*Hawking Sticks Butt Out At God Again: Just STFU Idjit*

Yet not one of you here has picked up one of his books. Or even know the titles of them, I would imagine.

Playboy magazine found that "A Brief History of the Universe" was the one book that most people had on their shelves and never read.

I have to plead guilty to that one. I started, but never finished, it.
Sorry bout that,

you ever read one of his books cheesey?

1. Nope.
2. But I have heard some of the dreams this *idjit* has put forth.
3. I need not confirm he an *idjit* by reading in depth all of what he says.
4. Same goes around here.:eusa_eh:

Sorry bout that,

Sorry bout that,

Hawkings has made significant contributions to our understanding of the universe. He has lived far beyond the norm for a person suffering from that disease.

As for his qestioning of religion and it's view of the after life, for him, and you and me, there is only one way to answer that question.

1. I would have to argue he has done nothing for humanity.
2. He has dreamed some dreams, made some outlandish sayings about the way this or that is about the universe and how it works.
3. But boil it down and anything he has said could be wrong, and then over ruled, and re-written.
4. So all in all, he is a *big nothing*.
5. Don't shoot me I am only the messenger.
6. I my self am sure that there is a afterlife, and a place prepared for me, in heaven, sure I am not perfect, I swear at times, saying bad words, which I am sure isn't all that great, but I do have faith in Jesus, and why he was here for me and humanity.
7. And as it is written, just a little faith goes a long way, and we also know being perfect is impossible.
8. Don't shoot me I am only the messenger.


You have not done anything for humanity either.

1. Oh, can you be so sure of that?:eusa_eh:
2. Who is to say my words stop here and don't rather ripple across the universe effectually molding things neither of us can fully understand.
3. While Hawkings words are hollow tinkling's sounds of a miniature bell, rattling in some dark corner of his mind, to end with a *big nothing*.

3. There were hundreds of witnesses to his resurrection from the dead, and his Ascension to heaven.
I tried to find a YouTube video where they interviewed some of the people who allegedly witnessed the so called resurrection and came up with nothing.

Go figure :cool:
Sorry bout that,

Nobody can yet answer the question.....except for brainwashed nitwits on one side or the other.
I think there is a whole lot more to the story than most have been allowed to learn.I think all mankind has been lied to by control freaks who somehow got the truth and were terrified by it.
Common sense shows there are some forms of evolution, of course, It's also tells you that there is no way Earth Base One, Giza, or Machu Picchu was built by a bunch of hunters and gatherers.
Go up to Titicaca and try to carry a fifty pound back.I have.
The stones up there are 100 tons and it's alpine, low 02 and damn little agriculture.
OH. "They used woven vines and levers." Idiots.
" Professor . Draw a cartoon"

1. I can answer it.:eusa_eh:
2. There is a whole lot of the story you and most of humankind isn't allowed to know.
3. The reason that *all* of what is known doesn't totally get out, is because God will not allow it to be mocked, and or used as a carrot to convert mankind.
4. Mankind in its higher thinkers sort to say, are inhumanly evil, dreamers of silly dreams, and are unstable in all there ways, which this truth has always been, they also said that those whom were to watch Jesus tomb should give false witness that they were indeed asleep when the followers of Jesus came and took his body away, so how does sleeping man know what took place when they were asleep?:eusa_eh:

Sorry bout that,

3. There were hundreds of witnesses to his resurrection from the dead, and his Ascension to heaven.
I tried to find a YouTube video where they interviewed some of the people who allegedly witnessed the so called resurrection and came up with nothing.

Go figure :cool:

1. If I were you, an investment in asbestos underwear would be a good investment.:lol:

Another religious person that doesn't like Hawking...how shocking.

Can I bet some money that you do like Tim Tebow?
Somehow I think God is having the last laugh.

Hawking is a very smart man. But not smart enough to realize that thought, a product of a brain has limitations. It cannot touch that "which is". Since it cannot touch it, there is no understanding.

He should just admit that he is limited.
But not smart enough to realize that thought, a product of a brain has limitations. It cannot touch that "which is". Since it cannot touch it, there is no understanding.

He should just admit that he is limited.

I wish this could be the thought process of religious people.
Sorry bout that,

Another religious person that doesn't like Hawking...how shocking.

Can I bet some money that you do like Tim Tebow?

1. Maybe you should ask why Hawking goes to all the trouble to make statements that God isn't real, or that no God made all this.
2. This dweeb, who never got lucky, who never had a life, who just was, who sat in a chair his whole life, postulating about this or that, who is worth millions of dollars, who can't have fun with it, who died years ago, and yet is alive.
3. Maybe Hawking wants to start his own religion???:eusa_whistle:
4. Seems he wants to usurp God, maybe he would like to take over???:evil:
5. Its sad that a man who has made millions off crap science, that won't help humanity one bit, has to shuffle off this mortal coil with one last big *FU* to God, sure he got a raw deal and all, being all twisted sitting in a chair and all, but really???
6. Its a little over the top don't ya think???
7. I think in a way he is crying out, subconsciously, in a far far corner of his mind, he believes he may be wrong about this whole, God thing.
8. The problem with brainiac people is, they start to mold their warped views about the universe to counter act any potential connection of it with God.
9. Thats when your warning buzzer in your head should go off, in reality.
10. The simple miracle of life, is with held from him, so he can not possibly be able to fathom having a baby of his own.
11. Just look at what sort of a shriveled piece of humanity Hawkings is.
12. And yet, he has no understanding that Jesus could just decide to heal him in one second.

Hawkings has made significant contributions to our understanding of the universe. He has lived far beyond the norm for a person suffering from that disease.

As for his qestioning of religion and it's view of the after life, for him, and you and me, there is only one way to answer that question.

Many people have asked similar questions about the existance of God going back probably millions of years.

That Hawking cant open his mind at this late date and honestly investigate the subject shouldnt surprise anyone, but what surprises me is that people expect something different and for some reason give more weight to Hawkings opinion than the opinon of others.

Were we discussing physics, then Hawking would be an authority.

But when talking about God Hawking has shown ignorance of a truly cosmic variety.

But he is entitled to his opinion and if he is wrong and monotheistic faiths right, then he will give an account for his life of denial, but also for his life of pursuing Truth in science, whatever good he has done and for what help he has given others.

Its the total package God looks at, as I understand it. Faith can come in a variety of forms. The atheist that loves Truth, integrity, giving comfort to those who need it and has demonstrated the courage to do what is right despite the anger and hatred of others, that atheist pays respect to God, whether he knows it or not.

For Hawkings sake I hope that all this denialism hasnt been merely a thin veneer for living a self-centered and hateful life.

Maybe his mind is open.
Maybe he has examined the issue from every angle.
Maybe he has turned the his full intellect onto the question of the afterlife.
Maybe, even after all that, he has come to the considered opinion that there is no afterlife.
That isn't denialism, that's considered examination.
Bloody hell, I'm typing like the Holy Bigfoot!!!!
Sorry bout that,

Hawkings has made significant contributions to our understanding of the universe. He has lived far beyond the norm for a person suffering from that disease.

As for his questioning of religion and it's view of the after life, for him, and you and me, there is only one way to answer that question.

Many people have asked similar questions about the existance of God going back probably millions of years.

That Hawking cant open his mind at this late date and honestly investigate the subject shouldn't surprise anyone, but what surprises me is that people expect something different and for some reason give more weight to Hawkings opinion than the opinion of others.

Were we discussing physics, then Hawking would be an authority.

But when talking about God Hawking has shown ignorance of a truly cosmic variety.

But he is entitled to his opinion and if he is wrong and monotheistic faiths right, then he will give an account for his life of denial, but also for his life of pursuing Truth in science, whatever good he has done and for what help he has given others.

Its the total package God looks at, as I understand it. Faith can come in a variety of forms. The atheist that loves Truth, integrity, giving comfort to those who need it and has demonstrated the courage to do what is right despite the anger and hatred of others, that atheist pays respect to God, whether he knows it or not.

For Hawkings sake I hope that all this denialism hasn't been merely a thin veneer for living a self-centered and hateful life.

Maybe his mind is open.
Maybe he has examined the issue from every angle.
Maybe he has turned the his full intellect onto the question of the afterlife.
Maybe, even after all that, he has come to the considered opinion that there is no afterlife.
That isn't denialism, that's considered examination.
Bloody hell, I'm typing like the Holy Bigfoot!!!!

1. So basically you are saying that Hawking can *OUT THINK GOD*.:lol:
2. No, that is impossible.
3. No one can *OUT THINK GOD*.
4. No one can out do anything God can do.
5. If he would just open his mind to God, instead of attacking God with his mind, he could have a chance to be healed and walk.:eusa_pray:
6. It is possible, but it do take faith.:eusa_pray:

Sorry bout that,

Many people have asked similar questions about the existance of God going back probably millions of years.

That Hawking cant open his mind at this late date and honestly investigate the subject shouldn't surprise anyone, but what surprises me is that people expect something different and for some reason give more weight to Hawkings opinion than the opinion of others.

Were we discussing physics, then Hawking would be an authority.

But when talking about God Hawking has shown ignorance of a truly cosmic variety.

But he is entitled to his opinion and if he is wrong and monotheistic faiths right, then he will give an account for his life of denial, but also for his life of pursuing Truth in science, whatever good he has done and for what help he has given others.

Its the total package God looks at, as I understand it. Faith can come in a variety of forms. The atheist that loves Truth, integrity, giving comfort to those who need it and has demonstrated the courage to do what is right despite the anger and hatred of others, that atheist pays respect to God, whether he knows it or not.

For Hawkings sake I hope that all this denialism hasn't been merely a thin veneer for living a self-centered and hateful life.

Maybe his mind is open.
Maybe he has examined the issue from every angle.
Maybe he has turned the his full intellect onto the question of the afterlife.
Maybe, even after all that, he has come to the considered opinion that there is no afterlife.
That isn't denialism, that's considered examination.
Bloody hell, I'm typing like the Holy Bigfoot!!!!

1. So basically you are saying that Hawking can *OUT THINK GOD*.:lol:
2. No, that is impossible.
3. No one can *OUT THINK GOD*.
4. No one can out do anything God can do.
5. If he would just open his mind to God, instead of attacking God with his mind, he could have a chance to be healed and walk.:eusa_pray:
6. It is possible, but it do take faith.:eusa_pray:


1. No, I'm basically saying that he has come to the conclusion that there is no God.
2. "Nothing to out-think here people...move along!"
Sorry bout that,

Another religious person that doesn't like Hawking...how shocking.

Can I bet some money that you do like Tim Tebow?

1. Maybe you should ask why Hawking goes to all the trouble to make statements that God isn't real, or that no God made all this.

Probably the same reason why you go "to all the trouble" to chastise Hawking for not supporting religion, although he actually has a life in scientific academia to base his conclusions on. He believes that natural laws could support the creation of our universe.

2. This dweeb, who never got lucky, who never had a life, who just was, who sat in a chair his whole life, postulating about this or that, who is worth millions of dollars, who can't have fun with it, who died years ago, and yet is alive.

:eusa_eh: You sound like a truly compassionate Christian. He's a theoretical astrophysicist, it's not like he just thinks of things and he gets credit for it, there are solid mathematical foundations involved

3. Maybe Hawking wants to start his own religion???:eusa_whistle:

I think it might be a bit late for that, not to mention his followers are usually busy with the real world.

4. Seems he wants to usurp God, maybe he would like to take over???:evil:

Seems unlikely

5. Its sad that a man who has made millions off crap science, that won't help humanity one bit, has to shuffle off this mortal coil with one last big *FU* to God, sure he got a raw deal and all, being all twisted sitting in a chair and all, but really???

Almost sounds like Christian televangelists, except that Hawking actually did accomplish something.

6. Its a little over the top don't ya think???

You're the expert.

7. I think in a way he is crying out, subconsciously, in a far far corner of his mind, he believes he may be wrong about this whole, God thing.

Maybe, but can you really blame someone for the actions of the sub-conscious?

8. The problem with brainiac people is, they start to mold their warped views about the universe to counter act any potential connection of it with God.

:lol: Of course the good thing about them is that you're able to use the internet and computers to make painfully ironic statements like this.

9. Thats when your warning buzzer in your head should go off, in reality.

Honestly it started going off around point #2.

10. The simple miracle of life, is with held from him, so he can not possibly be able to fathom having a baby of his own.

Because he's a guy, orr the obvious physical condition? You assume much about what his life consists of.

11. Just look at what sort of a shriveled piece of humanity Hawkings is.

Yeah, that proves a lot about the exsistence of god.

12. And yet, he has no understanding that Jesus could just decide to heal him in one second.

Maybe you should tell that to all the religious people with ALS and other motor neurone diseases.

You're either an expert troll or a complete nut.
Sorry bout that,

Many people have asked similar questions about the existance of God going back probably millions of years.

That Hawking cant open his mind at this late date and honestly investigate the subject shouldn't surprise anyone, but what surprises me is that people expect something different and for some reason give more weight to Hawkings opinion than the opinion of others.

Were we discussing physics, then Hawking would be an authority.

But when talking about God Hawking has shown ignorance of a truly cosmic variety.

But he is entitled to his opinion and if he is wrong and monotheistic faiths right, then he will give an account for his life of denial, but also for his life of pursuing Truth in science, whatever good he has done and for what help he has given others.

Its the total package God looks at, as I understand it. Faith can come in a variety of forms. The atheist that loves Truth, integrity, giving comfort to those who need it and has demonstrated the courage to do what is right despite the anger and hatred of others, that atheist pays respect to God, whether he knows it or not.

For Hawkings sake I hope that all this denialism hasn't been merely a thin veneer for living a self-centered and hateful life.

Maybe his mind is open.
Maybe he has examined the issue from every angle.
Maybe he has turned the his full intellect onto the question of the afterlife.
Maybe, even after all that, he has come to the considered opinion that there is no afterlife.
That isn't denialism, that's considered examination.
Bloody hell, I'm typing like the Holy Bigfoot!!!!

1. So basically you are saying that Hawking can *OUT THINK GOD*.:lol:
2. No, that is impossible.
3. No one can *OUT THINK GOD*.
4. No one can out do anything God can do.
5. If he would just open his mind to God, instead of attacking God with his mind, he could have a chance to be healed and walk.:eusa_pray:
6. It is possible, but it do take faith.:eusa_pray:


1 and 2....and 3... Everyone can out think something that does not exist.

4...God did not put a man on the moon. Man did...among a billion other acheivements that your god never performed. According to you and your Bible god hands out memo's chiseled in stone tablets. Man is a little more advanced...smart phones ..etc...

One thing for damn sure...many if not most at USMB can out learn and out think you...sorry about that.
Probably the same reason why you go "to all the trouble" to chastise Hawking for not supporting religion, although he actually has a life in scientific academia to base his conclusions on. He believes that natural laws could support the creation of our universe.

He believes but he doesnt *know* that they can.

He's a theoretical astrophysicist, it's not like he just thinks of things and he gets credit for it, there are solid mathematical foundations involved

How does being a heoretical astrophysicist make one an expert on theology?

3You're either an expert troll or a complete nut.

One persons nut is another persons guru.
Probably the same reason why you go "to all the trouble" to chastise Hawking for not supporting religion, although he actually has a life in scientific academia to base his conclusions on. He believes that natural laws could support the creation of our universe.

He believes but he doesnt *know* that they can.

Yes but unlike religious people his work isn't done yet.

He's a theoretical astrophysicist, it's not like he just thinks of things and he gets credit for it, there are solid mathematical foundations involved

How does being a heoretical astrophysicist make one an expert on theology?

What does understanding scriptures have to do with utilizing science to make a determination on the necessity of a god for creation?

3You're either an expert troll or a complete nut.

One persons nut is another persons guru.

That other person is nuts too. :razz:
Probably the same reason why you go "to all the trouble" to chastise Hawking for not supporting religion, although he actually has a life in scientific academia to base his conclusions on. He believes that natural laws could support the creation of our universe.

He believes but he doesnt *know* that they can.

Yes but unlike religious people his work isn't done yet.

What makes you think the work of the religious is done?

How does being a theoretical astrophysicist make one an expert on theology?

What does understanding scriptures have to do with utilizing science to make a determination on the necessity of a god for creation?

I personally would say almost none at all.

There are reasons outside of science that leads people to believe most of the things they regard as true. Socrates, Plato and Aristotle used reason to come to a belief in the Creator.

Hawkings is apparently ignorant about those arguments or else he wouldnt make such a fool of himself to try to use science to explain away the necesity of God.

3You're either an expert troll or a complete nut.
One persons nut is another persons guru.

That other person is nuts too. :razz:

To the man who only has a nut-cracker, every problem is a nut.

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