Hawking says physics proves there is no time for "Gawd".

There once was a genius online
Who thought his brain was sublime
But when asked to converse
His words were the worst
And tremendously darkened his shine.
There once was a genius online
Who thought his brain was sublime
But when asked to converse
His words were the worst
And tremendously darkened his shine.
there once was a girl named kosher
who bragged she was the grandest of posters
when put to the test she shit in her dress
and proved she had no rep to bolster

hey folks looky what I got from KG...Hi, you have received -411 reputation points from koshergrl.
Reputation was given for this post.

More rep than you, however! bwahaha


what more proof do you need....can you say misfiring neurons ..I knew you could
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Good grief, you should write everything in limerick, it's the only way you make sense!
Though I'm not sure how crapping my pants proves I have no rep, but we've already established that logic isn't your thing.
They say: "Matter/energy cannot be created or destroyed."

Yet -- it's here.

So, folks like me ask: "Where did it come from?"

Their 'Answer': The Big Bang.

So folks like me ponder and then ask: "Oh. Well the stuff that was in the Big Bang that came spewing out so prolifically when it went Bang. Where did THAT stuff come from?"

They say: "It was always there BECAUSE it can't be created or destroyed."

Folks like me ponder and then ask: "Uh huh. But for 'it' to have 'always existed' aren't you saying that something can exist before it exists? For example, if there was a period in the Universe (in the nano instant of the Bang in the Big Bang) where there was no life, then life did not always exist. It got created. What created life? The stuff that came prior to life. Ok. But what created that? The precursors to that stuff. Ok. But what created THAT stuff? It was always there! But if it was always there then why wasn't life always there? Why do some things require creation but some things don't?"

The cosmological constant in the Einstein field equations allow for creation of matter/energy.
Isn't everything, really. I mean, have you actually participated in any scientific studies...or are you basing your opinion on *hearsay*?
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There once was a genius online
Who thought his brain was sublime
But when asked to converse
His words were the worst
And tremendously darkened his shine.
there once was a girl named kosher
who bragged she was the grandest of posters
when put to the test she shit in her dress
and proved she had no rep to bolster

hey folks looky what I got from KG...Hi, you have received -411 reputation points from koshergrl.
Reputation was given for this post.

More rep than you, however! bwahaha


what more proof do you need....can you say misfiring neurons ..I knew you could



One of the weirdest things about growing older is that you go from a young man, where you absolutely KNOW you know everything, to an older man where you absolutely KNOW you don't know hardly anything.

I sit around sometimes in a park, or a shopping mall, or a restaurant and I look around and I just absolutely love to watch people. It is the greatest show on earth.

I'm 35, so not old yet. But old enough to know that "I just absolutely love to watch people" is old man code for "I like to stand around checkin' out young tail"

Can you be any more rude.

You must be a knuckle dragger.
There once was a genius online
Who thought his brain was sublime
But when asked to converse
His words were the worst
And tremendously darkened his shine.
there once was a girl named kosher
who bragged she was the grandest of posters
when put to the test she shit in her dress
and proved she had no rep to bolster

hey folks looky what I got from KG...Hi, you have received -411 reputation points from koshergrl.
Reputation was given for this post.

More rep than you, however! bwahaha


what more proof do you need....can you say misfiring neurons ..I knew you could




KG's pulling out all the stops on this one. :thup:
There are many theories, google abiogenesis.

After that explain to me how a deity in the sky made humans. :thup:

I was wondering when one of you would point to abiogenesis as an explanation. It's an impossibility. I have pointed out the flaws in this theory many times. When I have more time I will explain it again.

You have to try and remember that when I speak of things it could be completely theoretical, since science doesn't claim to have all the answers in the way religion does. :thup:

You seem to excel at telling people why they're wrong, but you're not so good at explaining why you're right.

You missed my explanation of left handed amino acids are found in living organisms and all cells ?

The thing that miller and urey showed was that right handed amino acids were formed as well as left handed amino acids. Left handed amino acids connect and produce proteins.

One problem,if right handed amino acids connected with left handed amino acids which is easy to do that organism would not survive. That cell would not survive. So tell me how what the chances were for only left handed amino acids coming together to form the first cell ?

Oh but it get's better, now explain how every cell only contains left handed amino acids ?

Talk about miracles.
there once was a girl named kosher
who bragged she was the grandest of posters
when put to the test she shit in her dress
and proved she had no rep to bolster

hey folks looky what I got from KG...Hi, you have received -411 reputation points from koshergrl.
Reputation was given for this post.

More rep than you, however! bwahaha


what more proof do you need....can you say misfiring neurons ..I knew you could




KG's pulling out all the stops on this one. :thup:

I knew you'd appreciate it.
how can non-living material evolve?

Take your time. I can tell you haven't given this much thought.

you can't define whether or not something is evolving without defining what "survival" means for that something. If that something is life, "survival" is easy to define. If it isn't - what the fuck are you even talking about?
ask the guy who thinks non-living material can evolve. :lol:

Now that is funny.
I was wondering when one of you would point to abiogenesis as an explanation. It's an impossibility. I have pointed out the flaws in this theory many times. When I have more time I will explain it again.

You have to try and remember that when I speak of things it could be completely theoretical, since science doesn't claim to have all the answers in the way religion does. :thup:

You seem to excel at telling people why they're wrong, but you're not so good at explaining why you're right.

You missed my explanation of left handed amino acids are found in living organisms and all cells ?

The thing that miller and urey showed was that right handed amino acids were formed as well as left handed amino acids. Left handed amino acids connect and produce proteins.

One problem,if right handed amino acids connected with left handed amino acids which is easy to do that organism would not survive. That cell would not survive. So tell me how what the chances were for only left handed amino acids coming together to form the first cell ?

Oh but it get's better, now explain how every cell only contains left handed amino acids ?

Talk about miracles.

So to you the next logical step is to conclude it was the hand of a deity? What's your point? If there's a chance for something, then there's a chance.
Bob says:

"You have to try and remember that when I speak of things it could be completely theoretical, since science doesn't claim to have all the answers in the way religion does. :thup:

You seem to excel at telling people why they're wrong, but you're not so good at explaining why you're right."

PPPFFFFTTT...it just gets funnier every single time I see it.

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