Have to speak candidly, I was assaulted by my wife and she was arrested. Advice please, even to those who disagree with me.

I expect my wife to try this by any means necessary. It's why I've said that CSIS should oversee certain agencies.

Destroying our record on civil liberties, transparency and fair and equal justice goes well beyond the individual. You can go to any Canadian newspaper or forum and the dismay is prevalent. All I can do is speak the truth, she is going to try and alter the truth.

Good grief. What justice are you looking for? Just leave so she can't continue to abuse you.
Good grief. What justice are you looking for? Just leave so she can't continue to abuse you.

The truth, that is all. Like Elon Musk.

I want her to get help, she is my wife. If we can't work it out I will accept that, but I have to try. It will make it difficult once diabolical forces are involved.
The truth, that is all. Like Elon Musk.

I want her to get help, she is my wife. If we can't work it out I will accept that, but I have to try. It will make it difficult once diabolical forces are involved.

You aren't going to get the truth. She's going to beat you up again. There are no diabolical forces. You're complicit in your abuse.
Good grief. What justice are you looking for? Just leave so she can't continue to abuse you.

It's a lot easier to expect the Government to help you ... And blame your problems on them ...
Or some diabolical force driven by Elon Musk ... The Global Kabal ... Maybe even Satan himself ... :auiqs.jpg:

By all means ... Don't just look for the help available ... From qualified and/or religious professionals ..
What could they possibly know?


It's a lot easier to expect the Government to help you ... And blame your problems on them ...
Or some diabolical force driven by Elon Musk ... The Global Kabal ... Maybe even Satan himself ... :auiqs.jpg:


The guy's a worm. Now I want to hit him.
The guy's a worm. Now I want to hit him.

Stop It ... :auiqs.jpg:

Well ... I tried the other way ... Maybe "smartass" will work ...
It's the route she took that led him into the last 16 years of his life ... I'll try learning from a "pro" in this case.
She had him figured out.

We've both been under a great deal of stress of late, she has been worse due to her gambling addiction, The assaults against me have been going on for years and even though she warned me a number of times if I ever called the police that she would accuse me of beating her, I was forced to call them this time.

I don't want her charged as I believe even after so many attacks on me over the years that, "I married her and took a vow to God" and I try to see it through (my grandfather was the same way). The police said that they are now mandated to charge someone with assault even if they just break a phone!

Due to her extreme reaction when I pushed her away, giving myself some space as I didn't want to be punched by her, I am weary of the aftermath as she came by to pick up her stuff, with police escort and her arm was in a sling. How is it possible for her to be in a sling when all I did was push her?

She stated to the cops that I damaged her arm when they came, but it seems REALLY far-fetched and she attacked me twice while I was lying passively on the couch. Unless it is just inflammation, my suspicions will be firm that it was a screw job at the hospital. There is no way I dislocated her arm for instance, not even if I punched someone am I that strong.

It's ironic too, because after I pushed her away from me, she went around into the kitchen and blocked my way to leaving for downstairs to get away from the situation. She threw a utensil at me and used TWO arms to stab me hard with her cane, which lead to pain to this day (it happened Thurs).

She did not want me to call and pulled the phone out so that I had to recall.

What would one do if the police decide that i am the aggressor and charge me? I am in our home, she is removed. With my bad experienced with the covert ops here, I am never calm even when I know I am in the right,

Wow man, sorry to hear this. My advice is, you really need to remove yourself from this situation. Is there anyone you can move in with for a while at least?
I get the feeling the system is going to screw me yet again. I didn't have the resources to deal with this and I am sure her family provided one for her.
How is your credit? Go borrow the money for a lawyer if you have to. You keep making excuses for not getting out of it. Get a divorce, sell the house, split the proceeds & get on with your life. She ain't worth it. Does Canada have no fault divorce?
It's just that I took a vow. My guess is that I will be railroaded in this case, I felt this the moment I saw her with a sling at my house. I literally just firmly pushed her and she acted after as if I shot her.

Also, I am coming to the realization that even if she loved me dearly, which I imagine she still has feelings even as she used to regularly attack me verbally and otherwise of course; her family would forbid it. They are surrounding her now, cursing me up and down, their only goal will be to destroy me I'm sure.

So my personal feelings are juxtaposed to my concerns about her legal/family resources
Just because you took a "'vow" doesn't mean that you have to spend the rest of your life with someone who makes your life miserable. I mean, come on.
How is your credit? Go borrow the money for a lawyer if you have to. You keep making excuses for not getting out of it. Get a divorce, sell the house, split the proceeds & get on with your life. She ain't worth it. Does Canada have no fault divorce?

It's complicated. I will say that I appreciate your guys input, it means alot to me, it really does. We aren't going to always agree but Americans are free speakers and it's helping me cope.

The only comparable I have in my situation would be someone suffering from PTSD, or maybe mourning a lost loved one who they had a rocky relationship with. The economy here is bleak and now I have 1000 emotions to contend with and varying issues.

I'm trying to figure it out, but after 16 years even the most rational option is very imperfect. I still care for her, I still want her to be a better person. I'm trying.
I'm trying to figure it out, but after 16 years even the most rational option is very imperfect. I still care for her, I still want her to be a better person. I'm trying.

If you were capable of helping her be a better person she wouldn't be worse now 16 years later. The obvious conclusion is that you truly aren't capable....that's not an insult. It's just that she doesn't respect you.
She isn't going to in the future either.

There are no "perfect " outcomes or a fantasy future with her and you.

The best that you can hope for is a full life....

It has been said and is true is:
"The best revenge for divorce is living well "

I recommend getting a full measure of a rich and rewarding life.
If you were capable of helping her be a better person she wouldn't be worse now 16 years later. The obvious conclusion is that you truly aren't capable....that's not an insult. It's just that she doesn't respect you.
She isn't going to in the future either.

There are no "perfect " outcomes or a fantasy future with her and you.

The best that you can hope for is a full life....

It has been said and is true is:
"The best revenge for divorce is living well "

I recommend getting a full measure of a rich and rewarding life.

I need a job first, that is my goal. I'm not sure how my emotions will work through this, but I need to work, rebuild confidence, revisit my vows.
We've both been under a great deal of stress of late, she has been worse due to her gambling addiction, The assaults against me have been going on for years and even though she warned me a number of times if I ever called the police that she would accuse me of beating her, I was forced to call them this time.

I don't want her charged as I believe even after so many attacks on me over the years that, "I married her and took a vow to God" and I try to see it through (my grandfather was the same way). The police said that they are now mandated to charge someone with assault even if they just break a phone!

Due to her extreme reaction when I pushed her away, giving myself some space as I didn't want to be punched by her, I am weary of the aftermath as she came by to pick up her stuff, with police escort and her arm was in a sling. How is it possible for her to be in a sling when all I did was push her?

She stated to the cops that I damaged her arm when they came, but it seems REALLY far-fetched and she attacked me twice while I was lying passively on the couch. Unless it is just inflammation, my suspicions will be firm that it was a screw job at the hospital. There is no way I dislocated her arm for instance, not even if I punched someone am I that strong.

It's ironic too, because after I pushed her away from me, she went around into the kitchen and blocked my way to leaving for downstairs to get away from the situation. She threw a utensil at me and used TWO arms to stab me hard with her cane, which lead to pain to this day (it happened Thurs).

She did not want me to call and pulled the phone out so that I had to recall.

What would one do if the police decide that i am the aggressor and charge me? I am in our home, she is removed. With my bad experienced with the covert ops here, I am never calm even when I know I am in the right,

Don't waste your money on a lawyer. You are going to lose with or without a lawyer. Just sit around and wait for the outcome. Roll with the punches. No pun intended. She wants to hurt you so she will. You can't avoid it. A lawyer will make things as bad as they possibly can so that they can charge you more and more money to clean up the mess. Plead guilty or no contest to whatever bull crap comes up. Yes. It sucks but trust me. A lawyer will make the problem 10 times worse.

Come back and read this thread in a year because I am pretty sure if you ignore me now you will listen to me in a year and agree with me. There is no good lawyer.
If any of this is true, this is not the appropriate place to seek legal advice and you shouldn’t be discussing ongoing criminal case on a online message board.

Then where is the place to talk about it? Why do so many people say this dumb crap? There are no names or case numbers. This is just chit chat. Calm down. It's ok for people to give their opinion.
Then where is the place to talk about it? Why do so many people say this dumb crap? There are no names or case numbers. This is just chit chat. Calm down. It's ok for people to give their opinion.

It's peculiar that of all the posts I have made on here the one in which I report that I had been rendered deaf with tinnitus in one ear due to a beating from a detective and abused with a stick on my groin by his partner, as an underage teen I might add; deserves the "delete" function by the mods, especially as Donald H was involved in the conversation.

By the way, I wasn't charged with a crime. Still don't have a criminal record for all the abuse I have suffered from.

You'd think of any nation, Americans would understand abuse and violation of Rights, you fought many wars, including Independence to achieve it. What say the mods? Who benefits when you protect abusers from over 30 years ago?
We've both been under a great deal of stress of late, she has been worse due to her gambling addiction, The assaults against me have been going on for years and even though she warned me a number of times if I ever called the police that she would accuse me of beating her, I was forced to call them this time.

I don't want her charged as I believe even after so many attacks on me over the years that, "I married her and took a vow to God" and I try to see it through (my grandfather was the same way). The police said that they are now mandated to charge someone with assault even if they just break a phone!

Due to her extreme reaction when I pushed her away, giving myself some space as I didn't want to be punched by her, I am weary of the aftermath as she came by to pick up her stuff, with police escort and her arm was in a sling. How is it possible for her to be in a sling when all I did was push her?

She stated to the cops that I damaged her arm when they came, but it seems REALLY far-fetched and she attacked me twice while I was lying passively on the couch. Unless it is just inflammation, my suspicions will be firm that it was a screw job at the hospital. There is no way I dislocated her arm for instance, not even if I punched someone am I that strong.

It's ironic too, because after I pushed her away from me, she went around into the kitchen and blocked my way to leaving for downstairs to get away from the situation. She threw a utensil at me and used TWO arms to stab me hard with her cane, which lead to pain to this day (it happened Thurs).

She did not want me to call and pulled the phone out so that I had to recall.

What would one do if the police decide that i am the aggressor and charge me? I am in our home, she is removed. With my bad experienced with the covert ops here, I am never calm even when I know I am in the right,
Get on with your life and wish her well. She isn't going to stop abusing you.

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