Have you noticed that TV shows are putting homosexuality into everything?

In the "World According To Joe", I just can't find it within myself to feel even slightly insulted.

Most people think you're crazy, Dale. I'm just the only one who still talks to you trying to encourage you to get help.

Most normal people hear about Chem Trails and Pedophile Conspiracies and False Flags and 9/11 was staged... they run away for good reason.
In the "World According To Joe", I just can't find it within myself to feel even slightly insulted.

Most people think you're crazy, Dale. I'm just the only one who still talks to you trying to encourage you to get help.

Most normal people hear about Chem Trails and Pedophile Conspiracies and False Flags and 9/11 was staged... they run away for good reason.

Most would mean a majority so there is a lie and where was I when you were elected spokesperson for this forum? I have and I do back up what I post here. You are the one that likes to live in La-La Land.
Hollywood is full of homos. They want to indoctrinate our youth. Soon, they'll be portraying pedophiles as normal people who are just misunderstood by our bigoted society, and anyone who objects will be labeled a bigot.
How do you indoctrinates someone into gay behavior? Tell us your experience. We're curious.
Gay this gay that enough already....everything is Gay first second and third.
Gay this gay that enough already....everything is Gay first second and third.
Probably because such a small group of people have had such enormous contributions to the country. Unlike Republicans who inflict terrible damage.
This country is being washed away in a flood of filth and liberals are riding the waves. SJ is right..they are trying to normalize pedophilia and the lowering of the age of consent. Libs now call them "Minor Attracted Persons" instead of pedophiles.

I've never heard that term used by anyone other than you. Are you sure the Lizard People aren't feeding you false information?

23,700,000 hits pop up on Google about it..

All from rightards searching the term.......
This country is being washed away in a flood of filth and liberals are riding the waves. SJ is right..they are trying to normalize pedophilia and the lowering of the age of consent. Libs now call them "Minor Attracted Persons" instead of pedophiles.

I've never heard that term used by anyone other than you. Are you sure the Lizard People aren't feeding you false information?

23,700,000 hits pop up on Google about it..

All from rightards searching the term.......

No, those are articles, dumb ass........
This country is being washed away in a flood of filth and liberals are riding the waves. SJ is right..they are trying to normalize pedophilia and the lowering of the age of consent. Libs now call them "Minor Attracted Persons" instead of pedophiles.

I've never heard that term used by anyone other than you. Are you sure the Lizard People aren't feeding you false information?

23,700,000 hits pop up on Google about it..

All from rightards searching the term.......

No, those are articles, dumb ass........

See the difference between you and me is that I don't go looking for that stuff......your internet search history must be.......deleted often I imagine....
This country is being washed away in a flood of filth and liberals are riding the waves. SJ is right..they are trying to normalize pedophilia and the lowering of the age of consent. Libs now call them "Minor Attracted Persons" instead of pedophiles.

I've never heard that term used by anyone other than you. Are you sure the Lizard People aren't feeding you false information?

23,700,000 hits pop up on Google about it..

All from rightards searching the term.......

No, those are articles, dumb ass........

See the difference between you and me is that I don't go looking for that stuff......your internet search history must be.......deleted often I imagine....

No, the difference between me and you is that I care about our children. You are simply ignorant that believes "Google Hits" are the amount of people putting that into the search engine opposed to actual articles about it.
Hollywood is full of homos. They want to indoctrinate our youth. Soon, they'll be portraying pedophiles as normal people who are just misunderstood by our bigoted society, and anyone who objects will be labeled a bigot.
How do you indoctrinates someone into gay behavior? Tell us your experience. We're curious.
Don't twist what I said, asshole. I didn't say they were trying to make homos out of our kids, I'm saying they are trying to make perversion "acceptable" in the eyes of our children. And you know I'm right.
Hollywood is full of homos. They want to indoctrinate our youth. Soon, they'll be portraying pedophiles as normal people who are just misunderstood by our bigoted society, and anyone who objects will be labeled a bigot.
So turn off your TV.
"Have you noticed that TV shows are putting homosexuality into everything?"

I think it's a big part of what got Trump elected. A significant portion of the populace was dissed - when the Supreme Court on fiat - decided to over-rule the people and re-write the definition of "marriage" for themselves. (Much like they did with Roe)

The backlash is what helped Trump get elected, IMHO
Apparently, TV executives believe that the American public have a huge hunger to see scenes of men having sex with men and women having sex with women.

Have you noticed TV channels putting hetrosexuality everywhere? They've been doing it for a long time.
I have noticed since "Ellen", in the early 90's, the rise in Gay propaganda in broadcast TV programs. Is it a coincidence, that there has been a loosening of moral standards across the board, and that we are seeing homosexuals going from a taboo issue to a asset? Culminating in the Supreme court validating homosexual marriage. I don't think TV to blame for this insanity. Gays have deep pockets and a LOT of influence under the surface. And they have worked hard to foist this delusion on us. P.T. Barnum said it best, you can fool some the people....
This country is being washed away in a flood of filth and liberals are riding the waves. SJ is right..they are trying to normalize pedophilia and the lowering of the age of consent. Libs now call them "Minor Attracted Persons" instead of pedophiles.

I've never heard that term used by anyone other than you. Are you sure the Lizard People aren't feeding you false information?

23,700,000 hits pop up on Google about it..

All from rightards searching the term.......
Delusional dale is the forum's biggest nutcase. Here's a perfect example. The nut does a Google search on the individual words, "minor" OR "attracted" OR "persons," to claim Google returns 23 million hits. Search for the phrase, "minor attracted persons," and Google returns 4490 hits.
Hollywood is full of homos. They want to indoctrinate our youth. Soon, they'll be portraying pedophiles as normal people who are just misunderstood by our bigoted society, and anyone who objects will be labeled a bigot.
So turn off your TV.
Cancel your internet service.
Why? I'm not a whiney little bitch like you.
Well, you get upset because normal people don't like you degenerates attempting to indoctrinate our kids into your perverted world, so I'd say that indeed makes you a whiney little bitch.
Hollywood is full of homos. They want to indoctrinate our youth. Soon, they'll be portraying pedophiles as normal people who are just misunderstood by our bigoted society, and anyone who objects will be labeled a bigot.
So turn off your TV.
Cancel your internet service.
Why? I'm not a whiney little bitch like you.
Well, you get upset because normal people don't like you degenerates attempting to indoctrinate our kids into your perverted world, so I'd say that indeed makes you a whiney little bitch.
Great, now you've reduced yourself to whiney, I know you are but what am I, bitching.
I have to mention a observation about how opinions on Homosexuality have changed in 20 years. The American Psychological Association has come out to say sexual orientation isn't an mental illness. I am smelling the deep pockets of gay PAC's here. I also remember when MD's used to endorse smoking as healthy, because the tobacco industry co-oped the integrity and fiddled about and manipulated MD's.So, my claim isn't not without precedence or out side of possibility. It defied common sense THEN. Things aren't adding up here by my lights.

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