Have you noticed that TV shows are putting homosexuality into everything?

This country is being washed away in a flood of filth and liberals are riding the waves. SJ is right..they are trying to normalize pedophilia and the lowering of the age of consent. Libs now call them "Minor Attracted Persons" instead of pedophiles.

I've never heard that term used by anyone other than you. Are you sure the Lizard People aren't feeding you false information?

23,700,000 hits pop up on Google about it..

All from rightards searching the term.......
Delusional dale is the forum's biggest nutcase. Here's a perfect example. The nut does a Google search on the individual words, "minor" OR "attracted" OR "persons," to claim Google returns 23 million hits. Search for the phrase, "minor attracted persons," and Google returns 4490 hits.

minor attracted person - Google Search
I have to mention a observation about how opinions on Homosexuality have changed in 20 years. The American Psychological Association has come out to say sexual orientation isn't an mental illness. I am smelling the deep pockets of gay PAC's here. I also remember when MD's used to endorse smoking as healthy, because the tobacco industry co-oped the integrity and fiddled about and manipulated MD's.So, my claim isn't not without precedence or out side of possibility. It defied common sense THEN. Things aren't adding up here by my lights.

You also have the Kinsey Report that was totally fraudulent as well that leftards have pointed to it as a legitimate source for normalizing perversity.
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This country is being washed away in a flood of filth and liberals are riding the waves. SJ is right..they are trying to normalize pedophilia and the lowering of the age of consent. Libs now call them "Minor Attracted Persons" instead of pedophiles.

I've never heard that term used by anyone other than you. Are you sure the Lizard People aren't feeding you false information?

23,700,000 hits pop up on Google about it..

All from rightards searching the term.......
Delusional dale is the forum's biggest nutcase. Here's a perfect example. The nut does a Google search on the individual words, "minor" OR "attracted" OR "persons," to claim Google returns 23 million hits. Search for the phrase, "minor attracted persons," and Google returns 4490 hits.

Besides, I would say nearly 4,500 articles about "Minor Attracted Persons" aka pedophiles is pretty fucking significant even if there wan't more than that.......no?
Hollywood is full of homos. They want to indoctrinate our youth. Soon, they'll be portraying pedophiles as normal people who are just misunderstood by our bigoted society, and anyone who objects will be labeled a bigot.
So turn off your TV.
Cancel your internet service.
Why? I'm not a whiney little bitch like you.
Well, you get upset because normal people don't like you degenerates attempting to indoctrinate our kids into your perverted world, so I'd say that indeed makes you a whiney little bitch.
Great, now you've reduced yourself to whiney, I know you are but what am I, bitching.
Why don't you try addressing the topic instead of flaming posts that expose your perverse intentions?
It's telling, to say the least. Homosexuality is a fetish. A sexual dysfunction. Any form of dysfunction, is called a disease.Scientist aren't in the business of redefining things to fit newly adopted social norms.
I have to mention a observation about how opinions on Homosexuality have changed in 20 years. The American Psychological Association has come out to say sexual orientation isn't an mental illness. I am smelling the deep pockets of gay PAC's here. I also remember when MD's used to endorse smoking as healthy, because the tobacco industry co-oped the integrity and fiddled about and manipulated MD's.So, my claim isn't not without precedence or out side of possibility. It defied common sense THEN. Things aren't adding up here by my lights.

I'm not so sure about MD's endorsing cigarettes. I recall some ads along that line but they seemed carefully couched in such terminology as "I recommend such and such to my patients who smoke".
When I was a child, 7-9 in the early 50's everyone smoked. Carton's a week. I also recall them being called coffin nails and cancer sticks but people still chain smoked. So way back then, people knew they were dangerous which also explains why I am dumbfounded as to why attorneys are still able to extort money from cigarette companies.
I have to mention a observation about how opinions on Homosexuality have changed in 20 years. The American Psychological Association has come out to say sexual orientation isn't an mental illness. I am smelling the deep pockets of gay PAC's here. I also remember when MD's used to endorse smoking as healthy, because the tobacco industry co-oped the integrity and fiddled about and manipulated MD's.So, my claim isn't not without precedence or out side of possibility. It defied common sense THEN. Things aren't adding up here by my lights.

I'm not so sure about MD's endorsing cigarettes. I recall some ads along that line but they seemed carefully couched in such terminology as "I recommend such and such to my patients who smoke".
When I was a child, 7-9 in the early 50's everyone smoked. Carton's a week. I also recall them being called coffin nails and cancer sticks but people still chain smoked. So way back then, people knew they were dangerous which also explains why I am dumbfounded as to why attorneys are still able to extort money from cigarette companies.
That speaks to the power of the media, and TV. I remember candy cigarettes, too. And, who can forget, Joe Camel? And we get all these positive references to homosexuality on TV and the media in just the last 20 years. Do you think that just spontaneously happened out of the blue? I have the sense people worked REALLY hard to work this into the media. And who would benefit from THAT?
minor attracted person - Google Search

Either you have no clue as to how Google or Bing work, which makes you ignorant, or you are intentionally trying to mislead which is lying.

You know well that a search for minor attracted person is going to result in a total of all sources using the word "minor" plus all the sources using the word "attracted" and all sources using the word "person". A total of millions including an explanation of what b flat minor means. Thus:
B-flat minor
B♭ minor or B-flat minor is a minor scale based on B-flat, consisting of the pitches B♭, C, D♭, E♭, F, G♭, and A♭. Its key signature has five flats. The harmonic minor scale would use an A♮ instead of A♭.

You may have fooled people with that scam decades ago but readers have caught up to you.
I don't believe producers in Hollywood are giving viewers what the viewers want, if they were, their ratings would not continue to plunge.

I do believe the producers and distributors are giving us what THEY demand we accept as normal. I believe they have a checklist by which their shows are rated higher by their peers, not the viewing public. A box is checked if you have a gay couple, another box if it is a mixed race gay couple and ANOTHER one if the mixed race gay couple is married. Yet another box if they are kissing and yet another one if they are shown in their underwear with the woman's breasts tantalizingly hiding the nipples. Then they have other boxes for straight couples married or otherwise. NO check marks if the couple is of one race, but an extra box if they are a mixed couple. The most boxes checked and the more invitation for soiree's, balls, and openings come your way. Their never-ending plight to make the abnormal, normal.

Then if it is a mystery or drama, there must be shootouts, brutal murders, and violent car chases.

Shows I once watched weekly, I no longer view. I have found that Netflix and Amazon have quite a number of mysteries and dramas from Great Britain and Australia. Some other good ones from several other countries. I can grasp the ones from the Scandanavian countries and if I pay real attention to those in French. FAR better plots, twists, and dialog without all the gratuitous scenes.

Keep in mind, I'm really old. I remember watching the I Love Lucy show and their two separate twin beds with a nightstand in between.
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I don't believe producers in Hollywood are giving viewers what the viewers want, if they were, their ratings would not continue to plunge.

I do believe the producers and distributors are giving us what THEY demand we accept as normal. I believe they have a checklist by which their shows are rated higher by their peers, not the viewing public. A box is checked if you have a gay couple, another box if it is a mixed race gay couple and ANOTHER one if the mixed race gay couple is married.
There was a movie out years ago entitled "Tail wagging the dog". That title is ironic in many ways. And it perfectly represents the modern American entertainment industry.
I saw a scene where two women (actually a transgender woman and a lesbian) were having sex, and then afterwards one of them took off this giant dildo dripping with vagina fluids, and threw it on the floor.

Our culture if very much degraded since the days of Gone with the Wind, when everyone was shocked when Rhett Butler said the d-word.
I bet you saw the scene twice.
This country is being washed away in a flood of filth and liberals are riding the waves. SJ is right..they are trying to normalize pedophilia and the lowering of the age of consent. Libs now call them "Minor Attracted Persons" instead of pedophiles.

I've never heard that term used by anyone other than you. Are you sure the Lizard People aren't feeding you false information?

23,700,000 hits pop up on Google about it..

All from rightards searching the term.......
Delusional dale is the forum's biggest nutcase. Here's a perfect example. The nut does a Google search on the individual words, "minor" OR "attracted" OR "persons," to claim Google returns 23 million hits. Search for the phrase, "minor attracted persons," and Google returns 4490 hits.

minor attracted person - Google Search
Moron, without quotes, it searches on each word individually.

Oh well, I tried to teach ya. :dunno:
So turn off your TV.
Cancel your internet service.
Why? I'm not a whiney little bitch like you.
Well, you get upset because normal people don't like you degenerates attempting to indoctrinate our kids into your perverted world, so I'd say that indeed makes you a whiney little bitch.
Great, now you've reduced yourself to whiney, I know you are but what am I, bitching.
Why don't you try addressing the topic instead of flaming posts that expose your perverse intentions?
I did address the topic. You came back with some whiney bitching.
Most would mean a majority so there is a lie and where was I when you were elected spokesperson for this forum? I have and I do back up what I post here. You are the one that likes to live in La-La Land.

you back up your crazy with m ore crazy, Cocksucker Dale. And it would normally harmless if it wasn't truly evil shit like 'Sandy hook was a hoax".
Early morning medical commercials are showing plenty fag commercials. Plus mixed race relationships

Oh how America has digressed

Mixed race relationships in commercials!?


Whiny pussies. lol
23,700,000 hits pop up on Google about it....it's the new "PC term" that you and your fellow leftard pals will be spewing before long when another fact altering study like the Kinsey Report claims that children actually benefit from being raped. You see? Leftards have no line in the sand when it comes to morality because they have no real morals.

Again, 27,300,000 hits are probably the save five nutters clicking on it every day... so that doesn't impress me.

When you find me a MAINSTREAM person using that term and not being shouted down immediately by everyone, let me know, 'kay?

Have you noticed that TV shows are putting homosexuality into everything?
Not only the shows themselves but the commercials that go along with them.
Lately they are even promoting the biracial agenda. Amazing how far we have fallen in such a short period of time

Wait, you think the Bi-racial agenda is bad, too?

Here's the reality. We don't live in a world inhabited by Ward and June Cleaver. Hollywood is just reflecting that.

Honestly yes I do think that Bi-racial agenda is bad, if you don't like it, too bad for you. This is the United States and everyone is entitled to their own opinion.
As far as "We don't live in a world inhabited by Ward and June Cleaver. "
all I can say about that is "that is a crying shame"
Those who are offended by this sort of thing need to be offended often and deeply.
Honestly yes I do think that Bi-racial agenda is bad, if you don't like it, too bad for you. This is the United States and everyone is entitled to their own opinion.
As far as "We don't live in a world inhabited by Ward and June Cleaver. "
all I can say about that is "that is a crying shame"

so explain how the "Bi-racial" agenda (which is just people dating outside of their largely artificial racial groups) is a bad thing, exactly.


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