Have You Called Your Representatives Yet? If Not, Why Not? 'Nix It 'Till You Fix It!'


Diamond Member
Aug 4, 2015
There is renewed momentum in Congress for broad reforms to surveillance laws beyond the PATRIOT Act, especially following the December 2019 release of the report by the Justice Department’s top watchdog that found problems with the Department of Justice application to wiretap Carter Page— who had previously served as President Donald Trump’s campaign aide—as part of an investigation into Russian interference in the 2016 presidential election. The report is a timely contribution to the reauthorization debate, spotlighting issues with a related provision of national security surveillance law, and with the oversight systems for national security surveillance. As Congress considers how to make national security surveillance more accountable, it should broadly examine problems with surveillance powers and the checks currently in place to guard against abuse, and pursue remedies accordingly.

Over the last four decades, the government’s national security surveillance powers have increased significantly; whenever Congress passes a new law to further this expansion, as it did with the PATRIOT Act, it’s building onto FISA.

Three provisions from the PATRIOT Act and related surveillance laws with “sunset” clauses—which require Congress to renew them regularly:

This provision gives the govt the authority to issue one surveillance order for a target that is intermittently using multiple communications identifiers, such as 'burner' (cheap, disposable) phones

This provision allows the government to monitor a foreign national who is suspected of aiding international terrorism but is not connected to a terrorist organization. As far as it is known this provision has never been used.

3. SECTION 215
This provision gives the government immense power to demand records from companies for national security investigations.

** The National Security Agency (NSA) previously used Section 215 to engage in nationwide bulk collection of phone records, a gross misapplication beyond what Congress authorized the law to do.
-- Former NSA Director James Clapper committed perjury by denying the NSA was doing this while testifying before Congress. Democrats prevented his Indictment by quickly calling him back before Congress to 'amend' his testimony after evidence came out that the NSA was doing this.

The most dangerous of these provision, IMO, to the American people and to their Constitutional Rights is the Section 215 and the mass bulk collection of US citizen metadata.

The Supreme Court ruled that the Fourth Amendment requires law enforcement to obtain a warrant for electronic location tracking—specifically for cellphone location tracking—but left many details ambiguous. Many provisions of FISA, notably Section 215, could allow the government to demand location records that reveal Americans’ most sensitive activities and interactions.

What to Expect for the PATRIOT Act Reauthorization

The Bush-era pseudocons are calling.

"Anyone who opposes the PATRIOT Act wants the terrorists to win!"
There is renewed momentum in Congress for broad reforms to surveillance laws beyond the PATRIOT Act, especially following the December 2019 release of the report by the Justice Department’s top watchdog that found problems with the Department of Justice application to wiretap Carter Page— who had previously served as President Donald Trump’s campaign aide—as part of an investigation into Russian interference in the 2016 presidential election. The report is a timely contribution to the reauthorization debate, spotlighting issues with a related provision of national security surveillance law, and with the oversight systems for national security surveillance. As Congress considers how to make national security surveillance more accountable, it should broadly examine problems with surveillance powers and the checks currently in place to guard against abuse, and pursue remedies accordingly.

Over the last four decades, the government’s national security surveillance powers have increased significantly; whenever Congress passes a new law to further this expansion, as it did with the PATRIOT Act, it’s building onto FISA.

Three provisions from the PATRIOT Act and related surveillance laws with “sunset” clauses—which require Congress to renew them regularly:

This provision gives the govt the authority to issue one surveillance order for a target that is intermittently using multiple communications identifiers, such as 'burner' (cheap, disposable) phones

This provision allows the government to monitor a foreign national who is suspected of aiding international terrorism but is not connected to a terrorist organization. As far as it is known this provision has never been used.

3. SECTION 215
This provision gives the government immense power to demand records from companies for national security investigations.

** The National Security Agency (NSA) previously used Section 215 to engage in nationwide bulk collection of phone records, a gross misapplication beyond what Congress authorized the law to do.
-- Former NSA Director James Clapper committed perjury by denying the NSA was doing this while testifying before Congress. Democrats prevented his Indictment by quickly calling him back before Congress to 'amend' his testimony after evidence came out that the NSA was doing this.

The most dangerous of these provision, IMO, to the American people and to their Constitutional Rights is the Section 215 and the mass bulk collection of US citizen metadata.

The Supreme Court ruled that the Fourth Amendment requires law enforcement to obtain a warrant for electronic location tracking—specifically for cellphone location tracking—but left many details ambiguous. Many provisions of FISA, notably Section 215, could allow the government to demand location records that reveal Americans’ most sensitive activities and interactions.

What to Expect for the PATRIOT Act Reauthorization

The Bush-era pseudocons are calling.

"Anyone who opposes the PATRIOT Act wants the terrorists to win!"

Maybe this is something both regular Democrats and GOPers can get together on.

What is wrong with that?

POST your POSITION, good or bad! Then you know what, let WASHINGTON have it, and sit on your position that you posted, for the rest of the election cycle.

I am calling my congress critter, and saying no way, Jose. You people do what you want.
We need to repeal the Patriot Act

It is anything but Patriotic
There is renewed momentum in Congress for broad reforms to surveillance laws beyond the PATRIOT Act, especially following the December 2019 release of the report by the Justice Department’s top watchdog that found problems with the Department of Justice application to wiretap Carter Page— who had previously served as President Donald Trump’s campaign aide—as part of an investigation into Russian interference in the 2016 presidential election. The report is a timely contribution to the reauthorization debate, spotlighting issues with a related provision of national security surveillance law, and with the oversight systems for national security surveillance. As Congress considers how to make national security surveillance more accountable, it should broadly examine problems with surveillance powers and the checks currently in place to guard against abuse, and pursue remedies accordingly.

Over the last four decades, the government’s national security surveillance powers have increased significantly; whenever Congress passes a new law to further this expansion, as it did with the PATRIOT Act, it’s building onto FISA.

Three provisions from the PATRIOT Act and related surveillance laws with “sunset” clauses—which require Congress to renew them regularly:

This provision gives the govt the authority to issue one surveillance order for a target that is intermittently using multiple communications identifiers, such as 'burner' (cheap, disposable) phones

This provision allows the government to monitor a foreign national who is suspected of aiding international terrorism but is not connected to a terrorist organization. As far as it is known this provision has never been used.

3. SECTION 215
This provision gives the government immense power to demand records from companies for national security investigations.

** The National Security Agency (NSA) previously used Section 215 to engage in nationwide bulk collection of phone records, a gross misapplication beyond what Congress authorized the law to do.
-- Former NSA Director James Clapper committed perjury by denying the NSA was doing this while testifying before Congress. Democrats prevented his Indictment by quickly calling him back before Congress to 'amend' his testimony after evidence came out that the NSA was doing this.

The most dangerous of these provision, IMO, to the American people and to their Constitutional Rights is the Section 215 and the mass bulk collection of US citizen metadata.

The Supreme Court ruled that the Fourth Amendment requires law enforcement to obtain a warrant for electronic location tracking—specifically for cellphone location tracking—but left many details ambiguous. Many provisions of FISA, notably Section 215, could allow the government to demand location records that reveal Americans’ most sensitive activities and interactions.

What to Expect for the PATRIOT Act Reauthorization

The Bush-era pseudocons are calling.

"Anyone who opposes the PATRIOT Act wants the terrorists to win!"

Maybe this is something both regular Democrats and GOPers can get together on.

What is wrong with that?

POST your POSITION, good or bad! Then you know what, let WASHINGTON have it, and sit on your position that you posted, for the rest of the election cycle.

I am calling my congress critter, and saying no way, Jose. You people do what you want.
Scrap the whole thing, every dot and tittle. Enacting it was a power grab, enacted while actively trying to keep a sense of panic in the public and the threat of tar and feathering any politicians who were not in lockstep, with the fear of being an unpatriotic sympathizer. Bad was to enact security legislation. Bush/Cheny politics.
More important than these provisions is the continued existence and operation of the secret FISA Court!

Over the last several decades the Federal Bureau of Investigation, under 2 FBI Directors, during Presidents Obama and Trump alone resulted in approximately 2 dozen criminal FISA Court Abuses.

- Both FBI Director Robert Mueller and his protégé, FBI Director James Comey, were identified as having facilitated / participated in committing crimes to mislead the FISA Court. These crimes consisted of falsifying official documents, changing official testimony, withholding Exculpatory Evidence, prosecutorial misconduct, and Perjury.

The FISA Court has proven that it has no way to validate the warrant requests submitted to the court, no way to check to ensure the information provided to them is valid and complete. (The court has also been accused of using that 'plausible deniability' to facilitate violations of American citizen's Constitutional Rights.)

The FBI has proven itself unable to be trusted to comply with either Constitution or existing Law, and there is nothing to suggest they will comply with any changes made to the FISA Court process to ensure they obey either. The current FBI Director, Wray, gave 'Lip Service' to the seriousness of the criminal acts the FBI has been caught engaging in AGAIN. Wray claimed that only 'changes' need to me made to prevent the continued criminal abuse; however, the repeated deviations from existing law, policy, and procedure seem to show that the entire CULTURE within the FBI in regards to respect for and adherence to the Constitution and Rule of Law is the problem, one adding several new rules / procedures will not fix.

In order to save itself and guarantee its continued existence, the FISA Court - the 'duped', if you will - directed the FBI / FBI Director Wray - the ones who criminally abused the FISA Court process and duped the FISA Court - to provide a plan to show how they would POLICE THEMSELVES (after breaking laws for the last several decades under 2 FBI directors) so they would NEVER COMMIT FISA COURT ABUSES AGAIN.

This entire act looked more like one of D-Adam Schiff's infamous 'parodies' than a serious / legitimate way to reform the FISA Court process. Talk about the 'Fox' guarding the 'Hen House'.

The FISA Court has no more merit / authority / legitimacy to direct the FBI to create a self-policing plan to void any necessary punishment for their crimes and to guarantee such FISA Court abuses will never happen again than the FBI has any credibility / ability to guarantee anyone it will never commit these crimes against the American people again.

Based on the continued criminal violations of both Constitution and Law by the FBI for DECADES, based on their illegally stripping the Constitutional and legal rights of US citizens, illegally spying on US citizens, the FISA Court should immediately be SHUT DOWN until required changes can be made and the appropriate oversight by individuals / agencies outside the FISA Court, NSA, CIA, and FBI can be established, no matter how long that takes...if it can be done.

The criminals already identified as having taken part in these latest crimes need to be punished to the full extent of the law....without a reduction of sentence or pardon. Mueller and FBI agents committed FISA Abuses - no one was ever held judicially / prosecutorially accountable, providing no deterrent to do so again...which is in LARGE part why it happened again.

Prosecute the latest batch of criminals.
Nix it (the FISA Court) until you fix it'.

If you haven't called / written your Reps, what are you waiting for?!
There is renewed momentum in Congress for broad reforms to surveillance laws beyond the PATRIOT Act, especially following the December 2019 release of the report by the Justice Department’s top watchdog that found problems with the Department of Justice application to wiretap Carter Page— who had previously served as President Donald Trump’s campaign aide—as part of an investigation into Russian interference in the 2016 presidential election. The report is a timely contribution to the reauthorization debate, spotlighting issues with a related provision of national security surveillance law, and with the oversight systems for national security surveillance. As Congress considers how to make national security surveillance more accountable, it should broadly examine problems with surveillance powers and the checks currently in place to guard against abuse, and pursue remedies accordingly.

Over the last four decades, the government’s national security surveillance powers have increased significantly; whenever Congress passes a new law to further this expansion, as it did with the PATRIOT Act, it’s building onto FISA.

Three provisions from the PATRIOT Act and related surveillance laws with “sunset” clauses—which require Congress to renew them regularly:

This provision gives the govt the authority to issue one surveillance order for a target that is intermittently using multiple communications identifiers, such as 'burner' (cheap, disposable) phones

This provision allows the government to monitor a foreign national who is suspected of aiding international terrorism but is not connected to a terrorist organization. As far as it is known this provision has never been used.

3. SECTION 215
This provision gives the government immense power to demand records from companies for national security investigations.

** The National Security Agency (NSA) previously used Section 215 to engage in nationwide bulk collection of phone records, a gross misapplication beyond what Congress authorized the law to do.
-- Former NSA Director James Clapper committed perjury by denying the NSA was doing this while testifying before Congress. Democrats prevented his Indictment by quickly calling him back before Congress to 'amend' his testimony after evidence came out that the NSA was doing this.

The most dangerous of these provision, IMO, to the American people and to their Constitutional Rights is the Section 215 and the mass bulk collection of US citizen metadata.

The Supreme Court ruled that the Fourth Amendment requires law enforcement to obtain a warrant for electronic location tracking—specifically for cellphone location tracking—but left many details ambiguous. Many provisions of FISA, notably Section 215, could allow the government to demand location records that reveal Americans’ most sensitive activities and interactions.

What to Expect for the PATRIOT Act Reauthorization

The Bush-era pseudocons are calling.

"Anyone who opposes the PATRIOT Act wants the terrorists to win!"

Maybe this is something both regular Democrats and GOPers can get together on.

What is wrong with that?

POST your POSITION, good or bad! Then you know what, let WASHINGTON have it, and sit on your position that you posted, for the rest of the election cycle.

I am calling my congress critter, and saying no way, Jose. You people do what you want.
Scrap the whole thing, every dot and tittle. Enacting it was a power grab, enacted while actively trying to keep a sense of panic in the public and the threat of tar and feathering any politicians who were not in lockstep, with the fear of being an unpatriotic sympathizer. Bad was to enact security legislation. Bush/Cheny politics.

What has that got to do with current politics? We have the power. Just like they did with allowing illegals to become citizens under Bush, the calls made them change their minds.

Look, WE are the people WE have been waiting for, don't believe me; ask any BERNARD supporter!

They are starting to impose their will on the DNC. We can think it is bad, but they are.

Sooooooooooooooo, we are going to sit here, lol! Yeah, we will show em, correct!

Look folks, believe it or not, Washington is scared to death of you. They want you asleep at the wheel, so some clowns can forge you a path that they want you to traverse.

Just for your info---------->all of you think this whole 2020 election is about YOU, the base. NOT!

This election is only about YOU, when they see what % of their base is going to show to vote. You are actually SECONDARY unless they can not get 85% to agree to show. They know, they have you in their pockets!

What this is about, as always, is those who claim to be independents. UPDATE...….if you are NOT registered as an independent, it is NOT about you!

What they do(in case you are wondering as a political person) is, they calculate what % they have of the base. Then they calculate what % of the other party's base the other party's have, then they calculate where they are; and for the Left, that is easy.

Then they say, OK how much of the independents do I have to have to get what I need as far as the EC!

Believe it or not, the independent vote can be as low as 38% to win, depending upon how much of the base you have, and where you are strongest in the states!

To many people from BOTH political groups, do NOT understand what is really going on! I know it is a chore, but EDUCATE yourselves.

And this is why Washington fears you--------------->because they know, that most people do NOT know, what and how these people for national office get elected. If you find out, YOU will control their destiny, and they and the powers that be do not like that!

AN EXAMPLE, and I WILL USE A DEMOCRAT-------------> Suppose you are in Alabama. The odds are, that Senate seat is lost. So as a Democrat from Alabama, should we invest our cash to try and hold it?


We should find the WEAKEST GOP seat, and invest our cash there with the Democrat! It doesn't make a difference where the vote comes from in the Senate, just as long as it shows.

This was the travesty of the 17th amendment by the way!

EDUCATE yourselves on how this garbagski works. Don't be fools! Same that goes for a Senate seat, also applies to a House seat. It also applies to the GOP.

ALL Americans need to wake up to how this system works. If you don't, you are going to get squashed, period!
There is renewed momentum in Congress for broad reforms to surveillance laws beyond the PATRIOT Act, especially following the December 2019 release of the report by the Justice Department’s top watchdog that found problems with the Department of Justice application to wiretap Carter Page— who had previously served as President Donald Trump’s campaign aide—as part of an investigation into Russian interference in the 2016 presidential election. The report is a timely contribution to the reauthorization debate, spotlighting issues with a related provision of national security surveillance law, and with the oversight systems for national security surveillance. As Congress considers how to make national security surveillance more accountable, it should broadly examine problems with surveillance powers and the checks currently in place to guard against abuse, and pursue remedies accordingly.

Over the last four decades, the government’s national security surveillance powers have increased significantly; whenever Congress passes a new law to further this expansion, as it did with the PATRIOT Act, it’s building onto FISA.

Three provisions from the PATRIOT Act and related surveillance laws with “sunset” clauses—which require Congress to renew them regularly:

This provision gives the govt the authority to issue one surveillance order for a target that is intermittently using multiple communications identifiers, such as 'burner' (cheap, disposable) phones

This provision allows the government to monitor a foreign national who is suspected of aiding international terrorism but is not connected to a terrorist organization. As far as it is known this provision has never been used.

3. SECTION 215
This provision gives the government immense power to demand records from companies for national security investigations.

** The National Security Agency (NSA) previously used Section 215 to engage in nationwide bulk collection of phone records, a gross misapplication beyond what Congress authorized the law to do.
-- Former NSA Director James Clapper committed perjury by denying the NSA was doing this while testifying before Congress. Democrats prevented his Indictment by quickly calling him back before Congress to 'amend' his testimony after evidence came out that the NSA was doing this.

The most dangerous of these provision, IMO, to the American people and to their Constitutional Rights is the Section 215 and the mass bulk collection of US citizen metadata.

The Supreme Court ruled that the Fourth Amendment requires law enforcement to obtain a warrant for electronic location tracking—specifically for cellphone location tracking—but left many details ambiguous. Many provisions of FISA, notably Section 215, could allow the government to demand location records that reveal Americans’ most sensitive activities and interactions.

What to Expect for the PATRIOT Act Reauthorization

The Bush-era pseudocons are calling.

"Anyone who opposes the PATRIOT Act wants the terrorists to win!"

Maybe this is something both regular Democrats and GOPers can get together on.

What is wrong with that?

POST your POSITION, good or bad! Then you know what, let WASHINGTON have it, and sit on your position that you posted, for the rest of the election cycle.

I am calling my congress critter, and saying no way, Jose. You people do what you want.
Scrap the whole thing, every dot and tittle. Enacting it was a power grab, enacted while actively trying to keep a sense of panic in the public and the threat of tar and feathering any politicians who were not in lockstep, with the fear of being an unpatriotic sympathizer. Bad was to enact security legislation. Bush/Cheny politics.

What has that got to do with current politics? We have the power. Just like they did with allowing illegals to become citizens under Bush, the calls made them change their minds.

Look, WE are the people WE have been waiting for, don't believe me; ask any BERNARD supporter!

They are starting to impose their will on the DNC. We can think it is bad, but they are.

Sooooooooooooooo, we are going to sit here, lol! Yeah, we will show em, correct!

Look folks, believe it or not, Washington is scared to death of you. They want you asleep at the wheel, so some clowns can forge you a path that they want you to traverse.

Just for your info---------->all of you think this whole 2020 election is about YOU, the base. NOT!

This election is only about YOU, when they see what % of their base is going to show to vote. You are actually SECONDARY unless they can not get 85% to agree to show. They know, they have you in their pockets!

What this is about, as always, is those who claim to be independents. UPDATE...….if you are NOT registered as an independent, it is NOT about you!

What they do(in case you are wondering as a political person) is, they calculate what % they have of the base. Then they calculate what % of the other party's base the other party's have, then they calculate where they are; and for the Left, that is easy.

Then they say, OK how much of the independents do I have to have to get what I need as far as the EC!

Believe it or not, the independent vote can be as low as 38% to win, depending upon how much of the base you have, and where you are strongest in the states!

To many people from BOTH political groups, do NOT understand what is really going on! I know it is a chore, but EDUCATE yourselves.

And this is why Washington fears you--------------->because they know, that most people do NOT know, what and how these people for national office get elected. If you find out, YOU will control their destiny, and they and the powers that be do not like that!

AN EXAMPLE, and I WILL USE A DEMOCRAT-------------> Suppose you are in Alabama. The odds are, that Senate seat is lost. So as a Democrat from Alabama, should we invest our cash to try and hold it?


We should find the WEAKEST GOP seat, and invest our cash there with the Democrat! It doesn't make a difference where the vote comes from in the Senate, just as long as it shows.

This was the travesty of the 17th amendment by the way!

EDUCATE yourselves on how this garbagski works. Don't be fools! Same that goes for a Senate seat, also applies to a House seat. It also applies to the GOP.

ALL Americans need to wake up to how this system works. If you don't, you are going to get squashed, period!
My statement was in reference to the Patriot Act. I have always viewed it, overall as bad reactionary legislation from the start, dangerously allowing to much surveillance without proper oversite. Trumpers whine about possibly illegal surveillance people who were at one time associated with the trump campaign. I figure the Patriot Act is a possible an enabler of that surveillance. I am truly surprised a right winger with grievances over surveillance supports it.
The current answer, in light of decades of continued violations of both Constitution and existing Law is not to let off the gas, to continue status quo based on the criminal violators' (who are not getting punished in the slightest for their crimes) personal promise not to continue to break the law and victimize the entire country while pissing on the Constitution and heads of the American people, telling them its raining.

Put the breaks on. Stop it all....if and until they can 'fix it'.

That's what I will be telling my reps...
There is renewed momentum in Congress for broad reforms to surveillance laws beyond the PATRIOT Act, especially following the December 2019 release of the report by the Justice Department’s top watchdog that found problems with the Department of Justice application to wiretap Carter Page— who had previously served as President Donald Trump’s campaign aide—as part of an investigation into Russian interference in the 2016 presidential election. The report is a timely contribution to the reauthorization debate, spotlighting issues with a related provision of national security surveillance law, and with the oversight systems for national security surveillance. As Congress considers how to make national security surveillance more accountable, it should broadly examine problems with surveillance powers and the checks currently in place to guard against abuse, and pursue remedies accordingly.

Over the last four decades, the government’s national security surveillance powers have increased significantly; whenever Congress passes a new law to further this expansion, as it did with the PATRIOT Act, it’s building onto FISA.

Three provisions from the PATRIOT Act and related surveillance laws with “sunset” clauses—which require Congress to renew them regularly:

This provision gives the govt the authority to issue one surveillance order for a target that is intermittently using multiple communications identifiers, such as 'burner' (cheap, disposable) phones

This provision allows the government to monitor a foreign national who is suspected of aiding international terrorism but is not connected to a terrorist organization. As far as it is known this provision has never been used.

3. SECTION 215
This provision gives the government immense power to demand records from companies for national security investigations.

** The National Security Agency (NSA) previously used Section 215 to engage in nationwide bulk collection of phone records, a gross misapplication beyond what Congress authorized the law to do.
-- Former NSA Director James Clapper committed perjury by denying the NSA was doing this while testifying before Congress. Democrats prevented his Indictment by quickly calling him back before Congress to 'amend' his testimony after evidence came out that the NSA was doing this.

The most dangerous of these provision, IMO, to the American people and to their Constitutional Rights is the Section 215 and the mass bulk collection of US citizen metadata.

The Supreme Court ruled that the Fourth Amendment requires law enforcement to obtain a warrant for electronic location tracking—specifically for cellphone location tracking—but left many details ambiguous. Many provisions of FISA, notably Section 215, could allow the government to demand location records that reveal Americans’ most sensitive activities and interactions.

What to Expect for the PATRIOT Act Reauthorization

The Bush-era pseudocons are calling.

"Anyone who opposes the PATRIOT Act wants the terrorists to win!"

Maybe this is something both regular Democrats and GOPers can get together on.

What is wrong with that?

POST your POSITION, good or bad! Then you know what, let WASHINGTON have it, and sit on your position that you posted, for the rest of the election cycle.

I am calling my congress critter, and saying no way, Jose. You people do what you want.
Scrap the whole thing, every dot and tittle. Enacting it was a power grab, enacted while actively trying to keep a sense of panic in the public and the threat of tar and feathering any politicians who were not in lockstep, with the fear of being an unpatriotic sympathizer. Bad was to enact security legislation. Bush/Cheny politics.

What has that got to do with current politics? We have the power. Just like they did with allowing illegals to become citizens under Bush, the calls made them change their minds.

Look, WE are the people WE have been waiting for, don't believe me; ask any BERNARD supporter!

They are starting to impose their will on the DNC. We can think it is bad, but they are.

Sooooooooooooooo, we are going to sit here, lol! Yeah, we will show em, correct!

Look folks, believe it or not, Washington is scared to death of you. They want you asleep at the wheel, so some clowns can forge you a path that they want you to traverse.

Just for your info---------->all of you think this whole 2020 election is about YOU, the base. NOT!

This election is only about YOU, when they see what % of their base is going to show to vote. You are actually SECONDARY unless they can not get 85% to agree to show. They know, they have you in their pockets!

What this is about, as always, is those who claim to be independents. UPDATE...….if you are NOT registered as an independent, it is NOT about you!

What they do(in case you are wondering as a political person) is, they calculate what % they have of the base. Then they calculate what % of the other party's base the other party's have, then they calculate where they are; and for the Left, that is easy.

Then they say, OK how much of the independents do I have to have to get what I need as far as the EC!

Believe it or not, the independent vote can be as low as 38% to win, depending upon how much of the base you have, and where you are strongest in the states!

To many people from BOTH political groups, do NOT understand what is really going on! I know it is a chore, but EDUCATE yourselves.

And this is why Washington fears you--------------->because they know, that most people do NOT know, what and how these people for national office get elected. If you find out, YOU will control their destiny, and they and the powers that be do not like that!

AN EXAMPLE, and I WILL USE A DEMOCRAT-------------> Suppose you are in Alabama. The odds are, that Senate seat is lost. So as a Democrat from Alabama, should we invest our cash to try and hold it?


We should find the WEAKEST GOP seat, and invest our cash there with the Democrat! It doesn't make a difference where the vote comes from in the Senate, just as long as it shows.

This was the travesty of the 17th amendment by the way!

EDUCATE yourselves on how this garbagski works. Don't be fools! Same that goes for a Senate seat, also applies to a House seat. It also applies to the GOP.

ALL Americans need to wake up to how this system works. If you don't, you are going to get squashed, period!
My statement was in reference to the Patriot Act. I have always viewed it, overall as bad reactionary legislation from the start, dangerously allowing to much surveillance without proper oversite. Trumpers whine about possibly illegal surveillance people who were at one time associated with the trump campaign. I figure the Patriot Act is a possible an enabler of that surveillance. I am truly surprised a right winger with grievances over surveillance supports it.

in its purest form, it is still questionable.
Under a Democratic regime, if we have learned anything, it is totally unacceptable.

Americans deserve a better plan, with higher punishments if one of our own is discovered to be complicit.

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