Have you ever been so much drunk that you grabbed a girl by the ass or tits or pussy?

And did you got away with it? I was once very drunk or two times, and I grabbed em by the ass. They just smiled and I got away with it.
Yes and no... I've "grabbed" plenty of women by the ass. But I was never drunk, and "I got away with it" because it wasn't seen as a negative thing.

But then... I don't grab peoples ass that I don't know intimately.
Think about what it must be like if you are the human being who is grabbed. Human beings are NOT "Things."
:uhoh3: :uhoh3: :uhoh3:

This is how you treat other people? Are you saying that you have no respect for others? I was raised in a religious household. I would never, ever grab you by your testicles. My father always took his hat off. He never would sit while a woman stood.

BTW: when the funeral home brought me his wedding ring, I just placed it right back on his finger where my mother put it so many years ago because he earned it.

I am having trouble with this laptop, with insert, or I would write more.
:uhoh3: :uhoh3: :uhoh3: :uhoh3: :uhoh3: :uhoh3:

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