Have some stupid for dinner!

and then you ignore the proof when it's provided.
Show me where you have listed Obama's trillions in spending.

So all of the spending during the last seven years have nothing to do with Barry? Is that what you're claiming?

Show me what Barack Obama has ever done to balance the Federal budget!
You're a really good dancer.

Now please compile that list! Your credibility hinges on it.

My "credibility" hinges on doing busy work for you simply because you demand it? Why would I waste my time? We both know how this works with you, Synth! You demand something...then when it's provided...you ignore it! How about this...you show me all of the things that Barack Obama has done over the past seven years to cut spending. YOUR credibility hinges on THAT!
He has no credibility. He is a smelly troll. And not a very good one at that.
The simple fact is the debt was $10T under Bush and will probably hit $20T by the time Obozo mercifully leaves office. That means Obozo has spent as much as every other president combined.
Whatever libs complain about Bush, Obozo has done it twice over. And when confronted with it their reply is "Bush did it too." So if Bush was so bad then Obozo must be twice as bad.
I love that Rabbi actually thinks he provided proof of anything. He's so delusional he probably truly believes that.
I love that Rabbi actually thinks he provided proof of anything. He's so delusional he probably truly believes that.
Are you still skulking around here? You are a very failed pathetic poster. Still retailing lies from years ago.
The proof is self evident. Obama has almost doubled the debt. That is simply fact.
According to you leftists, everything wrong with this country is Republicans fault. You brain dead bafoons are STILL blaming Bush 7 years later...Dumasses.
Shrub wasted trillion$ on the Iraq war. Shrub wasted trillion$ more on welfare for millionaires. Shrub destroyed the U.S. economy. Shrub destroyed the global economy.
The cons try to blame Obama for the debt, but he's just been digging the country out of the hole Shrub put us in. But the republicans have been nothing but obstructionists, and still managed run up more debt. CONGRESS CONTROLS THE SPENDING!
It hasn't been just Shrub, Raygun tripled the debt, and Shrub daddy doubled it again in only four years.
The last three con POTUS's are responsible for most of the national debt.

And what has Barry done over the past seven years? Play golf and take joy rides on Air Force One? What is HIS responsibility for the massive amounts of spending that have taken place during his two terms?
In spite of the obstructionist cons, Obama ended the war in Iraq and Afghanistan....gave healthcare to those that didn't have any...cut the annual deficit in half, on top of digging this country out of the economic collapse Shrub put us in....cut unemployment from 10% down to 5%...and restored integrity and credibility to America that Shrub destroyed.
Obama has done more for this country than any POTUS since FDR. All the debt Obama has accrued, has been fixing the mess that Shrub and the con congress and senate made. You know it's true, and cons will never live it down...all they can do is try to lie their way out of it, by blaming Obama. Won't work....cons lose again in 2016.
According to you leftists, everything wrong with this country is Republicans fault. You brain dead bafoons are STILL blaming Bush 7 years later...Dumasses.
Shrub wasted trillion$ on the Iraq war. Shrub wasted trillion$ more on welfare for millionaires. Shrub destroyed the U.S. economy. Shrub destroyed the global economy.
The cons try to blame Obama for the debt, but he's just been digging the country out of the hole Shrub put us in. But the republicans have been nothing but obstructionists, and still managed run up more debt. CONGRESS CONTROLS THE SPENDING!
It hasn't been just Shrub, Raygun tripled the debt, and Shrub daddy doubled it again in only four years.
The last three con POTUS's are responsible for most of the national debt.

And what has Barry done over the past seven years? Play golf and take joy rides on Air Force One? What is HIS responsibility for the massive amounts of spending that have taken place during his two terms?
In spite of the obstructionist cons, Obama ended the war in Iraq and Afghanistan....gave healthcare to those that didn't have any...cut the annual deficit in half, on top of digging this country out of the economic collapse Shrub put us in....cut unemployment from 10% down to 5%...and restored integrity and credibility to America that Shrub destroyed.
Obama has done more for this country than any POTUS since FDR. All the debt Obama has accrued, has been fixing the mess that Shrub and the con congress and senate made. You know it's true, and cons will never live it down...all they can do is try to lie their way out of it, by blaming Obama. Won't work....cons lose again in 2016.
Your idol Barry The Blamer has flushed this country into a cesspool of third world sewage. The globe us laughing at us. Total economic collapse is just around the corner. Only a fool would cast a vote for Pantsuit.
According to you leftists, everything wrong with this country is Republicans fault. You brain dead bafoons are STILL blaming Bush 7 years later...Dumasses.
Shrub wasted trillion$ on the Iraq war. Shrub wasted trillion$ more on welfare for millionaires. Shrub destroyed the U.S. economy. Shrub destroyed the global economy.
The cons try to blame Obama for the debt, but he's just been digging the country out of the hole Shrub put us in. But the republicans have been nothing but obstructionists, and still managed run up more debt. CONGRESS CONTROLS THE SPENDING!
It hasn't been just Shrub, Raygun tripled the debt, and Shrub daddy doubled it again in only four years.
The last three con POTUS's are responsible for most of the national debt.

And what has Barry done over the past seven years? Play golf and take joy rides on Air Force One? What is HIS responsibility for the massive amounts of spending that have taken place during his two terms?
In spite of the obstructionist cons, Obama ended the war in Iraq and Afghanistan....gave healthcare to those that didn't have any...cut the annual deficit in half, on top of digging this country out of the economic collapse Shrub put us in....cut unemployment from 10% down to 5%...and restored integrity and credibility to America that Shrub destroyed.
Obama has done more for this country than any POTUS since FDR. All the debt Obama has accrued, has been fixing the mess that Shrub and the con congress and senate made. You know it's true, and cons will never live it down...all they can do is try to lie their way out of it, by blaming Obama. Won't work....cons lose again in 2016.

Barry hasn't "ended" war in Iraq and Afghanistan...he enabled ISIS to become a threat to the stability of the WORLD by prematurely withdrawing US combat troops against the advise of his military commanders! The American people wanted a reduction in healthcare costs. Instead Barry gave them the ACA which doesn't reduce the cost of healthcare...it simply changes who pays for it. If you're a Middle Class American...the ACA means that YOUR healthcare costs will go up to pay for the healthcare of others. Barry has overseen the worst recovery from a recession since the Great Depression and hasn't had a policy to address job creation in so long it's laughable that you give him CREDIT for lowering unemployment! As for restoring "integrity and credibility" to America? Our enemies are laughing at us and our allies no longer trust us under this President. Everything he touches when it comes to foreign policy has turned to shit...everywhere around the world!
Fear has been so pounded into Conservatives by the Right wing media that guys like this can't even think clearly. Their world view is so tainted by these clowns in the media it's ridiculous.
Who in their right mind thinks our President doesn't care?

I don't see cons bleating about how global warming is going to end civilization, or mankind, or all plant life, or whatever you twits are declaring. The cons see the country under attack (people did die in San Bernardino after all) and you people think that a one degree rise in temperature is the end of the world.

When it comes to fear mongering you loons take the cake. And by a country mile.
Here ya go - just skim down the page at some of these. Even the conservatives on this site will be shaking their heads at the sheer ignorance of the Iowa and NH voters. And I know they're not alone. It's mind-blowing and does not bode well for this country.

NYMag Survey: Republican Voters Want ‘Testicular Fortitude’

Scroll down to 'The Undecideds'. Here's just a taste of the stupid:

It looks to me he was raised with it takes a village mentality... Dumbass to the core.
The cons see the country under attack (people did die in San Bernardino after all)
People died in a Charleston church also.

Indeed they did. Tragically. Yet you don't see the cons bleating about the end of the world over a one degree rise in temperature. Your claim is the repubs are fear mongering when it is the progressives, such as you, who bleat about the end of the world like the little fear mongering sheep you are.
and you people think that a one degree rise in temperature is the end of the world.
A one degree rise has a profound affect on microbiological life and the oceans, which are acidifying at an alarming rate.

Don't go through life ignorant, parroting FoxNews.

I don't. You parrot all sorts of stupid alarmist websites. The facts are that other than in computer models there is ZERO evidence to support a single one of your claims. What is known is that we could burn every carbon bearing rock on this planet and that would lower the pH of the oceans from 8.1 to 8.0. Which is still very alkaline.

Must hurt your head when you are presented with facts that blow your fear mongering out of the water.
Obama has almost doubled the debt.
Yet you can't enumerate any of his supposed trillions in spending.

And you don't even know that the House controls all spending. And that Republicans have controlled the House since 2011.

You suck at this.

Yes, the House does control spending! So show me what Barry did to cut spending when Democrats controlled the House, the Senate and the Oval Office! Show me his cuts during 2009 and 2010! Then show me the cuts he proposed the rest of the time that the GOP blocked.
My "credibility" hinges on doing busy work for you simply because you demand it?
YOU made the claim that Obama has spent trillions. It's on you to back up your bullshit.

But you can't so you deflect, run away, and obfuscate.

What's laughable is that you don't hold Obama responsible for any of the out of control spending that's taken place during his two terms because it's the House that controls spending...yet Barry has consistently threatened to veto any bills that the GOP controlled House sent to his desk that WOULD cut spending.

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