Have the Democrats even Read the Constitution?


Diamond Member
Apr 12, 2012

So, ignoring the matter of whether it is "good policy" for the Federal Government to PROHIBIT STATES FROM REGULATING ABORTION WITHIN THEIR BORDERS, what about the question of the Constitutional limits on the powers of Congress?

Nothing in Article I of the Constitution (which defines Congress' powers) even hints at such powers resting with Congress. Is it the Interstate Commerce Clause? Nothing.

These clowns swear an oath to protect and uphold the Constitution of the United States, and yet they don't even pay lip service to it. Every single Democrat in the House voted for this bill [which is going nowhere, by the way].

And I feel I must quote the article for another purpose - to point out what a ridiculous piece of shit the Associated Press has evolved into. Check out this whopper: "Voters now rank abortion as among the most pressing issues facing the country." Really? Which voters, exactly? Where is the poll that supports that ridiculous claim?

Leftism is evil. Leftists are evil. It explains EVERYTHING.
They will keep the abortion issue, along with Jan 6, on the front burner in hopes that it will still be an important issue in November. Who knows, it may work for them if Biden can pull a rabbit out the hat regarding the economy and inflation by then.
It is a right to privacy

That the decision should be between a woman and her doctor

Government overreach

So, ignoring the matter of whether it is "good policy" for the Federal Government to PROHIBIT STATES FROM REGULATING ABORTION WITHIN THEIR BORDERS, what about the question of the Constitutional limits on the powers of Congress?

Nothing in Article I of the Constitution (which defines Congress' powers) even hints at such powers resting with Congress. Is it the Interstate Commerce Clause? Nothing.

These clowns swear an oath to protect and uphold the Constitution of the United States, and yet they don't even pay lip service to it. Every single Democrat in the House voted for this bill [which is going nowhere, by the way].

And I feel I must quote the article for another purpose - to point out what a ridiculous piece of shit the Associated Press has evolved into. Check out this whopper: "Voters now rank abortion as among the most pressing issues facing the country." Really? Which voters, exactly? Where is the poll that supports that ridiculous claim?

Leftism is evil. Leftists are evil. It explains EVERYTHING.
Liberals see it as NOT putting restrictions on govt. Anything can be passed or ordered by govt officials Unless or Until a lawsuit or court order stops it. They only listen to court and govt orders. So if you want to enforce a law or interpretation, you either have to sue through Courts to get an order in writing, or you campaign to get people in office willing to adjudicate executive or judicial orders or write and pass legislative establishing the policy.
Liberals see it as NOT putting restrictions on govt. Anything can be passed or ordered by govt officials Unless or Until a lawsuit or court order stops it. They only listen to court and govt orders. So if you want to enforce a law or interpretation, you either have to sue through Courts to get an order in writing, or you campaign to get people in office willing to adjudicate executive or judicial orders or write and pass legislative establishing the policy.
The duty of Congress is to do what is in the best interests of We the People

If they don’t, we vote them out of office
Thread summary:

A conservative who has apparently never heard of The Supremacy Clause is declaring that the liberals don't know what's in the Constitution.
What a moron. The "supremacy clause" does not trump Article I. Never has. Never will.
Have the Democrats even Read the Constitution?
US4CC.meme.Sam_Elliot - Read_Constitution.png

You should know by now that there is a Constitutional dogma that suggests that it is okay to have a different understanding of the almighty United States Constitution. It is how we analyze and predict the Supreme Court. You haven't noticed???

US4CC.meme.Justice_ACB_JH - Separation_of_Judiciary.png

So, ignoring the matter of whether it is "good policy" for the Federal Government to PROHIBIT STATES FROM REGULATING ABORTION WITHIN THEIR BORDERS, what about the question of the Constitutional limits on the powers of Congress?
Nothing in Article I of the Constitution (which defines Congress' powers) even hints at such powers resting with Congress. Is it the Interstate Commerce Clause? Nothing.

You should try to read the Constitution more closely.

US4CC.meme.Jim_Halpert_Constitution - A1Sec5.png

These clowns swear an oath to protect and uphold the Constitution of the United States, and yet they don't even pay lip service to it. Every single Democrat in the House voted for this bill [which is going nowhere, by the way].
US4CC.meme.Good_Fellas - Violation_of_Oath.png

US4CC.meme.Smart_Guy - checks_balances.png

And I feel I must quote the article for another purpose - to point out what a ridiculous piece of shit the Associated Press has evolved into. Check out this whopper: "Voters now rank abortion as among the most pressing issues facing the country." Really? Which voters, exactly? Where is the poll that supports that ridiculous claim?
Leftism is evil. Leftists are evil. It explains EVERYTHING.
US4CC.meme.Hannibal_lecter - imperfect_constitution.png
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Yes they have read it. Thats why they dont like it and want to eliminate it. They are globalist totalitarians.
Democrats aren’t the ones attacking our elections and a free press
Thread summary:
A conservative who has apparently never heard of The Supremacy Clause is declaring that the liberals don't know what's in the Constitution.
You must have missed this part of the OP:
Nothing in Article I of the Constitution (which defines Congress' powers) even hints at such powers resting with Congress. Is it the Interstate Commerce Clause? Nothing.
While the Constitution is not all that difficult to understand, and a light reading points to a few ambiguities, the meaning of 98% of its clauses and words are clearly understood.

The problem arose as long ago as President Wilson, with a perpetual cadre of judges/justices, politicians, lawyers, and academicians who are determined to deny many clear meanings and invent new provisions. They have done this through disingenuous readings by jurists and Congress-persons (both House and Senate), who seek to legislate without regard to the meaning of the text.

The so-called, "interstate commerce clause" has been expanded far beyond either the original intention of the Authors (the Scalia/Thomas approach) or any rational reading. It is "common knowledge," though utterly false, that Congress has the power to regulate education, legislate to save the planet, tell the states how to regulate abortions & marriages, and so on. This is all made-up nonsense that prevails simply because it has existed for so long without effective objection.

Democrats have for a while held a microscopic electoral majority and on that basis seek to push through a virtual cornucopia of unconstitutional legislation, starting with some awful form of socialized medicine.

There is a reason why the CONSTITUTION requires super majorities to pass "revolutionary" new initiatives such as socialized medicine; the reason is that such moves should not be made by microscopic majorities, since they will prevail long after that microscopic majority has faded into memory.

Again, I ask, what gives the Congress the right to regulate abortion, gay marriage, how schools deal with gender-related delusions, and so on? In short, nothing gives Congress those rights. A pox on all Congress-people who support such initiatives, which they must know contravene the Constitution which they have sworn to uphold.
You must have missed this part of the OP:
Nothing in Article I of the Constitution (which defines Congress' powers) even hints at such powers resting with Congress. Is it the Interstate Commerce Clause? Nothing.
What does any of that babbling have to do with the fact that The Supremacy Clause says that federal law takes precedence over state law?

Oh, I see. You all know you're wrong, so you're all deflecting.

Someday, I may find even one conservative who isn't hilariously ignorant of the entire Constitution, but it won't be here. Conservatives use a speshul PC version of the Constitution to justify their fascist actions.
What does any of that babbling have to do with the fact that The Supremacy Clause says that federal law takes precedence over state law?
The fact the OP did not in any way question the constitutional supremacy of federal laws over state laws aside...

The Supremacy clause is irrelevant when Congress does not have the power to enact the law in question.
Nothing in Article I of the Constitution (which defines Congress' powers) even hints at such powers resting with Congress. Is it the Interstate Commerce Clause? Nothing.

If you had read the OP, and the Constitution, you'd know this.
The Supremacy clause is irrelevant when Congress does not have the power to enact the law in question.
So in your very odd worldview, what does Congress have the power to do?

And why hasn't anyone in the past two centuries figured it out like you have?
So in your very odd worldview, what does Congress have the power to do?
You don't know?
Ah - you haven't read the constitution.
See: Article I Section 8.
Which of these clauses gives Congress the power to prohibit the states from regulating abortions within their own borders?
How do you know?
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Democrats aren’t the ones attacking our elections and a free press
Bullshit. You called Bush W an illegitimate President. You called Trump an illegitimate President. Every time there's a recount for a close election, democrats seem to find more votes. Get the hell out of here.
You don't know?
Ah - you haven't read the constitution.
See: Article I Section 8.
Which of these clauses gives Congress the power to prohibit the states from regulating abortions within their own borders?
How do you know?

I found a good example of congress exercising such power. When they passed the Protection of Lawful Commerce in Arms Act, or PLCAA. Using the interstate commerce clause, they were empowered to write a law, prohibiting people from suing gun manufacturers for damages from the improper use of their product.

So what's the difference in congress enacting a law that prevents states from using lawsuits or laws in order to protect abortion providers.
Bullshit. You called Bush W an illegitimate President. You called Trump an illegitimate President. Every time there's a recount for a close election, democrats seem to find more votes. Get the hell out of here.
Oh yes. Al Franken vs Coleman in Minnesota. Senate election. Where it went to he Michigan supreme court, where Coleman was behind, and after the lawsuits and the appeals, Frankens lead just kept getting bigger.

Compare to Florida 2000, where Bush v Gore, the more they counted, the more Bush's lead kept getting smaller.

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