Have you ever been so much drunk that you grabbed a girl by the ass or tits or pussy?

And did you got away with it? I was once very drunk or two times, and I grabbed em by the ass. They just smiled and I got away with it.
Nope, I've never done this, Mort. I hope you are doing well there in Austria. And nice avatar pic, by the way. You're looking good.:)
Think about what it must be like if you are the human being who is grabbed. Human beings are NOT "Things."
Think about what it must be like if you are the human being who is grabbed. Human beings are NOT "Things."
:uhoh3: :uhoh3: :uhoh3:

This is how you treat other people? Are you saying that you have no respect for others? I was raised in a religious household. I would never, ever grab you by your testicles. My father always took his hat off. He never would sit while a woman stood.

BTW: when the funeral home brought me his wedding ring, I just placed it right back on his finger where my mother put it so many years ago because he earned it.

I am having trouble with this laptop, with insert, or I would write more.
I grabbed her ass and she liked it. We ultimately got married and still are 35 years later.
Good on ya. I had somebody literally bite me in the ass through my jeans and panties. It hurt. I just was entering our group house to get something from the kitchen. Whoever did it was sitting with us on our porch.
No, and if you act that way while drinking you shouldn’t drink alcohol when around women...

Just saying because it could lead to serious consequences against you that later in life you will regret...
No, and if you act that way while drinking you shouldn’t drink alcohol when around women...

Just saying because it could lead to serious consequences against you that later in life you will regret...

Yes you are right. I wasnt drunk anymore in 20 years and thats good because Im a huge ass when Im drunk. I also trolled guys and called their girlfriends whores, and once I received a heavy punch on the head, that I had headache for a week.
No, and if you act that way while drinking you shouldn’t drink alcohol when around women...

Just saying because it could lead to serious consequences against you that later in life you will regret...

Yes you are right. I wasnt drunk anymore in 20 years and thats good because Im a huge ass when Im drunk. I also trolled guys and called their girlfriends whores, and once I received a heavy punch on the head, that I had headache for a week.

One thing is for sure you are lucky all you got was a good smack upside the head and not found dead in a ditch if you did all that...

Respect the drink, enjoy it like it is a fine woman and if you can not and it make the demon within rage out of control drink tea then...
Have you ever visited a rural redneck bar, and realized the farmgirls that chuck bales 'o hay around all day could probably do the same to you?


Yup. And I've also had my ass grabbed by girls in the office.

It's funny...I always played the "good boy" in the office & the womenz turned into the "bad girls" in no time flat :)
Yup. And I've also had my ass grabbed by girls in the office.

It's funny...I always played the "good boy" in the office & the womenz turned into the "bad girls" in no time flat :)
While in college many years ago, I attended a house party off campus. I went upstairs to check things out and was immediately grabbed to two hot drunk young ladies to play the game of Twister. I thought I’d died and gone to heaven. One of the young ladies proceeded to rub herself on my leg. Problem was my girlfriend and future wife was downstairs. So, it was another missed opportunity.

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