Hatred or Anger?

It was wrong. Just imagine how much less crime and dead weight this country would have if early Americans said no to slavery and let them starve to death and be cannibalized by their African slave owners. I never owned a slave, but I regret it every day.

Whitey thought negroes were violet drug addicts, so negroes became violent drug addicts. Typical cause and effect and in no way is it possible that it occurred in reverse order. Uh huh!

This is pure ignorance. Did you even get a 5th grade education?
Did you address my car question already, Mr. 5th grade education?

Here, I'll try to keep it simple, though I fear it will be too difficult for you:

Ford builds 100,000 cars. All 100,000 cars fail fail within the first day of use.
Toyota builds 100,000,000,000 cars, but 150,000 of them fail within the first day of use. The rest are still on the road a year later with no problems.

Next year, both companies release the same model of car with no changes. Do you buy the Toyota because it produced fewer failed models per capita or the Ford because it produced fewer failed models altogether? I'd get the Toyota. What about you?

You see Jethro, I get what you are trying to prove. Your per capita argument has no merit. You see Jethro,, your per capita claim does not take into consideration a whole lot of factors. For example blacks have a 2 times higher rate of poverty than our population while whites have 9 times less poverty than theirs. Per capita our rate of poverty is 3 times that of whites. What happens if our rates of poverty were the same? Because even as you have far less poverty than we do, numerically you commit more crimes. So then what happens if we have 8 times less the rate of poverty in the black community as our population like whites do Jethro?

You don't know because you didn't get out of the fifth grade.

Aren't these conservative white men that are telling us racism doesn't exist anymore also the same guys who claim sexual harassment doesn't really happen in the work place?

Fox News sexual harassment scandal grows to include political hopefuls

Nine months of sex harassment scandals take down two Fox News icons

Fox suspends business news host Charles Payne amid sexual harassment allegations

White male conservatives want blacks and women to just bend over and take it.

None of those things happen according to these guys. The only thing that happens is white men are getting screwed if you ask these white male conservatives Then you have dumb ass white women falling for it too and repeating the same line of white victimization even as they are objectified by these same white men..
White women are comfortable and used to being second class citizens. The bible taught them to be subsurviant to their husbands. They get paid less, are sexually harassed by Fox News. Trump grabs their pussies and still they vote for him.
lol No real answer huh? wtf have you done that would warrant anyone owing you money? wtf have I done that would warrant me owing you money? NOTHING is the right answer. You supposedly made a good living by working hard, which is what everyone should do. So, why is it that everyone can't do the same? You can't blame it on race, since you obviously succeeded. If race was a barrier today, you would not see any successful people that weren't white. You just want to bitch and moan and you are the most racist poster on these threads. You call people racist who disagree with you. You act like you are superior to others, who is the real racist? Look in the mirror.

I'm superior to no one and never have said it. You're like a little child thinking you can call me a nasty name and you win. But in the world of fact, you don't.

You see Molly we were promised reparations after slavery but I do believe Andrew Johnson shut it down. Then if you want to compound things we were just as badly treated during the time of American apartheid. Since racism by whites continues today, then we add more to the amount of money owed for pain and suffering. So then we are owed and that's the way it is.

You are a dumb ass. Read about Madam CJ Walker She was black and a millionaire in the early 1900's. Now because she was a black millionaire did that mean race was not a barrier then? No. You are so desperate to make up a nation where racism is gone that you repeat lunacy and think its a logical argument.
Where did i call you a nasty name? You are the one calling others names. And no, you were not promised reparations.

You've called me a racist countless times when I have said nothing racist and you are here telling me how I have called people names who have made terrible filthy racist comments. Secondly when you choose to engage with me, you kinda need to put down the Rush Limbaugh's book of white conservative responses to blacks excusing yourselves from American history. You need to know what you are talking about when you tell me what we were not promised anything because we were,

The Truth Behind ’40 Acres and a Mule’

We’ve all heard the story of the “40 acres and a mule” promise to former slaves. It’s a staple of black history lessons, and it’s the name of Spike Lee’s film company. The promise was the first systematic attempt to provide a form of reparations to newly freed slaves, and it was astonishingly radical for its time, proto-socialist in its implications. In fact, such a policy would be radical in any country today: the federal government’s massive confiscation of private property — some 400,000 acres — formerly owned by Confederate land owners, and its methodical redistribution to former black slaves.

We have been taught in school that the source of the policy of “40 acres and a mule” was Union General William T. Sherman’s Special Field Order No. 15, issued on Jan. 16, 1865. (That account is half-right: Sherman prescribed the 40 acres in that Order, but not the mule. The mule would come later.)

The Truth Behind '40 Acres and a Mule' | African American History Blog | The African Americans: Many Rivers to Cross

Sherman's Field Order No. 15

On January 16, 1865, during the Civil War (1861-65), Union general William T. Sherman issued his Special Field Order No. 15, which confiscated as Union property a strip of coastline stretching from Charleston, South Carolina, to the St. John's River in Florida, including Georgia's Sea Islands and the mainland thirty miles in from the coast. The order redistributed the roughly 400,000 acres of land to newly freed black families in forty-acre segments.

Sherman's Field Order No. 15

Yes we WERE promised reparations and yes we are owed.
YOU were not promised reparations, YOU did not exist.

We were promised reparations, we are owed. You avoidance technique is bot going to vet paid attention to. Try another method.

Your ass did not exist on July 4th 1776. Shut up.
What does me not existing in 1776 have to do with anything? I am not expecting anybody to pay me anything for something I was not a part of, you are. If I chose to celebrate a day which represents this country's freedom from British rule, I have that right, which has nothing to do with reparations.
I'm superior to no one and never have said it. You're like a little child thinking you can call me a nasty name and you win. But in the world of fact, you don't.

You see Molly we were promised reparations after slavery but I do believe Andrew Johnson shut it down. Then if you want to compound things we were just as badly treated during the time of American apartheid. Since racism by whites continues today, then we add more to the amount of money owed for pain and suffering. So then we are owed and that's the way it is.

You are a dumb ass. Read about Madam CJ Walker She was black and a millionaire in the early 1900's. Now because she was a black millionaire did that mean race was not a barrier then? No. You are so desperate to make up a nation where racism is gone that you repeat lunacy and think its a logical argument.
Where did i call you a nasty name? You are the one calling others names. And no, you were not promised reparations.

You've called me a racist countless times when I have said nothing racist and you are here telling me how I have called people names who have made terrible filthy racist comments. Secondly when you choose to engage with me, you kinda need to put down the Rush Limbaugh's book of white conservative responses to blacks excusing yourselves from American history. You need to know what you are talking about when you tell me what we were not promised anything because we were,

The Truth Behind ’40 Acres and a Mule’

We’ve all heard the story of the “40 acres and a mule” promise to former slaves. It’s a staple of black history lessons, and it’s the name of Spike Lee’s film company. The promise was the first systematic attempt to provide a form of reparations to newly freed slaves, and it was astonishingly radical for its time, proto-socialist in its implications. In fact, such a policy would be radical in any country today: the federal government’s massive confiscation of private property — some 400,000 acres — formerly owned by Confederate land owners, and its methodical redistribution to former black slaves.

We have been taught in school that the source of the policy of “40 acres and a mule” was Union General William T. Sherman’s Special Field Order No. 15, issued on Jan. 16, 1865. (That account is half-right: Sherman prescribed the 40 acres in that Order, but not the mule. The mule would come later.)

The Truth Behind '40 Acres and a Mule' | African American History Blog | The African Americans: Many Rivers to Cross

Sherman's Field Order No. 15

On January 16, 1865, during the Civil War (1861-65), Union general William T. Sherman issued his Special Field Order No. 15, which confiscated as Union property a strip of coastline stretching from Charleston, South Carolina, to the St. John's River in Florida, including Georgia's Sea Islands and the mainland thirty miles in from the coast. The order redistributed the roughly 400,000 acres of land to newly freed black families in forty-acre segments.

Sherman's Field Order No. 15

Yes we WERE promised reparations and yes we are owed.
YOU were not promised reparations, YOU did not exist.

We were promised reparations, we are owed. You avoidance technique is bot going to vet paid attention to. Try another method.

Your ass did not exist on July 4th 1776. Shut up.
What does me not existing in 1776 have to do with anything? I am not expecting anybody to pay me anything for something I was not a part of, you are. If I chose to celebrate a day which represents this country's freedom from British rule, I have that right, which has nothing to do with reparations.

Well I have been and continue to be part of he discrimination blacks face in America today which is part of what reparations are about. I have the right to demand reparations just as much as you do to celebrate a day where you were not freed from anything because you did not exist.
Where did i call you a nasty name? You are the one calling others names. And no, you were not promised reparations.

You've called me a racist countless times when I have said nothing racist and you are here telling me how I have called people names who have made terrible filthy racist comments. Secondly when you choose to engage with me, you kinda need to put down the Rush Limbaugh's book of white conservative responses to blacks excusing yourselves from American history. You need to know what you are talking about when you tell me what we were not promised anything because we were,

The Truth Behind ’40 Acres and a Mule’

We’ve all heard the story of the “40 acres and a mule” promise to former slaves. It’s a staple of black history lessons, and it’s the name of Spike Lee’s film company. The promise was the first systematic attempt to provide a form of reparations to newly freed slaves, and it was astonishingly radical for its time, proto-socialist in its implications. In fact, such a policy would be radical in any country today: the federal government’s massive confiscation of private property — some 400,000 acres — formerly owned by Confederate land owners, and its methodical redistribution to former black slaves.

We have been taught in school that the source of the policy of “40 acres and a mule” was Union General William T. Sherman’s Special Field Order No. 15, issued on Jan. 16, 1865. (That account is half-right: Sherman prescribed the 40 acres in that Order, but not the mule. The mule would come later.)

The Truth Behind '40 Acres and a Mule' | African American History Blog | The African Americans: Many Rivers to Cross

Sherman's Field Order No. 15

On January 16, 1865, during the Civil War (1861-65), Union general William T. Sherman issued his Special Field Order No. 15, which confiscated as Union property a strip of coastline stretching from Charleston, South Carolina, to the St. John's River in Florida, including Georgia's Sea Islands and the mainland thirty miles in from the coast. The order redistributed the roughly 400,000 acres of land to newly freed black families in forty-acre segments.

Sherman's Field Order No. 15

Yes we WERE promised reparations and yes we are owed.
YOU were not promised reparations, YOU did not exist.

We were promised reparations, we are owed. You avoidance technique is bot going to vet paid attention to. Try another method.

Your ass did not exist on July 4th 1776. Shut up.
What does me not existing in 1776 have to do with anything? I am not expecting anybody to pay me anything for something I was not a part of, you are. If I chose to celebrate a day which represents this country's freedom from British rule, I have that right, which has nothing to do with reparations.

Well I have been and continue to be part of he discrimination blacks face in America today which is part of what reparations are about. I have the right to demand reparations just as much as you do to celebrate a day where you were not freed from anything because you did not exist.
You do have that right. But your demands are ridiculous. I am not celebrating where I was freed, it is where this country was freed, otherwise we would be under British rule. Also, I am not demanding anything for something I did not earn.
You've called me a racist countless times when I have said nothing racist and you are here telling me how I have called people names who have made terrible filthy racist comments. Secondly when you choose to engage with me, you kinda need to put down the Rush Limbaugh's book of white conservative responses to blacks excusing yourselves from American history. You need to know what you are talking about when you tell me what we were not promised anything because we were,

The Truth Behind ’40 Acres and a Mule’

We’ve all heard the story of the “40 acres and a mule” promise to former slaves. It’s a staple of black history lessons, and it’s the name of Spike Lee’s film company. The promise was the first systematic attempt to provide a form of reparations to newly freed slaves, and it was astonishingly radical for its time, proto-socialist in its implications. In fact, such a policy would be radical in any country today: the federal government’s massive confiscation of private property — some 400,000 acres — formerly owned by Confederate land owners, and its methodical redistribution to former black slaves.

We have been taught in school that the source of the policy of “40 acres and a mule” was Union General William T. Sherman’s Special Field Order No. 15, issued on Jan. 16, 1865. (That account is half-right: Sherman prescribed the 40 acres in that Order, but not the mule. The mule would come later.)

The Truth Behind '40 Acres and a Mule' | African American History Blog | The African Americans: Many Rivers to Cross

Sherman's Field Order No. 15

On January 16, 1865, during the Civil War (1861-65), Union general William T. Sherman issued his Special Field Order No. 15, which confiscated as Union property a strip of coastline stretching from Charleston, South Carolina, to the St. John's River in Florida, including Georgia's Sea Islands and the mainland thirty miles in from the coast. The order redistributed the roughly 400,000 acres of land to newly freed black families in forty-acre segments.

Sherman's Field Order No. 15

Yes we WERE promised reparations and yes we are owed.
YOU were not promised reparations, YOU did not exist.

We were promised reparations, we are owed. You avoidance technique is bot going to vet paid attention to. Try another method.

Your ass did not exist on July 4th 1776. Shut up.
What does me not existing in 1776 have to do with anything? I am not expecting anybody to pay me anything for something I was not a part of, you are. If I chose to celebrate a day which represents this country's freedom from British rule, I have that right, which has nothing to do with reparations.

Well I have been and continue to be part of he discrimination blacks face in America today which is part of what reparations are about. I have the right to demand reparations just as much as you do to celebrate a day where you were not freed from anything because you did not exist.
You do have that right. But your demands are ridiculous. I am not celebrating where I was freed, it is where this country was freed, otherwise we would be under British rule. Also, I am not demanding anything for something I did not earn.

Well the thing about reparations is that we have earned them. You live in a lie Molly. It's just that simple.
YOU were not promised reparations, YOU did not exist.

We were promised reparations, we are owed. You avoidance technique is bot going to vet paid attention to. Try another method.

Your ass did not exist on July 4th 1776. Shut up.
What does me not existing in 1776 have to do with anything? I am not expecting anybody to pay me anything for something I was not a part of, you are. If I chose to celebrate a day which represents this country's freedom from British rule, I have that right, which has nothing to do with reparations.

Well I have been and continue to be part of he discrimination blacks face in America today which is part of what reparations are about. I have the right to demand reparations just as much as you do to celebrate a day where you were not freed from anything because you did not exist.
You do have that right. But your demands are ridiculous. I am not celebrating where I was freed, it is where this country was freed, otherwise we would be under British rule. Also, I am not demanding anything for something I did not earn.

Well the thing about reparations is that we have earned them. You live in a lie Molly. It's just that simple.
How have you earned reparations? It seems you want the white people today to pay for the past injustice committed against blacks before your time. This won't happen, can't happen. Not only are there no former slaves to give reparations to, there is no way to pick and chose who would get what. How about everyone work for what they want, not expect handouts that are undeserved?
We were promised reparations, we are owed. You avoidance technique is bot going to vet paid attention to. Try another method.

Your ass did not exist on July 4th 1776. Shut up.
What does me not existing in 1776 have to do with anything? I am not expecting anybody to pay me anything for something I was not a part of, you are. If I chose to celebrate a day which represents this country's freedom from British rule, I have that right, which has nothing to do with reparations.

Well I have been and continue to be part of he discrimination blacks face in America today which is part of what reparations are about. I have the right to demand reparations just as much as you do to celebrate a day where you were not freed from anything because you did not exist.
You do have that right. But your demands are ridiculous. I am not celebrating where I was freed, it is where this country was freed, otherwise we would be under British rule. Also, I am not demanding anything for something I did not earn.

Well the thing about reparations is that we have earned them. You live in a lie Molly. It's just that simple.
How have you earned reparations? It seems you want the white people today to pay for the past injustice committed against blacks before your time. This won't happen, can't happen. Not only are there no former slaves to give reparations to, there is no way to pick and chose who would get what. How about everyone work for what they want, not expect handouts that are undeserved?

You wonder why I ask you abut your level of education. Native Americans are getting reparations now. They will get reparations forever and you are paying for things you never did and past injustices before your mother fucking time. Stop making excuses lady. Just a couple of years ago some Native American tribes were awarded 3.2 billion dollars in pay back for things that happened a part of the fucking Dawes Act. Were you alive when the Dawes Act was passed Molly? Well you paid for it.

Go look up Cobell vs. Salazar Molly. Read it then understand why my patience has run out with whites like you.

You think you have an argument but you don't. We are owed for the same past and current wrongs done to us just as much as the Native Americans that you are paying for right now. Now go find the free dictionary to find out what the Dawes act was. How about whites pay want you owe because you race has got what you have on the backs of others who did work twice as hard as whites for nothing.
What does me not existing in 1776 have to do with anything? I am not expecting anybody to pay me anything for something I was not a part of, you are. If I chose to celebrate a day which represents this country's freedom from British rule, I have that right, which has nothing to do with reparations.

Well I have been and continue to be part of he discrimination blacks face in America today which is part of what reparations are about. I have the right to demand reparations just as much as you do to celebrate a day where you were not freed from anything because you did not exist.
You do have that right. But your demands are ridiculous. I am not celebrating where I was freed, it is where this country was freed, otherwise we would be under British rule. Also, I am not demanding anything for something I did not earn.

Well the thing about reparations is that we have earned them. You live in a lie Molly. It's just that simple.
How have you earned reparations? It seems you want the white people today to pay for the past injustice committed against blacks before your time. This won't happen, can't happen. Not only are there no former slaves to give reparations to, there is no way to pick and chose who would get what. How about everyone work for what they want, not expect handouts that are undeserved?

You wonder why I ask you abut your level of education. Native Americans are getting reparations now. They will get reparations forever and you are paying for things you never did and past injustices before your mother fucking time. Stop making excuses lady. Just a couple of years ago some Native American tribes were awarded 3.2 billion dollars in pay back for things that happened a part of the fucking Dawes Act. Were you alive when the Dawes Act was passed Molly? Well you paid for it.

Go look up Cobell vs. Salazar Molly. Read it then understand why my patience has run out with whites like you.

You think you have an argument but you don't. We are owed for the same past and current wrongs done to us just as much as the Native Americans that you are paying for right now. Now go find the free dictionary to find out what the Dawes act was. How about whites pay want you owe because you race has got what you have on the backs of others who did work twice as hard as whites for nothing.
So, grouping my entire race again huh? All whites today got what we have off the backs of others? You are delusional. I owe nothing. Everything I have is from MY own hard work, no handouts from anyone. I am not making excuses for anyone or anything. You like to add to other people's replies as you see fit. The people you refer to as working twice as hard are no longer here. You have the same advantages as I do, stop whining for things you are not owed.
Well I have been and continue to be part of he discrimination blacks face in America today which is part of what reparations are about. I have the right to demand reparations just as much as you do to celebrate a day where you were not freed from anything because you did not exist.
You do have that right. But your demands are ridiculous. I am not celebrating where I was freed, it is where this country was freed, otherwise we would be under British rule. Also, I am not demanding anything for something I did not earn.

Well the thing about reparations is that we have earned them. You live in a lie Molly. It's just that simple.
How have you earned reparations? It seems you want the white people today to pay for the past injustice committed against blacks before your time. This won't happen, can't happen. Not only are there no former slaves to give reparations to, there is no way to pick and chose who would get what. How about everyone work for what they want, not expect handouts that are undeserved?

You wonder why I ask you abut your level of education. Native Americans are getting reparations now. They will get reparations forever and you are paying for things you never did and past injustices before your mother fucking time. Stop making excuses lady. Just a couple of years ago some Native American tribes were awarded 3.2 billion dollars in pay back for things that happened a part of the fucking Dawes Act. Were you alive when the Dawes Act was passed Molly? Well you paid for it.

Go look up Cobell vs. Salazar Molly. Read it then understand why my patience has run out with whites like you.

You think you have an argument but you don't. We are owed for the same past and current wrongs done to us just as much as the Native Americans that you are paying for right now. Now go find the free dictionary to find out what the Dawes act was. How about whites pay want you owe because you race has got what you have on the backs of others who did work twice as hard as whites for nothing.
So, grouping my entire race again huh? All whites today got what we have off the backs of others? You are delusional. I owe nothing. Everything I have is from MY own hard work, no handouts from anyone. I am not making excuses for anyone or anything. You like to add to other people's replies as you see fit. The people you refer to as working twice as hard are no longer here. You have the same advantages as I do, stop whining for things you are not owed.

Native Americans are getting paid right now for things that happened when one of them were here. You don't seem able to address that You just skip over all that to post up those same old sorry ass, lie filled, dumb, psychotic white conservative responses. You have been paying Native Americans since you were a child. You have been paying them for things you were not around to do. So then we should get the same reparations since we were done just as badly. I was alive during the civil rights fights when we did not have constitutional rights. So don't tell me what I am not owed. Last you believe a lie. I can tell you that I don't have the same advantages you do. That's why you are a white woman, the number 1 benefactor from Affirmative Action, sitting on your ass talking about how you worked hard for everything you got and never were given anything. That's a lie and like I said, you live in a lie.
Aren't these conservative white men that are telling us racism doesn't exist anymore also the same guys who claim sexual harassment doesn't really happen in the work place?.....
Who is saying racism doesn't exist anymore? Quote please. I won't hold my breath waiting for you to back up your lies.

Divine, you are a trouble maker, whiner, defensive and in no way are you advancing the discussion. Shut the fuck up ok? LOL
You'd make a good slave master in addition to being a Totalitarian Socialist.
You do have that right. But your demands are ridiculous. I am not celebrating where I was freed, it is where this country was freed, otherwise we would be under British rule. Also, I am not demanding anything for something I did not earn.

Well the thing about reparations is that we have earned them. You live in a lie Molly. It's just that simple.
How have you earned reparations? It seems you want the white people today to pay for the past injustice committed against blacks before your time. This won't happen, can't happen. Not only are there no former slaves to give reparations to, there is no way to pick and chose who would get what. How about everyone work for what they want, not expect handouts that are undeserved?

You wonder why I ask you abut your level of education. Native Americans are getting reparations now. They will get reparations forever and you are paying for things you never did and past injustices before your mother fucking time. Stop making excuses lady. Just a couple of years ago some Native American tribes were awarded 3.2 billion dollars in pay back for things that happened a part of the fucking Dawes Act. Were you alive when the Dawes Act was passed Molly? Well you paid for it.

Go look up Cobell vs. Salazar Molly. Read it then understand why my patience has run out with whites like you.

You think you have an argument but you don't. We are owed for the same past and current wrongs done to us just as much as the Native Americans that you are paying for right now. Now go find the free dictionary to find out what the Dawes act was. How about whites pay want you owe because you race has got what you have on the backs of others who did work twice as hard as whites for nothing.
So, grouping my entire race again huh? All whites today got what we have off the backs of others? You are delusional. I owe nothing. Everything I have is from MY own hard work, no handouts from anyone. I am not making excuses for anyone or anything. You like to add to other people's replies as you see fit. The people you refer to as working twice as hard are no longer here. You have the same advantages as I do, stop whining for things you are not owed.

Native Americans are getting paid right now for things that happened when one of them were here. You don't seem able to address that You just skip over all that to post up those same old sorry ass, lie filled, dumb, psychotic white conservative responses. You have been paying Native Americans since you were a child. You have been paying them for things you were not around to do. So then we should get the same reparations since we were done just as badly. I was alive during the civil rights fights when we did not have constitutional rights. So don't tell me what I am not owed. Last you believe a lie. I can tell you that I don't have the same advantages you do. That's why you are a white woman, the number 1 benefactor from Affirmative Action, sitting on your ass talking about how you worked hard for everything you got and never were given anything. That's a lie and like I said, you live in a lie.
Native Americans were sovereign groups that signed treaties with the United States. The payments are either in accordance with those treaties or payback for violating those treaties.

What treaties did blacks sign?
YOU were not promised reparations, YOU did not exist.

We were promised reparations, we are owed. You avoidance technique is bot going to vet paid attention to. Try another method.

Your ass did not exist on July 4th 1776. Shut up.
What does me not existing in 1776 have to do with anything? I am not expecting anybody to pay me anything for something I was not a part of, you are. If I chose to celebrate a day which represents this country's freedom from British rule, I have that right, which has nothing to do with reparations.

Well I have been and continue to be part of he discrimination blacks face in America today which is part of what reparations are about. I have the right to demand reparations just as much as you do to celebrate a day where you were not freed from anything because you did not exist.
You do have that right. But your demands are ridiculous. I am not celebrating where I was freed, it is where this country was freed, otherwise we would be under British rule. Also, I am not demanding anything for something I did not earn.

Well the thing about reparations is that we have earned them. You live in a lie Molly. It's just that simple.
Sorry if I missed it, but how much money do you expect Middle Class Americans to be forced to pay you?
We were promised reparations, we are owed. You avoidance technique is bot going to vet paid attention to. Try another method.

Your ass did not exist on July 4th 1776. Shut up.
What does me not existing in 1776 have to do with anything? I am not expecting anybody to pay me anything for something I was not a part of, you are. If I chose to celebrate a day which represents this country's freedom from British rule, I have that right, which has nothing to do with reparations.

Well I have been and continue to be part of he discrimination blacks face in America today which is part of what reparations are about. I have the right to demand reparations just as much as you do to celebrate a day where you were not freed from anything because you did not exist.
You do have that right. But your demands are ridiculous. I am not celebrating where I was freed, it is where this country was freed, otherwise we would be under British rule. Also, I am not demanding anything for something I did not earn.

Well the thing about reparations is that we have earned them. You live in a lie Molly. It's just that simple.
How have you earned reparations? It seems you want the white people today to pay for the past injustice committed against blacks before your time. This won't happen, can't happen. Not only are there no former slaves to give reparations to, there is no way to pick and chose who would get what. How about everyone work for what they want, not expect handouts that are undeserved?
He makes the claim, but I haven't seen him state how much he expects to be paid. Have you?
Where did i call you a nasty name? You are the one calling others names. And no, you were not promised reparations.
You've called me a racist countless times...
Dude, you are a racist and MizMolly isn't the only one who knows it.
....Helping people deal with it and helping them cope with the feelings that come with being disrespected by no class ignorant white maggots like you who could not wipe my ass...g.
All I can say is you white boys need to learn how to read.

The majority opinion explicitly does not reverse the court's 2003 decision upholding the right of colleges and universities to use race as one of several factors in achieving a diverse student body

One of several factors. But whites used race to deny blacks and everyone else not white from entering schools for about 2 centuries so this whining about use of race as a criteria coming from whites is a joke.

.Number 1 : The Supreme Court issued a series of far-reaching split decisions Thursday, limiting the use of race to assign public school enrollment

Supreme Court Rules on Race and Schools

The use of race was limited. Learn to read.
Since whites have used race to determine everything I don't care about your sniveling, whiny garbage used to present a strawman built on false equivalences..
...There hasn't been any move to anti white discrimination over the last 60-70 years.
How long do whites get to lie to themselves? Don't compare Irish and Italians to blacks. None of them faced what blacks did. Affirmative Action divides nothing. whites divided he nation themselves by denying the same rights they got to others. If not for Affirmative Action, America as we see it now would not exist. The only people who say this violates the 14th amendment are whites who are racists themselves. Your first line was pure bullshit and that belief needs to die because it's a complete lie. When whites like you face the truth then America will be less divided. YOU are the ones keeping things divided by lying to yourselves to the extent of creating and pushing a race baited lie because whites got mad that laws had to be made to stop whites from the oppression of those not white. These are not special rules and there are no special people. Whites are the ones who have thought they were especially entitled to things and they still do now. That's why your first line exists and you actually believe it.

And this is what you call racist? LOL!

The first 2 are responses to some serious racist crap I got from some pf you. But the rest is fact.
Yes, it's a fact you are a racist.
You and your stupid ass comments are holding us all back. Society as well as this discussion. Stop it for fuck sakes....

You've accused me of racist statements, then ran like a fucking coward when asked to quote those statements. Now you claim my posts are holding people back. How am I holding people back? Stop what? Stop calling on your racially divisive rhetoric? Sorry, not going to happen.
Where did i call you a nasty name? You are the one calling others names. And no, you were not promised reparations.
You've called me a racist countless times...
Dude, you are a racist and MizMolly isn't the only one who knows it.
....Helping people deal with it and helping them cope with the feelings that come with being disrespected by no class ignorant white maggots like you who could not wipe my ass...g.
All I can say is you white boys need to learn how to read.

The majority opinion explicitly does not reverse the court's 2003 decision upholding the right of colleges and universities to use race as one of several factors in achieving a diverse student body

One of several factors. But whites used race to deny blacks and everyone else not white from entering schools for about 2 centuries so this whining about use of race as a criteria coming from whites is a joke.

.Number 1 : The Supreme Court issued a series of far-reaching split decisions Thursday, limiting the use of race to assign public school enrollment

Supreme Court Rules on Race and Schools

The use of race was limited. Learn to read.
Since whites have used race to determine everything I don't care about your sniveling, whiny garbage used to present a strawman built on false equivalences..
...There hasn't been any move to anti white discrimination over the last 60-70 years.
How long do whites get to lie to themselves? Don't compare Irish and Italians to blacks. None of them faced what blacks did. Affirmative Action divides nothing. whites divided he nation themselves by denying the same rights they got to others. If not for Affirmative Action, America as we see it now would not exist. The only people who say this violates the 14th amendment are whites who are racists themselves. Your first line was pure bullshit and that belief needs to die because it's a complete lie. When whites like you face the truth then America will be less divided. YOU are the ones keeping things divided by lying to yourselves to the extent of creating and pushing a race baited lie because whites got mad that laws had to be made to stop whites from the oppression of those not white. These are not special rules and there are no special people. Whites are the ones who have thought they were especially entitled to things and they still do now. That's why your first line exists and you actually believe it.

And this is what you call racist? LOL!

The first 2 are responses to some serious racist crap I got from some pf you. But the rest is fact.
Yes, it's a fact you are a racist.

No it is not a fact that I am a racist.
Well the thing about reparations is that we have earned them. You live in a lie Molly. It's just that simple.
How have you earned reparations? It seems you want the white people today to pay for the past injustice committed against blacks before your time. This won't happen, can't happen. Not only are there no former slaves to give reparations to, there is no way to pick and chose who would get what. How about everyone work for what they want, not expect handouts that are undeserved?

You wonder why I ask you abut your level of education. Native Americans are getting reparations now. They will get reparations forever and you are paying for things you never did and past injustices before your mother fucking time. Stop making excuses lady. Just a couple of years ago some Native American tribes were awarded 3.2 billion dollars in pay back for things that happened a part of the fucking Dawes Act. Were you alive when the Dawes Act was passed Molly? Well you paid for it.

Go look up Cobell vs. Salazar Molly. Read it then understand why my patience has run out with whites like you.

You think you have an argument but you don't. We are owed for the same past and current wrongs done to us just as much as the Native Americans that you are paying for right now. Now go find the free dictionary to find out what the Dawes act was. How about whites pay want you owe because you race has got what you have on the backs of others who did work twice as hard as whites for nothing.
So, grouping my entire race again huh? All whites today got what we have off the backs of others? You are delusional. I owe nothing. Everything I have is from MY own hard work, no handouts from anyone. I am not making excuses for anyone or anything. You like to add to other people's replies as you see fit. The people you refer to as working twice as hard are no longer here. You have the same advantages as I do, stop whining for things you are not owed.

Native Americans are getting paid right now for things that happened when one of them were here. You don't seem able to address that You just skip over all that to post up those same old sorry ass, lie filled, dumb, psychotic white conservative responses. You have been paying Native Americans since you were a child. You have been paying them for things you were not around to do. So then we should get the same reparations since we were done just as badly. I was alive during the civil rights fights when we did not have constitutional rights. So don't tell me what I am not owed. Last you believe a lie. I can tell you that I don't have the same advantages you do. That's why you are a white woman, the number 1 benefactor from Affirmative Action, sitting on your ass talking about how you worked hard for everything you got and never were given anything. That's a lie and like I said, you live in a lie.
Native Americans were sovereign groups that signed treaties with the United States. The payments are either in accordance with those treaties or payback for violating those treaties.

What treaties did blacks sign?

And I guess you think this question makes sense.
We were promised reparations, we are owed. You avoidance technique is bot going to vet paid attention to. Try another method.

Your ass did not exist on July 4th 1776. Shut up.
What does me not existing in 1776 have to do with anything? I am not expecting anybody to pay me anything for something I was not a part of, you are. If I chose to celebrate a day which represents this country's freedom from British rule, I have that right, which has nothing to do with reparations.

Well I have been and continue to be part of he discrimination blacks face in America today which is part of what reparations are about. I have the right to demand reparations just as much as you do to celebrate a day where you were not freed from anything because you did not exist.
You do have that right. But your demands are ridiculous. I am not celebrating where I was freed, it is where this country was freed, otherwise we would be under British rule. Also, I am not demanding anything for something I did not earn.

Well the thing about reparations is that we have earned them. You live in a lie Molly. It's just that simple.
Sorry if I missed it, but how much money do you expect Middle Class Americans to be forced to pay you?

From what I have read the American government owes us between 6.4 to 20 trillion dollars.
Passing over more qualified or even equally qualified candidates because of their race is racism.

Yes and that's exactly what whites were and still are doing to black people.

And lets cut the shit. The white factory rat working on the assembly line isn't more qualified, more experienced or smarter than the black. He's just white which is why he gets the job first. Now you guys want to cry if we give the black guy the job first for a few years to make up for the last 100.

We've been giving the black job the job first for quite some time now.

And you on the left are denying that we have been.

That tells me that no amount of pro-black/anti-white discrimination will be enough. THat you will ALWAYS be pushing for more.

And actually, due to many reasons, generally the white guy is going to be more qualified. OR do you think that those crap blacks schools are really preparing blacks for the 21st century job force?
A. We haven't done enough clearly.
B. You just admitted their schools are second class.
C. The playing field is not even.

I went at im2 hard with everything you're saying and he convinced me things still aren't right

I worked for the second largest employer in Ann arbor. Why didn't they open up hq in Detroit?

1. Who says we haven't done enough?

2. Schools are defined by parental involvement in their child's education. Single mothers generally don't have the time, thus sucky schools.

3. The playing field is not even because of various social dysfunctions in the black community. Which is taboo to even discuss, so effectively addressing it is impossible. We can discriminate against whites forever and not change anything other than fucking a lot of white people.

4. Wtf, would they want to open is a shit hole like Detroit?
1. We haven't done enough. Evidence is the extreme poverty that still exists in these black communities. The truth is they are doing the best they can with the situation they are in. All of your points are true if racism didn't still exist in America. I'm convinced it still does. We white flighted Detroit, didn't hire blacks, harassed them with the police, put drugs in their neighborhoods, sentenced them harsher.

Now I agree with the advice we give to try harder in school, be better parents, etc but how dare us criticize when we so clearly don't want to work with them, live next to them, have them date our daughters.

I think we have a long way to go before we judge but just so you know. I judge too.

4. Detroit isn't that bad. Downtown is amazing and metro Detroit a great place to live. So you're talking about the poorest neighborhoods in Detroit. If we don't want to build factories there why don't we have buses go as far as my neighborhood? It's because whites don't want to let them in on the economic opportunity.

You aren't all wrong but the playing field needs to be leveled. Wrongs needed to be righted. But you say you've done all you're going to do. And like me we have a bad opinion of blacks. Even polite ones. Did I tell you about the white girl we hired over the black girl? She was on drugs. We should have taken a chance and hired the black but the Chaldean bitch decided to keep the office all white.

1. THe black illegitimacy rate is nearly 75% compared to the white rate of approx 30%. We know that education outcomes are primarily driven by parent involvement. One parent cannot compete with TWO. This is the black community fucking themselves right out of the gate. THis leads to a black work force that will always be less qualified than the white.

4. Sure I've heard good things about Downtown Detroit. And if a company opens it's HQ there, it's upper management, and their families will be living a city that has a nice downtown, and quite a bit of post apocalyptic hell grounds.

What does me not existing in 1776 have to do with anything? I am not expecting anybody to pay me anything for something I was not a part of, you are. If I chose to celebrate a day which represents this country's freedom from British rule, I have that right, which has nothing to do with reparations.

Well I have been and continue to be part of he discrimination blacks face in America today which is part of what reparations are about. I have the right to demand reparations just as much as you do to celebrate a day where you were not freed from anything because you did not exist.
You do have that right. But your demands are ridiculous. I am not celebrating where I was freed, it is where this country was freed, otherwise we would be under British rule. Also, I am not demanding anything for something I did not earn.

Well the thing about reparations is that we have earned them. You live in a lie Molly. It's just that simple.
Sorry if I missed it, but how much money do you expect Middle Class Americans to be forced to pay you?

From what I have read the American government owes us between 6.4 to 20 trillion dollars.


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