Hawaii again declares Obama birth certificate real

BHO is a citizen of the U.S. Every credible federal and state body reponsible for making such a decision has decided. The birthers can wierd about it, and it's fun poking at them.

BHO has to be NBC to be legally POTUS.

If they rely on the same hearsay evidence that is used by the Barry apologists (Jpeg and hearsay statements , etc. ) ...

They are no longer credible because many senators and congressmen have legal backgrounds and would know that what is presented by Barry is undoubtedly hearsay evidence thus not credible evidence that should NOT be relied on to legally vett Barry and fulfill their oaths of office , especialliy since there were questions concerning his place of birth, Barry was longtime friend of business associate with and granted money to sworn enemies of our nation and the important point you are missing is that their sworn oath is to protect, UPHOLD and defend the constitution against enemies foreign and domestic.
The very least they should have done is aquiece to the requests by their constituents and verified Barry's BC.

They did not and ignored the pleas of the citizens in their districts to have a look see at his bona fides and most likely did so because they had fallen victim to the fear that if they did they would be labled as loons and racists for daring to question unsubstantiated hearsay evidence.

Fun is riding a roller coaster, etc. is fun...

Making fun of people simply because they disagree w/you, your acceptance of hearsay evidence as proof and just want their POTUS to be constituitonally eligible is weird.

Nobody's making fun of you because they don't agree with you. They're making fun of you because you're obviously an idiot spouting shit. You obviously have no concept of what actually constitutes hearsay evidence, yet you mouth off about it anyway pretending it proves your point (if you have one). Go away boy, you bother me.
BHO is a citizen of the U.S. Every credible federal and state body reponsible for making such a decision has decided. The birthers can wierd about it, and it's fun poking at them.

But beware. They are some of the thinnest-skinned creatures on earth.

So says the one that erupted into a maniacal tirade because of what I did according to tos on another board.

Now that's thin skinned!

BTW- These the poster mentioned relied on the same unsubstantiated nonsence to vett Barry as the Barry apologists have which is hearsay evidence and so they stated when questioned about it.

It should give anyone pause but of course when you're heavily invested in the candidate kool aid , like Barry O aid , logic, reason and caution go out the window.
Making fun of people simply because they disagree w/you, your acceptance of hearsay evidence as proof and just want their POTUS to be constituitonally eligible is weird.


Making fun of internet retards is fun. You fit the bill nicely.

I really did have to get that off my chest. <damn that felt good!>

I do sincerely welcome you to this board now. It is a good one with great folks here.

I'm just sorry you beat me to it :lol:
Thanks Emma.

You know I am not usually like that...going all hog wild FU on someone like that.

(I'm a lover, not a fighter. lol)

But man. He had it coming after what we watched him do what he did for the last 8 months or so.

I just hadda....
Nope and nope and nope!

§338-13 Certified copies. (a) Subject to the requirements of sections 338-16, 338-17, and 338-18, the department of health shall, upon request, furnish to any applicant a certified copy of any certificate, or the contents of any certificate, or any part thereof.
So all you birthers have to do is get someone to order up a copy of their long form birth certificate from Hawaii and prove us wrong.

(b) Copies of the contents of any certificate on file in the department, certified by the department shall be considered for all purposes the same as the original, subject to the requirements of sections 338-16, 338-17, and 338-18.
Yeah. Like the COLB that is the only form of birth certificate Hawaii issues now.

(c) Copies may be made by photography, dry copy reproduction, typing, computer printout or other process approved by the director of health. [L 1949, c 327, §17; RL 1955, §57-16; am L Sp 1959 2d, c 1, §19; HRS §338-13; am L 1978, c 49, §1]

There are many different ways to make a certified copy and even different forms can be made.

They even have a price structure posted for different forms and have different names for the different forms based on what legal weight they have applied to them.

Certificates of live birth, certifications of live birth, and even the originaal BC, etc. can be photographed and get a stamp and be a legal document as shown.

"IF" they have his "original BC" on file as Okubo infers it can then be photographed and stamped and then it becomes a legal document!

Unfortunately Okubo is not quoting Hawaiian law when twisting the meaning of "is"
to make it apear that the truth is coming out when in truth it is not especially according to what Hawaiian law states as shown.

Just another example of why Okubo cannot be relied upon as a source in this matter.

'Course not. She's part of the conspiracy doncha know :lol:
BHO is a citizen of the U.S. Every credible federal and state body reponsible for making such a decision has decided. The birthers can wierd about it, and it's fun poking at them.

BHO has to be NBC to be legally POTUS.

If they rely on the same hearsay evidence that is used by the Barry apologists (Jpeg and hearsay statements , etc. ) ...

They are no longer credible because many senators and congressmen have legal backgrounds and would know that what is presented by Barry is undoubtedly hearsay evidence thus not credible evidence that should NOT be relied on to legally vett Barry and fulfill their oaths of office , especialliy since there were questions concerning his place of birth, Barry was longtime friend of business associate with and granted money to sworn enemies of our nation and the important point you are missing is that their sworn oath is to protect, UPHOLD and defend the constitution against enemies foreign and domestic.
The very least they should have done is aquiece to the requests by their constituents and verified Barry's BC.

They did not and ignored the pleas of the citizens in their districts to have a look see at his bona fides and most likely did so because they had fallen victim to the fear that if they did they would be labled as loons and racists for daring to question unsubstantiated hearsay evidence.

Fun is riding a roller coaster, etc. is fun...

Making fun of people simply because they disagree w/you, your acceptance of hearsay evidence as proof and just want their POTUS to be constituitonally eligible is weird.

Nobody's making fun of you because they don't agree with you. They're making fun of you because you're obviously an idiot spouting shit. You obviously have no concept of what actually constitutes hearsay evidence, yet you mouth off about it anyway pretending it proves your point (if you have one). Go away boy, you bother me.

Documents in electronic form do not constitute acceptable evidence in any court of law...

That is why documents have to have an embossed seal and be so in a physical state and not reside in cyberspace to be accepted as actual evidence.

Barry's document just happens to be a secondary source document in that it only contains some of the information that would be contained on his long form BC and since NO ONE
in the government that wouldn't have to break a law (Read Fukino etc. ) to "verify" it has actually seen it...

It does not nor does any statements from Oopscheck or Hawaiian officials constitute anything but hearsay evidence especially since argument and discovery has not happened to discern what actually exists in the vaults and what the information on it discloses.

Post a link from any reputable source concerning admissable evidence ,if you can, that refutes what I say!

I can post the Hawaiian state law link ( when I've posted enough that to allow me to do so that will back up what their state law states concerning their own documents , how they act as verification and how their documents act as evidence if you can accept actual legal verbage instead of spouting nonsense.) that shows how they view their own documents in a legal setting.

Open up Barry jpeg photo of the alleged document on the web and you will see at the bottome of the alleged document that it states it is only prima facie evidence in a court proceeding and again they won't accept a picture beamed in from the web to do so.

AND they sure in the heck would NOT accept hearsay statements from a source actively solicited by the defendent as an unbiased source especially since they can subpeonae the information directly from the primary source document , his long from BC.

No one ought to beleive Barry and he's more fun to make fun of because he's a dolt.
Surely there has to be someone in these here United States who was born in Hawaii who you birfers can have order up a copy of their long form BC.

And yeah. I'm calling you Shirley.
BHO has to be NBC to be legally POTUS.

If they rely on the same hearsay evidence that is used by the Barry apologists (Jpeg and hearsay statements , etc. ) ...

They are no longer credible because many senators and congressmen have legal backgrounds and would know that what is presented by Barry is undoubtedly hearsay evidence thus not credible evidence that should NOT be relied on to legally vett Barry and fulfill their oaths of office , especialliy since there were questions concerning his place of birth, Barry was longtime friend of business associate with and granted money to sworn enemies of our nation and the important point you are missing is that their sworn oath is to protect, UPHOLD and defend the constitution against enemies foreign and domestic.
The very least they should have done is aquiece to the requests by their constituents and verified Barry's BC.

They did not and ignored the pleas of the citizens in their districts to have a look see at his bona fides and most likely did so because they had fallen victim to the fear that if they did they would be labled as loons and racists for daring to question unsubstantiated hearsay evidence.

Fun is riding a roller coaster, etc. is fun...

Making fun of people simply because they disagree w/you, your acceptance of hearsay evidence as proof and just want their POTUS to be constituitonally eligible is weird.

Nobody's making fun of you because they don't agree with you. They're making fun of you because you're obviously an idiot spouting shit. You obviously have no concept of what actually constitutes hearsay evidence, yet you mouth off about it anyway pretending it proves your point (if you have one). Go away boy, you bother me.

Documents in electronic form do not constitute acceptable evidence in any court of law...

That is why documents have to have an embossed seal and be so in a physical state and not reside in cyberspace to be accepted as actual evidence.

Barry's document just happens to be a secondary source document in that it only contains some of the information that would be contained on his long form BC and since NO ONE
in the government that wouldn't have to break a law (Read Fukino etc. ) to "verify" it has actually seen it...

It does not nor does any statements from Oopscheck or Hawaiian officials constitute anything but hearsay evidence especially since argument and discovery has not happened to discern what actually exists in the vaults and what the information on it discloses.

Post a link from any reputable source concerning admissable evidence ,if you can, that refutes what I say!

I can post the Hawaiian state law link ( when I've posted enough that to allow me to do so that will back up what their state law states concerning their own documents , how they act as verification and how their documents act as evidence if you can accept actual legal verbage instead of spouting nonsense.) that shows how they view their own documents in a legal setting.

Open up Barry jpeg photo of the alleged document on the web and you will see at the bottome of the alleged document that it states it is only prima facie evidence in a court proceeding and again they won't accept a picture beamed in from the web to do so.

AND they sure in the heck would NOT accept hearsay statements from a source actively solicited by the defendent as an unbiased source especially since they can subpeonae the information directly from the primary source document , his long from BC.

No one ought to beleive Barry and he's more fun to make fun of because he's a dolt.

The really fun part is you, yourself negate my responsibility to provide any links for two reasons: Everybody posting on this thread knows I could reference God Himself and you would either deny it, claim He is part of the conspiracy or willfully misconstrue the information provided, and Second: That anyone with half a living brain cell knows a copy of a document bearing an official seal from the office tasked with its issuance is not hearsay and is admissable in any court. Try again, legal eagle.
Making fun of people simply because they disagree w/you, your acceptance of hearsay evidence as proof and just want their POTUS to be constituitonally eligible is weird.


Making fun of internet retards is fun. You fit the bill nicely.

You haven't seen nothin' yet :rofl:

I happen to have an autistic son and your attempt at humor is in extremely poor taste ...

The picture you posted shows a person that is retarded because they unfortunately were born that way and thus through no fault of their own...

Not debating the subject is making yourself a "retard" through your own actions and lack of anything useful to add to the debate so you come away the lesser person because of it and because you refuse to debate and discuss the facts and cannot resist resorting to meaningless juvenile humor have only that as a poor way to deflect away from the facts presented by the other poster.

Personally I'll take my, forthright and honest, autistic son's brand of actual humor over your misguided misfired attempt at being funny any day.

You branded yourself:

You just brought yourself down several notches as a human being and not me because I can only pity your pathetic lack of awareness by not showing any sense of what's apropriate as far as humor goes.

When you have something to actually debate reply to me otherwise save it for somebody that actually might be hurt by your adolescent displays.

Making fun of internet retards is fun. You fit the bill nicely.

You haven't seen nothin' yet :rofl:

I happen to have an autistic son and your attempt at humor is in extremely poor taste ...

The picture you posted shows a person that is retarded because they unfortunately were born that way and thus through no fault of their own...

Not debating the subject is making yourself a "retard" through your own actions and lack of anything useful to add to the debate so you come away the lesser person because of it and because you refuse to debate and discuss the facts and cannot resist resorting to meaningless juvenile humor have only that as a poor way to deflect away from the facts presented by the other poster.

Personally I'll take my, forthright and honest, autistic son's brand of actual humor over your misguided misfired attempt at being funny any day.

You branded yourself:

You just brought yourself down several notches as a human being and not me because I can only pity your pathetic lack of awareness by not showing any sense of what's apropriate as far as humor goes.

When you have something to actually debate reply to me otherwise save it for somebody that actually might be hurt by your adolescent displays.

I see what you mean about the thin skin! :rofl:

Oh goody goody! This is going to be even better than I thought! :clap2:
Nope and nope and nope!

§338-13 Certified copies. (a) Subject to the requirements of sections 338-16, 338-17, and 338-18, the department of health shall, upon request, furnish to any applicant a certified copy of any certificate, or the contents of any certificate, or any part thereof.
So all you birthers have to do is get someone to order up a copy of their long form birth certificate from Hawaii and prove us wrong.

(b) Copies of the contents of any certificate on file in the department, certified by the department shall be considered for all purposes the same as the original, subject to the requirements of sections 338-16, 338-17, and 338-18.
Yeah. Like the COLB that is the only form of birth certificate Hawaii issues now.

(c) Copies may be made by photography, dry copy reproduction, typing, computer printout or other process approved by the director of health. [L 1949, c 327, §17; RL 1955, §57-16; am L Sp 1959 2d, c 1, §19; HRS §338-13; am L 1978, c 49, §1]

There are many different ways to make a certified copy and even different forms can be made.

They even have a price structure posted for different forms and have different names for the different forms based on what legal weight they have applied to them.

Certificates of live birth, certifications of live birth, and even the originaal BC, etc. can be photographed and get a stamp and be a legal document as shown.

"IF" they have his "original BC" on file as Okubo infers it can then be photographed and stamped and then it becomes a legal document!

Unfortunately Okubo is not quoting Hawaiian law when twisting the meaning of "is"
to make it apear that the truth is coming out when in truth it is not especially according to what Hawaiian law states as shown.

Just another example of why Okubo cannot be relied upon as a source in this matter.

'Course not. She's part of the conspiracy doncha know :lol:

Are you saying she broke Hawaiian law to verify Barry was born in Hawaii?

I posted the law that said it was illegal for her to do so and the statement that Barry's was being handled like all of the other in the vital statistic files means I could get her to discuss any of the others right just like she did his?

I don't think breaking Hawaiian law bodes well for much veracity on her giving a thumbs up on Barry's authenticity especially as a law breaker she hasn't been crossexamine da s to why she would make a statement that she knows violates Hawaiian law.

Unless court give much weight to the tesimony of people that knowingly break their own document rules and state laws.

If she actually disclosed pertinent information on Barry's BC....

Why isn't she up on charges?

Making fun of internet retards is fun. You fit the bill nicely.

You haven't seen nothin' yet :rofl:

I happen to have an autistic son and your attempt at humor is in extremely poor taste ...

The picture you posted shows a person that is retarded because they unfortunately were born that way and thus through no fault of their own...

Not debating the subject is making yourself a "retard" through your own actions and lack of anything useful to add to the debate so you come away the lesser person because of it and because you refuse to debate and discuss the facts and cannot resist resorting to meaningless juvenile humor have only that as a poor way to deflect away from the facts presented by the other poster.

Personally I'll take my, forthright and honest, autistic son's brand of actual humor over your misguided misfired attempt at being funny any day.

You branded yourself:

You just brought yourself down several notches as a human being and not me because I can only pity your pathetic lack of awareness by not showing any sense of what's apropriate as far as humor goes.

When you have something to actually debate reply to me otherwise save it for somebody that actually might be hurt by your adolescent displays.
Emma didn't post the picture, and she happens to be a high end ER nurse. And a highly regarded poster here, and at other boards.

She has more empathy in her little thumb than most birthers, most people do.

She was laughing at the absurdity of all this, not at a slight of your autistic son, of which, I'm sure she would say, has nothing to do with her sense of humor.

In time...you'll understand, I'm sure.

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