Have some stupid for dinner!

How much has the US debt increased since Barack Obama took office?
Playing the moron isn't going to work.

  • I control all the money.
  • I hand you a credit card with a $20,000 balance on it.
  • The interest ever month is $300.
  • You keep asking me to pay down that $20,000+.
  • I keep saying no, I'll just make the minimum payment.
  • After 7 years, because of all the accrued interest, it's now $40,000.
  • I blame you, saying "When I gave you the card it only had $20K on it - it's your fault that it's now at $40K".

Now, if you cannot understand this, or you would rather just either lie or play stupid, I cannot help you.

Your "analogy" is laughably bad, Synth!

Try this one instead...

You're the Mayor of a town that just got hit by a hurricane which ripped the roof off your High School, forcing you to spend a huge amount of money to put a new roof up. Your expenses for that year were really high but what choice did you have...you had to have that roof or you would have lost the rest of the building.

A new Mayor gets elected and their first year in office they spend as much as you spent plus a little more...only they don't spend that money on a roof like you did...the new Mayor spends that money on raises for all the teachers, new uniforms for all the sports teams, and a new teacher's lounge. When it's pointed out to the Mayor that they are spending a whole lot of money on things that aren't essentials...the new Mayor smugly answers by saying that they increased spending by the smallest percentage of any Mayor in the history of the city.

The current debt got it start from the Vietnam War. Are you saying that the Vietnam war was a necessity?

Under which administration are you saying the "roof was repaired" under?

My analogy of the roof repair was about how the Bush Administration dealt with the economic crash in 2007. They put stimulus plans like TARP into play to keep major banks and industries from going belly up. In doing so they increased deficit spending by huge amounts.

My amusement was over the Progressive talking point that Obama isn't a big spender because HE increased spending by the smallest percentage compared to the President before him! Anyone who trots that out is using statistics to obscure the truth.
TARP has been paid back. In fact, we made a profit on the money loaned to the banks. That happened back in 2011.
Yes, under Bush. That's when the program started.
Obozo continued the program and its been a disaster of course.
economic hitler?

debt on purpose b/c he hates America?
dead on
Republican debt that Republicans refuse to pay down.
When Shrub Jr. was POTUS, he had a GOP congress and senate. And they destroyed the balanced budget in six months by giving $3 trillion tax cut welfare to millionaires, and just added it to the national debt. The cons doubled the national debt in those eight years from $5.5 trillion to over $11 trillion.
Not only do cons not pay down the debt, they double or triple it every time there is a republican POTUS. And if a con gets in this time, they will add at least $10 trillion by starting a war with Iran and Iraq....which will probably get Russia and China involved....there goes the global economy again.
economic hitler?

debt on purpose b/c he hates America?
dead on
Republican debt that Republicans refuse to pay down.
When Shrub Jr. was POTUS, he had a GOP congress and senate. And they destroyed the balanced budget in six months by giving $3 trillion tax cut welfare to millionaires, and just added it to the national debt. The cons doubled the national debt in those eight years from $5.5 trillion to over $11 trillion.
Not only do cons not pay down the debt, they double or triple it every time there is a republican POTUS. And if a con gets in this time, they will add at least $10 trillion by starting a war with Iran and Iraq....which will probably get Russia and China involved....there goes the global economy again.

When did Bush EVER have GOP House and Senate majorities like Barack Obama did coming into office? Wasn't Nancy Pelosi Speaker of the House during W's time in office? Wasn't Harry Reid the Senate Majority Leader?

So if Liberals are so good at paying down the debt...then why is the only recent Congress who managed to do that one led by Newt Gingrich with a solid GOP majority?
economic hitler?

debt on purpose b/c he hates America?
dead on
Republican debt that Republicans refuse to pay down.
When Shrub Jr. was POTUS, he had a GOP congress and senate. And they destroyed the balanced budget in six months by giving $3 trillion tax cut welfare to millionaires, and just added it to the national debt. The cons doubled the national debt in those eight years from $5.5 trillion to over $11 trillion.
Not only do cons not pay down the debt, they double or triple it every time there is a republican POTUS. And if a con gets in this time, they will add at least $10 trillion by starting a war with Iran and Iraq....which will probably get Russia and China involved....there goes the global economy again.

When did Bush EVER have GOP House and Senate majorities like Barack Obama did coming into office? Wasn't Nancy Pelosi Speaker of the House during W's time in office? Wasn't Harry Reid the Senate Majority Leader?

Nope. Child molester Dennis Hastert was Speaker of the House from 1999 to 2007. Pelosi wasn't speaker until 2007.

Republican Trent Lott was Senate Majority Leader when Bush was sworn in. He ended up resigning in disgrace in 2002.

Harry Reid wasn't Leader until 2007.

Nice try.
we could start with that failed obamacare.
Show me how much Obamacare has added to the debt. Use CBO numbers.

You can't. You're just a wingnut.

Now There Can Be No Doubt: Obamacare Will Increase The Deficit

You can show Syn the facts all day and point out how Obama lied through his teeth. It doesn't make any difference. Facts are not important to people like him and he ignores them like most posters of his ilk. His arguments are goofier than his avatar.
Playing the moron isn't going to work.

  • I control all the money.
  • I hand you a credit card with a $20,000 balance on it.
  • The interest ever month is $300.
  • You keep asking me to pay down that $20,000+.
  • I keep saying no, I'll just make the minimum payment.
  • After 7 years, because of all the accrued interest, it's now $40,000.
  • I blame you, saying "When I gave you the card it only had $20K on it - it's your fault that it's now at $40K".

Now, if you cannot understand this, or you would rather just either lie or play stupid, I cannot help you.

Your "analogy" is laughably bad, Synth!

Try this one instead...

You're the Mayor of a town that just got hit by a hurricane which ripped the roof off your High School, forcing you to spend a huge amount of money to put a new roof up. Your expenses for that year were really high but what choice did you have...you had to have that roof or you would have lost the rest of the building.

A new Mayor gets elected and their first year in office they spend as much as you spent plus a little more...only they don't spend that money on a roof like you did...the new Mayor spends that money on raises for all the teachers, new uniforms for all the sports teams, and a new teacher's lounge. When it's pointed out to the Mayor that they are spending a whole lot of money on things that aren't essentials...the new Mayor smugly answers by saying that they increased spending by the smallest percentage of any Mayor in the history of the city.

The current debt got it start from the Vietnam War. Are you saying that the Vietnam war was a necessity?

Under which administration are you saying the "roof was repaired" under?

My analogy of the roof repair was about how the Bush Administration dealt with the economic crash in 2007. They put stimulus plans like TARP into play to keep major banks and industries from going belly up. In doing so they increased deficit spending by huge amounts.

My amusement was over the Progressive talking point that Obama isn't a big spender because HE increased spending by the smallest percentage compared to the President before him! Anyone who trots that out is using statistics to obscure the truth.
TARP has been paid back. In fact, we made a profit on the money loaned to the banks. That happened back in 2011.

Too bad TARP was George W. Bush's baby...not Obama's. If Barry had set it up I'm pretty sure it would have been another Solyndra. :badgrin:
Mentioning Solyndra only confirms your ignorance.
Republican debt that Republicans refuse to pay down.
Ima gunna tell ya for the gajillianth time, I Am Not A Republican.
But the Republicans who ran up the debt and refuse to pay it down are Republicans.

And you defend them at every turn. So what does that make you? Besides ignorant, I mean.
Good luck backing up that claim.
Which claim? That Republicans ran up the debt or that you defend them?
If I have to explain it...
You don't have to explain anything. Republicans ran up the debt, Republicans refuse to pay it down, and you defend Republicans.

It's very clear and undisputed. You came to Bush's defense in this very thread.
The Vietnam War was paid for, by putting more money into the federal budget
How do you put more money into the Federal budget?

(I hope the class is paying attention to your answer...)

If you had not cut off the words from the rest of that sentence maybe it would make better sense to you.
Have you never heard of off budget and on budget?
Of course. Republicans in Congress put both wars and the Bush Tax Cuts off budget - with the wars it was done through "continuing resolutions" - to hide it from view.

When Obama came into office he could have continued to hide it, but he instead decided to do what was best for the country and put all of it in the light.

These are facts, and they are indisputable.
That doesnt nearly add up to the $9T Obama has spent.
Show where Obama spent $9 trillion.

Or are you going to run away again?
I did. He spent it on everything but interest on the debt.
Or are you as bad at math as you are at everything else?
No you have not. I asked you to enumerate the trillions Obama spent.

Maybe you just don't know what enumerate means. Let me help:

(ĭ-no͞o′mə-rāt′, -nyo͞o′-)
tr.v. e·nu·mer·at·ed, e·nu·mer·at·ing, e·nu·mer·ates

1. To count off or name one by one
; list: A spokesperson enumerated the strikers' demands.

2. To determine the number of; count.
Playing the moron isn't going to work.

  • I control all the money.
  • I hand you a credit card with a $20,000 balance on it.
  • The interest ever month is $300.
  • You keep asking me to pay down that $20,000+.
  • I keep saying no, I'll just make the minimum payment.
  • After 7 years, because of all the accrued interest, it's now $40,000.
  • I blame you, saying "When I gave you the card it only had $20K on it - it's your fault that it's now at $40K".

Now, if you cannot understand this, or you would rather just either lie or play stupid, I cannot help you.

Your "analogy" is laughably bad, Synth!

Try this one instead...

You're the Mayor of a town that just got hit by a hurricane which ripped the roof off your High School, forcing you to spend a huge amount of money to put a new roof up. Your expenses for that year were really high but what choice did you have...you had to have that roof or you would have lost the rest of the building.

A new Mayor gets elected and their first year in office they spend as much as you spent plus a little more...only they don't spend that money on a roof like you did...the new Mayor spends that money on raises for all the teachers, new uniforms for all the sports teams, and a new teacher's lounge. When it's pointed out to the Mayor that they are spending a whole lot of money on things that aren't essentials...the new Mayor smugly answers by saying that they increased spending by the smallest percentage of any Mayor in the history of the city.

The current debt got it start from the Vietnam War. Are you saying that the Vietnam war was a necessity?

Under which administration are you saying the "roof was repaired" under?

My analogy of the roof repair was about how the Bush Administration dealt with the economic crash in 2007. They put stimulus plans like TARP into play to keep major banks and industries from going belly up. In doing so they increased deficit spending by huge amounts.

My amusement was over the Progressive talking point that Obama isn't a big spender because HE increased spending by the smallest percentage compared to the President before him! Anyone who trots that out is using statistics to obscure the truth.
TARP has been paid back. In fact, we made a profit on the money loaned to the banks. That happened back in 2011.
Yes, under Bush. That's when the program started.
Obozo continued the program and its been a disaster of course.
Bush wasn't president in 2011, dumb shit.
According to you leftists, everything wrong with this country is Republicans fault. You brain dead bafoons are STILL blaming Bush 7 years later...Dumasses.

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