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Have you noticed that Trump's vocabulary is no better than a 12 year old's?

Trump rarely says anything that makes you think his speech is articulate, eloquent or at all sophisticated. Usually it's relatively simple sentences and when he is trying to make an impassioned statement, he just repeats those sentences over and over with slightly different wording.

I can't stand Cruz. I probably hate him more than Trump, but at least there is some sophistication in the way he talks. You can tell he's educated.

I feel like this must be why Trump appeals to his base. Those people understand him better than all other candidates. They are, afterall, poorly educated. The demographics prove that.

His favorite line is "believe me, it will great". But he never describes what will be great about anything, he just says the line.

I rather think he has the mentality of an 8th grader, but a child under say 12 certainly describes him. A child that for some reason wants to date his own daughter.
Yeah I couldn't imagine being that guy's therapist.

Honestly. There are some heads even a psychiatrist/psychologist doesn't want to explore!
Trump rarely says anything that makes you think his speech is articulate, eloquent or at all sophisticated. Usually it's relatively simple sentences and when he is trying to make an impassioned statement, he just repeats those sentences over and over with slightly different wording.

I can't stand Cruz. I probably hate him more than Trump, but at least there is some sophistication in the way he talks. You can tell he's educated.

I feel like this must be why Trump appeals to his base. Those people understand him better than all other candidates. They are, afterall, poorly educated. The demographics prove that.

His favorite line is "believe me, it will great". But he never describes what will be great about anything, he just says the line.

I rather think he has the mentality of an 8th grader, but a child under say 12 certainly describes him. A child that for some reason wants to date his own daughter.
Yeah I couldn't imagine being that guy's therapist.

Honestly. There are some heads even a psychiatrist/psychologist doesn't want to explore!

Nothing like the voice of experience...
What rational people see is that you Liberals spend your time attempting to smear Trump instead of attempting to smear Hillary if you are for Bernie or Bernie if you are for Hillary. It proves you are scared shitless of Trump and really do not heartily support your own candidate. You will even support Rubio or Cruz even though you will vote for neither. Trump is your nightmare.
I get tired of people assuming a person who hates Trump loves Clinton. GEEZUS!

In fact, there is no daylight between Trump and Clinton. If you vote for either, you are voting for the same person.

Trump, Clinton, and Sanders are collectively the country's nightmare.
What rational people see is that you Liberals spend your time attempting to smear Trump instead of attempting to smear Hillary if you are for Bernie or Bernie if you are for Hillary. It proves you are scared shitless of Trump and really do not heartily support your own candidate. You will even support Rubio or Cruz even though you will vote for neither. Trump is your nightmare.
I get tired of people assuming a person who hates Trump loves Clinton. GEEZUS!

In fact, there is no daylight between Trump and Clinton. If you vote for either, you are voting for the same person.

Trump, Clinton, and Sanders are collectively the country's nightmare.

Prepare for a 4 year nightmare, buddy!
Oh, I've been bracing myself for a few months now.

And I hope it only lasts 4 years, not 8. They are all three pretty old, so our only chance is the winner keels over in their first term.

To be honest, I m still hoping Kasich wins the nomination.

A long shot, I know
We're talking Divine Intervention at this point.

Don't expect my help. I'm busy.
Has anybody in modern history ever commented on a candidate's vocab before? Lefties must be desperate. What kind of vocab evidence do we have for Hillary other than awkwardly feigning a Black speech pattern or barking like a dog?
Dumbocrats are afraid of Trump.

Well, not so fast with that fabulous wall..

Hillary's hick Arkansas husband spent his spare time with an intern barely older than his daughter and slimy cigars and the left worries about Trump's vocabulary. Go figure.
Trump is the product of a Republican Party hostile to facts and the truth, fearful of change and diversity, and contemptuous of dissent and opposing points of view.

The right's disdain for warranted, appropriate compromise pursuant to sound, responsible governance is proof of this.

Can you pull your head out of your ass before you speak...please ?
Trump rarely says anything that makes you think his speech is articulate, eloquent or at all sophisticated. Usually it's relatively simple sentences and when he is trying to make an impassioned statement, he just repeats those sentences over and over with slightly different wording.

I can't stand Cruz. I probably hate him more than Trump, but at least there is some sophistication in the way he talks. You can tell he's educated.

I feel like this must be why Trump appeals to his base. Those people understand him better than all other candidates. They are, afterall, poorly educated. The demographics prove that.

He's rich.

You are what ?

He's running for president.

You are posting on a message board.

You provide no information to back you muck flinging bulls**t.
He speaks like Charley Sheen on meth. But I'd still vote for him over any regressive in the general if he's nominated.

like everything else you post... you have it backwards.

going back to the 50's like the reactionary radical right wants to is regressive.

no wonder trump uses small words.... people like you don't know the meaning of the larger ones.

And you folks want to go back to the likes of Marx, Engles, Wilson and FDR, so who's the most regressive? I've even seen some of your ilk calling for a purge, you folks aren't fooling anyone and BTW I didn't vote for Trump.
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Barry sounds like a dumbass

And yet he sounds like a god damned genius compared to Trump. After 8 years of Obama I would have figured America had had its full of bad Presidents. But Trump supporters want to keep the nightmare going.
He speaks like Charley Sheen on meth. But I'd still vote for him over any regressive in the general if he's nominated.

like everything else you post... you have it backwards.

going back to the 50's like the reactionary radical right wants to is regressive.

no wonder trump uses small words.... people like you don't know the meaning of the larger ones.

And you folks want to go back to the likes of Marx, Engles, Wilson and FDR, so who's the most regressive? I've even seen some of your ilk calling for a purge, you folks aren't fooling anyone and BTW I didn't vote for Trump.

you cannot talk about marx and engels in the same breath as FDR and Wilson. that's absurd.

again, learn basic vocabulary or i can't even bother with you.
He speaks like Charley Sheen on meth. But I'd still vote for him over any regressive in the general if he's nominated.

like everything else you post... you have it backwards.

going back to the 50's like the reactionary radical right wants to is regressive.

no wonder trump uses small words.... people like you don't know the meaning of the larger ones.

And you folks want to go back to the likes of Marx, Engles, Wilson and FDR, so who's the most regressive? I've even seen some of your ilk calling for a purge, you folks aren't fooling anyone and BTW I didn't vote for Trump.

you cannot talk about marx and engels in the same breath as FDR and Wilson. that's absurd.

again, learn basic vocabulary or i can't even bother with you.

Have you ever seen a fiber that is 1/100 the width of a human hair, that's about as far as I value your opinion.
Trump rarely says anything that makes you think his speech is articulate, eloquent or at all sophisticated. Usually it's relatively simple sentences and when he is trying to make an impassioned statement, he just repeats those sentences over and over with slightly different wording.

I can't stand Cruz. I probably hate him more than Trump, but at least there is some sophistication in the way he talks. You can tell he's educated.

I feel like this must be why Trump appeals to his base. Those people understand him better than all other candidates. They are, afterall, poorly educated. The demographics prove that.

He's rich.

You are what ?

one of my favorite passages from my and supposedly Trump's FAVORITE books... i'm sure you are an atheist or somethin', but here goes anyway...for you and Billy...

James 2

Favoritism Forbidden
2 My brothers and sisters, believers in our glorious Lord Jesus Christ must not show favoritism. 2 Suppose a man comes into your meeting wearing a gold ring and fine clothes, and a poor man in filthy old clothes also comes in. 3 If you show special attention to the man wearing fine clothes and say, “Here’s a good seat for you,” but say to the poor man, “You stand there” or “Sit on the floor by my feet,” 4 have you not discriminated among yourselves and become judges with evil thoughts?

5 Listen, my dear brothers and sisters: Has not God chosen those who are poor in the eyes of the world to be rich in faith and to inherit the kingdom he promised those who love him? 6 But you have dishonored the poor. Is it not the rich who are exploiting you? Are they not the ones who are dragging you into court? 7 Are they not the ones who are blaspheming the noble name of him to whom you belong?

8 If you really keep the royal law found in Scripture, “Love your neighbor as yourself,”a]">[a] you are doing right. 9 But if you show favoritism, you sin and are convicted by the law as lawbreakers...
Trump rarely says anything that makes you think his speech is articulate, eloquent or at all sophisticated. Usually it's relatively simple sentences and when he is trying to make an impassioned statement, he just repeats those sentences over and over with slightly different wording.

I can't stand Cruz. I probably hate him more than Trump, but at least there is some sophistication in the way he talks. You can tell he's educated.

I feel like this must be why Trump appeals to his base. Those people understand him better than all other candidates. They are, afterall, poorly educated. The demographics prove that.

Well most of the country reads at about an eighth grade level so.....

maybe in your world.
Yours too

Literacy in the United States - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

The 15% figure for full literacy, equivalent to a university undergraduate level, is consistent with the notion that the "average" American reads at a 7th or 8th grade level which is also consistent with recommendations, guidelines, and norms of readability for medication directions, product information, and popular fiction.
We need Trump to win. Because the other options are just slow death.

Trump will revolutionize our government, even though it's not the way he intends... But we need that! Because the others, are just the same shit... Driving our noses deeper into the shit, with no hope for escape.

Trump will bring us to the rock-bottom. And we really need that to bounce back. And as Americans we need to realize that our current political and electoral system just feeds corrupt politicians. And it really needs to change!

I have ideas as to how it can be done, but first, the current system needs to be shown for the farce that it is....

Go TRUMP!!!!
Trump speaks in generalities but he does so in a manner that pleases the followers.

"Language is legislation, speech is its code. We do not see the power which is in speech because we forget that all speech is a classification, and that all classifications are oppressive." Roland Barthes

oh brother. here we go again with this "code" thing.
Trump rarely says anything that makes you think his speech is articulate, eloquent or at all sophisticated. Usually it's relatively simple sentences and when he is trying to make an impassioned statement, he just repeats those sentences over and over with slightly different wording.

I can't stand Cruz. I probably hate him more than Trump, but at least there is some sophistication in the way he talks. You can tell he's educated.

I feel like this must be why Trump appeals to his base. Those people understand him better than all other candidates. They are, afterall, poorly educated. The demographics prove that.

He's rich.

You are what ?

one of my favorite passages from my and supposedly Trump's FAVORITE books... i'm sure you are an atheist or somethin', but here goes anyway...for you and Billy...

James 2

Favoritism Forbidden
2 My brothers and sisters, believers in our glorious Lord Jesus Christ must not show favoritism. 2 Suppose a man comes into your meeting wearing a gold ring and fine clothes, and a poor man in filthy old clothes also comes in. 3 If you show special attention to the man wearing fine clothes and say, “Here’s a good seat for you,” but say to the poor man, “You stand there” or “Sit on the floor by my feet,” 4 have you not discriminated among yourselves and become judges with evil thoughts?

5 Listen, my dear brothers and sisters: Has not God chosen those who are poor in the eyes of the world to be rich in faith and to inherit the kingdom he promised those who love him? 6 But you have dishonored the poor. Is it not the rich who are exploiting you? Are they not the ones who are dragging you into court? 7 Are they not the ones who are blaspheming the noble name of him to whom you belong?

8 If you really keep the royal law found in Scripture, “Love your neighbor as yourself,”a]">[a] you are doing right. 9 But if you show favoritism, you sin and are convicted by the law as lawbreakers...

What has that got to do with the OP ?

It's one of my favorite books (the King James Version which you are not quoting here) too.

Billy is the one on his high horse making judgements of a person because of Billy's supposed analysis of his vocabulary.

Billy is the one sitting in judgement....and is not very good at it.

You might recall.......Matthew 7:1

Judge not, that ye be not judged.

I pointed out to Billy that Trump is both rich and running for the POTUS.

What is Billy....that this comparison (by him) means anything ? Answer nothing that he can show.

Billy might state that such a limited vocabulary should be a restriction on being POTUS (I really don't know what Billy000 a.k.a BillyFail's argument is because he really never makes one.

His closing statement is a shot at the right and conservatives calling them uneducated.

You might recall how BillyFail started a thread a while ago that made the claim that the left was the only group that used reasoned argument. And then provided no argument to support his stupid stance. Classic BillyFail.

Then let's look at our sitting POTUS. He's more unpopular than popular (as per RealClear). He's articulare and he's bright. He's also been a miserable leader......regardless of how much you like his programs.....he's failed on many of his key promises.....one's he had control over....and the American People rewarded him by taking the house away from him after two years....and eventually removing the senate too.

Let's look at your statement......

"I'm sure you are an atheist or something.....".....

Followed by.......nothing. I'm sure you've got a good argument for your statement....just failed to provide it.

Did you notice that Billy used the word "hate" in his OP ?

Funny how someone who thinks he is so rational (and yet really isn't) will admit to such a strong emotional response.

I don't care for Trump's behavior either.

The man scares me.

I like Bernie Sanders...I don't like his policies....but he cares about people.....he's convinced me of that.

So, please spare me your sermons unless you are going to somehow make them relvevant.

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