*Hawking Sticks Butt Out At God Again: Just STFU Idjit*


Dec 9, 2007
Sorry bout that,

1. Here we go again another atheist fuck goes on the attack of the church.
2. This brainica sits in his chair and dreams dreams, that can not be proven.
3. He takes solace that he thinks himself to be able to think himself, out of the box.
4. And he is seeing death rapidly approaching, and is apprehensive about what will take place in the after life.
5. So, he is asking questions, by making kooky statements about how everyone else is afraid to die, when in reality, its him.
6. He is wondering if there really is a God, and how he fits in if there is indeed one???
7. I find it amusing he is just now wondering about God, seeing he should of died some years ago, and for one reason or another he has lived on, way over his expiration date, and now wonders why???
8. He equates brains to computers, hoping that when our bodies die, all our memories die with us, he equates death with utter nothingness, and yet he wonders still.
9. All he needs is a little push, a little light to shine towards his dark world, I think it is possible, and I hope that he is worth the effort, perhaps God will one day call him, and see if he will listen, but it could be he did get a call, but hung up the phone.
10. People have to listen and listen good when they get the call.
LINK:Stephen Hawking: Heaven is "a fairy story" - World Watch - CBS News

"Physicist Stephen Hawking believes there is no afterlife, and that the concept of heaven is a "fairy story" for people who fear death.

In an interview published in the Guardian, Hawking - author of the bestselling "A Brief History of Time" - said that when the brain ceases to function, that's it."

Hawkings has made significant contributions to our understanding of the universe. He has lived far beyond the norm for a person suffering from that disease.

As for his qestioning of religion and it's view of the after life, for him, and you and me, there is only one way to answer that question.
Sorry bout that,

Hawkings has made significant contributions to our understanding of the universe. He has lived far beyond the norm for a person suffering from that disease.

As for his qestioning of religion and it's view of the after life, for him, and you and me, there is only one way to answer that question.

1. I would have to argue he has done nothing for humanity.
2. He has dreamed some dreams, made some outlandish sayings about the way this or that is about the universe and how it works.
3. But boil it down and anything he has said could be wrong, and then over ruled, and re-written.
4. So all in all, he is a *big nothing*.
5. Don't shoot me I am only the messenger.
6. I my self am sure that there is a afterlife, and a place prepared for me, in heaven, sure I am not perfect, I swear at times, saying bad words, which I am sure isn't all that great, but I do have faith in Jesus, and why he was here for me and humanity.
7. And as it is written, just a little faith goes a long way, and we also know being perfect is impossible.
8. Don't shoot me I am only the messenger.

Hawkings has made significant contributions to our understanding of the universe. He has lived far beyond the norm for a person suffering from that disease.

As for his qestioning of religion and it's view of the after life, for him, and you and me, there is only one way to answer that question.

Many people have asked similar questions about the existance of God going back probably millions of years.

That Hawking cant open his mind at this late date and honestly investigate the subject shouldnt surprise anyone, but what surprises me is that people expect something different and for some reason give more weight to Hawkings opinion than the opinon of others.

Were we discussing physics, then Hawking would be an authority.

But when talking about God Hawking has shown ignorance of a truly cosmic variety.

But he is entitled to his opinion and if he is wrong and monotheistic faiths right, then he will give an account for his life of denial, but also for his life of pursuing Truth in science, whatever good he has done and for what help he has given others.

Its the total package God looks at, as I understand it. Faith can come in a variety of forms. The atheist that loves Truth, integrity, giving comfort to those who need it and has demonstrated the courage to do what is right despite the anger and hatred of others, that atheist pays respect to God, whether he knows it or not.

For Hawkings sake I hope that all this denialism hasnt been merely a thin veneer for living a self-centered and hateful life.
Give the guy a break. It's a wonder he is still sane after being locked up in a grotesque ball of flesh unable to do much of anything but breathe and blink. He deals in unproven theories so let him rant about the afterlife.
Sorry bout that,

1. Here we go again another atheist fuck goes on the attack of the church.
2. This brainica sits in his chair and dreams dreams, that can not be proven.
3. He takes solace that he thinks himself to be able to think himself, out of the box.
4. And he is seeing death rapidly approaching, and is apprehensive about what will take place in the after life.
5. So, he is asking questions, by making kooky statements about how everyone else is afraid to die, when in reality, its him.
6. He is wondering if there really is a God, and how he fits in if there is indeed one???
7. I find it amusing he is just now wondering about God, seeing he should of died some years ago, and for one reason or another he has lived on, way over his expiration date, and now wonders why???
8. He equates brains to computers, hoping that when our bodies die, all our memories die with us, he equates death with utter nothingness, and yet he wonders still.
9. All he needs is a little push, a little light to shine towards his dark world, I think it is possible, and I hope that he is worth the effort, perhaps God will one day call him, and see if he will listen, but it could be he did get a call, but hung up the phone.
10. People have to listen and listen good when they get the call.
LINK:Stephen Hawking: Heaven is "a fairy story" - World Watch - CBS News

"Physicist Stephen Hawking believes there is no afterlife, and that the concept of heaven is a "fairy story" for people who fear death.

In an interview published in the Guardian, Hawking - author of the bestselling "A Brief History of Time" - said that when the brain ceases to function, that's it."


"Here we go again another atheist fuck goes on the attack of the church".

I'm pretty sure God didn't create the church, man did. I also suspect man created God (I capitalize God because I'm agostic and hedge my bet).
Yet not one of you here has picked up one of his books. Or even know the titles of them, I would imagine.
Give the guy a break. It's a wonder he is still sane after being locked up in a grotesque ball of flesh unable to do much of anything but breathe and blink. He deals in unproven theories so let him rant about the afterlife.

I dont understand the point of your post.

Do you think any of us have the ability to not let Hawking speak his opinion?

Or is this a round-about way of telling us we dont have the right to disagree with Hawking on anything since he is disabled?
Sorry bout that,

1. Now if I were to like say, science has no meaning, and has no place in the world, I would look no less the buffoon that Hawkings looks like Now.:lol:
2. Do not shoot me I am only the messenger.:eusa_eh:

Sorry bout that,

Just STFU Idjit*

Now you know how we all feel about you.

1. I am the life blood of this site.:eusa_whistle:
2. So why not just *STFU* bro?
3. And I see you are not much for the after life either?
4. Better prepare for the unexpected, you may wish you had.:eusa_pray:
5. But by then, it will be too late, why wait, you may not have another opportunity?

I fail to see any evidence for a diety, nor any evidence that would indicate that there is not such, single or plural. And I certainly see no evidence than any man or group has an accurate idea of what such a diety would be like or desire from us.

Is there an afterlife? Damned if I know, and I really don't see any evidence that anybody else does, either. Most certainly do not act as if there is an after life such as most Christians envision.

In fact, the idea of an after life reflects ones culture, far more than reality. From the Happy Hunting Ground, to Many Mansions, people seem to believe that the after life will be a continuatin of the one they had here, minus the negative parts. Of course, that is for them, for everybody they consider 'sinners' or enemies, they envision Hell. Should there actually be something after this life, I would imagine that it is something beyond what we are capable of imagining.
[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Y4ZUCVfpg-c&feature=related]Family Guy - Steven Hawking talks dirty [HD] - YouTube[/ame]
Sorry bout that,

Hawkings has made significant contributions to our understanding of the universe. He has lived far beyond the norm for a person suffering from that disease.

As for his qestioning of religion and it's view of the after life, for him, and you and me, there is only one way to answer that question.

1. I would have to argue he has done nothing for humanity.
2. He has dreamed some dreams, made some outlandish sayings about the way this or that is about the universe and how it works.
3. But boil it down and anything he has said could be wrong, and then over ruled, and re-written.
4. So all in all, he is a *big nothing*.
5. Don't shoot me I am only the messenger.
6. I my self am sure that there is a afterlife, and a place prepared for me, in heaven, sure I am not perfect, I swear at times, saying bad words, which I am sure isn't all that great, but I do have faith in Jesus, and why he was here for me and humanity.
7. And as it is written, just a little faith goes a long way, and we also know being perfect is impossible.
8. Don't shoot me I am only the messenger.


You have not done anything for humanity either.
Nobody can yet answer the question.....except for brainwashed nitwits on one side or the other.
I think there is a whole lot more to the story than most have been allowed to learn.I think all mankind has been lied to by control freaks who somehow got the truth and were terrified by it.
Common sense shows there are some forms of evolution, of course, It's also tells you that there is no way Earth Base One, Giza, or Machu Picchu was built by a bunch of hunters and gatherers.
Go up to Titicaca and try to carry a fifty pound back.I have.
The stones up there are 100 tons and it's alpine, low 02 and damn little agriculture.
OH. "They used woven vines and levers." Idiots.
" Professor . Draw a cartoon"
Sorry bout that,

I fail to see any evidence for a diety, nor any evidence that would indicate that there is not such, single or plural. And I certainly see no evidence than any man or group has an accurate idea of what such a diety would be like or desire from us.

Is there an afterlife? Damned if I know, and I really don't see any evidence that anybody else does, either. Most certainly do not act as if there is an after life such as most Christians envision.

In fact, the idea of an after life reflects ones culture, far more than reality. From the Happy Hunting Ground, to Many Mansions, people seem to believe that the after life will be a continuatin of the one they had here, minus the negative parts. Of course, that is for them, for everybody they consider 'sinners' or enemies, they envision Hell. Should there actually be something after this life, I would imagine that it is something beyond what we are capable of imagining.

1. So you will need to see the evidence before you can believe?:eusa_eh:
2. There is no evidence given except the sign of Jonah, for which after three days he has risen.
3. There were hundreds of witnesses to his resurrection from the dead, and his Ascension to heaven.
4. Consider that there is all this of this planet, but God is limited to creating an other world even more wonderful than this?:eusa_whistle:

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