Have you noticed that TV shows are putting homosexuality into everything?

Honestly yes I do think that Bi-racial agenda is bad, if you don't like it, too bad for you. This is the United States and everyone is entitled to their own opinion.
As far as "We don't live in a world inhabited by Ward and June Cleaver. "
all I can say about that is "that is a crying shame"

so explain how the "Bi-racial" agenda (which is just people dating outside of their largely artificial racial groups) is a bad thing, exactly.

I'll give you two examples "Barrack Obama" & "OJ Simpson"
I'll give you two examples "Barrack Obama" & "OJ Simpson"

Okay. One was a distinguished person who became president.

The other wasnt' the result of an interracial marriage. He killed his ex-wife, maybe.

That was the best you could come up with, really?
23,700,000 hits pop up on Google about it....it's the new "PC term" that you and your fellow leftard pals will be spewing before long when another fact altering study like the Kinsey Report claims that children actually benefit from being raped. You see? Leftards have no line in the sand when it comes to morality because they have no real morals.

Again, 27,300,000 hits are probably the save five nutters clicking on it every day... so that doesn't impress me.

When you find me a MAINSTREAM person using that term and not being shouted down immediately by everyone, let me know, 'kay?

Have you noticed that TV shows are putting homosexuality into everything?
Not only the shows themselves but the commercials that go along with them.
Lately they are even promoting the biracial agenda. Amazing how far we have fallen in such a short period of time

Wait, you think the Bi-racial agenda is bad, too?

Here's the reality. We don't live in a world inhabited by Ward and June Cleaver. Hollywood is just reflecting that.

Honestly yes I do think that Bi-racial agenda is bad, if you don't like it, too bad for you. This is the United States and everyone is entitled to their own opinion.
As far as "We don't live in a world inhabited by Ward and June Cleaver. "
all I can say about that is "that is a crying shame"
Why is your bigotry too bad for anyone else? It's not like your opinion is going to change anything.
Honestly yes I do think that Bi-racial agenda is bad, if you don't like it, too bad for you. This is the United States and everyone is entitled to their own opinion.
As far as "We don't live in a world inhabited by Ward and June Cleaver. "
all I can say about that is "that is a crying shame"

so explain how the "Bi-racial" agenda (which is just people dating outside of their largely artificial racial groups) is a bad thing, exactly.

I'll give you two examples "Barrack Obama" & "OJ Simpson"
Ahh, good point. White men never kill their white ex-wives.
Apparently, TV executives believe that the American public have a huge hunger to see scenes of men having sex with men and women having sex with women.
If you're going to start something like this, you might want to provide some examples or statistics to back it up. How many shows feature homosexuality?. What networks are they on? What percentage of overall programming do they represent? Of those that feature gay characters, how many and which one actually depict graphic sex?

Without backing up your claim, someone might think that your a crazy person who obsessed with gay sex .m Just saying.
Apparently, TV executives believe that the American public have a huge hunger to see scenes of men having sex with men and women having sex with women.
Ah here is something:

In the 12 years GLAAD has been reporting on regular broadcast TV characters, this year has the highest percent (4.8%) of LGBTQ roles. The group also reports that this year makes for the highest percentage of black regular series characters on broadcast television at 36%. The news comes just days after USA TODAY released its diversity report card for the five major broadcast networks.
More gay characters are on TV, says GLAAD

4.8 % ! Is that what you are blathering about?

Here is something else from the same article :
TV's making progress on diversity, but it's motivated by money

One finding by GLAAD shows that small-screen shows can be deadly for the female gay characters. According to the report, more than 25 lesbian and bisexual female characters died on scripted broadcast, cable and streaming series this year, such as Orange Is the New Black's Poussey (Samira Wiley).

It's part of a decade-long pattern in which gay or transgender characters are killed to further a straight character's story line, GLAAD said, sending what it called the "dangerous" message that gay people are disposable.

They are being used!
23,700,000 hits pop up on Google about it....it's the new "PC term" that you and your fellow leftard pals will be spewing before long when another fact altering study like the Kinsey Report claims that children actually benefit from being raped. You see? Leftards have no line in the sand when it comes to morality because they have no real morals.

Again, 27,300,000 hits are probably the save five nutters clicking on it every day... so that doesn't impress me.

When you find me a MAINSTREAM person using that term and not being shouted down immediately by everyone, let me know, 'kay?

Have you noticed that TV shows are putting homosexuality into everything?
Not only the shows themselves but the commercials that go along with them.
Lately they are even promoting the biracial agenda. Amazing how far we have fallen in such a short period of time

Wait, you think the Bi-racial agenda is bad, too?

Here's the reality. We don't live in a world inhabited by Ward and June Cleaver. Hollywood is just reflecting that.

Honestly yes I do think that Bi-racial agenda is bad, if you don't like it, too bad for you. This is the United States and everyone is entitled to their own opinion.
As far as "We don't live in a world inhabited by Ward and June Cleaver. "
all I can say about that is "that is a crying shame"
Why is your bigotry too bad for anyone else? It's not like your opinion is going to change anything.
My opinion is just that, my opinion and is no concern of yours!
I'll give you two examples "Barrack Obama" & "OJ Simpson"

Okay. One was a distinguished person who became president.

The other wasnt' the result of an interracial marriage. He killed his ex-wife, maybe.

That was the best you could come up with, really?
A traitor and a murderer, Doesn't get any better than that !
A traitor? In what way is Former President Obama a traitor? Since you seem to know about some treason, you've reported it to the FBI, right? If not, that would make you an accessory to such "treason".
23,700,000 hits pop up on Google about it....it's the new "PC term" that you and your fellow leftard pals will be spewing before long when another fact altering study like the Kinsey Report claims that children actually benefit from being raped. You see? Leftards have no line in the sand when it comes to morality because they have no real morals.

Again, 27,300,000 hits are probably the save five nutters clicking on it every day... so that doesn't impress me.

When you find me a MAINSTREAM person using that term and not being shouted down immediately by everyone, let me know, 'kay?

Have you noticed that TV shows are putting homosexuality into everything?
Not only the shows themselves but the commercials that go along with them.
Lately they are even promoting the biracial agenda. Amazing how far we have fallen in such a short period of time

Wait, you think the Bi-racial agenda is bad, too?

Here's the reality. We don't live in a world inhabited by Ward and June Cleaver. Hollywood is just reflecting that.

Honestly yes I do think that Bi-racial agenda is bad, if you don't like it, too bad for you. This is the United States and everyone is entitled to their own opinion.
As far as "We don't live in a world inhabited by Ward and June Cleaver. "
all I can say about that is "that is a crying shame"
Why is your bigotry too bad for anyone else? It's not like your opinion is going to change anything.
My opinion is just that, my opinion and is no concern of yours!
If it's of no concern to others, why'd you say too bad if you don't like it?

Can't defend your bigotry?
Most would mean a majority so there is a lie and where was I when you were elected spokesperson for this forum? I have and I do back up what I post here. You are the one that likes to live in La-La Land.

you back up your crazy with m ore crazy, Cocksucker Dale. And it would normally harmless if it wasn't truly evil shit like 'Sandy hook was a hoax".

No, I posted NUMEROUS things about Sandy Hoax that doesn't jive with the official story, Cocksucker Joe. What is confusing to me is how offended you act because I have the gall to even question it and that is some how "evil". You really are a good little sheeple that believes anything that is shoved down your throat and that is said because you do have a modicum of intelligence.
No, I posted NUMEROUS things about Sandy Hoax that doesn't jive with the official story,

Only in your deluded mind, Cocksucker Dale.

What is confusing to me is how offended you act because I have the gall to even question it and that is some how "evil".

Yes, disregarding the grief of parents who lost their children is truly evil and deranged. I am sorry you can't see how truly fucked up you are as a human being.
No, I posted NUMEROUS things about Sandy Hoax that doesn't jive with the official story,

Only in your deluded mind, Cocksucker Dale.

What is confusing to me is how offended you act because I have the gall to even question it and that is some how "evil".

Yes, disregarding the grief of parents who lost their children is truly evil and deranged. I am sorry you can't see how truly fucked up you are as a human being.

Spare me, Joe.....spare me the feigning of your cyber outrage and indignation. If I wasn't 100 percent sure that I couldn't stand in front of an impartial jury and make a convincing, water tight argument that this was all a big "put on" and a psy-op perpetuated by FEMA and the DHS? I would never have brought this up. I went into this wanting to debunk the naysayers because I was sure that they were agent provocateurs making a bad situation worse and on purpose. I was wrong and the more I looked into this, the more disgusted I became that certain aspects of this corporate entity that we call "government" could sink so fucking low for some reason even though I knew that they lied about Waco and the Murrah Building in OKC.... but I will be damned if they didn't surprise me with Sandy Hoax. Swing your little purse, Cocksucker Joe.....swing with all your might. It doesn't even phase me.
Spare me, Joe.....spare me the feigning of your cyber outrage and indignation. If I wasn't 100 percent sure that I couldn't stand in front of an impartial jury and make a convincing, water tight argument that this was all a big "put on" and a psy-op perpetuated by FEMA and the DHS? I would never have brought this up.

right, FEMA. The people who can't even deliver water to the right state after a hurricane were able to pull of this elaborate deception, and get the media, both parties in Congress, and an entire community of 28,000 people to go along with it.

I went into this wanting to debunk the naysayers because I was sure that they were agent provocateurs making a bad situation worse and on purpose. I was wrong and the more I looked into this, the more disgusted I became that certain aspects of this corporate entity that we call "government" could sink so fucking low for some reason even though I knew that they lied about Waco and the Murrah Building in OKC....

Guy, I don't think if you really thought that Waco and the Murrough building were "hoaxes" (no, please, please, please don't fucking elaborate on those) that you went into looking at Sandy Hook with an open mind. It doesn't pass the laugh test.

You're about as credible as that woman who claimed she witnesses the Mike Brown shooting because she was in Furgeson that day trying to figure out ways to not hate n****rs so much.

You, sir, are a deranged cocksucker and you truly need help.
Spare me, Joe.....spare me the feigning of your cyber outrage and indignation. If I wasn't 100 percent sure that I couldn't stand in front of an impartial jury and make a convincing, water tight argument that this was all a big "put on" and a psy-op perpetuated by FEMA and the DHS? I would never have brought this up.

right, FEMA. The people who can't even deliver water to the right state after a hurricane were able to pull of this elaborate deception, and get the media, both parties in Congress, and an entire community of 28,000 people to go along with it.

I went into this wanting to debunk the naysayers because I was sure that they were agent provocateurs making a bad situation worse and on purpose. I was wrong and the more I looked into this, the more disgusted I became that certain aspects of this corporate entity that we call "government" could sink so fucking low for some reason even though I knew that they lied about Waco and the Murrah Building in OKC....

Guy, I don't think if you really thought that Waco and the Murrough building were "hoaxes" (no, please, please, please don't fucking elaborate on those) that you went into looking at Sandy Hook with an open mind. It doesn't pass the laugh test.

You're about as credible as that woman who claimed she witnesses the Mike Brown shooting because she was in Furgeson that day trying to figure out ways to not hate n****rs so much.

You, sir, are a deranged cocksucker and you truly need help.

Do you even know what a "false flag" is? Sometimes it entails real deaths, sometimes it doesn't..... but they are used to manipulate and sway public consensus into the direction that the perpetrators of said event wants to move the masses and they have been used all through history,Cocksucker Joe. Remember the Reichstag fire? How about the Gulf Of Tonkin incident that never happened? Or the Kuwait's ambassador's daughter that was coached by the CIA to give testimony that she saw babies being thrown out of incubators to sway public opinion about going into Iraq in 1991? I am sure your little mind is all reeling from all this info......there are many more like the Lusitania and the sinking of the Maine......all false flag events and of course 9/11/01 was the mother of them all. No need to "thank me", little fella....it's what I do. You are a blithering idiot if you really believe that you can manipulate me into not saying what needs to be said. You are "small time", Cocksucker Joe.....now, resume with the purse swinging.

Spare me, Joe.....spare me the feigning of your cyber outrage and indignation. If I wasn't 100 percent sure that I couldn't stand in front of an impartial jury and make a convincing, water tight argument that this was all a big "put on" and a psy-op perpetuated by FEMA and the DHS? I would never have brought this up.

right, FEMA. The people who can't even deliver water to the right state after a hurricane were able to pull of this elaborate deception, and get the media, both parties in Congress, and an entire community of 28,000 people to go along with it.

I went into this wanting to debunk the naysayers because I was sure that they were agent provocateurs making a bad situation worse and on purpose. I was wrong and the more I looked into this, the more disgusted I became that certain aspects of this corporate entity that we call "government" could sink so fucking low for some reason even though I knew that they lied about Waco and the Murrah Building in OKC....

Guy, I don't think if you really thought that Waco and the Murrough building were "hoaxes" (no, please, please, please don't fucking elaborate on those) that you went into looking at Sandy Hook with an open mind. It doesn't pass the laugh test.

You're about as credible as that woman who claimed she witnesses the Mike Brown shooting because she was in Furgeson that day trying to figure out ways to not hate n****rs so much.

You, sir, are a deranged cocksucker and you truly need help.

Do you even know what a "false flag" is? Sometimes it entails real deaths, sometimes it doesn't..... but they are used to manipulate and sway public consensus into the direction that the perpetrators of said event wants to move the masses and they have been used all through history,Cocksucker Joe. Remember the Reichstag fire? How about the Gulf Of Tonkin incident that never happened? Or the Kuwait's ambassador's daughter that was coached by the CIA to give testimony that she saw babies being thrown out of incubators to sway public opinion about going into Iraq in 1991? I am sure your little mind is all reeling from all this info......there are many more like the Lusitania and the sinking of the Maine......all false flag events and of course 9/11/01 was the mother of them all. No need to "thank me", little fella....it's what I do. You are a blithering idiot if you really believe that you can manipulate me into not saying what needs to be said. You are "small time", Cocksucker Joe.....now, resume with the purse swinging.

So...what did the "false flag" Sandy Hook accomplish? Besides making everyone who called it a "false flag" look like a total idiot, that is.

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