Have America's young men become too feminine, materialistic, and too wimpy to become astronauts and fighter pilots?

True on both counts. It is indeed "boomer shit." Today's young generation are the boomers' grandchildren. They're fucked. The Boomers were an evil and wicked marijuana-addled generation. In their day, they circumcised some of own children like little Jewish boys and castrated others as good Catholic choirboys. They also enacted a "Generation-Skipping Transfer Tax" to deprive their grandchildren of wealth.
I can't speak for others, but, in my case, you're full of shit- it might be time to recall when you point a finger 3 are pointing back- I attended Kindergarten in a Catholic school- I'm not circumcised if it makes you' *feel* any better.

I don't recall politics ever being discussed when I was a kid. I do, however, remember the drought being discussed. Not details, but the drought in general. I, many years later, and several years ago read, The Time It Never Rained, by Elmer Kelton who was a bit older than me whose story was a composite of the people he grew up around where he was raised, on a ranch in west Texas- the story opened my eyes to gov't intervention in citizens every day lives-

The Time It Never Rained was inspired by actual events, when the longest and most severe drought in living memory pressed ranchers and farmers to the outer limits of courage and endurance."—Elmer Kelton

Rio Seco was too small to afford a professional manager for its one-room Chamber of Commerce.

And Rio Seco, meaning "dry river" in Spanish, symbolizes the biggest enemy of the ranchers and farmers in 1950s Texas, an enemy they can't control: drought. To cranky Charlie Flagg, an honest, decent rancher, the drought of the early 1950s is a battle that he must fight on his own grounds. Refusing the questionable "assistance" of federal aid programs and their bureaucratic regulations, Charlie and his family struggle to make the ranch survive until the time it rains again—if it ever rains again.

Charlie Flagg, among the strongest of Elmer Kelton's memorable creations, is no pasteboard hero. He is courageous and self-sufficient but as real as his harsh and unforgiving West Texas home country. His battle with an unfathomable foe is the stuff of epics and legends.

That said, I grew up not questioning the gov't as probably my parents and their parents did as well- in retrospect, it's called trusting authority figures- that was before the advent of the internet, which has available all the info to learn to NOT trust authority figures, now, or previously, even before my immediate ancestors time. Another thing I've learned the years I've spent being being politically vocal and quite knowldgeable (since 07), is, people tend to paint with a broad brush in their condemnation of everything. See you own post as evidence, or any Party specific post, for that matter- BOTH sides emulate the other side in their crtiticism and call their criticism (even though it's defending an evil) the right analysis.

That said many people my age are very similar to you- so, how do you explain that away? Are you too "boomer shit"?
As a Fighter Pilot or Tank Commander, Women are equals.
I dont know about fighter pilots but there is a lot of heavy lifting involved with tanks

and even if a woman or two are able make the cut who needs them? Males are better suited overall for combat
"I'd just shoot him" as if physically handling one's business were out of the question is a pussy unless over the age of 70.
Try me- Samuel Colt invented the great equalizer ( prefer the Ruger GP100 or the Springfield Armory 1911)- at 72 I can't match a younger persons physical capability- but, I am equal. IF you cause me harm, I have two sons, one 39 the other 34 which I promise you wouldn't want to piss off- that's provided you have the balls you claim others don't have.
As a Fighter Pilot or Tank Commander, Women are equals.
I dont know about fighter pilots but there is a lot of heavy lifting involved with tanks

and even if a woman or two are able make the cut who needs them? Males are better suited overall for combat

There has been many, many different awards issued to Women Tank Commanders. You are thinking of Ammo Loaders and maintainers where Women won't do so well. But a Tank Commander is all brains and just has to get used to get beaten up standing in the turrent tunnel while commanding the rest of the crew. And maybe, manning the 50 cal once in awhile.

As for Pilots, it's not a labor intensive job. It is a time intensive job and a real brain teaser. Women fare well.
"I'd just shoot him" as if physically handling one's business were out of the question is a pussy unless over the age of 70.
Try me- Samuel Colt invented the great equalizer ( prefer the Ruger GP100 or the Springfield Armory 1911)- at 72 I can't match a younger persons physical capability- but, I am equal. IF you cause me harm, I have two sons, one 39 the other 34 which I promise you wouldn't want to piss off- that's provided you have the balls you claim others don't have.
Thanks for proving my point.
Being a man is called toxic. Men and women are equal. Women are just as strong and capable as men. Just look.

one woman out of a thousand is as strong as the average male

As a Fighter Pilot or Tank Commander, Women are equals.
The F 35 has had maturing problems. One of the issue was making the cockpit fit a smaller female frame. Perhaps its been fixed. Its not about being pilots, its about taking a flying position from a male do to politics. Just for your information the amount of men in poverty is growing in all ethnic and cultural backgrounds. We know what will eventually happen. Lots of death.
All of the above having been said, if push came to shove, I am confident that America's men and women would toughen up right quick and rise to the occasion. We always have.
Not really.
It is usually the rural kids that fight the wars.

HUGE difference between this kid:


And this girly boy:

No worries. The Russians have the men. Elon has the equipment.

The Russians have hopeless thugs who Russia has historically treated as the cannon fodder they seem best suited to being. The Russians have streets littered with half-conscious children inhaling plastic baggies of industrial glue, and crumbling tenements filled with 'men' buried under piles of empty vodka bottles.
It is tragic what their form of government did to the people by the 1930's and with the added harshness of World War 2. They are at least a generation away from healing with all the deaths.
I believe American men are just as tough today as they were back in WW2. The problem is that the media has been taken over by radical lesbians and gay advocates who want to change the fabric of society with absurd propaganda.

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