Hatred or Anger?

If jobs were as available for blacks as they are for whites blacks wouldn't have a problem. Only then.
They would be if blacks weren't correctly well-known to be violent drug addicts.
This is the attitude that created the problem.
And exacerbated by your attitude. Pot meet Kettle.
Ask im2 I was as blunt to him when I was making the same ignorant racist stuff you're saying about blacks.

You need to admit that the white community still treats blacks like second class citizens and we are cutting them off from economic opportunity. Then we need to start hiring more blacks. But I think an employer should be able to get rid of anyone without worrying about being sued if it's not working out.

I hope they do start their own business'. Black owned and run.

I agree with everything but the last line I have a problem with..

There are over 2 million black businesses. Please stop acting like we aren't doing that.
Whites? Are you a racist? Why not compare Irish, Italians and other groups who have been prejudiced against in the 20th Century just like Blacks? Lemme guess, because they weren't slaves? You might want to go deeper into history on that one. Specifically "indentured servitidue".

No matter, feel free to spread your hate, keep up the divide, push that attitude that "whites" owe you and let's keep playing the race card as an excuse for everything that's wrong with "black" culture in America. Not your responsibility at all, just keep blaming "whites".

I said what I said and racism has nothing to do with it. When you look at the 20th, you see that whites, such as Irish, Italians or whatever practiced racism against blacks. These whites had full constitutional rights .You need to understand that I have gone deep. Much deeper than you apparently. Because indentured servants signed a contract to come here and work for 7 years in return for getting their trip here paid for you fucking idiot. .I will blame whites for what they deserve to be blamed for, whites do owe us and whites have played the mother fucking race card since at least July 4th ,1776. So shove that hate shit right back up your ass.
Which whites owe you, and for what?

Stop asking that dumb ass question. Whites owe us money. That's just the way it is.
lol No real answer huh? wtf have you done that would warrant anyone owing you money? wtf have I done that would warrant me owing you money? NOTHING is the right answer. You supposedly made a good living by working hard, which is what everyone should do. So, why is it that everyone can't do the same? You can't blame it on race, since you obviously succeeded. If race was a barrier today, you would not see any successful people that weren't white. You just want to bitch and moan and you are the most racist poster on these threads. You call people racist who disagree with you. You act like you are superior to others, who is the real racist? Look in the mirror.

I'm superior to no one and never have said it. You're like a little child thinking you can call me a nasty name and you win. But in the world of fact, you don't.

You see Molly we were promised reparations after slavery but I do believe Andrew Johnson shut it down. Then if you want to compound things we were just as badly treated during the time of American apartheid. Since racism by whites continues today, then we add more to the amount of money owed for pain and suffering. So then we are owed and that's the way it is.

You are a dumb ass. Read about Madam CJ Walker She was black and a millionaire in the early 1900's. Now because she was a black millionaire did that mean race was not a barrier then? No. You are so desperate to make up a nation where racism is gone that you repeat lunacy and think its a logical argument.
Where did i call you a nasty name? You are the one calling others names. And no, you were not promised reparations.
I said what I said and racism has nothing to do with it. When you look at the 20th, you see that whites, such as Irish, Italians or whatever practiced racism against blacks. These whites had full constitutional rights .You need to understand that I have gone deep. Much deeper than you apparently. Because indentured servants signed a contract to come here and work for 7 years in return for getting their trip here paid for you fucking idiot. .I will blame whites for what they deserve to be blamed for, whites do owe us and whites have played the mother fucking race card since at least July 4th ,1776. So shove that hate shit right back up your ass.
Which whites owe you, and for what?

Stop asking that dumb ass question. Whites owe us money. That's just the way it is.
lol No real answer huh? wtf have you done that would warrant anyone owing you money? wtf have I done that would warrant me owing you money? NOTHING is the right answer. You supposedly made a good living by working hard, which is what everyone should do. So, why is it that everyone can't do the same? You can't blame it on race, since you obviously succeeded. If race was a barrier today, you would not see any successful people that weren't white. You just want to bitch and moan and you are the most racist poster on these threads. You call people racist who disagree with you. You act like you are superior to others, who is the real racist? Look in the mirror.

I'm superior to no one and never have said it. You're like a little child thinking you can call me a nasty name and you win. But in the world of fact, you don't.

You see Molly we were promised reparations after slavery but I do believe Andrew Johnson shut it down. Then if you want to compound things we were just as badly treated during the time of American apartheid. Since racism by whites continues today, then we add more to the amount of money owed for pain and suffering. So then we are owed and that's the way it is.

You are a dumb ass. Read about Madam CJ Walker She was black and a millionaire in the early 1900's. Now because she was a black millionaire did that mean race was not a barrier then? No. You are so desperate to make up a nation where racism is gone that you repeat lunacy and think its a logical argument.
Where did i call you a nasty name? You are the one calling others names. And no, you were not promised reparations.

You've called me a racist countless times when I have said nothing racist and you are here telling me how I have called people names who have made terrible filthy racist comments. Secondly when you choose to engage with me, you kinda need to put down the Rush Limbaugh's book of white conservative responses to blacks excusing yourselves from American history. You need to know what you are talking about when you tell me what we were not promised anything because we were,

The Truth Behind ’40 Acres and a Mule’

We’ve all heard the story of the “40 acres and a mule” promise to former slaves. It’s a staple of black history lessons, and it’s the name of Spike Lee’s film company. The promise was the first systematic attempt to provide a form of reparations to newly freed slaves, and it was astonishingly radical for its time, proto-socialist in its implications. In fact, such a policy would be radical in any country today: the federal government’s massive confiscation of private property — some 400,000 acres — formerly owned by Confederate land owners, and its methodical redistribution to former black slaves.

We have been taught in school that the source of the policy of “40 acres and a mule” was Union General William T. Sherman’s Special Field Order No. 15, issued on Jan. 16, 1865. (That account is half-right: Sherman prescribed the 40 acres in that Order, but not the mule. The mule would come later.)

The Truth Behind '40 Acres and a Mule' | African American History Blog | The African Americans: Many Rivers to Cross

Sherman's Field Order No. 15

On January 16, 1865, during the Civil War (1861-65), Union general William T. Sherman issued his Special Field Order No. 15, which confiscated as Union property a strip of coastline stretching from Charleston, South Carolina, to the St. John's River in Florida, including Georgia's Sea Islands and the mainland thirty miles in from the coast. The order redistributed the roughly 400,000 acres of land to newly freed black families in forty-acre segments.

Sherman's Field Order No. 15

Yes we WERE promised reparations and yes we are owed.
Were blacks actually wronged by whites when they were bought? What was the alternative? Remain a surplus slave in Africa? What does that get you? Cannibalized?
Yes. Two wrongs don't make a right.
What do you mean two wrongs? Whites brought them to a wonderful country and now their kids are living off of welfare and being all around pigs. They're far better off than likely even their original negro slave owners.
Slavery is wrong. Fine if you don't agree, but I believe slavery is wrong. It's not Christian. Believe as you wish.

It was wrong. Just imagine how much less crime and dead weight this country would have if early Americans said no to slavery and let them starve to death and be cannibalized by their African slave owners. I never owned a slave, but I regret it every day.

If jobs were as available for blacks as they are for whites blacks wouldn't have a problem. Only then.
They would be if blacks weren't correctly well-known to be violent drug addicts.
This is the attitude that created the problem.

Whitey thought negroes were violet drug addicts, so negroes became violent drug addicts. Typical cause and effect and in no way is it possible that it occurred in reverse order. Uh huh!

This is pure ignorance. Did you even get a 5th grade education?
Don't people like divine wind realize understand or admit bgrouse is the type of hiring managers you have to deal with?
Yes. Two wrongs don't make a right.
What do you mean two wrongs? Whites brought them to a wonderful country and now their kids are living off of welfare and being all around pigs. They're far better off than likely even their original negro slave owners.
Slavery is wrong. Fine if you don't agree, but I believe slavery is wrong. It's not Christian. Believe as you wish.

It was wrong. Just imagine how much less crime and dead weight this country would have if early Americans said no to slavery and let them starve to death and be cannibalized by their African slave owners. I never owned a slave, but I regret it every day.

If jobs were as available for blacks as they are for whites blacks wouldn't have a problem. Only then.
They would be if blacks weren't correctly well-known to be violent drug addicts.
This is the attitude that created the problem.

Whitey thought negroes were violet drug addicts, so negroes became violent drug addicts. Typical cause and effect and in no way is it possible that it occurred in reverse order. Uh huh!

This is pure ignorance. Did you even get a 5th grade education?
Don't people like divine wind realize understand or admit bgrouse is the type of hiring managers you have to deal with?

Apparently not. They are too busy reading that racist garbage, repeating some of it themselves then tell us that it no longer exists and think we are just going to fall down and say of course it doesn't.
Yes. Two wrongs don't make a right.
What do you mean two wrongs? Whites brought them to a wonderful country and now their kids are living off of welfare and being all around pigs. They're far better off than likely even their original negro slave owners.
Slavery is wrong. Fine if you don't agree, but I believe slavery is wrong. It's not Christian. Believe as you wish.

It was wrong. Just imagine how much less crime and dead weight this country would have if early Americans said no to slavery and let them starve to death and be cannibalized by their African slave owners. I never owned a slave, but I regret it every day.

If jobs were as available for blacks as they are for whites blacks wouldn't have a problem. Only then.
They would be if blacks weren't correctly well-known to be violent drug addicts.
This is the attitude that created the problem.

Whitey thought negroes were violet drug addicts, so negroes became violent drug addicts. Typical cause and effect and in no way is it possible that it occurred in reverse order. Uh huh!

This is pure ignorance. Did you even get a 5th grade education?
Did you address my car question already, Mr. 5th grade education?

Here, I'll try to keep it simple, though I fear it will be too difficult for you:

Ford builds 100,000 cars. All 100,000 cars fail fail within the first day of use.
Toyota builds 100,000,000,000 cars, but 150,000 of them fail within the first day of use. The rest are still on the road a year later with no problems.

Next year, both companies release the same model of car with no changes. Do you buy the Toyota because it produced fewer failed models per capita or the Ford because it produced fewer failed models altogether? I'd get the Toyota. What about you?

You see Jethro, I get what you are trying to prove. Your per capita argument has no merit. You see Jethro,, your per capita claim does not take into consideration a whole lot of factors. For example blacks have a 2 times higher rate of poverty than our population while whites have 9 times less poverty than theirs. Per capita our rate of poverty is 3 times that of whites. What happens if our rates of poverty were the same? Because even as you have far less poverty than we do, numerically you commit more crimes. So then what happens if we have 8 times less the rate of poverty in the black community as our population like whites do Jethro?

You don't know because you didn't get out of the fifth grade.
Which whites owe you, and for what?

Stop asking that dumb ass question. Whites owe us money. That's just the way it is.
lol No real answer huh? wtf have you done that would warrant anyone owing you money? wtf have I done that would warrant me owing you money? NOTHING is the right answer. You supposedly made a good living by working hard, which is what everyone should do. So, why is it that everyone can't do the same? You can't blame it on race, since you obviously succeeded. If race was a barrier today, you would not see any successful people that weren't white. You just want to bitch and moan and you are the most racist poster on these threads. You call people racist who disagree with you. You act like you are superior to others, who is the real racist? Look in the mirror.

I'm superior to no one and never have said it. You're like a little child thinking you can call me a nasty name and you win. But in the world of fact, you don't.

You see Molly we were promised reparations after slavery but I do believe Andrew Johnson shut it down. Then if you want to compound things we were just as badly treated during the time of American apartheid. Since racism by whites continues today, then we add more to the amount of money owed for pain and suffering. So then we are owed and that's the way it is.

You are a dumb ass. Read about Madam CJ Walker She was black and a millionaire in the early 1900's. Now because she was a black millionaire did that mean race was not a barrier then? No. You are so desperate to make up a nation where racism is gone that you repeat lunacy and think its a logical argument.
Where did i call you a nasty name? You are the one calling others names. And no, you were not promised reparations.

You've called me a racist countless times when I have said nothing racist and you are here telling me how I have called people names who have made terrible filthy racist comments. Secondly when you choose to engage with me, you kinda need to put down the Rush Limbaugh's book of white conservative responses to blacks excusing yourselves from American history. You need to know what you are talking about when you tell me what we were not promised anything because we were,

The Truth Behind ’40 Acres and a Mule’

We’ve all heard the story of the “40 acres and a mule” promise to former slaves. It’s a staple of black history lessons, and it’s the name of Spike Lee’s film company. The promise was the first systematic attempt to provide a form of reparations to newly freed slaves, and it was astonishingly radical for its time, proto-socialist in its implications. In fact, such a policy would be radical in any country today: the federal government’s massive confiscation of private property — some 400,000 acres — formerly owned by Confederate land owners, and its methodical redistribution to former black slaves.

We have been taught in school that the source of the policy of “40 acres and a mule” was Union General William T. Sherman’s Special Field Order No. 15, issued on Jan. 16, 1865. (That account is half-right: Sherman prescribed the 40 acres in that Order, but not the mule. The mule would come later.)

The Truth Behind '40 Acres and a Mule' | African American History Blog | The African Americans: Many Rivers to Cross

Sherman's Field Order No. 15

On January 16, 1865, during the Civil War (1861-65), Union general William T. Sherman issued his Special Field Order No. 15, which confiscated as Union property a strip of coastline stretching from Charleston, South Carolina, to the St. John's River in Florida, including Georgia's Sea Islands and the mainland thirty miles in from the coast. The order redistributed the roughly 400,000 acres of land to newly freed black families in forty-acre segments.

Sherman's Field Order No. 15

Yes we WERE promised reparations and yes we are owed.

How many people do you know that own some 40 acre plots? I know one, and he bought up all the neighbor's, too.

He now has 160 acres. They didn't want to work it, he (well,his grandpa) did.
What do you mean two wrongs? Whites brought them to a wonderful country and now their kids are living off of welfare and being all around pigs. They're far better off than likely even their original negro slave owners.
Slavery is wrong. Fine if you don't agree, but I believe slavery is wrong. It's not Christian. Believe as you wish.

It was wrong. Just imagine how much less crime and dead weight this country would have if early Americans said no to slavery and let them starve to death and be cannibalized by their African slave owners. I never owned a slave, but I regret it every day.

They would be if blacks weren't correctly well-known to be violent drug addicts.
This is the attitude that created the problem.

Whitey thought negroes were violet drug addicts, so negroes became violent drug addicts. Typical cause and effect and in no way is it possible that it occurred in reverse order. Uh huh!

This is pure ignorance. Did you even get a 5th grade education?
Did you address my car question already, Mr. 5th grade education?

Here, I'll try to keep it simple, though I fear it will be too difficult for you:

Ford builds 100,000 cars. All 100,000 cars fail fail within the first day of use.
Toyota builds 100,000,000,000 cars, but 150,000 of them fail within the first day of use. The rest are still on the road a year later with no problems.

Next year, both companies release the same model of car with no changes. Do you buy the Toyota because it produced fewer failed models per capita or the Ford because it produced fewer failed models altogether? I'd get the Toyota. What about you?

You see Jethro, I get what you are trying to prove. Your per capita argument has no merit. You see Jethro,, your per capita claim does not take into consideration a whole lot of factors. For example blacks have a 2 times higher rate of poverty than our population while whites have 9 times less poverty than theirs. Per capita our rate of poverty is 3 times that of whites. What happens if our rates of poverty were the same? Because even as you have far less poverty than we do, numerically you commit more crimes. So then what happens if we have 8 times less the rate of poverty in the black community as our population like whites do Jethro?

You don't know because you didn't get out of the fifth grade.

Aren't these conservative white men that are telling us racism doesn't exist anymore also the same guys who claim sexual harassment doesn't really happen in the work place?

Fox News sexual harassment scandal grows to include political hopefuls

Nine months of sex harassment scandals take down two Fox News icons

Fox suspends business news host Charles Payne amid sexual harassment allegations

White male conservatives want blacks and women to just bend over and take it.
If jobs were as available for blacks as they are for whites blacks wouldn't have a problem. Only then.
They would be if blacks weren't correctly well-known to be violent drug addicts.
This is the attitude that created the problem.
And exacerbated by your attitude. Pot meet Kettle.
You butted in here.
Once again blaming your own actions on others.
Oh lighten up. We'll never get anywhere if everyone's as thin skinned as you
Typical of you; it's always someone elses fault, never yours.
Aren't these conservative white men that are telling us racism doesn't exist anymore also the same guys who claim sexual harassment doesn't really happen in the work place?.....
Who is saying racism doesn't exist anymore? Quote please. I won't hold my breath waiting for you to back up your lies.
Which whites owe you, and for what?

Stop asking that dumb ass question. Whites owe us money. That's just the way it is.
lol No real answer huh? wtf have you done that would warrant anyone owing you money? wtf have I done that would warrant me owing you money? NOTHING is the right answer. You supposedly made a good living by working hard, which is what everyone should do. So, why is it that everyone can't do the same? You can't blame it on race, since you obviously succeeded. If race was a barrier today, you would not see any successful people that weren't white. You just want to bitch and moan and you are the most racist poster on these threads. You call people racist who disagree with you. You act like you are superior to others, who is the real racist? Look in the mirror.

I'm superior to no one and never have said it. You're like a little child thinking you can call me a nasty name and you win. But in the world of fact, you don't.

You see Molly we were promised reparations after slavery but I do believe Andrew Johnson shut it down. Then if you want to compound things we were just as badly treated during the time of American apartheid. Since racism by whites continues today, then we add more to the amount of money owed for pain and suffering. So then we are owed and that's the way it is.

You are a dumb ass. Read about Madam CJ Walker She was black and a millionaire in the early 1900's. Now because she was a black millionaire did that mean race was not a barrier then? No. You are so desperate to make up a nation where racism is gone that you repeat lunacy and think its a logical argument.
Where did i call you a nasty name? You are the one calling others names. And no, you were not promised reparations.

You've called me a racist countless times when I have said nothing racist and you are here telling me how I have called people names who have made terrible filthy racist comments. Secondly when you choose to engage with me, you kinda need to put down the Rush Limbaugh's book of white conservative responses to blacks excusing yourselves from American history. You need to know what you are talking about when you tell me what we were not promised anything because we were,

The Truth Behind ’40 Acres and a Mule’

We’ve all heard the story of the “40 acres and a mule” promise to former slaves. It’s a staple of black history lessons, and it’s the name of Spike Lee’s film company. The promise was the first systematic attempt to provide a form of reparations to newly freed slaves, and it was astonishingly radical for its time, proto-socialist in its implications. In fact, such a policy would be radical in any country today: the federal government’s massive confiscation of private property — some 400,000 acres — formerly owned by Confederate land owners, and its methodical redistribution to former black slaves.

We have been taught in school that the source of the policy of “40 acres and a mule” was Union General William T. Sherman’s Special Field Order No. 15, issued on Jan. 16, 1865. (That account is half-right: Sherman prescribed the 40 acres in that Order, but not the mule. The mule would come later.)

The Truth Behind '40 Acres and a Mule' | African American History Blog | The African Americans: Many Rivers to Cross

Sherman's Field Order No. 15

On January 16, 1865, during the Civil War (1861-65), Union general William T. Sherman issued his Special Field Order No. 15, which confiscated as Union property a strip of coastline stretching from Charleston, South Carolina, to the St. John's River in Florida, including Georgia's Sea Islands and the mainland thirty miles in from the coast. The order redistributed the roughly 400,000 acres of land to newly freed black families in forty-acre segments.

Sherman's Field Order No. 15

Yes we WERE promised reparations and yes we are owed.
YOU were not promised reparations, YOU did not exist.
Where did i call you a nasty name? You are the one calling others names. And no, you were not promised reparations.
You've called me a racist countless times...
Dude, you are a racist and MizMolly isn't the only one who knows it.
....Helping people deal with it and helping them cope with the feelings that come with being disrespected by no class ignorant white maggots like you who could not wipe my ass...g.
All I can say is you white boys need to learn how to read.

The majority opinion explicitly does not reverse the court's 2003 decision upholding the right of colleges and universities to use race as one of several factors in achieving a diverse student body

One of several factors. But whites used race to deny blacks and everyone else not white from entering schools for about 2 centuries so this whining about use of race as a criteria coming from whites is a joke.

.Number 1 : The Supreme Court issued a series of far-reaching split decisions Thursday, limiting the use of race to assign public school enrollment

Supreme Court Rules on Race and Schools

The use of race was limited. Learn to read.
Since whites have used race to determine everything I don't care about your sniveling, whiny garbage used to present a strawman built on false equivalences..
...There hasn't been any move to anti white discrimination over the last 60-70 years.
How long do whites get to lie to themselves? Don't compare Irish and Italians to blacks. None of them faced what blacks did. Affirmative Action divides nothing. whites divided he nation themselves by denying the same rights they got to others. If not for Affirmative Action, America as we see it now would not exist. The only people who say this violates the 14th amendment are whites who are racists themselves. Your first line was pure bullshit and that belief needs to die because it's a complete lie. When whites like you face the truth then America will be less divided. YOU are the ones keeping things divided by lying to yourselves to the extent of creating and pushing a race baited lie because whites got mad that laws had to be made to stop whites from the oppression of those not white. These are not special rules and there are no special people. Whites are the ones who have thought they were especially entitled to things and they still do now. That's why your first line exists and you actually believe it.
Aren't these conservative white men that are telling us racism doesn't exist anymore also the same guys who claim sexual harassment doesn't really happen in the work place?.....
Who is saying racism doesn't exist anymore? Quote please. I won't hold my breath waiting for you to back up your lies.

Divine, you are a trouble maker, whiner, defensive and in no way are you advancing the discussion. Shut the fuck up ok? LOL
Where did i call you a nasty name? You are the one calling others names. And no, you were not promised reparations.
You've called me a racist countless times...
Dude, you are a racist and MizMolly isn't the only one who knows it.
....Helping people deal with it and helping them cope with the feelings that come with being disrespected by no class ignorant white maggots like you who could not wipe my ass...g.
All I can say is you white boys need to learn how to read.

The majority opinion explicitly does not reverse the court's 2003 decision upholding the right of colleges and universities to use race as one of several factors in achieving a diverse student body

One of several factors. But whites used race to deny blacks and everyone else not white from entering schools for about 2 centuries so this whining about use of race as a criteria coming from whites is a joke.

.Number 1 : The Supreme Court issued a series of far-reaching split decisions Thursday, limiting the use of race to assign public school enrollment

Supreme Court Rules on Race and Schools

The use of race was limited. Learn to read.
Since whites have used race to determine everything I don't care about your sniveling, whiny garbage used to present a strawman built on false equivalences..
...There hasn't been any move to anti white discrimination over the last 60-70 years.
How long do whites get to lie to themselves? Don't compare Irish and Italians to blacks. None of them faced what blacks did. Affirmative Action divides nothing. whites divided he nation themselves by denying the same rights they got to others. If not for Affirmative Action, America as we see it now would not exist. The only people who say this violates the 14th amendment are whites who are racists themselves. Your first line was pure bullshit and that belief needs to die because it's a complete lie. When whites like you face the truth then America will be less divided. YOU are the ones keeping things divided by lying to yourselves to the extent of creating and pushing a race baited lie because whites got mad that laws had to be made to stop whites from the oppression of those not white. These are not special rules and there are no special people. Whites are the ones who have thought they were especially entitled to things and they still do now. That's why your first line exists and you actually believe it.

You and your stupid ass comments are holding us all back. Society as well as this discussion. Stop it for fuck sakes.

Do you believe that blacks have it fair in America? If they don't, is your position tough shit get over it or are you willing and open to the idea that maybe we get whites to stop being racist.

What am I saying? If I'm talking to a right wing nut job then you are probably in agreement with Trump and Jeff Sessions who are now looking into how white kids are being discriminated against in colleges and universities. Oh yea, the poor mistreated white kids.

Report: Justice Department will seek to sue colleges over affirmative action

I think we should continue affirmative action. Your side clearly does not. I'm assuming you voted Republican in the last election right?
Please. In your haste to insist that I express gratitude to a few white politicians of the distant past for DOING THEIR JOBS, you lied. I did NOT say NOTHING was done between the years that I called out, I said that from 1947 to 1957 there was nothing then or now that happened to marginalize the white population as you implied.

You are wasting time and words trying to convince the wrong person to express gratitude for lawmakers only doing the right thing.

Your problem is that you actually believe that black citizens should be second class and subservient to even the lowest bottomfeeding white man.

You also think that ANY laws passed to create a path to equal citizenship for blacks should be viewed as a gift as oppposed to a RIGHT. And ANY gains made by anyone black is considered "taking from white people" by you.

You are a condecending prick and habitual whiner.

1. Nothing I said, has implied in anyway that blacks should be second class citizens. You are a filthy race baiting liar.

2. The laws designed to "create a path to equal citizenship" were fully supported by republicans then and republicans now. It is as those laws and policies have moved BEYOND that to anti-white discrimination that I object. Nothing I have said gives you reason to say otherwise. YOu are a filthy race baiting liar.

3. The historical tidbit about 1862 was very interesting. White republicans even back before the Civil War, busting their asses for your ancestors. And look at the result. Generations of increasing entitlement and racism and hatred, from people like you.

4. THe Eisenhower stuff was great too. YOu know he appointed FIVE justices to the Supreme Court? NOne of them southerns or segregationists.

5. Yes, in arguing with you over and over the same points, with your constant lying and insults, i did lose the immediate thread of your insane denials and conflated "nothing" with "nothing to marginalize whites". Did I mention that you are a filthy race baiting liar?

Sniff, sniff...have a tissue, sister.

I have told you before, you can stop addressing me immediately, because you will get the same response over and over, you effeminate, pathological nutcase.

You are terminally obsessed with dictating what YOU believe that adults who you do not know should be grateful for. You do not get to decide that in my case.

And as fsr as race baiting, it is YOU who is the race baiter.

You in all of your abject stupidity had the gall to state to IM2 "to look at the last 60 to 70 years" and you intended for that to mean "Blacks have gained at the expense of whites" over that time frame.

I then told you "nothing happened in that time frame to MARGINALIZE the white population". and you, being the egregious, lying asswipe that you are twisted my words so suit your agenda.

I called you on your bullshit and you had a meltdown.

You're a moronic little tool.

There was no meltdown, just me calming and repeatedly calling you on your constant stream of bullshit.

Let's remember you are the one arguing that Abraham Lincoln was not strongly anti-slavery and deserves no credit for freeing the slaves.

You are the stupid one here, not me.

Yet you have failed abysmally at providing even a shred of a fact that he placed ending slavery for HUMANITARIAN REASONS above preserving the Union, while I have repeatedly shown evidence of him placing the preservation of the Union first. I never said that he wasnt anti slavery. I said that his priority was keeping the Union whole.

You have been on a failing mission to write your own footnote over his real legacy.

In his own words, he said if he could preserve the union and not free a single slave or vice versa he would do so.

Looks like you need to check your mirror for a living definition of stupid.

I've repeatedly posted quotes from him voicing his moral opposition to slavery.

Your lies are designed only to fool yourself and other willful dupes.

Prove where I have lied, asshole. I have not speculated one iota about Lincoln's belief system as you have. All of your repetitive "humanitarian" and morality B.S. is your opinion. Nothing more. From the outset I have stated that his first priority was saving the union. You cannot deny that without looking stupid.
Where did i call you a nasty name? You are the one calling others names. And no, you were not promised reparations.
You've called me a racist countless times...
Dude, you are a racist and MizMolly isn't the only one who knows it.
....Helping people deal with it and helping them cope with the feelings that come with being disrespected by no class ignorant white maggots like you who could not wipe my ass...g.
All I can say is you white boys need to learn how to read.

The majority opinion explicitly does not reverse the court's 2003 decision upholding the right of colleges and universities to use race as one of several factors in achieving a diverse student body

One of several factors. But whites used race to deny blacks and everyone else not white from entering schools for about 2 centuries so this whining about use of race as a criteria coming from whites is a joke.

.Number 1 : The Supreme Court issued a series of far-reaching split decisions Thursday, limiting the use of race to assign public school enrollment

Supreme Court Rules on Race and Schools

The use of race was limited. Learn to read.
Since whites have used race to determine everything I don't care about your sniveling, whiny garbage used to present a strawman built on false equivalences..
...There hasn't been any move to anti white discrimination over the last 60-70 years.
How long do whites get to lie to themselves? Don't compare Irish and Italians to blacks. None of them faced what blacks did. Affirmative Action divides nothing. whites divided he nation themselves by denying the same rights they got to others. If not for Affirmative Action, America as we see it now would not exist. The only people who say this violates the 14th amendment are whites who are racists themselves. Your first line was pure bullshit and that belief needs to die because it's a complete lie. When whites like you face the truth then America will be less divided. YOU are the ones keeping things divided by lying to yourselves to the extent of creating and pushing a race baited lie because whites got mad that laws had to be made to stop whites from the oppression of those not white. These are not special rules and there are no special people. Whites are the ones who have thought they were especially entitled to things and they still do now. That's why your first line exists and you actually believe it.

And this is what you call racist? LOL!

The first 2 are responses to some serious racist crap I got from some pf you. But the rest is fact.
Forty Acres and a Mule - Dictionary definition of Forty Acres and a Mule | Encyclopedia.com: FREE online dictionary

the Freed-men's Bureau initially was authorized to divide abandoned and confiscated lands into forty-acre tracts for rental and eventual sale to refugees and former slaves. The government has broken many promises. It appears the land was not free, it was to be rented and sold to former slaves.

Molly, Henry Gates is a world renown historical expert. Free dictionary is not. We were promised land. We did not get it. We are owed.
Stop asking that dumb ass question. Whites owe us money. That's just the way it is.
lol No real answer huh? wtf have you done that would warrant anyone owing you money? wtf have I done that would warrant me owing you money? NOTHING is the right answer. You supposedly made a good living by working hard, which is what everyone should do. So, why is it that everyone can't do the same? You can't blame it on race, since you obviously succeeded. If race was a barrier today, you would not see any successful people that weren't white. You just want to bitch and moan and you are the most racist poster on these threads. You call people racist who disagree with you. You act like you are superior to others, who is the real racist? Look in the mirror.

I'm superior to no one and never have said it. You're like a little child thinking you can call me a nasty name and you win. But in the world of fact, you don't.

You see Molly we were promised reparations after slavery but I do believe Andrew Johnson shut it down. Then if you want to compound things we were just as badly treated during the time of American apartheid. Since racism by whites continues today, then we add more to the amount of money owed for pain and suffering. So then we are owed and that's the way it is.

You are a dumb ass. Read about Madam CJ Walker She was black and a millionaire in the early 1900's. Now because she was a black millionaire did that mean race was not a barrier then? No. You are so desperate to make up a nation where racism is gone that you repeat lunacy and think its a logical argument.
Where did i call you a nasty name? You are the one calling others names. And no, you were not promised reparations.

You've called me a racist countless times when I have said nothing racist and you are here telling me how I have called people names who have made terrible filthy racist comments. Secondly when you choose to engage with me, you kinda need to put down the Rush Limbaugh's book of white conservative responses to blacks excusing yourselves from American history. You need to know what you are talking about when you tell me what we were not promised anything because we were,

The Truth Behind ’40 Acres and a Mule’

We’ve all heard the story of the “40 acres and a mule” promise to former slaves. It’s a staple of black history lessons, and it’s the name of Spike Lee’s film company. The promise was the first systematic attempt to provide a form of reparations to newly freed slaves, and it was astonishingly radical for its time, proto-socialist in its implications. In fact, such a policy would be radical in any country today: the federal government’s massive confiscation of private property — some 400,000 acres — formerly owned by Confederate land owners, and its methodical redistribution to former black slaves.

We have been taught in school that the source of the policy of “40 acres and a mule” was Union General William T. Sherman’s Special Field Order No. 15, issued on Jan. 16, 1865. (That account is half-right: Sherman prescribed the 40 acres in that Order, but not the mule. The mule would come later.)

The Truth Behind '40 Acres and a Mule' | African American History Blog | The African Americans: Many Rivers to Cross

Sherman's Field Order No. 15

On January 16, 1865, during the Civil War (1861-65), Union general William T. Sherman issued his Special Field Order No. 15, which confiscated as Union property a strip of coastline stretching from Charleston, South Carolina, to the St. John's River in Florida, including Georgia's Sea Islands and the mainland thirty miles in from the coast. The order redistributed the roughly 400,000 acres of land to newly freed black families in forty-acre segments.

Sherman's Field Order No. 15

Yes we WERE promised reparations and yes we are owed.
YOU were not promised reparations, YOU did not exist.

We were promised reparations, we are owed. You avoidance technique is bot going to vet paid attention to. Try another method.

Your ass did not exist on July 4th 1776. Shut up.
Slavery is wrong. Fine if you don't agree, but I believe slavery is wrong. It's not Christian. Believe as you wish.

It was wrong. Just imagine how much less crime and dead weight this country would have if early Americans said no to slavery and let them starve to death and be cannibalized by their African slave owners. I never owned a slave, but I regret it every day.

This is the attitude that created the problem.

Whitey thought negroes were violet drug addicts, so negroes became violent drug addicts. Typical cause and effect and in no way is it possible that it occurred in reverse order. Uh huh!

This is pure ignorance. Did you even get a 5th grade education?
Did you address my car question already, Mr. 5th grade education?

Here, I'll try to keep it simple, though I fear it will be too difficult for you:

Ford builds 100,000 cars. All 100,000 cars fail fail within the first day of use.
Toyota builds 100,000,000,000 cars, but 150,000 of them fail within the first day of use. The rest are still on the road a year later with no problems.

Next year, both companies release the same model of car with no changes. Do you buy the Toyota because it produced fewer failed models per capita or the Ford because it produced fewer failed models altogether? I'd get the Toyota. What about you?

You see Jethro, I get what you are trying to prove. Your per capita argument has no merit. You see Jethro,, your per capita claim does not take into consideration a whole lot of factors. For example blacks have a 2 times higher rate of poverty than our population while whites have 9 times less poverty than theirs. Per capita our rate of poverty is 3 times that of whites. What happens if our rates of poverty were the same? Because even as you have far less poverty than we do, numerically you commit more crimes. So then what happens if we have 8 times less the rate of poverty in the black community as our population like whites do Jethro?

You don't know because you didn't get out of the fifth grade.

Aren't these conservative white men that are telling us racism doesn't exist anymore also the same guys who claim sexual harassment doesn't really happen in the work place?

Fox News sexual harassment scandal grows to include political hopefuls

Nine months of sex harassment scandals take down two Fox News icons

Fox suspends business news host Charles Payne amid sexual harassment allegations

White male conservatives want blacks and women to just bend over and take it.

None of those things happen according to these guys. The only thing that happens is white men are getting screwed if you ask these white male conservatives. Then you have dumb ass white women falling for it too and repeating the same line of white victimization even as they are objectified by these same white men..
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