
I'm not always friendly. True enough.

Who is though? I am not friendly at all. not in person. Not because of any dispositional issues, I just am not good around people in person. Im very straight laced, by the book. If something needs to be done I want to do what needs to be done. Id rather listen rather than talk so I come off cold and uncaring sometimes.

Friendship is one of the 3 grand principles of my faith. Because I truly believe God wants us to be a friend to all men. It's also one of the most difficult I have because of the previous mentioned issues.
It's hard to be friendly when someone is spitting in your face. I'm reminded of the scene in To Kill a Mockingbird. Atticus is able to stand there when someone spits in his face with hate.
It's hard to be friendly when someone is spitting in your face. I'm reminded of the scene in To Kill a Mockingbird. Atticus is able to stand there when someone spits in his face with hate.

No. It's not easy to do. But I think it will be worth it.
I'll let you know when I'm able to wash spit off my face and remain equaniminous.

I didn't retaliate when I was pushed and cursed with slurs, but my mind was in terrible turmoil.
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I'll let you know when I'm able to wash spit off my face and remain equaniminous.

I didn't retaliate when I was pushed and cursed with slurs, but my mind was in terrible turmoil.

What is weighing down on your mind?
I'll let you know when I'm able to wash spit off my face and remain equaniminous.

I didn't retaliate when I was pushed and cursed with slurs, but my mind was in terrible turmoil.

What is weighing down on your mind?

I don't understand what you mean. I am talking about something that happened in the past.

I didn't retaliate but I felt hurt, angry and humiliated.
I'll let you know when I'm able to wash spit off my face and remain equaniminous.

I didn't retaliate when I was pushed and cursed with slurs, but my mind was in terrible turmoil.

What is weighing down on your mind?

I don't understand what you mean. I am talking about something that happened in the past.

I didn't retaliate but I felt hurt, angry and humiliated.

Anger is an annoying emotion. Mostly because it's usually covering another emotion underneath it. It's a secondary emotion. Covers shame, pride, jealousy, envy, pain etc.

Would retaliating have made you feel less hurt, angry and humiliated?
What is weighing down on your mind?

I don't understand what you mean. I am talking about something that happened in the past.

I didn't retaliate but I felt hurt, angry and humiliated.

Anger is an annoying emotion. Mostly because it's usually covering another emotion underneath it. It's a secondary emotion. Covers shame, pride, jealousy, envy, pain etc.

Would retaliating have made you feel less hurt, angry and humiliated?

No. Retaliating wouldn't have helped. Being a doormat doesn't help either.
I don't understand what you mean. I am talking about something that happened in the past.

I didn't retaliate but I felt hurt, angry and humiliated.

Anger is an annoying emotion. Mostly because it's usually covering another emotion underneath it. It's a secondary emotion. Covers shame, pride, jealousy, envy, pain etc.

Would retaliating have made you feel less hurt, angry and humiliated?

No. Retaliating wouldn't have helped. Being a doormat doesn't help either.

Avatar is right about anger being a secondary emotion, but they're wrong of the primary emotion under it........and there's only 2, pain and fear.

Now, interestingly enough the reason that we get angry is because someone either hurts us, or causes us fear, and because we don't like that, we get angry to hurt them back to stop them from hurting us, or get angry because you want the person who is causing you fear to stop scaring you, so you scare them back.

Once you figure out the source (pain or fear or a combination of both), you can then take steps to stop being fearful or you can soothe the pain.

After that? The anger just evaporates because there isn't any negative emotion to feed it.

Practice it long enough, you will be able to do it reflexively and nothing small will ever make you angry again.
There's so much hate expressed on this board.

People are looking for somebody to blame.

Some of us blame the poor, some of the rich, some of us government, some of us corporations and on and on and on.

And we can all find plenty of data to support our own personal POVs, too.

But what most of us must do is IGNORE evidence that doesn't support our POVs.
There's so much hate expressed on this board.

People are looking for somebody to blame.

Some of us blame the poor, some of the rich, some of us government, some of us corporations and on and on and on.

And we can all find plenty of data to support our own personal POVs, too.

But what most of us must do is IGNORE evidence that doesn't support our POVs.

I blame religion, just think about it: wars/jihads/crusades, dividing the world into little sections, with each sect convinced that they are the only right ones and everyone else is stoopid and/or should die, all the stoopid rules that pit people against each other, dumb outfits, women subjugation, pedophilia in several religions... man the list just goes on and on.
There's so much hate expressed on this board.

People are looking for somebody to blame.

Some of us blame the poor, some of the rich, some of us government, some of us corporations and on and on and on.

And we can all find plenty of data to support our own personal POVs, too.

But what most of us must do is IGNORE evidence that doesn't support our POVs.

You're right. Everyone is doing what they can to blame someone else, that they refuse to take responsibility for their own hatred.

The post after yours is a prime example.
I forgot to add: Religious people are often very stoopid, avatar is a prime example. He's gives money to his cult.
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Avatar may well give money to his faith. I don't see a thing wrong with helping fund endeavors you believe in.

What have you done to help the next guy, Hister?

Apparently helping others is a bad thing. Who knew?:)
Also, I'm always amused at how people seem to think that if you disagree with them than you have no freedom.

I can do what I want. I choose to do things differently than you. If I chose to do something differently tomorrow, I could.

That's the beauty of being human. We have the power to change. We can be different people tomorrow than we were yesterday. We can grow. We can expand in service or contract in selfishness. We make choices all the time.

The only difference is some people take responsibility for their choices. Others don't.

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