Hatred or Anger?

Most black people I know are full of love.

I suppose there are some full of hate because, whatever..

Notsomuch around where I'm from.

I has one black dude that didn't like me at a place I used to work.

He started giving me crap, I could easily beat him half to death.

I didn't want to get in any trouble.

There were these 5 big women on the other side of the center where we worked.

They were black, I'd say Zulu, and they were not small.

6'3-5" probably 245+

However they were still women and they'd have problems with a few packages that they were supposed to move.

Me, being a young, strong man, I did it for them, and gladly. They were nice women.

They saw that lil punk messing with me..one time.

He didn't say a word for at least two months.

I appreciate the way them women stuck up for me.

Sure, I could slap his sorry ass to the ground. Where does that leave me? Locked up?
My Greek immigrant dad worked at Ford. The blacks were nice to him. The white trash hillbillies not so much.

These are the white people who only got the job because of some white guy they knew. That was the only way whites got jobs over blacks. If the company is all white and only people who know someone gets in, how do blacks get in? This is the unfair advantage whites have. Not fair.
Most black people I know are full of love.

I suppose there are some full of hate because, whatever..

Notsomuch around where I'm from.

You think hate is someone black saying that whites are still racist. Therefore love must be the black person who kisses your ass.

You are fucking truly deranged. :cuckoo:

Btw, bitch, don't try and tell me what the fuck I think, ok?

If you want to display your clairvoyance license, then we can talk.

Until then, I'm going to say you're a racist nigga.


If those black women only knew. Never mind, they knew.
I've been in management meetings about hiring. Having blacks proportionally represented is a major concern....
I commend any company that makes sure it has a proper %age of minorities and women...
Hiring by quota instead of qualifications is a "feel good" approach, not the best one for a business or a nation.

Should the military recruit solely by quota? Give a rifle to whoever wants to join and put them on the front lines of battle just to look good?

There is no such thing as requited quotas with the exception of whether your company has a documented record that is proven whereby you have been shown to be actively practicing racial discrimination, therefore breaking the law.
Yet you support such quotas including reparations, amirite? You never did answer the question on how much each White American should pay each Black American. Why?
Free associates degree.
My Greek immigrant dad worked at Ford. The blacks were nice to him. The white trash hillbillies not so much.

These are the white people who only got the job because of some white guy they knew. That was the only way whites got jobs over blacks. If the company is all white and only people who know someone gets in, how do blacks get in? This is the unfair advantage whites have. Not fair.
That helps explain your racism, but it doesn't excuse it.
lol No real answer huh? wtf have you done that would warrant anyone owing you money? wtf have I done that would warrant me owing you money? NOTHING is the right answer. You supposedly made a good living by working hard, which is what everyone should do. So, why is it that everyone can't do the same? You can't blame it on race, since you obviously succeeded. If race was a barrier today, you would not see any successful people that weren't white. You just want to bitch and moan and you are the most racist poster on these threads. You call people racist who disagree with you. You act like you are superior to others, who is the real racist? Look in the mirror.

I'm superior to no one and never have said it. You're like a little child thinking you can call me a nasty name and you win. But in the world of fact, you don't.

You see Molly we were promised reparations after slavery but I do believe Andrew Johnson shut it down. Then if you want to compound things we were just as badly treated during the time of American apartheid. Since racism by whites continues today, then we add more to the amount of money owed for pain and suffering. So then we are owed and that's the way it is.

You are a dumb ass. Read about Madam CJ Walker She was black and a millionaire in the early 1900's. Now because she was a black millionaire did that mean race was not a barrier then? No. You are so desperate to make up a nation where racism is gone that you repeat lunacy and think its a logical argument.

Were blacks actually wronged by whites when they were bought? What was the alternative? Remain a surplus slave in Africa? What does that get you? Cannibalized?
Yes. Two wrongs don't make a right.
What do you mean two wrongs? Whites brought them to a wonderful country and now their kids are living off of welfare and being all around pigs. They're far better off than likely even their original negro slave owners.
If divine let's your comments go unchallenged it makes him just like all the white people who say they've done nothing wrong but in fact he's benefitting from living in a society that views blacks in a negative way and then deny racism exists. Bulls
... the same ignorant racist stuff you're saying about blacks....
What is the "same ignorant racist stuff" you are claiming I've said about blacks? Quote please. In context earns you extra points.
What are you saying?
That you can't quote me of doing anything you've falsely accused me of doing. You, sir, are not only a racist, but a low-life liar and character assassin.
You're complicit and your ignorant. Certainly not intellectually honest.

Let me guess a Republican christian?
Yet you support such quotas including reparations, amirite? You never did answer the question on how much each White American should pay each Black American. Why?
Free associates degree.
1) There is no such thing as "free".

2) Aside from watering down Associate degrees, given all the other problems, how do you expect that will mean anything other than another "feel good" but meaningless albeit expensive measure by an authoritarian government?
... the same ignorant racist stuff you're saying about blacks....
What is the "same ignorant racist stuff" you are claiming I've said about blacks? Quote please. In context earns you extra points.
What are you saying?
That you can't quote me of doing anything you've falsely accused me of doing. You, sir, are not only a racist, but a low-life liar and character assassin.
You're complicit and your ignorant. Certainly not intellectually honest.

Let me guess a Republican christian?
Translation: I can't quote anything I've claimed about you because I'm bullshitting.

No worries, Sealy. Your character is well known on this forum.
Yet you support such quotas including reparations, amirite? You never did answer the question on how much each White American should pay each Black American. Why?
Free associates degree.
1) There is no such thing as "free".

2) Aside from watering down Associate degrees, given all the other problems, how do you expect that will mean anything other than another "feel good" but meaningless albeit expensive measure by an authoritarian government?
How about an unwritten social contract where companies continue to take a chance on black people like we did in the affirmative action days.

And not just on the factory floor. At all levels even upper management
... the same ignorant racist stuff you're saying about blacks....
What is the "same ignorant racist stuff" you are claiming I've said about blacks? Quote please. In context earns you extra points.
What are you saying?
That you can't quote me of doing anything you've falsely accused me of doing. You, sir, are not only a racist, but a low-life liar and character assassin.
You're complicit and your ignorant. Certainly not intellectually honest.

Let me guess a Republican christian?
Translation: I can't quote anything I've claimed about you because I'm bullshitting.

No worries, Sealy. Your character is well known on this forum.
I'd have to go back and find your implicit racism. Not that important what you think or have said. You're taking the other side so I'm lumping you in with the white nationalist Steve bannon types
I'd have to go back and find your implicit racism. Not that important what you think or have said. You're taking the other side so I'm lumping you in with the white nationalist Steve bannon types
You claimed that before yet it never happened. You're just a lying scumbag racist, Sealy. No better and no worse than bgrouse and SobieskiSavedEurope. IMO, you and they are all part of the problem and don't give a shit about finding an equitable solution.

You are free to lump me in with whomever you like, but like your other lies, it means nothing to me. It just means you are part of the hatred in our country.
I just posted a response to someone saying that Blacks are full of hate. I would like to expand on that post. I believe there is a big difference between anger and hate.

Most married folks have been angry with their spouse at one time or another. Most parents have been angry with their children. But being angry at them does not mean that we hate them.

Lots of black people are angry, and with good reason. But how free have they been to express that anger? How much have they held back and for how long? When black people express their anger over slavery they’ve been told to forget about it. That was years ago. We’re tired of hearing about the past. Stop blaming your troubles on somebody else. Pull yourselves up by your own bootstraps, etc., etc.

I think that eventually many people stopped expressing themselves and held it in because they always got the same answer. They were told how to think, how to feel and how to respond to something that was done to their ancestors. And all the while they watch other groups hold annual prayer vigils in order to “remember the past, so that we do not repeat it.”

While some folks think we should forget the past, others, like me, believe we should apologize for it. The Southern Baptist Convention passed a resolution apologizing for supporting racism for much of its history. It reads in part, “We unwaveringly denounce racism in all its forms, as deplorable sin; and that we lament and repudiate historic acts of evil such as slavery from which we continue to reap a bitter harvest.”

I think Black people have good reason to be angry. I, as a White person, have never felt the pangs from the stares, the negative vibes from the body language, the rejection from the crossing to the other side that many black people have felt. Every time a white person inches away, screws up their face, follows customers around the store, pulls someone over because he looks suspicious, assumes a child can’t learn, passes over someone for a promotion, pays someone less money for the same job, clutches a purse or quickly locks a car door, it is a reminder that for many white people, color still matters. And I don’t think we can get past it until we face it.

I must finally say that I see a big difference between placing blame and telling the truth. People who refuse to hear and accept the truth have no hope of finding solutions to their differences. People who embrace the truth, no matter how painful or self-revealing it may be, will ultimately find themselves set free.
A good post and agreed on much of it, but not all. On the positive side, you are absolutely correct that there is a difference between anger and hate. You are also correct that many Americans have been prejudiced by the very system meant to protect them.

OTOH, Affirmative Action and other "special rules for special people" only further divide Americans, not unite them. Since such rules violate the 14th Amendment in the opinions of many common Americans (not SCOTUS), the divide becomes wider.

Let's not forget that many large groups have been prejudiced against and then became American mainstream. It wasn't that long ago that Irish and Italian immigrants were thought of as being lowlife scum, criminals and Papists. A major hurdle for JFK being elected was prejudice against both the Irish and Catholics.

IMO, the way to get past this is to look past it. Not keep dragging it into the center of everything as the Democrats are doing. They have used the Race Card for political purposes and continue to do so. It hurts us. Likewise, prejudices within the Republican party also hurt both the party and our nation. Remember the "Republican Autopsy" after the 2012 debacle? Hispanic Americans are Perfect Republicans: They are traditional, big on family, big on religion, but many are brown, so the RNC tends to overlook them. Sad.
Here's the problems blacks have. Greek, Italian, Arab and Mexicans come here and immediately they are treated better than blacks.

Or in one generation.

Even my Greek immigrant dad with no high school diploma got a job at Ford. Why? No black American wanted that job?
I'd have to go back and find your implicit racism. Not that important what you think or have said. You're taking the other side so I'm lumping you in with the white nationalist Steve bannon types
You claimed that before yet it never happened. You're just a lying scumbag racist, Sealy. No better and no worse than bgrouse and SobieskiSavedEurope. IMO, you and they are all part of the problem and don't give a shit about finding an equitable solution.

You are free to lump me in with whomever you like, but like your other lies, it means nothing to me. It just means you are part of the hatred in our country.
No I do want a solution. I am willing to back it down and compromise. I read Trump's art of the deal.

So what now? Stop making this about you.
I just posted a response to someone saying that Blacks are full of hate. I would like to expand on that post. I believe there is a big difference between anger and hate.

Most married folks have been angry with their spouse at one time or another. Most parents have been angry with their children. But being angry at them does not mean that we hate them.

Lots of black people are angry, and with good reason. But how free have they been to express that anger? How much have they held back and for how long? When black people express their anger over slavery they’ve been told to forget about it. That was years ago. We’re tired of hearing about the past. Stop blaming your troubles on somebody else. Pull yourselves up by your own bootstraps, etc., etc.

I think that eventually many people stopped expressing themselves and held it in because they always got the same answer. They were told how to think, how to feel and how to respond to something that was done to their ancestors. And all the while they watch other groups hold annual prayer vigils in order to “remember the past, so that we do not repeat it.”

While some folks think we should forget the past, others, like me, believe we should apologize for it. The Southern Baptist Convention passed a resolution apologizing for supporting racism for much of its history. It reads in part, “We unwaveringly denounce racism in all its forms, as deplorable sin; and that we lament and repudiate historic acts of evil such as slavery from which we continue to reap a bitter harvest.”

I think Black people have good reason to be angry. I, as a White person, have never felt the pangs from the stares, the negative vibes from the body language, the rejection from the crossing to the other side that many black people have felt. Every time a white person inches away, screws up their face, follows customers around the store, pulls someone over because he looks suspicious, assumes a child can’t learn, passes over someone for a promotion, pays someone less money for the same job, clutches a purse or quickly locks a car door, it is a reminder that for many white people, color still matters. And I don’t think we can get past it until we face it.

I must finally say that I see a big difference between placing blame and telling the truth. People who refuse to hear and accept the truth have no hope of finding solutions to their differences. People who embrace the truth, no matter how painful or self-revealing it may be, will ultimately find themselves set free.
A good post and agreed on much of it, but not all. On the positive side, you are absolutely correct that there is a difference between anger and hate. You are also correct that many Americans have been prejudiced by the very system meant to protect them.

OTOH, Affirmative Action and other "special rules for special people" only further divide Americans, not unite them. Since such rules violate the 14th Amendment in the opinions of many common Americans (not SCOTUS), the divide becomes wider.

Let's not forget that many large groups have been prejudiced against and then became American mainstream. It wasn't that long ago that Irish and Italian immigrants were thought of as being lowlife scum, criminals and Papists. A major hurdle for JFK being elected was prejudice against both the Irish and Catholics.

IMO, the way to get past this is to look past it. Not keep dragging it into the center of everything as the Democrats are doing. They have used the Race Card for political purposes and continue to do so. It hurts us. Likewise, prejudices within the Republican party also hurt both the party and our nation. Remember the "Republican Autopsy" after the 2012 debacle? Hispanic Americans are Perfect Republicans: They are traditional, big on family, big on religion, but many are brown, so the RNC tends to overlook them. Sad.
There should be a special tax break for diverse companies
Why can bgrouse say stupid racist things and divine doesn't come to blacks defense? Is it because you agree with him? That's why you're a racist
I do come out against racists. It's your selective viewing of posts that blinds you to it.

Just as you lied about me, you've chosen to overlook all the posts I've made against fucking racists like bgrouse and SobieskiSavedEurope while focusing only on the statements I've made against racists like IM2. Why the selective viewpoint, Sealy? I know the answer. Do you?

Show evidence of my racism. I want quotes. And not quotes where I am responding to some ignorant racist comment one of you guys have made to me.

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