Hawaii: Firearm Applicants need Doctor's Clearance to Carry ....yet another fascist scam

"Hawaii: Firearm Applicants need Doctor's Clearance to Carry ....yet another fascist scam"

This is the problem with most on the right: they respond with ridiculous lies and hyperbole, absent facts and rational thought, and with accusations devoid of evidence or merit.

Of course, for most on the right, it's not about facts and rational thought, it's about having a moronic meltdown, it's about their politics of fear and lies for some perceived partisan gain, and about propagating idiotic conspiracy theories.
"Hawaii: Firearm Applicants need Doctor's Clearance to Carry ....yet another fascist scam"

This is the problem with most on the right: they respond with ridiculous lies and hyperbole, absent facts and rational thought, and with accusations devoid of evidence or merit.

Of course, for most on the right, it's not about facts and rational thought, it's about having a moronic meltdown, it's about their politics of fear and lies for some perceived partisan gain, and about propagating idiotic conspiracy theories.
That fails as an unsupported generalization fallacy.
In fact Hawaii's law should fail any Constitutional test.
Gun permit applicants denied over medical dispute

HPD officers are now handing out a memo to gun permit applicants that states a doctor must sign a note on official letterhead stating the individual "shall own, possess, or control any firearm or ammunition and has been medically documented to be no longer adversely affected by the addiction, abuse, dependence, mental disease, disorder or defect".

Of course the criminal element is excluded.


Finnaly a state following the 1968 gun law.

If you don't like the 68 gun law either get rid of it, amend it or enforce it.
What part of the GCA mandates a doctor's signature?
The measure is clearly unconstitutional.

The false flag operation known as the Bonnie and Clyde Jihad was intended to manipulate public opinion.

"We need to do somthing about the mentally ill". Well this is somthing !

Since I carry, I like my odds better taking on a loon. He or she will not expect me to resist being a victim

I'm pretty sure the Constitution doesn't read, "...the right of the People to keep and bear arms shall not be infringed...unless someone can't get a doctor's note."

Adjudicate as mentally incompetent or convicted of a crime. Everyone gets a day in court before they get their rights taken away.


But we are dealing with fascists who do not give a shit whether you live or die.

You forgot to cite where the Supreme Court struck down this law – absent such a citation, the measure is perfectly Constitutional,

By the same logic, it's perfectly constitutional to take people off the street, put chains on them, and force them to work on your farm for little board and no pay.

Though the 13th amendment flatly forbids that, liberal hysterics like little clayton want you to think that, because since the adoption of the 13th no one has sued to keep his slaves or to forbid someone from keeping slaves, that makes it OK to continue slavery.

The twists and turns these silly people go through to fool normal people into thinking the hysterics' transgressions are "OK", is a constant source of hilarity for normal people.

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