Hawking "Under Fire" or Briscoe Cain? Which man is more "unforgiving"?


Constitutionalist / Universalist
Jan 21, 2010
Lawmaker's tweet after physicist Stephen Hawking's death draws criticism

The message I read from Cain Texas lawmaker, contained both compassion (condolescences to the family) and judgment, assuming that Hawking as an "atheist" would be under fire and judgment from God.

First of all, atheism is not an unforgiveable sin.
It depends if the person is forgiving or not, whether Christian, Atheist, Buddhist, Muslim etc.
The one unforgiveable sin is unforgiveness.
All people I've met have trouble forgiving, and this makes us biased toward
some people or groups, or against others. Nobody is as perfect as Jesus Christ
or God loving all people and understanding everyone and being able to forgive.

But the Bible says we must forgive others for us to receive forgiveness.
That is natural law that even God must obey, who cannot force us to forgive.
By human nature we can only choose freely to either forgive or ask God's help when we cannot.

Secondly, who says that souls cannot have the choice to forgive after death?
It makes more sense to me that people cannot see and know all things
to make an educated choice within the limitations of our minds and perceptions
in this lifetime. What if after we die, then we "answer to God" and can answer
after we can interact and know more of what was going on and why?

During trials in real life, some information is not revealed until it is approved
to present to courts and juries. So the public can make faulty judgments
in the media, but "when the truth come out" in trial, then people change their minds.
Things aren't what they seem always.

So who's to say people don't get another chance after death when Judgment Day
is set up for everyone to answer when it's clear what was true or false?

In general, I see both men as "having free speech" to share what they believe.
And neither seems to be unforgiving or unforgivable.

As long as they both forgive, they can have their opinions true or false,
with flaws or imperfections, and both be part of the process to establish God's truth.

Hawking contributed his part that helped people in the field of science.
Cain and Graham contributed their part.

Whether Hawking is forgiving or not determines his process of reconciling with the truth.

What determines Cain's process is how forgiving he is and able to make corrections.

And anyone who judges either Cain or Hawking,
whether we forgive or don't, that affects US and our process not theirs!

We can cause problems when our "unforgiveness" plants a seed of
Unforgiveness in others and spreads. so this business of judgment
can cause problems in others.

My recommendation to Cain is to promote forgiveness and understanding,
that God creates both theists and nontheists, Christians and atheists,
Muslims and Buddhists, etc for a reason. And to work with these systems
that God and Jesus still have divine authority over, and use them all for God's greater purposes.

We have several sovereign states all united under one law by the Constitution.
Christ can still serve as central authority, even though local regions are under
separate state laws that apply only to those populations.
So be it with religions that serve as distinct languages for the laws.

Jesus said he governs two folds of the one flock
believers under scriptural law and authority
and secular gentiles under natural laws.

So there is nothing wrong with governing under natural laws
as long as we respect common Truth and Justice (which God and Jesus represent)
in order to live in Peace or the Holy Spirit.

Both Hawking and Cain contribute to that in their own ways.
God created us so, and when we forgive we don't judge each other for being different
as God designed our brains to process truth in different ways.

We can still be neighbors in Christ or by Conscience
whether we follow the laws of Truth and Justice
by science reason and natural laws as gentiles and nontheists
or by the spiritual laws of church and religious authority as believers.

The point is not to reject unity in Christ by holding on to unforgiveness
and fear that separates us from reconciling in God's truth.

Both men in this case show compassion and openness to
God's truth, so when we finish this process I have faith
that both men will be reconciled and not be under fire as is
going on now when people can't forgive the flaws in each
other's statements. They both made public statements
about God that are not perfect, nobody is.

We just state our part, let others correct us, and together
we can put God's truth together where all of us are
equally biased and none of us speak for God perfectly.

It takes all voices, and God made a very special
witness of these men, we should embrace and learn from equally
to understand the whole of God's truth that both men express in their own ways.

God bless and uplift all those joining in this discussion
that we may reconcile and put all our best knowledge together
so we can reach a greater deeper understanding encompassing us all.

Special blessings and prayers to both Cain and Hawking
and all those listening and learning from these exchanges
that we may all benefit and become better people
and make the world a better place as the Kingdom of God represents.

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