we treat them like second class citizens.

Kerner Commission - Wikipedia

Are you aware of this? Because after the findings, Johnson shelved this report. He didn't want to tell white people they were to blame. And so all these years later white people still haven't righted the wrongs.

Just look at how you white people cry when we try to get white companies to hire the appropriate number of blacks. White companies hire zero blacks even though blacks make up 12% of the population. Is it any wonder they resort to crime? If I lived in a country where blacks wouldn't hire me, I'd give up too. I'd commit crime too. I wouldn't take school seriously either. And I too would think the American dream was not for me, even though Ben Carson is a doctor and Lebron James is a millionaire.

19 fucking 67 and you are acting like we haven't done anything since then?

And companies aren't higher zero blacks.

AND, as minorities are now a majority of young people, when you say to give the blacks (or browns) the factory job, the result would be that working class whites will be the ones NEVER HIRED, because there will always be some minority, that "deserves a break".

White people deserve equal treatment. The time for paying for the sins of long dead people is done.
Im2 isn't playing the victim. He's a successful person. He's trying to tell you America has huge ghettos full of black people who have been purposely cut off from the economic opportunity. And it's been determined whites did it because they don't want to live and work with black people. Even up north in Chicago, Flint, Saginaw and Detroit among many other black cities in America.

Are you suggesting it's black people's fault? I've been convinced it is not. It's white people who've got the power.

Don't Tell us white racist hiring managers don't still exist. Affirmative action should have been amended not ended.

Black people were doing amazingly well ten years after the civil rights then the progress slowed. Cops treated blacks like second class citizens, white flight, etc. No wonder blacks are mad. I'm surprised they don't lash out more similar to the Palestinians

I've been in management meetings about hiring. Having blacks proportionally represented is a major concern and even the most unsupported accusation of racism has upper management hanging you out to dry to cover their own asses.

I've never seen anything to support your view.

I commend any company that makes sure it has a proper %age of minorities and women.

And just because you haven't seen it, doesn't mean it doesn't exist. I've never ran into a serial killer but they are out there.

THe way the tried to reach that percentage was by passing over more qualified white candidates.

And sure there are serial killers out there. But not nearly as many as you would think from watching TV.
Passing over more qualified or even equally qualified candidates because of their race is racism.

Yes and that's exactly what whites were and still are doing to black people.

And lets cut the shit. The white factory rat working on the assembly line isn't more qualified, more experienced or smarter than the black. He's just white which is why he gets the job first. Now you guys want to cry if we give the black guy the job first for a few years to make up for the last 100.
Factory lines are FILLED with black people, dipshit.
The only one here with the psychological problem is you. For the past 30 odd years I have heard nothing but whites crying about being victims and that incudes you. The truth is this, without slavery, laws and policies that eliminated all completion and gave whites every advantage your ass would not be here making the arrogant comments you make.
yes I would...and the only one crying is the one that feels the need to wear the victim badge....You poor guys can't seem to get over a damn thing and constantly want to whine about it.You claim to be a self made man and already retired, well dumb-ass, you seem to have made it in a society which holds da black man down...
Im2 isn't playing the victim. He's a successful person. He's trying to tell you America has huge ghettos full of black people who have been purposely cut off from the economic opportunity. And it's been determined whites did it because they don't want to live and work with black people. Even up north in Chicago, Flint, Saginaw and Detroit among many other black cities in America.

Are you suggesting it's black people's fault? I've been convinced it is not. It's white people who've got the power.

Don't Tell us white racist hiring managers don't still exist. Affirmative action should have been amended not ended.

Black people were doing amazingly well ten years after the civil rights then the progress slowed. Cops treated blacks like second class citizens, white flight, etc. No wonder blacks are mad. I'm surprised they don't lash out more similar to the Palestinians

I've been in management meetings about hiring. Having blacks proportionally represented is a major concern and even the most unsupported accusation of racism has upper management hanging you out to dry to cover their own asses.

I've never seen anything to support your view.

I commend any company that makes sure it has a proper %age of minorities and women.

And just because you haven't seen it, doesn't mean it doesn't exist. I've never ran into a serial killer but they are out there.

THe way the tried to reach that percentage was by passing over more qualified white candidates.

And sure there are serial killers out there. But not nearly as many as you would think from watching TV.

There is such a thing as an unqualified white person. You fit that description.
Im2 isn't playing the victim. He's a successful person. He's trying to tell you America has huge ghettos full of black people who have been purposely cut off from the economic opportunity. And it's been determined whites did it because they don't want to live and work with black people. Even up north in Chicago, Flint, Saginaw and Detroit among many other black cities in America.

Are you suggesting it's black people's fault? I've been convinced it is not. It's white people who've got the power.

Don't Tell us white racist hiring managers don't still exist. Affirmative action should have been amended not ended.

Black people were doing amazingly well ten years after the civil rights then the progress slowed. Cops treated blacks like second class citizens, white flight, etc. No wonder blacks are mad. I'm surprised they don't lash out more similar to the Palestinians
So how have whites "cut them off" from economic opportunity?

Blacks moved up north for the jobs. Then whites move and take the jobs with them.

That was the 70s. Today Detroit is 80% black but only 20% of the workers downtown are black.

And out in the burbs white hiring managers hire whites not blacks. The blacks in the poorest parts of Detroit are stuck. Where should they go? Whites will leave

I live in a city. There are black neighborhoods.

You would have to be a fool to move there or stay there.

The city itself has paid a major price for black dem block voting. We've been owned by the dems for generations.

Whites who leave have real good fucking reasons.

Blaming them for leaving is bullshit.

It's not Dems or voting Dems that's the problem. It's Republicans that are the problem. If not, blacks wouldn't have left the Republican party. You do know blacks once voted GOP? How did you lose them?

The republicans have no impact in most urban areas, because of dem machine politics. All the problems there are of black and.or dem origin.

We lost the black vote, because once the dems gave up actively oppressing the blacks, the dem position of higher social spending appealed to the generally poorer blacks.

Most black people I know are full of love.

I suppose there are some full of hate because, whatever..

Notsomuch around where I'm from.

I has one black dude that didn't like me at a place I used to work.

He started giving me crap, I could easily beat him half to death.

I didn't want to get in any trouble.

There were these 5 big women on the other side of the center where we worked.

They were black, I'd say Zulu, and they were not small.

6'3-5" probably 245+

However they were still women and they'd have problems with a few packages that they were supposed to move.

Me, being a young, strong man, I did it for them, and gladly. They were nice women.

They saw that lil punk messing with me..one time.

He didn't say a word for at least two months.

I appreciate the way them women stuck up for me.

Sure, I could slap his sorry ass to the ground. Where does that leave me? Locked up?
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That's not what I said, but expected coming from an anti-American Socialist like yourself.

How do you figure that American is an ethnicity, exactly?
American culture, like most groups, has a uniqueness all it's own. That doesn't necessarily make it better or worse, just different. If you were an American and not a Polish Nationalist Socialist, you might understand that point.

The cultures of America while being unique, don't represent a real ethnic heritage.
Disagreed, but feel free to define "real ethnic heritage".

Meanwhile, why aren't you leaving the US, the land you hate so much, and returning to the Polish Nationalist Socialist "ethnicity" you love so much?

Real ethnicity, as in a people who have been thousands upon thousands of years in the making.

Like Africans?
I've been in management meetings about hiring. Having blacks proportionally represented is a major concern....
I commend any company that makes sure it has a proper %age of minorities and women...
Hiring by quota instead of qualifications is a "feel good" approach, not the best one for a business or a nation.

Should the military recruit solely by quota? Give a rifle to whoever wants to join and put them on the front lines of battle just to look good?

There is no such thing as requited quotas with the exception of whether your company has a documented record that is proven whereby you have been shown to be actively practicing racial discrimination, therefore breaking the law.
Most black people I know are full of love.

I suppose there are some full of hate because, whatever..

Notsomuch around where I'm from.

You think hate is someone black saying that whites are still racist. Therefore love must be the black person who kisses your ass.
How do you figure that American is an ethnicity, exactly?
American culture, like most groups, has a uniqueness all it's own. That doesn't necessarily make it better or worse, just different. If you were an American and not a Polish Nationalist Socialist, you might understand that point.

The cultures of America while being unique, don't represent a real ethnic heritage.
Disagreed, but feel free to define "real ethnic heritage".

Meanwhile, why aren't you leaving the US, the land you hate so much, and returning to the Polish Nationalist Socialist "ethnicity" you love so much?

Real ethnicity, as in a people who have been thousands upon thousands of years in the making.

Like Africans?

Are you an African?
Most black people I know are full of love.

I suppose there are some full of hate because, whatever..

Notsomuch around where I'm from.

You think hate is someone black saying that whites are still racist. Therefore love must be the black person who kisses your ass.

You are fucking truly deranged. :cuckoo:

Btw, bitch, don't try and tell me what the fuck I think, ok?

If you want to display your clairvoyance license, then we can talk.

Until then, I'm going to say you're a racist nigga.


How long do whites get to lie to themselves? Don't compare Irish and Italians to blacks. None of them faced what blacks did. Affirmative Action divides nothing. whites divided he nation themselves by denying the same rights they got to others. If not for Affirmative Action, America as we see it now would not exist. The only people who say this violates the 14th amendment are whites who are racists themselves. Your first line was pure bullshit and that belief needs to die because it's a complete lie. When whites like you face the truth then America will be less divided. YOU are the ones keeping things divided by lying to yourselves to the extent of creating and pushing a race baited lie because whites got mad that laws had to be made to stop whites from the oppression of those not white. These are not special rules and there are no special people. Whites are the ones who have thought they were especially entitled to things and they still do now. That's why your first line exists and you actually believe it.
Whites? Are you a racist? Why not compare Irish, Italians and other groups who have been prejudiced against in the 20th Century just like Blacks? Lemme guess, because they weren't slaves? You might want to go deeper into history on that one. Specifically "indentured servitidue".

No matter, feel free to spread your hate, keep up the divide, push that attitude that "whites" owe you and let's keep playing the race card as an excuse for everything that's wrong with "black" culture in America. Not your responsibility at all, just keep blaming "whites".

I said what I said and racism has nothing to do with it. When you look at the 20th, you see that whites, such as Irish, Italians or whatever practiced racism against blacks. These whites had full constitutional rights .You need to understand that I have gone deep. Much deeper than you apparently. Because indentured servants signed a contract to come here and work for 7 years in return for getting their trip here paid for you fucking idiot. .I will blame whites for what they deserve to be blamed for, whites do owe us and whites have played the mother fucking race card since at least July 4th ,1776. So shove that hate shit right back up your ass.
Which whites owe you, and for what?

Stop asking that dumb ass question. Whites owe us money. That's just the way it is.
lol No real answer huh? wtf have you done that would warrant anyone owing you money? wtf have I done that would warrant me owing you money? NOTHING is the right answer. You supposedly made a good living by working hard, which is what everyone should do. So, why is it that everyone can't do the same? You can't blame it on race, since you obviously succeeded. If race was a barrier today, you would not see any successful people that weren't white. You just want to bitch and moan and you are the most racist poster on these threads. You call people racist who disagree with you. You act like you are superior to others, who is the real racist? Look in the mirror.

I'm superior to no one and never have said it. You're like a little child thinking you can call me a nasty name and you win. But in the world of fact, you don't.

You see Molly we were promised reparations after slavery but I do believe Andrew Johnson shut it down. Then if you want to compound things we were just as badly treated during the time of American apartheid. Since racism by whites continues today, then we add more to the amount of money owed for pain and suffering. So then we are owed and that's the way it is.

You are a dumb ass. Read about Madam CJ Walker She was black and a millionaire in the early 1900's. Now because she was a black millionaire did that mean race was not a barrier then? No. You are so desperate to make up a nation where racism is gone that you repeat lunacy and think its a logical argument.
Most black people I know are full of love.

I suppose there are some full of hate because, whatever..

Notsomuch around where I'm from.

You think hate is someone black saying that whites are still racist. Therefore love must be the black person who kisses your ass.

You are fucking truly deranged. :cuckoo:

Btw, bitch, don't try and tell me what the fuck I think, ok?

If you want to display your clairvoyance license, then we can talk.

Until then, I'm going to say you're a racist nigga.



I told you what you think because it is what you have displayed.

To bad........ I'm not a racist.

But you are. You think that you can use the n word and just because you put an a on the end it's not a racial slur. The internet gives you big nuts.

Whites? Are you a racist? Why not compare Irish, Italians and other groups who have been prejudiced against in the 20th Century just like Blacks? Lemme guess, because they weren't slaves? You might want to go deeper into history on that one. Specifically "indentured servitidue".

No matter, feel free to spread your hate, keep up the divide, push that attitude that "whites" owe you and let's keep playing the race card as an excuse for everything that's wrong with "black" culture in America. Not your responsibility at all, just keep blaming "whites".

I said what I said and racism has nothing to do with it. When you look at the 20th, you see that whites, such as Irish, Italians or whatever practiced racism against blacks. These whites had full constitutional rights .You need to understand that I have gone deep. Much deeper than you apparently. Because indentured servants signed a contract to come here and work for 7 years in return for getting their trip here paid for you fucking idiot. .I will blame whites for what they deserve to be blamed for, whites do owe us and whites have played the mother fucking race card since at least July 4th ,1776. So shove that hate shit right back up your ass.
Which whites owe you, and for what?

Stop asking that dumb ass question. Whites owe us money. That's just the way it is.
lol No real answer huh? wtf have you done that would warrant anyone owing you money? wtf have I done that would warrant me owing you money? NOTHING is the right answer. You supposedly made a good living by working hard, which is what everyone should do. So, why is it that everyone can't do the same? You can't blame it on race, since you obviously succeeded. If race was a barrier today, you would not see any successful people that weren't white. You just want to bitch and moan and you are the most racist poster on these threads. You call people racist who disagree with you. You act like you are superior to others, who is the real racist? Look in the mirror.

I'm superior to no one and never have said it. You're like a little child thinking you can call me a nasty name and you win. But in the world of fact, you don't.

You see Molly we were promised reparations after slavery but I do believe Andrew Johnson shut it down. Then if you want to compound things we were just as badly treated during the time of American apartheid. Since racism by whites continues today, then we add more to the amount of money owed for pain and suffering. So then we are owed and that's the way it is.

You are a dumb ass. Read about Madam CJ Walker She was black and a millionaire in the early 1900's. Now because she was a black millionaire did that mean race was not a barrier then? No. You are so desperate to make up a nation where racism is gone that you repeat lunacy and think its a logical argument.

I said what I said and racism has nothing to do with it. When you look at the 20th, you see that whites, such as Irish, Italians or whatever practiced racism against blacks. These whites had full constitutional rights .You need to understand that I have gone deep. Much deeper than you apparently. Because indentured servants signed a contract to come here and work for 7 years in return for getting their trip here paid for you fucking idiot. .I will blame whites for what they deserve to be blamed for, whites do owe us and whites have played the mother fucking race card since at least July 4th ,1776. So shove that hate shit right back up your ass.
Which whites owe you, and for what?

Stop asking that dumb ass question. Whites owe us money. That's just the way it is.
lol No real answer huh? wtf have you done that would warrant anyone owing you money? wtf have I done that would warrant me owing you money? NOTHING is the right answer. You supposedly made a good living by working hard, which is what everyone should do. So, why is it that everyone can't do the same? You can't blame it on race, since you obviously succeeded. If race was a barrier today, you would not see any successful people that weren't white. You just want to bitch and moan and you are the most racist poster on these threads. You call people racist who disagree with you. You act like you are superior to others, who is the real racist? Look in the mirror.

I'm superior to no one and never have said it. You're like a little child thinking you can call me a nasty name and you win. But in the world of fact, you don't.

You see Molly we were promised reparations after slavery but I do believe Andrew Johnson shut it down. Then if you want to compound things we were just as badly treated during the time of American apartheid. Since racism by whites continues today, then we add more to the amount of money owed for pain and suffering. So then we are owed and that's the way it is.

You are a dumb ass. Read about Madam CJ Walker She was black and a millionaire in the early 1900's. Now because she was a black millionaire did that mean race was not a barrier then? No. You are so desperate to make up a nation where racism is gone that you repeat lunacy and think its a logical argument.


I've been in management meetings about hiring. Having blacks proportionally represented is a major concern and even the most unsupported accusation of racism has upper management hanging you out to dry to cover their own asses.

I've never seen anything to support your view.

I commend any company that makes sure it has a proper %age of minorities and women.

And just because you haven't seen it, doesn't mean it doesn't exist. I've never ran into a serial killer but they are out there.

THe way the tried to reach that percentage was by passing over more qualified white candidates.

And sure there are serial killers out there. But not nearly as many as you would think from watching TV.
Passing over more qualified or even equally qualified candidates because of their race is racism.

Yes and that's exactly what whites were and still are doing to black people.

And lets cut the shit. The white factory rat working on the assembly line isn't more qualified, more experienced or smarter than the black. He's just white which is why he gets the job first. Now you guys want to cry if we give the black guy the job first for a few years to make up for the last 100.

We've been giving the black job the job first for quite some time now.

And you on the left are denying that we have been.

That tells me that no amount of pro-black/anti-white discrimination will be enough. THat you will ALWAYS be pushing for more.

And actually, due to many reasons, generally the white guy is going to be more qualified. OR do you think that those crap blacks schools are really preparing blacks for the 21st century job force?
A. We haven't done enough clearly.
B. You just admitted their schools are second class.
C. The playing field is not even.

I went at im2 hard with everything you're saying and he convinced me things still aren't right

I worked for the second largest employer in Ann arbor. Why didn't they open up hq in Detroit?

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