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Have you noticed that Trump's vocabulary is no better than a 12 year old's?

I've noticed that Trump spouts platitudes and bullshit, I've noticed that he'll say anything he thinks people want to hear, I've noticed that he thinks "Believe me, it'll happen" is an appropriate response to any question about what his plans for a particular issue are. I've noticed that his supporter gobble up his bullshit like a $2.00 meth whore... He is a charlatan. His campaign is not about me, you, or anyone or anything else. It is all about Donald Trump. Everything he has ever done has always been about him, his name, or his brand. He is a narcissist, on a scale the likes of which we have never seen. That's what I've noticed...

So he's turned into a politician .. Just wondering, who's your top pick?

I'm voting for Gary Johnson. Of all the candidates thus far, he is the one I feel would do the best job.

You should just vote for me, because Gary Johnson and I have exactly the same chances of getting elected.
Have you noticed that Trump's vocabulary is no better than a 12 year old's?

Yes. It will be like having Dubya back in the Whitehouse, only much more aggressive and street smart. We're doomed.
dont all 12 year olds talk about that when you put the entire population of an island on the west side of the island, the entire island will collapse into the ocean?
Trump speaks in generalities but he does so in a manner that pleases the followers.

"Language is legislation, speech is its code. We do not see the power which is in speech because we forget that all speech is a classification, and that all classifications are oppressive." Roland Barthes

oh brother. here we go again with this "code" thing.

Moron, it's not "code." The video simply says that Trump's speaking style is indicative of a practiced salesman. It's absolutely true. Now, if you're unable to come to terms with that simple point, then that says more about you than anything else.
Trump rarely says anything that makes you think his speech is articulate, eloquent or at all sophisticated. Usually it's relatively simple sentences and when he is trying to make an impassioned statement, he just repeats those sentences over and over with slightly different wording.

I can't stand Cruz. I probably hate him more than Trump, but at least there is some sophistication in the way he talks. You can tell he's educated.

I feel like this must be why Trump appeals to his base. Those people understand him better than all other candidates. They are, afterall, poorly educated. The demographics prove that.

He's rich.

You are what ?

one of my favorite passages from my and supposedly Trump's FAVORITE books... i'm sure you are an atheist or somethin', but here goes anyway...for you and Billy...

James 2

Favoritism Forbidden
2 My brothers and sisters, believers in our glorious Lord Jesus Christ must not show favoritism. 2 Suppose a man comes into your meeting wearing a gold ring and fine clothes, and a poor man in filthy old clothes also comes in. 3 If you show special attention to the man wearing fine clothes and say, “Here’s a good seat for you,” but say to the poor man, “You stand there” or “Sit on the floor by my feet,” 4 have you not discriminated among yourselves and become judges with evil thoughts?

5 Listen, my dear brothers and sisters: Has not God chosen those who are poor in the eyes of the world to be rich in faith and to inherit the kingdom he promised those who love him? 6 But you have dishonored the poor. Is it not the rich who are exploiting you? Are they not the ones who are dragging you into court? 7 Are they not the ones who are blaspheming the noble name of him to whom you belong?

8 If you really keep the royal law found in Scripture, “Love your neighbor as yourself,”a]">[a] you are doing right. 9 But if you show favoritism, you sin and are convicted by the law as lawbreakers...

What has that got to do with the OP ?

It's one of my favorite books (the King James Version which you are not quoting here) too.

Billy is the one on his high horse making judgements of a person because of Billy's supposed analysis of his vocabulary.

Billy is the one sitting in judgement....and is not very good at it.

You might recall.......Matthew 7:1

Judge not, that ye be not judged.

I pointed out to Billy that Trump is both rich and running for the POTUS.

What is Billy....that this comparison (by him) means anything ? Answer nothing that he can show.

Billy might state that such a limited vocabulary should be a restriction on being POTUS (I really don't know what Billy000 a.k.a BillyFail's argument is because he really never makes one.

His closing statement is a shot at the right and conservatives calling them uneducated.

You might recall how BillyFail started a thread a while ago that made the claim that the left was the only group that used reasoned argument. And then provided no argument to support his stupid stance. Classic BillyFail.

Then let's look at our sitting POTUS. He's more unpopular than popular (as per RealClear). He's articulare and he's bright. He's also been a miserable leader......regardless of how much you like his programs.....he's failed on many of his key promises.....one's he had control over....and the American People rewarded him by taking the house away from him after two years....and eventually removing the senate too.

Let's look at your statement......

"I'm sure you are an atheist or something.....".....

Followed by.......nothing. I'm sure you've got a good argument for your statement....just failed to provide it.

Did you notice that Billy used the word "hate" in his OP ?

Funny how someone who thinks he is so rational (and yet really isn't) will admit to such a strong emotional response.

I don't care for Trump's behavior either.

The man scares me.

I like Bernie Sanders...I don't like his policies....but he cares about people.....he's convinced me of that.

So, please spare me your sermons unless you are going to somehow make them relvevant.
MY comment was out of place regarding ''an atheist'', I'm sorry....it comes from other right wing posters that I presumed had some sort of religion in their lives, but then only to receive a comment back from them that they were atheists, such as Claudete, brpat, skulpilot etc...

My point was that Donald Trump is not qualified due to him being ''rich'' or a successful business man, and is no better person than any human being.... we've had excellent presidents, without a single bit of business sense/experience or wealth.... which I presumed you were cutting billy down, because he was not born with a silver spoon in his mouth.... thus me posting that passage....let's not favor Trump simply because of his wealth...and wealth accumulation....

that was the point I was trying to make, but failed.
I've noticed that Trump spouts platitudes and bullshit, I've noticed that he'll say anything he thinks people want to hear, I've noticed that he thinks "Believe me, it'll happen" is an appropriate response to any question about what his plans for a particular issue are. I've noticed that his supporter gobble up his bullshit like a $2.00 meth whore... He is a charlatan. His campaign is not about me, you, or anyone or anything else. It is all about Donald Trump. Everything he has ever done has always been about him, his name, or his brand. He is a narcissist, on a scale the likes of which we have never seen. That's what I've noticed...

So he's turned into a politician .. Just wondering, who's your top pick?

I'm voting for Gary Johnson. Of all the candidates thus far, he is the one I feel would do the best job.

You should just vote for me, because Gary Johnson and I have exactly the same chances of getting elected.

I'm not familiar with your platform.

In case you haven't figured it out, for me it's not about a candidate's chances of winning...
Trump rarely says anything that makes you think his speech is articulate, eloquent or at all sophisticated. Usually it's relatively simple sentences and when he is trying to make an impassioned statement, he just repeats those sentences over and over with slightly different wording.

I can't stand Cruz. I probably hate him more than Trump, but at least there is some sophistication in the way he talks. You can tell he's educated.

I feel like this must be why Trump appeals to his base. Those people understand him better than all other candidates. They are, afterall, poorly educated. The demographics prove that.

I bet Trump knows the difference between, "corps", and, "corpse"...lol
The liberal argument usually boils down to a version of, "Well, I'm just smarter than you because my mommy said so, you big poopy pants", followed by:

1. Holding their breath until they turn blue.
2. Stomping off and slamming the door as they run to a safe place, holding their hands over their ears.
3. Going on an echo chamber web site, hoping to find sympathy after their run in with "those meanies".
It amazes me that you people come up with this kind of stuff. It has no basis in reality, but it makes you feel good believing it because it validates your narrow mindedness.
It's exaggerated, naturally, but there is truth to the statement that liberals often claim to be smarter than everyone else, and in fact, sometimes blame their lack of popularity on the general public being too stupid to understand them. Just listen to the average NPR listener sometime.
Trump rarely says anything that makes you think his speech is articulate, eloquent or at all sophisticated. Usually it's relatively simple sentences and when he is trying to make an impassioned statement, he just repeats those sentences over and over with slightly different wording.

I can't stand Cruz. I probably hate him more than Trump, but at least there is some sophistication in the way he talks. You can tell he's educated.

I feel like this must be why Trump appeals to his base. Those people understand him better than all other candidates. They are, afterall, poorly educated. The demographics prove that.

His favorite line is "believe me, it will great". But he never describes what will be great about anything, he just says the line.

I rather think he has the mentality of an 8th grader, but a child under say 12 certainly describes him. A child that for some reason wants to date his own daughter.
He does that to you deliberately. Someone with the mentality of an 8th grader does not become a multi-billionaire real estate tycoon.
Democrat Party adherents are just pissed that Trump's vocabulary does not include:


And a host of other such that Their (once) New Messiah learned in Liberal School.
It's exaggerated, naturally, but there is truth to the statement that liberals often claim to be smarter than everyone else, and in fact, sometimes blame their lack of popularity on the general public being too stupid to understand them. Just listen to the average NPR listener sometime.

I feel it's accurate to say the average American is a fairly ignorant individual.
It's exaggerated, naturally, but there is truth to the statement that liberals often claim to be smarter than everyone else, and in fact, sometimes blame their lack of popularity on the general public being too stupid to understand them. Just listen to the average NPR listener sometime.

I feel it's accurate to say the average American is a fairly ignorant individual.
Politic speaking, that is probably true, and the term "low information voters" could be applied to many. It is also probably accurate to say that most people consider themselves to not be among the ignorant.
Trump rarely says anything that makes you think his speech is articulate, eloquent or at all sophisticated. Usually it's relatively simple sentences and when he is trying to make an impassioned statement, he just repeats those sentences over and over with slightly different wording.

I can't stand Cruz. I probably hate him more than Trump, but at least there is some sophistication in the way he talks. You can tell he's educated.

I feel like this must be why Trump appeals to his base. Those people understand him better than all other candidates. They are, afterall, poorly educated. The demographics prove that.

His favorite line is "believe me, it will great". But he never describes what will be great about anything, he just says the line.

I rather think he has the mentality of an 8th grader, but a child under say 12 certainly describes him. A child that for some reason wants to date his own daughter.
He does that to you deliberately. Someone with the mentality of an 8th grader does not become a multi-billionaire real estate tycoon.

Sure they do, the inherit daddy's money, like trump.
Matthew's wrong.

Who was he to judge? Because he did judge.

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