Have you noticed that Trump's vocabulary is no better than a 12 year old's?

I really can't wait until Trump gets on the debate stage with Hillary or Bernie. It will be hilarious.
The liberal argument usually boils down to a version of, "Well, I'm just smarter than you because my mommy said so, you big poopy pants", followed by:

1. Holding their breath until they turn blue.
2. Stomping off and slamming the door as they run to a safe place, holding their hands over their ears.
3. Going on an echo chamber web site, hoping to find sympathy after their run in with "those meanies".
It amazes me that you people come up with this kind of stuff. It has no basis in reality, but it makes you feel good believing it because it validates your narrow mindedness.
He speaks like Charley Sheen on meth. But I'd still vote for him over any regressive in the general if he's nominated.

like everything else you post... you have it backwards.

going back to the 50's like the reactionary radical right wants to is regressive.

no wonder trump uses small words.... people like you don't know the meaning of the larger ones.
How would you imbeciles know, my 5 year old granddaughter consistantly makes more logical sense than any of you mental midgets.


btw. Trump wins in every intellectual category, to bad y'all aren't smart enough to remember that and are reduced to sour-grapes and childlike whining..:lol:

nasty lumpy calling anyone an imbecile is funny.
Trump rarely says anything that makes you think his speech is articulate, eloquent or at all sophisticated. Usually it's relatively simple sentences and when he is trying to make an impassioned statement, he just repeats those sentences over and over with slightly different wording.

I can't stand Cruz. I probably hate him more than Trump, but at least there is some sophistication in the way he talks. You can tell he's educated.

I feel like this must be why Trump appeals to his base. Those people understand him better than all other candidates. They are, afterall, poorly educated. The demographics prove that.

Well most of the country reads at about an eighth grade level so.....

maybe in your world.
Trump talks terrific. Really, really good. He's going to come up with some great plans, and it will be a wonderful thing that will make your head spin at how great America will be behind its really big, huge, tall wall which is going to be another ten feet taller since that Mexican loser guy nobody's ever heard of insulted him. The other guys running against Trump are losers and big liars, but he likes them. He likes them. They're okay. But Trump's terrific, which is what you want. You don't want okay losers and liars when we don't know what the Muslims are going to do next, which is nothing when he's President, they're going to do nothing, because he's going to bomb the shit out of them, AFTER he waterboards them and tortures them by reading ObamaCare to them.
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Trump rarely says anything that makes you think his speech is articulate, eloquent or at all sophisticated. Usually it's relatively simple sentences and when he is trying to make an impassioned statement, he just repeats those sentences over and over with slightly different wording.

I can't stand Cruz. I probably hate him more than Trump, but at least there is some sophistication in the way he talks. You can tell he's educated.

I feel like this must be why Trump appeals to his base. Those people understand him better than all other candidates. They are, afterall, poorly educated. The demographics prove that.

Scoff all you want, but Trump knows the secret to relating to the American voter who elected both "W" and Obama twice.

Do a reality TV show and talk to them like they are children, and turn Presidential debates into the Jerry Springer show to keep them interested. Shrug, it works every time.

I've noticed that Trump spouts platitudes and bullshit, I've noticed that he'll say anything he thinks people want to hear, I've noticed that he thinks "Believe me, it'll happen" is an appropriate response to any question about what his plans for a particular issue are. I've noticed that his supporter gobble up his bullshit like a $2.00 meth whore... He is a charlatan. His campaign is not about me, you, or anyone or anything else. It is all about Donald Trump. Everything he has ever done has always been about him, his name, or his brand. He is a narcissist, on a scale the likes of which we have never seen. That's what I've noticed...
How would you imbeciles know, my 5 year old granddaughter consistantly makes more logical sense than any of you mental midgets.


btw. Trump wins in every intellectual category, to bad y'all aren't smart enough to remember that and are reduced to sour-grapes and childlike whining..:lol:

nasty lumpy calling anyone an imbecile is funny.

I guess this means you no longer love me... :disbelief:
Trump rarely says anything that makes you think his speech is articulate, eloquent or at all sophisticated. Usually it's relatively simple sentences and when he is trying to make an impassioned statement, he just repeats those sentences over and over with slightly different wording.

I can't stand Cruz. I probably hate him more than Trump, but at least there is some sophistication in the way he talks. You can tell he's educated.

I feel like this must be why Trump appeals to his base. Those people understand him better than all other candidates. They are, afterall, poorly educated. The demographics prove that.

We should use words and phrase in such a way that only a few can understand this way we can communicate to everyone....wait...that doesn't make any sense.
This little Piggie went wee wee wee
Trump rarely says anything that makes you think his speech is articulate, eloquent or at all sophisticated. Usually it's relatively simple sentences and when he is trying to make an impassioned statement, he just repeats those sentences over and over with slightly different wording.

I can't stand Cruz. I probably hate him more than Trump, but at least there is some sophistication in the way he talks. You can tell he's educated.

I feel like this must be why Trump appeals to his base. Those people understand him better than all other candidates. They are, afterall, poorly educated. The demographics prove that.
Just goes to show that vocabulary/grammer is not a measure for intelligence.

Sounds like a moron, plans like a Grandmaster!!
Trump rarely says anything that makes you think his speech is articulate, eloquent or at all sophisticated. Usually it's relatively simple sentences and when he is trying to make an impassioned statement, he just repeats those sentences over and over with slightly different wording.

I can't stand Cruz. I probably hate him more than Trump, but at least there is some sophistication in the way he talks. You can tell he's educated.

I feel like this must be why Trump appeals to his base. Those people understand him better than all other candidates. They are, afterall, poorly educated. The demographics prove that.

His favorite line is "believe me, it will great". But he never describes what will be great about anything, he just says the line.

I rather think he has the mentality of an 8th grader, but a child under say 12 certainly describes him. A child that for some reason wants to date his own daughter.
Donald Trump Talks Like a Third-Grader

Donald Trump isn’t a simpleton, he just talks like one. If you were to market Donald Trump’s vocabulary as a toy, it would resemble a small box of Lincoln Logs. Trump resists multisyllabic words and complex, writerly sentence constructions when speaking extemporaneously in a debate, at a news conference or in an interview. He prefers to link short, blocky words into other short, blocky words to create short, blocky sentences that he then stacks into short, blocky paragraphs.

The end result of Trump’s word choice is less the stripped-down prose style of Ernest Hemingway than it is a spontaneous reinvention of Ogden’s Basic English, the pared-down lexicon of 850 words selected by early 20th century linguist/philosopher C.K. Ogden as the bedrock of a new world language. In the August 6th Republican candidates debate, Trump answered the moderators’ questions with linguistic austerity. Run through the Flesch-Kincaid grade-level test, his text of responses score at the 4th-grade reading level. For Trump, that’s actually pretty advanced. All the other candidates rated higher, with Ted Cruz earning 9th-grade status. Ben Carson, Mike Huckabee, and Scott Walker scored at the 8th-grade level. John Kasich, the next-lowest after Trump, got a 5th-grade score.

Read more: Donald Trump Talks Like a Third-Grader
I've noticed that Trump spouts platitudes and bullshit, I've noticed that he'll say anything he thinks people want to hear, I've noticed that he thinks "Believe me, it'll happen" is an appropriate response to any question about what his plans for a particular issue are. I've noticed that his supporter gobble up his bullshit like a $2.00 meth whore... He is a charlatan. His campaign is not about me, you, or anyone or anything else. It is all about Donald Trump. Everything he has ever done has always been about him, his name, or his brand. He is a narcissist, on a scale the likes of which we have never seen. That's what I've noticed...

So he's turned into a politician .. Just wondering, who's your top pick?
I've noticed that Trump spouts platitudes and bullshit, I've noticed that he'll say anything he thinks people want to hear, I've noticed that he thinks "Believe me, it'll happen" is an appropriate response to any question about what his plans for a particular issue are. I've noticed that his supporter gobble up his bullshit like a $2.00 meth whore... He is a charlatan. His campaign is not about me, you, or anyone or anything else. It is all about Donald Trump. Everything he has ever done has always been about him, his name, or his brand. He is a narcissist, on a scale the likes of which we have never seen. That's what I've noticed...

So he's turned into a politician .. Just wondering, who's your top pick?

I'm voting for Gary Johnson. Of all the candidates thus far, he is the one I feel would do the best job.

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