Hawking Says Universe Created Itself

The funny thing, the bible said the universe was expanding many hundreds of years ago. LOL!
Did it? The bible says a lot of things. How do you decide what to discard and what to retain?

Retain it all. Don't add to it or take away from it and you will find what you are looking for. Your Father.
And to insure that you know it is Him doing the talking, 1/4 of His Book tells the future. Man can't do it, author's can't, you can't. But there is one who resides in a dimension that can see the beginning the middle and the end. For example:
You are standing on Main street and you see a parade turn the corner and march right past you. You watch it until it turns an other corner, and it is gone from sight. Now watch the same parade from a different vantage point. From a helicopter. From there you see the beginning, the turn down Main Street and see it turn up the next street to the fair grounds where it ends.

The one that sees the end from the beginning is the one you want to bank on. He is the one who forgives us anything because His Son took the death sentence for our transgressions and now therefore there is NO condemnation for those who accept the gift of exchange. God put our sins so far behind Him that He doesn't even remember them any more.
He remembers the name of every single star in the sky, but your sins are as far from Him as the east is from the west.
And He loves you so much, He never takes His eyes off of you. Talk to Him, and find out for yourself.
Inflation theory is the leading cosmological model which explains how space and time were created through a quantum tunneling event. An event which occurred per the laws of quantum mechanics and conservation of energy. Which means those laws were in place before space and time which means those laws were the first cause but still doesn't address the source or first cause of those laws. The only solution to that dilemma is something which is eternal and unchanging.
Or that we lack knowledge.
I think you mean to say that YOU lack the knowledge to name anything else.

My position is that the only solution which exists for the first cause conundrum is something which is eternal and unchanging.
The funny thing, the bible said the universe was expanding many hundreds of years ago. LOL!
Did it? The bible says a lot of things. How do you decide what to discard and what to retain?

Retain it all. Don't add to it or take away from it and you will find what you are looking for. Your Father.
And to insure that you know it is Him doing the talking, 1/4 of His Book tells the future. Man can't do it, author's can't, you can't. But there is one who resides in a dimension that can see the beginning the middle and the end. For example:
You are standing on Main street and you see a parade turn the corner and march right past you. You watch it until it turns an other corner, and it is gone from sight. Now watch the same parade from a different vantage point. From a helicopter. From there you see the beginning, the turn down Main Street and see it turn up the next street to the fair grounds where it ends.

The one that sees the end from the beginning is the one you want to bank on. He is the one who forgives us anything because His Son took the death sentence for our transgressions and now therefore there is NO condemnation for those who accept the gift of exchange. God put our sins so far behind Him that He doesn't even remember them any more.
He remembers the name of every single star in the sky, but your sins are as far from Him as the east is from the west.
And He loves you so much, He never takes His eyes off of you. Talk to Him, and find out for yourself.

I applaud your attempt but, you're talking to a ABG adherent.
Inflation theory is the leading cosmological model which explains how space and time were created through a quantum tunneling event. An event which occurred per the laws of quantum mechanics and conservation of energy. Which means those laws were in place before space and time which means those laws were the first cause but still doesn't address the source or first cause of those laws. The only solution to that dilemma is something which is eternal and unchanging.
Or that we lack knowledge.
I think you mean to say that YOU lack the knowledge to name anything else.

My position is that the only solution which exists for the first cause conundrum is something which is eternal and unchanging.

Not if you follow the ABG theory.
Do you not understand the implications of the universe beginnings a singularity?

I understand the implications of being a delusional atheist that adheres to the "Anything but God" theory.
That's nice. But do you understand the implications of our universe beginning as a singularity?

Maybe, maybe not. What ya got?
For one, what I already said: it would appear to us that time has no beginning.

Something had to give the initial push. The belief that the universe gave itself the initial push couldn't be more illogical.
"Something had to give the initial push"

Says you. Unfortunately, you have not a shred of evidence that this is true, or that all of reality even had a beginning.

Oh, but we do. His name is Albert Einstein. The beginning was discovered when he was introduced to space time by Mr. Hubble and his telescope. Before that, Einstein didn't realize the universe was expanding. Once he saw it was, he realized you could trace the expansion right back to a beginning point. Or do you doubt E=MC2?
He did not "realize" that, he postulated it. You cannot assume as true that which you are trying to argue as true.

Also, you are off base. If the observable universe did, indeed, begin as a singularity, then to all of us it would appear to be infinite and have no beginning. So you kind of tripped over your own argument, there.

Do you not understand the implications of the universe beginnings a singularity? He undermined his own argument.
It is only a singularity mathematically. Mathematically the solutions to Einstein's General Theory of Relativity can take us back to the point the universe was contained in a very very tiny, dense, hot state. Beyond that the equations yield infinities which I think is appropriate, but I digress. My point is that people bandy around terms like singularities without understanding what it really means. It means the equations can only go back to the point when all the matter and energy in the universe occupied the space of 1 billionth of 1 trillionth the size of a single freaking atom. If people wrapped their head around that, they would quickly come to realize the universe had a beginning. Not to mention that the 2nd Law of Thermodynamics tells us that it is not possible for the universe's age to approach infinity without thermal equilibrium occurring.
He did not "realize" that, he postulated it. You cannot assume as true that which you are trying to argue as true

No he did not postulate it, he saw it with his own eyes. His math, his "scientific" theories, depended on it. And he was right. Time was the dimension he was lacking. Finding it gave him relativity.
And STILL Maimonides, using Genesis, got it more right than Einstein.....
Do you not understand the implications of the universe beginnings a singularity?

I understand the implications of being a delusional atheist that adheres to the "Anything but God" theory.
That's nice. But do you understand the implications of our universe beginning as a singularity?

Maybe, maybe not. What ya got?
For one, what I already said: it would appear to us that time has no beginning.

Then congrats. on your IQ. But, Einstein would wholeheartedly disagree. His work was based on a beginning of space time.
"Something had to give the initial push"

Says you. Unfortunately, you have not a shred of evidence that this is true, or that all of reality even had a beginning.

Oh, but we do. His name is Albert Einstein. The beginning was discovered when he was introduced to space time by Mr. Hubble and his telescope. Before that, Einstein didn't realize the universe was expanding. Once he saw it was, he realized you could trace the expansion right back to a beginning point. Or do you doubt E=MC2?
He did not "realize" that, he postulated it. You cannot assume as true that which you are trying to argue as true.

Also, you are off base. If the observable universe did, indeed, begin as a singularity, then to all of us it would appear to be infinite and have no beginning. So you kind of tripped over your own argument, there.

Do you not understand the implications of the universe beginnings a singularity? He undermined his own argument.
It is only a singularity mathematically. Mathematically the solutions to Einstein's General Theory of Relativity can take us back to the point the universe was contained in a very very tiny, dense, hot state. Beyond that the equations yield infinities which I think is appropriate, but I digress. My point is that people bandy around terms like singularities without understanding what it really means. It means the euations can only go back to the point when all the matter and energy in the universe occupied the space of 1 billionth of 1 trillionth the size of a single freaking atom. If people wrapped their head around that, they would quickly come to realize the universe had a beginning. Not to mention that the 2nd Law of Thermodynamics tells us that it is not possible for the universe's age to approach infinity without thermal equilibrium occurring.
"If people wrapped their head around that, they would quickly come to realize the universe had a beginning."

Wrong. That would only demonstrate that what we can observe in the universe began when that hot, dense state coalesced into observable matter. It would only demonstrate that our observations have a limit, not that everything began at that time. The other things you say about the early universe app[ear to be correct.
Do you not understand the implications of the universe beginnings a singularity?

I understand the implications of being a delusional atheist that adheres to the "Anything but God" theory.
That's nice. But do you understand the implications of our universe beginning as a singularity?

Maybe, maybe not. What ya got?
For one, what I already said: it would appear to us that time has no beginning.

Well, if we could travel back, wouldn't we see all of matter condensing into one point and, with it, the collapsing of space itself? Upon reaching the final point, I believe we would actually see that there was nothing at all. No matter, no space, nothing. Then if we could fast-forward, the matter would appear, literally out of nowhere followed up instantly by the biggest explosion our universe has ever had. And then we would see the first seconds of the universe.

Where have I got it wrong?
Do you not understand the implications of the universe beginnings a singularity?

I understand the implications of being a delusional atheist that adheres to the "Anything but God" theory.
That's nice. But do you understand the implications of our universe beginning as a singularity?

Maybe, maybe not. What ya got?
For one, what I already said: it would appear to us that time has no beginning.

Well, if we could travel back, wouldn't we see all of matter condensing into one point and, with it, the collapsing of space itself? Upon reaching the final point, I believe we would actually see that there was nothing at all. No matter, no space, nothing. Then if we could fast-forward, the matter would appear, literally out of nowhere followed up instantly by the biggest explosion our universe has ever had. And then we would see the first seconds of the universe.

Where have I got it wrong?
No, we would never reach that point, even without a singularity.we could never observe the beginning of the universe directly, as we are a part of it.

On a side note, new ideas about what "time" is are emerging And that's an appropriate word, as they describe time as an emergent property of quantum entanglement. An observer outside our universe would not perceive any passing of time at all, when observing our universe. It would not even appear to exist at all!
or that all of reality even had a beginning

The science is definitive. Space and time as we know it had a beginning.
The science is definitive that, if the universe began as singularity, one could travel backward in time literally forever and would never reach "a beginning".
And that means absolutely nothing. None of that has anything to do with the fact that about 14 billion years ago all matter and energy in the universe occupied the space the size of 1 billionth of 1 trillionth the size of a single atom. Then... it expanded and cooled. That is all you need to know that the universe had a beginning.
or that all of reality even had a beginning

The science is definitive. Space and time as we know it had a beginning.
The science is definitive that, if the universe began as singularity, one could travel backward in time literally forever and would never reach "a beginning".
And that means absolutely nothing. None of that has anything to do with the fact that about 14 billion years ago all matter and energy in the universe occupied the space the size of 1 billionth of 1 trillionth the size of a single atom. Then... it expanded and cooled. That is all you need to know that the universe had a beginning.
"That is all you need to know that the universe had a beginning."

You mean, the universe we can observe. I would say that's rather important concept to keep in mind. So would scientists.

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