Hawking Says Universe Created Itself

The scientific evidence shows that the universe had a singularity, the beginning of space and time. So the question becomes, what CAUSED the universe to come into existence? It created itself? That's "scientific" thinking? Not a chance. And what about life? Did life creat itself too? Hawking and a plethora of non-believers follow the ABG theory (anything but God) as they are bound and determined that there is no such thing as a creator. The philosophical implications of a creator is too great for many non-believers.
Key words "non-believer." I went to a Catholic university that taught physics, math and the sciences. Their taught the same things I am espousing, minus the religious myths of course. Obviously they did not feel the sciences interfered with their theology. So already, only certain christian sects push the notion of a literal biblical creation. I'm glad to say, I am not a believer in that. You can believe it all you want, but don't expect other people to follow suit.

What caused the universe to come into existence? How did life come into existence?
The article, from a "creationist" web site, is commenting on Hawking's book, The Grand Design, in which Hawking postulates; "that invoking God is not necessary to explain the origins of the universe, and that the Big Bang is a consequence of the laws of physics alone. In response to criticism, Hawking has said; "One can't prove that God doesn't exist, but science makes God unnecessary."

Those who take the bible literally, will object to that of course. They have no use for such things as science anyways. As creationists are all "faith based", argumentation in regards to science is totally lost on them. Hawking does not state an absolute in his book but offers instead, a mathematical and scientifically sound explanation of a "possible" alternative to the creationist concept.

The scientific evidence shows that the universe had a singularity, the beginning of space and time. So the question becomes, what CAUSED the universe to come into existence? It created itself? That's "scientific" thinking? Not a chance. And what about life? Did life creat itself too? Hawking and a plethora of non-believers follow the ABG theory (anything but God) as they are bound and determined that there is no such thing as a creator. The philosophical implications of a creator is too great for many non-believers.

I often wonder if people would take the word of a plumber that there is no God? Dealing with the nuts and bolts of creation is to me not that far from trade work only with a dash of self delusion. Scientists who are religious understand Science better imo.

Just sayin'.

If the plumber had a disease, got lots of msm attention...probably so. Hawking is another one that is using his "celeb" status to press his opinion upon others as FACT when it is not fact at all. Just opinion.

If Hawking was a believer in a creator and said as much, the atheists here referencing him would be eviscerating him without mercy.
So the question becomes, what CAUSED the universe to come into existence? It created itself?
According to the law of gravity, according to Hawkings. Where is he wrong in his interpretation of that law?

Without a universe there is no such thing as physics. So how could gravity create the universe before the existence of such physical laws as the aforementioned law of gravity? Like I said, Anything But God theory.
Someone or some thing would have to create it in the first place for it to happen, right?
Thomas Aquinas touches on that subject in the "Summa Theologica" which in part, attempts to postulate/prove the existence of God.There may be a divine influence that can be called "The First Cause" (or something like that) but what Hawking talks about in his book is that its existence is not required in the particular theory he talks about.
Definition of theory
plural theories
1:a plausible or scientifically acceptable general principle or body of principles offered to explain phenomena
  • the wave theory of light
2a :a belief, policy, or procedure proposed or followed as the basis of action
  • her method is based on the theory that all children want to learn
b :an ideal or hypothetical set of facts, principles, or circumstances —often used in the phrase in theory
  • in theory, we have always advocated freedom for all
:a hypothesis assumed for the sake of argument or investigation
b :an unproved assumption :conjecture
c :a body of theorems presenting a concise systematic view of a subject
  • theory of equations
4:the general or abstract principles of a body of fact, a science, or an art
  • music theory
5:abstract thought :speculation
:the analysis of a set of facts in their relation to one another
There is no shortage of non-believers that won't look at science that threatens their narrative.
There are tens of thousands of scientists who believe in God. Whether they believe in once certain christian sects interpretation, is another thing. I see no problem with a good, moral Christian believing in science and the Big Bang
Very likely..Based on the laws of chemistry and physics it most certainly did.

If you don't believe this then i ask who or what created god? It is so much more simple to explain things with laws of science compared to figuring out how a super being developed out of nothing.

Laws of science = billions or even tens of billions of years for such processes to slowly come together.

God popped out of nothing! =
You idiot. God wasn't created. He has always existed. And the universe creating itself violates the LAW of cause and effect.
You should need no lesson from me about calling names.
Hawking is mistaken just as much as you are.
Neither a god nor the universe created the universe as it always existed. It had no beginning.
Someone or some thing would have to create it in the first place for it to happen, right?
Thomas Aquinas touches on that subject in the "Summa Theologica" which in part, attempts to postulate/prove the existence of God.There may be a divine influence that can be called "The First Cause" (or something like that) but what Hawking talks about in his book is that its existence is not required in the particular theory he talks about.

I don't think we have to be physicists to know that nothing happens in this universe without something first causing it to happen. Something or someone had to give it that initial push. Then, the topic becomes, how did life come into existence? Did that "spontaneously create" itself too? Come on. It's obvious. There is a creator. Then throw in the anecdotal "evidence" (not scientific, I understand) of the seemingly countless numbers of people who have described near-death experiences of seeing the "other side", etc., and it should give you pause to seriously consider the very real possibility and likelihood that, indeed, there IS a creator!
So already, only certain christian sects push the notion of a literal biblical creation. I'm glad to say, I am not a believer in that. You can believe it all you want, but don't expect other people to follow suit.
Ditto. The problem is..he has a bigger podium and knows people will follow his suit. Influencing small minded people to take what he says as fact when all it is is....theory.
It had no beginning.

Well, the Big Bang seems to indicate otherwise. Additionally, the universe IS a physical place that could not have created itself, regardless of what Hawking or anyone else says. To believe that existence can spontaneously appear out of non-existence is to defy all logic and common sense.
It didn't just magically appear any more than that blank spot on your desk will magically produce a rock. You have to place it there.
I don't think we have to be physicists to know that nothing happens in this universe without something first causing it to happen. Something or someone had to give it that initial push. Then, the topic becomes, how did life come into existence? Did that "spontaneously create" itself too? Come on. It's obvious. There is a creator. Then throw in the anecdotal "evidence" (not scientific, I understand) of the seemingly countless numbers of people who have described near-death experiences of seeing the "other side", etc., and it should give you pause to seriously consider the very real possibility and likelihood that, indeed, there IS a creator!
No one is stopping you from believing what you faith says. But to repeat myself, don't expect others to share in it. I happen totally reject your particular beliefs but it doesn't mean I'm against them. So long as most of the public and private schools teach the sciences apart from religious tenets, science shall endure.
It had no beginning.

Well, the Big Bang seems to indicate otherwise. Additionally, the universe IS a physical place that could not have created itself, regardless of what Hawking or anyone else says. To believe that existence can spontaneously appear out of non-existence is to defy all logic and common sense.
Logic and common sense dictate that there was no so-called big bang nor did the universe appear out of non-existence. Therefore, the universe always was, is, and will be.
What caused the universe to come into existence? How did life come into existence?
Who knows? There are various theories with more or less evidence.

Star matter spread by comets seems the best bet at the moment, seeing they contain water and compounds essential to life as we know it.
Theory basics

The University of California, Berkley, defines a theory as "a broad, natural explanation for a wide range of phenomena. Theories are concise, coherent, systematic, predictive, and broadly applicable, often integrating and generalizing many hypotheses."

Any scientific theory must be based on a careful and rational examination of the facts. Facts and theories are two different things. In the scientific method, there is a clear distinction between facts, which can be observed and/or measured, and theories, which are scientists' explanations and interpretations of the facts.

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