Have you noticed this?

fake data is ghey:D

And you're an ignorant bigot.

Naaaah s0n.....you're just a hopeless PC asshole like the hopeless PC assholes that get offended by the world "Redskins" ( all 246 of them :D ). You people have the backbone of a Hershey bar......jump off a 50 foot cliff due to offensive words.

Trust me s0n.....people who know you re laughing their asses off at you behind your back......nobody respects limpwristers except other limpwristers.:D

I don't give a shit about what you say. What I don't like is what you're thinking.
Have you eve noticed that we you ask the AGW cult or one link to datasets with source code that proves heir religious beliefs, they can not do it?
I've noticed you're pathologically dishonest on that point.

Seriously Kosh, who do you hope to convince by being such a dickless liar? All the other dickless liars are already in your camp, so you'll get no additional converts from that demographic. Meanwhile, normal people are repulsed by your behavior.

The more you act like that, the more people you turn against your cult. If it's just a matter of you wanting to score brownie points within your cult, sure, you're doing that in the short term, but in the long term you're hastening your cult's demise.
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I've noticed you're pathologically dishonest on that point.

Seriously Kosh, who do you hope to convince by being such a dickless liar? All the other dickless liars are already in your camp, so you'll get no additional converts from that demographic. Meanwhile, normal people are repulsed by your behavior.

The more you act like that, the more people you turn against your cult. If it's just a matter of you wanting to score brownie points within your cult, sure, you're doing that in the short term, but in the long term you're hastening your cult's demise.

Where's the experiment that shows how a 120PPM increase in CO2 raises temperature and drops ocean pH?


Still waiting
How I choose to deal with my issues is my business, Dave, not yours. So why don't you just gather up your personal belongings and bugger off.
How I choose to deal with my issues is my business, Dave, not yours. So why don't you just gather up your personal belongings and bugger off.

Why don't you make me, little bitch?

Oh, that's right -- you're utterly impotent. Completely powerless. Perfectly unable to alter reality.

So you just pretend you do. How's that working out for you?
Exactly like you.
The evidence suggests you cannot tolerate people having different views. It's an all-too-pervasive progressive failing.

I, of course, not being a progressive, suffer no such failing. All I ask is that people back up their positions rationally, with facts and logic.

Progressives consistently fail that standard.
And you think playing make-believe like a 6-year old is better? For christ's sake grow up.
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