Hawaii again declares Obama birth certificate real

how inept would not only th g.o.p. be but also the democratic party challengers vying for the candidacy in not exposing this against him in their fight for the presidency? the one thing politicians are good at is digging up dirt on each other. this birth certificate fantasy, if it was real, would have done obama in long before he got any where near the white house, the whole bc thing is a last gasp pathetic cry from a bunch of racist losers who cant stand that a black man is president.

The GOP isn't saying anything because Orin Hack Job Hatch wants to change The Constitution so that Gov Ahnold can run on the GOP ticket. It's the truth. Basically, They have some kind of an agreement. These agreements always happen behind closed doors far away from the sheople.

The morons probably owe the bottomfeeding Democrats for allowing the non-constitutional Patriot act or someother violation committed by The Liberla Republican Bush administration. Oh how I pray for the days of Bush though after this madman lunatic Obama. Same with Sotomayor, They owe the Dems for Roberts. It's so easy to figure out when they bend over and spread their cheeks wide open for them.

Listen, The Constitution is violated it seems like every week these days. Obama is a fraud. He's a Foreign agent. He's the Manchurian canidate sent to bankrupt America. Sometimes, The truth isn't that hard to see. Read between the lies bro. ~BH

sorry but thats just crazy.

Don't be sorry bro. We can disagree. I am telling yuh though. Just remember where yuh heard it first, Cause it's gonna happen. ;) ~BH
You go to some pretty oddball lengths to stake your claim.

That's pretty damned funny considering the shit that's been put out there by the birthers.

Which reminds me. How's that latest earth-shattering evidence going for you guys? :lol:

You're about to find out... and it's about time I think you people bend over, grab ears, and jerk hard...

Is this your idea of not being insulting?
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Hawaii refuses to verify president's online COLBs

Officials mum on images released by Obama's campaign, FactCheck.org

Posted: August 02, 2009
7:18 pm Eastern

By Jerome R. Corsi
© 2009 WorldNetDaily

In response to a direct question from WND, the Hawaii Department of Health refused to authenticate either of the two versions of President Obama's short-form Certificate of Live Birth, or COLB, posted online – neither the image produced by the Obama campaign nor the images released by FactCheck.org.

Janice Okubo, the public information officer for the Hawaii DOH, also had no explanation for why Dr. Chiyome Fukino's initial press release last October and subsequent press release last week also avoided declaring the posted images to be of authentic documents.

Hawaii refuses to verify president's online COLBs



What specific question did WND pose to Ms. Okubo?

What was her specific answer to the question?

How is this relevant as the director of the DOH has stated unequivocally (twice) that he has seen the original birth information and that the information on the COLB is correct and accurate, and that Obama was indeed born in Hawaii in August of '61? IOW, they don't need to verify through a computer image that the document is authentic, and it would make no sense for them to do so.
That's pretty damned funny considering the shit that's been put out there by the birthers.

Which reminds me. How's that latest earth-shattering evidence going for you guys? :lol:

You're about to find out... and it's about time I think you people bend over, grab ears, and jerk hard...

Is this your idea of not being insulting?

Pale committed to not being insulting?

I hardly knew ye, Pale!
How is this relevant as the director of the DOH has stated unequivocally (twice) that he has seen the original birth information and that the information on the COLB is correct and accurate, and that Obama was indeed born in Hawaii in August of '61? IOW, they don't need to verify through a computer image that the document is authentic, and it would make no sense for them to do so.

One Person's Word... Twice...

Why are you Fucking Liberals so Afraid to get to the Truth?...

And so Willing to take the Word of ONE Person and their Conclusion about a Document that should have been Produced LAST YEAR...


Damn gnats again. There must be a hole in the window screen.
the Obama apologists are so much in denial though that that wont register with them that their letting Obama get away with this cause its part of the new world order plan to put Arnold in office next.

going by your user name and your comment here is there a conspiracy theory that you dont believe?

yes there are some here that I dont believe and just because your in denial about things like Obama and that my user name is the truth and only see what you WANT to see,doesnt mean their not true.:cuckoo:I could post evidence for you that has overwhelming facts that my user name is the truth but everytime i do,you guys never watch the videos that prove it all since again,you only see what you WANT to see.

Hawaii: No, we really mean it this time! It's really a truly a real Certificate of Live Birf!

COLB: Part Deux. This time it's for real!

Seriously, guys.

No, we really mean it!

Do we have to repeat ourselves again?
That's pretty damned funny considering the shit that's been put out there by the birthers.

Which reminds me. How's that latest earth-shattering evidence going for you guys? :lol:

You're about to find out... and it's about time I think you people bend over, grab ears, and jerk hard...

Is this your idea of not being insulting?
Sorry Emma... I've fielded so many insults over this issue it's hard to remember who the shit stains are and who isn't. I apologize.
Hawaii refuses to verify president's online COLBs

Officials mum on images released by Obama's campaign, FactCheck.org

Posted: August 02, 2009
7:18 pm Eastern

By Jerome R. Corsi
© 2009 WorldNetDaily

In response to a direct question from WND, the Hawaii Department of Health refused to authenticate either of the two versions of President Obama's short-form Certificate of Live Birth, or COLB, posted online – neither the image produced by the Obama campaign nor the images released by FactCheck.org.

Janice Okubo, the public information officer for the Hawaii DOH, also had no explanation for why Dr. Chiyome Fukino's initial press release last October and subsequent press release last week also avoided declaring the posted images to be of authentic documents.

Hawaii refuses to verify president's online COLBs



What specific question did WND pose to Ms. Okubo?

What was her specific answer to the question?

How is this relevant as the director of the DOH has stated unequivocally (twice) that he has seen the original birth information and that the information on the COLB is correct and accurate, and that Obama was indeed born in Hawaii in August of '61? IOW, they don't need to verify through a computer image that the document is authentic, and it would make no sense for them to do so.

It's pretty much right there what the question was. "Would the state of Hawaii stand behind the authenticity of the COLBs obama posted online," and they said no.

Different issue from the other thing you're mentioning.
Hawaii refuses to verify president's online COLBs

Officials mum on images released by Obama's campaign, FactCheck.org

Posted: August 02, 2009
7:18 pm Eastern

By Jerome R. Corsi
© 2009 WorldNetDaily

In response to a direct question from WND, the Hawaii Department of Health refused to authenticate either of the two versions of President Obama's short-form Certificate of Live Birth, or COLB, posted online – neither the image produced by the Obama campaign nor the images released by FactCheck.org.

Janice Okubo, the public information officer for the Hawaii DOH, also had no explanation for why Dr. Chiyome Fukino's initial press release last October and subsequent press release last week also avoided declaring the posted images to be of authentic documents.

Hawaii refuses to verify president's online COLBs



What specific question did WND pose to Ms. Okubo?

What was her specific answer to the question?

How is this relevant as the director of the DOH has stated unequivocally (twice) that he has seen the original birth information and that the information on the COLB is correct and accurate, and that Obama was indeed born in Hawaii in August of '61? IOW, they don't need to verify through a computer image that the document is authentic, and it would make no sense for them to do so.

It's pretty much right there what the question was. "Would the state of Hawaii stand behind the authenticity of the COLBs obama posted online," and they said no.

Different issue from the other thing you're mentioning.

Well, no. It's not really clear exactly what they asked or exactly how she replied. I'd like to know; 'course that's not going to happen.
Hawaii: No, we really mean it this time! It's really a truly a real Certificate of Live Birf!

COLB: Part Deux. This time it's for real!

Seriously, guys.

No, we really mean it!

Do we have to repeat ourselves again?

It's Really REAL!...

Just Ask Emma and the other Liberal SHEEPle... She will Verify that some Mouthpiece in Hawaii has Seen it TWO TIMES!...

Now you GO!... You Complain about Birth Certificate too Long!...

You been here FOE OWE-AHS!...


Born identity - Kokua Line - Starbulletin.com

The state Department of Health no longer issues copies of paper birth certificates as was done in the past, said spokeswoman Janice Okubo.

The department only issues "certifications" of live births, and that is the "official birth certificate" issued by the state of Hawaii, she said.

And, it's only available in electronic form.

Okubo explained that the Health Department went paperless in 2001.

"At that time, all information for births from 1908 (on) was put into electronic files for consistent reporting," she said.

Information about births is transferred electronically from hospitals to the department.

"The electronic record of the birth is what (the Health Department) now keeps on file in order to provide same-day certified copies at our help window for most requests," Okubo said.

Asked for more information about the short-form versus long-form birth documents, Okubo said the Health Department "does not have a short-form or long-form certificate."

"The birth certificate form has been modified over the years and decades to conform to national standards and models," she said.

Okubo also emphasized the certification form "contains all the information needed by all federal government agencies for transactions requiring a birth certificate."

She added that the U.S. Supreme Court has recognized the state's current certification of live birth "as an official birth certificate meeting all federal and other requirements."
Last edited:
From Hawaiian law: (Sorry I can't provide the link because I haven't been here long enough.)

§338-18 Disclosure of records. (a) To protect the integrity of vital statistics records, to ensure their proper use, and to ensure the efficient and proper administration of the vital statistics system, it shall be unlawful for any person to permit inspection of, or to disclose information contained in vital statistics records ....

Just the facts surrounding the ILLEGAL release of information contained in vital statistic records.

Fukino and company also stated that they were handling Barry's BC the same way they Fukino is instructed to handle all of the rest of the documents that contain information about the people on vital statistic records .

So unless Fukino and company are also disclosing information contained on every other in their care
they are either blatantly breaking Hawaiian law, lying about it or twisting their statement to make it apear they are disclosing information contained on Barry's BC .

I also don't see the Barry apologists listed as having a direct and tangible interest by way of the illegal release of this information.

From the same link:

"The following persons shall be considered to have a direct and tangible interest in a public health statistics record:

(1) The registrant;

(2) The spouse of the registrant;

(3) A parent of the registrant;

(4) A descendant of the registrant;

(5) A person having a common ancestor with the registrant;

(6) A legal guardian of the registrant;

(7) A person or agency acting on behalf of the registrant;

(8) A personal representative of the registrant’s estate;

(9) A person whose right to inspect or obtain a certified copy of the record is established by an order of a court of competent jurisdiction;

(10) Adoptive parents who have filed a petition for adoption and who need to determine the death of one or more of the prospective adopted child’s natural or legal parents;

(11) A person who needs to determine the marital status of a former spouse in order to determine the payment of alimony;

(12) A person who needs to determine the death of a nonrelated co-owner of property purchased under a joint tenancy agreement; and

(13) A person who needs a death certificate for the determination of payments under a credit insurance policy."

So no Fukino did not actually break Hawaiian law to disclose Barry's birthplace "just to stop the uproar and calm the waters" especially because I don't see that "calming the Obots" can be listed as valid direct and tangible interest.

Barry has yet to LEGALLY prove he was born in Hawaii and thus is even a US citizen let alone qualify
for the office of POTUS.

Birth on US soil subject to US jurisdiction is only half of the legal requirement to be a natural born citizen because it requires BOTH parents to be US citizens " at birth" becuase that is when natural US citizenship is aquired and defined.

IF a child is born, like Barry, with a parent or parents that have foreign citizenship and they are born on US soil subject to it's jurisdiction they are both a foreign citizen and a US citizen "at birth" and what is legally now termed a dual citizen and owe allegiance from birth to both the US and the foreign country "at birth" .

Natural BORN citizenship is aquired and defined "at birth" because that logically and legally is the only time it can be aquired, not have the child be subject to another nation "at birth" through citizenship allegience and not be a form of naturalization which is aquired after the the time of birth, and so thus
is an artificial legislated way , or unnatural way, of obtaining US citizenship.

Barry also (IF born in Hawaii... ) aquired his British citizenship "at birth" and so is a British subject
through British citizenship allegience he owes because of his father's citizenship status and circumstance "at birth" and so cannot be at the same time be fully a US natural born citizen
free of any foreign citizenship entanglements because , IF, he were born with US citizenship, he is as much a British subject as he is a US citizen.

So he is no more eligible to be POTUS than my kitchen table because he lacks natural born citizenship status "at birth" because he could never aquire it in any way shape or form at other time because he also has British citizenship "at birth" and so is a an unnatural dual citizen at best or not even a US citizen at worst because his mother could not pass on any form of derivitive US citizenship because she was too young to do so because of the US citizenship laws in force at the time of Barry's birth .


Well whaddya know...the kid with some 5,000 posts on the...ahem..OTHER.. Board One & Only conspiracy thread - you practically lived there on that thread.

Get tired?
Yes R_the_D ...the same one who goes on endlessly believing Obama is NOT WHITE! I mean not eligible to be president...comes here to join us to regurgitate his talking points.

You're not protected here little boy. No running to the mods cause people call you on your utter bullshit, or even laugh at your bizarre theories. How many people did you get kicked off cause they even snickered in that thread? 20? 30? More than that I think.

I know you are new here, and I should be nice and welcome you... which I will, right after this:

Fuck you Roberts_the_Douche.


I've been wanting to say that to you for a loooog fucking time.


All better now.

And a hearty welcome to the board.

The majority of those that believe Obama isn't a citizen don't know that Hawaii is a state.
You want to bet the majority of those also believe the sun travels around the earth?
I really did have to get that off my chest. <damn that felt good!>

I do sincerely welcome you to this board now. It is a good one with great folks here.
The majority of those that believe Obama isn't a citizen don't know that Hawaii is a state.
You want to bet the majority of those also believe the sun travels around the earth?

LOL, funny you should say that, you don't remember Obama stating he's visited "all 57 states"?

How many states do we have?

Oh, and did you know that there are 57 Islamic states in the world? Freudian slip anyone?
Roberts the Man, you should definitely consider wearing a hazmat suit when "debating" some of the Libs because, as you see above, the froth and spittle that spews when defending their Messiah is near a Biblical flood.


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