Have you noticed that TV shows are putting homosexuality into everything?

23,700,000 hits pop up on Google about it....it's the new "PC term" that you and your fellow leftard pals will be spewing before long when another fact altering study like the Kinsey Report claims that children actually benefit from being raped. You see? Leftards have no line in the sand when it comes to morality because they have no real morals.

Again, 27,300,000 hits are probably the save five nutters clicking on it every day... so that doesn't impress me.

When you find me a MAINSTREAM person using that term and not being shouted down immediately by everyone, let me know, 'kay?

Have you noticed that TV shows are putting homosexuality into everything?
Not only the shows themselves but the commercials that go along with them.
Lately they are even promoting the biracial agenda. Amazing how far we have fallen in such a short period of time

Wait, you think the Bi-racial agenda is bad, too?

Here's the reality. We don't live in a world inhabited by Ward and June Cleaver. Hollywood is just reflecting that.
23,700,000 hits pop up on Google about it....it's the new "PC term" that you and your fellow leftard pals will be spewing before long when another fact altering study like the Kinsey Report claims that children actually benefit from being raped. You see? Leftards have no line in the sand when it comes to morality because they have no real morals.

Again, 27,300,000 hits are probably the save five nutters clicking on it every day... so that doesn't impress me.

When you find me a MAINSTREAM person using that term and not being shouted down immediately by everyone, let me know, 'kay?

Have you noticed that TV shows are putting homosexuality into everything?
Not only the shows themselves but the commercials that go along with them.
Lately they are even promoting the biracial agenda. Amazing how far we have fallen in such a short period of time

Wait, you think the Bi-racial agenda is bad, too?

Here's the reality. We don't live in a world inhabited by Ward and June Cleaver. Hollywood is just reflecting that.

Why are you too fucking lazy to even research the topic, dumb ass? Salon.Com has even given a platform to a pedophile so he can write about his struggles to not engage in that behavior even though he claims that his attractions as a "MAP" are normal to him because he was "born that way". Then we have a queer that is part of the LGBTQ and GLSEN that is an admitted "chickenhawk" (meaning that he is attracted to boys under the age of consent but past puberty) because he said that he often fantasized about longing for a queer lover that would introduce him (snicker) "lovingly" into the ways of queer sex....these sick freaks walk among us and are taken seriously....so eat shit and die, Joe. Hollywood doesn't reflect trends, they set them and I know that you are at least that intelligent to know that.
Why are you too fucking lazy to even research the topic, dumb ass? Salon.Com has even given a platform to a pedophile so he can write about his struggles to not engage in that behavior even though he claims that his attractions as a "MAP" are normal to him because he was "born that way". Then we have a queer that is part of the LGBTQ and GLSEN that is an admitted "chickenhawk" (meaning that he is attracted to boys under the age of consent but past puberty) because he said that he often fantasized about longing for a queer lover that would introduce him (snicker) "lovingly" into the ways of queer sex....these sick freaks walk among us and are taken seriously....so eat shit and die, Joe. Hollywood doesn't reflect trends, they set them and I know that you are at least that intelligent to know that.

So you don't actually name anyone, or cite a mainstream person, you just cite nameless people and say I should go on the same crazy websites you go on...

Hollywood is a business. They show us what we want to see. In fact,t he real problem in Hollywood is the lack of original ideas, which is why half of what they produce are sequels and remakes and adaptations of old TV shows.
Why are you too fucking lazy to even research the topic, dumb ass? Salon.Com has even given a platform to a pedophile so he can write about his struggles to not engage in that behavior even though he claims that his attractions as a "MAP" are normal to him because he was "born that way". Then we have a queer that is part of the LGBTQ and GLSEN that is an admitted "chickenhawk" (meaning that he is attracted to boys under the age of consent but past puberty) because he said that he often fantasized about longing for a queer lover that would introduce him (snicker) "lovingly" into the ways of queer sex....these sick freaks walk among us and are taken seriously....so eat shit and die, Joe. Hollywood doesn't reflect trends, they set them and I know that you are at least that intelligent to know that.

So you don't actually name anyone, or cite a mainstream person, you just cite nameless people and say I should go on the same crazy websites you go on...

Hollywood is a business. They show us what we want to see. In fact,t he real problem in Hollywood is the lack of original ideas, which is why half of what they produce are sequels and remakes and adaptations of old TV shows.

Distancing yourself from the leftist web site salon.com, are ya? Wise move on your part. The real problem in Hollywood is the same problem that is in D.C....it is ran by pedophiles.
Nothing goes on TV without meeting the approval of the sponsors.

And who are the sponsors? Corporate America, also known as conservatives.
Nothing goes on TV without meeting the approval of the sponsors.

And who are the sponsors? Corporate America, also known as conservatives.

LOL! You beloved "gubermint" IS a corporation and through composite government and through stock holdings they are the major stock holders of every Fortune 500 corporation and their subsidiaries. Your lame attempt to blame "conservatives" for the filth that comes out of Hollywierd is just that...lame. Have you ever heard of a CAFR and do you know how to read one?
I saw a scene where two women (actually a transgender woman and a lesbian) were having sex, and then afterwards one of them took off this giant dildo dripping with vagina fluids, and threw it on the floor.

Our culture if very much degraded since the days of Gone with the Wind, when everyone was shocked when Rhett Butler said the d-word.

This country is being washed away in a flood of filth and liberals are riding the waves. SJ is right..they are trying to normalize pedophilia and the lowering of the age of consent. Libs now call them "Minor Attracted Persons" instead of pedophiles.

This is the reason I cut the cord.....I mostly watch MeTV
Apparently, TV executives believe that the American public have a huge hunger to see scenes of men having sex with men and women having sex with women.

Gee, how terribly christian of you.

It's far more than gays though.

Brace yourself because there are also mixed couples, handicapped, men washing dishes - why, there's just no end to the horrors.

Actually, I remember haters like you from the days when Blacks were first hired by sports teams and first on TV.

Buck up cupcake. Go to mass, flagellate yourself or lie about some priests ... That'll make you feel better.

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If only there was some way for you to change the television channel. If only...

Besides whining, what solutions do you propose to stop this sudden spike of fags on the telly?

Funny you would say that because I constantly see leftards bemoaning "rightwing radio" and when I ask them why do they listen to it? They say "I don't but the undue influence is undermining America"........funny how opinions that differ from leftards is a "harm" but outright sexual deviancy on prime-time television doesn't.....double standards, perhaps? Yeah, I think so.......

Yes, those people are also whiners. What solutions do you propose concerning homos on tv?

Don't watch it. :dunno:

I used to watch prime time TV, until one night on this new series there was some kind of extorted homo-erotic sex thing they depicted, so I was pissed. I turned it off @ 9:10 3 years ago and haven't watched Prime Time since.


Not the dreaded homo-erotic sex thing!!

Good thing you got Satan's Black Box turned off cuz day-um - you might have been tempted to, you know, do something unholy and fun.
Then, it would be a one way trip to hell for you.


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Don't watch it. :dunno:

I used to watch prime time TV, until one night on this new series there was some kind of extorted homo-erotic sex thing they depicted, so I was pissed. I turned it off @ 9:10 3 years ago and haven't watched Prime Time since.

I don't watch much tv unless it's baseball, hockey, or football.

I don't see the point to writing homosexuality into every single show, you, MDK?

Sorry to, uh, b u t t in but I kinda think you just might be exaggerating, just the trendiest, tiniest bit.

Ya think?

Besides, if that fiendish boob toob is off, I'm pretty sure you're safe.

Buttt, you better unplug it - just to be sure.


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Distancing yourself from the leftist web site salon.com, are ya? Wise move on your part. The real problem in Hollywood is the same problem that is in D.C....it is ran by pedophiles.

I heard they have a secret dungeon under a Pizza Place!!!

And it's reached the point when the writers are no longer subtle about it. There are several shows I like that I have to cringe during scenes when two females tongue each other for ridiculous periods of time - not adding one damned thing to the overall story line.

I don't give a damn what they do in private. Just stop trying to push it into my face.
And it's reached the point when the writers are no longer subtle about it. There are several shows I like that I have to cringe during scenes when two females tongue each other for ridiculous periods of time - not adding one damned thing to the overall story line.

I don't give a damn what they do in private. Just stop trying to push it into my face.

I must be watching the wrong shows.

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