Hawaii offcials Inbound balistic missle alert false alarm

I suppose they are going to identify the employee who made the mistake. He or she should probably move somewhere faraway.

There's a link on the site ahhaah.
just one last thing on this "false alarm"...

this was no accident! .....if it walks like a duck and talks like a duck and quacks like a duck

it is a duck

a Deep State Obama/ Clinton leftover duck.
Republicans would be conducting inquiries for at least a decade if a Democratic President were golfing for nearly *half an hour* like nothing had happened when a ballistic missile might be heading straight for a US State

If a real ballistic missile was heading straight for a US state, Trump would be all up in that business long before Hawaii. He can ignore it. If he even knew. He might not have known what the fools in Hawaii were doing.

Hawaii is known for it's lax policies on pot. This is what happens when the state officials are also addicts.
Here is a bit of info that I just learned... According to the USN spokesman;

US Navy, Pacific Fleet Command, Pearl Harbor was in contact with the Hawaii Emergency Management officials within 1-2 min of the alert. The Alert, which automatically triggered the US Navy's alert status in the command center, placed the base's in Hawaii on alert. This immediately invoked a preplanned procedural process.

Hawaii Emergency Management knew that there was no attack and knew of the systems triggering within 2 min as Pacific Command confirmed that there was no inbound threat by phone. My question is, why did it take 35+ minuets to let the people know it was a false alarm?

The US Navy has strict policies and procedures in reference to NBC (Nuclear, Chemical and Biological) warfare. This is one area they do not screw around in. The Navy has top notch people who are on duty 24/7/365 and you can bet they followed protocol and policies to the letter.

I find it rather interesting they initially said it was a training exercise issue but are now trying to use a shift change excuse as to why the alert went unrecognized. The US Navy just put a howitzer round through the Hawaii ships hull and its sinking fast.. Its looking more and more like a supervisory failure possibly due to incompetence.
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The FCC has launched an investigation into the event.

FEMA has now opened an investigation into the event now as well.

There will be others, possibly a Congressional one.

Someone is getting an unwanted colonoscopy.. multiple times..
Now to play devils advocate...

What if they system was hacked? I know the Governor stated it had not been but lets look at the facts.
*They knew the alert had been triggered. The US Navy notified them so they knew.
*They were either incompetent or unable to put out an all clear.
*IF they could not regain control a shut down and reboot would be necessary to reestablish secure connections and regain control. This could take as long as 30 minuets as you would have to call the corresponding agencies IT folks to change passwords prior to reconnect due to compromised systems.

The time span of the issue potentially indicates they were hacked and they were desperately trying to regain control.

Just a thought..
If the gov has any brains they have a multi-layer system and thus it's not likely that they "lost control" of anything even if hacking occurred.

Well.... Not knowing how their system is set up, I cant answer your point with any accuracy. But I do agree a multilayerd system with checksum encryptions would be prudent. SO that simply leaves us with Incompetence and supervisory failure.
Hawaii officials said Saturday that a mobile alert saying a ballistic missile was headed for the state was a “false alarm” after people received the alert detailing an imminent threat.
Hawaii Officials: Inbound Ballistic Missile Alert ‘False Alarm’
Well bet they were scared half to death esp . since they've been prepping for it lol
The Hawaiian Governors excuse which I don't believe for a minute.

JUST IN: Hawaii Governor David Ige tells CNN that someone "pushed the wrong button" during an employee shift change, sending out the false alert about an incoming ballistic missile (link: Missile threat alert for Hawaii a false alarm - CNNPolitics) cnn.it/2FvLREF

Hawaii Governor David Ige tells CNN that someone "pushed the wrong button" during an employee shift change,

wait a minute the wacko leftists are all claiming that is Trumps fault
This Hawaii missle scare is on YOU Mr. Trump. The real FEAR that mothers & fathers & children felt is on YOU. It is on YOUR ARROGANCE. HUBRIS. NARCISSISM. RAGE. EGO. IMMATURITY and your UNSTABLE IDIOCY. Shame on your hate filled self. YOU DID THIS!
Are you actually Jamie Lee Curtis, basquebromance? If not, plagiarism will get you in serious trouble!


Jamie Lee Curtis
This Hawaii missle scare is on YOU Mr. Trump. The real FEAR that mothers & fathers & children felt is on YOU. It is on YOUR ARROGANCE. HUBRIS. NARCISSISM. RAGE. EGO. IMMATURITY and your UNSTABLE IDIOCY. Shame on your hate filled self. YOU DID THIS!
2:24 PM · Jan 13, 2018

Lee Curtis should really stick to acting.... not that she has any carrer left, may be she dreams she can revive it ! :rolleyes-41:
Bet she crapped herself after the alert...she has been obsessed with her digestive tract recently.
download (12).jpeg
SNL skit became reality...
download (13).jpeg
Kim Jong Un must be loving this: the people of a Hawaii taking cover in fear. I don’t see North Korea de-nuking while he is in power....no matter what.
-------------------------------- gonna have to be forced if he is denuked , thanks Clinton , gwb and 'hussein obama .
Meanwhile Trump continues the policy of 'strategic patience'
Not according to SK, who give him big credit for the upcoming NK/SK talks.

Why didn't Obama do that in eight years?
He did, fool. North and South Korea have held a million talks.
You mean this?

Insight: Obama's North Korean leap of faith falls short

Falling Short could summarize Obama's presidency.
I wonder how safe the libtards feel in Hawaii with the idiots they have placed in power over them.?

Given the Statement that Representative Gabbard (Democrat-Hawaii) just gave on the news, where she wanted Trump to bend over and submit to North Korea, It makes me wonder just what kind of stupid pills those folks are eating.. You have no power to negotiate from a position of weakness.

Makes me begin to wonder if this alert was a planned event to try and force Trump to do what these stupid ass democrats want...
Interesting spin being put on this today :

Was There More Going On In Hawaii Than Meets The Eye? Freakish Coincidence And BETA Test Come Along With 'Apocalypse's False Alarm'

While one headline story over at the Drudge Report Saturday screamed "38 Minutes of Terror" after the 'inexcusable mistake' made by a public official in Hawaii led to a countless number of people into believing they were spending their last few moments upon the Earth, the pictures and videos emerging from the island show the Hawaiian people totally unprepared, with storm drains turned into makeshift bomb shelters, for an event that we all pray never comes.

Is There More Going On In Hawaii Than Meets The Eye? Freakish Coincidence, BETA Test, Panic, Chaos, Apocalypse, Primal Fear
Interesting spin being put on this today :

Was There More Going On In Hawaii Than Meets The Eye? Freakish Coincidence And BETA Test Come Along With 'Apocalypse's False Alarm'

While one headline story over at the Drudge Report Saturday screamed "38 Minutes of Terror" after the 'inexcusable mistake' made by a public official in Hawaii led to a countless number of people into believing they were spending their last few moments upon the Earth, the pictures and videos emerging from the island show the Hawaiian people totally unprepared, with storm drains turned into makeshift bomb shelters, for an event that we all pray never comes.

Is There More Going On In Hawaii Than Meets The Eye? Freakish Coincidence, BETA Test, Panic, Chaos, Apocalypse, Primal Fear
Its going to make a nice propaganda film for North Korea. Now they can claim the US FEARS THEM and give the nut case credibility. This will only embolden that nut.
Interesting spin being put on this today :

Was There More Going On In Hawaii Than Meets The Eye? Freakish Coincidence And BETA Test Come Along With 'Apocalypse's False Alarm'

While one headline story over at the Drudge Report Saturday screamed "38 Minutes of Terror" after the 'inexcusable mistake' made by a public official in Hawaii led to a countless number of people into believing they were spending their last few moments upon the Earth, the pictures and videos emerging from the island show the Hawaiian people totally unprepared, with storm drains turned into makeshift bomb shelters, for an event that we all pray never comes.

Is There More Going On In Hawaii Than Meets The Eye? Freakish Coincidence, BETA Test, Panic, Chaos, Apocalypse, Primal Fear
Its going to make a nice propaganda film for North Korea. Now they can claim the US FEARS THEM and give the nut case credibility.

It's being said today , they did this on purpose to make Trump look bad. They meaning the deep state bastards who are willing to see America burn to the ground. They will do anything to see this Nation sink and use Trump to do it all.
Interesting spin being put on this today :

Was There More Going On In Hawaii Than Meets The Eye? Freakish Coincidence And BETA Test Come Along With 'Apocalypse's False Alarm'

While one headline story over at the Drudge Report Saturday screamed "38 Minutes of Terror" after the 'inexcusable mistake' made by a public official in Hawaii led to a countless number of people into believing they were spending their last few moments upon the Earth, the pictures and videos emerging from the island show the Hawaiian people totally unprepared, with storm drains turned into makeshift bomb shelters, for an event that we all pray never comes.

Is There More Going On In Hawaii Than Meets The Eye? Freakish Coincidence, BETA Test, Panic, Chaos, Apocalypse, Primal Fear
Its going to make a nice propaganda film for North Korea. Now they can claim the US FEARS THEM and give the nut case credibility.

OH yeah and it was being said it was done to make us look weak.
Interesting spin being put on this today :

Was There More Going On In Hawaii Than Meets The Eye? Freakish Coincidence And BETA Test Come Along With 'Apocalypse's False Alarm'

While one headline story over at the Drudge Report Saturday screamed "38 Minutes of Terror" after the 'inexcusable mistake' made by a public official in Hawaii led to a countless number of people into believing they were spending their last few moments upon the Earth, the pictures and videos emerging from the island show the Hawaiian people totally unprepared, with storm drains turned into makeshift bomb shelters, for an event that we all pray never comes.

Is There More Going On In Hawaii Than Meets The Eye? Freakish Coincidence, BETA Test, Panic, Chaos, Apocalypse, Primal Fear
Its going to make a nice propaganda film for North Korea. Now they can claim the US FEARS THEM and give the nut case credibility.

It's being said today , they did this on purpose to make Trump look bad. They meaning the deep state bastards who are willing to see America burn to the ground. They will do anything to see this Nation sink and use Trump to do it all.

Only the locals look like idiots...Trump has nothing in play here. IF it was done by the deep state bureaucrats, it will come out and they will be taken to task. The military is going to play hard ball, I guarantee it! They don't take being made to look the fools very well...

That is why PACOM put out their own stand down/all clear message at 21 min..
Maybe, he did it on purpose because he is sick. I generally don't support polygraphs, but this might be a good situation for one, and it would be hard to cover up if that's the case. They should at least question him good about that.
They didn't have a simple confirmation message when he "hit the wrong button"?

Are you sure you want to send a real missile alert?

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