Hawkman: Wall Street Media [Dystopian Dread?]


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Sep 22, 2013
Imagine we hear news that Hollywood movie-star Leo DiCaprio is making a modernization-dystopian film about Hawkman (DC Comics), co-starring George Clooney as the villain Hath-Set.

Modernization creates many anxious feelings about the troubles with capitalism, urbanization, traffic, mobilization, congestion, piracy, corruption, and avarice. We've seen many dystopian films in recent times, including The Matrix, Dark City, The Crow, Sin City, and Blade Runner.

Since the post-Industrialization modern era is really about commerce, customs, contracts, and communications, we might imagine that angst towards the flowery/aesthetics of Wall Street makes us naturally paranoid about infrastructure jargon/legalese.

Are we demonstratively 'traffic-bestial' in the modern age?

How will the presidency of Trump be compared to to the presidency of Reagan (our last celebrity president)?



"Leo DiCaprio read an intriguing script by David Mamet about a dystopian film featuring the DC Comics winged superhero Hawkman contending with the insidious terrorist Hath-Set in modern-day America as commerce, traffic, and globalization made TrumpUSA quite complex. The film, directed by Sam Raimi, would co-star George Clooney as the villain Hath-Set and would feature conceptual paranoia-storytelling inspired by Looney Tunes cartoons of Wile E. Coyote trying to drop boulders on a passing/elusive Road Runner in order to capture the tender prey. Was this the age of fantastic danger folklore? Would Leo become another character in the long list of dystopian media, following the likes of Mel Gibson (Mad Max), Brandon Lee (The Crow), Will Smith (I, Robot), and Harrison Ford (Blade Runner)?"


"Hawkman was already popular among comic book fans interested in creative superheroes who took flight against the presence of evil/terrorism. DC Comics had made Hawkman a figure of great splendor, and the iconic winged superhero was featured in Challenge of the Superfriends and various Justice League media. Leo wanted to portray Hawkman contending with Hath-Set (George Clooney) in a modernization-paranoia film about unchecked ambitions yielding terrible imagination. Leo's rendition of Hawkman for celebrated film-maker Sam Raimi would add a new feather/dimension to dystopia-themed media in recent times."


"Clooney was immediately interested in the project and wanted to portray the villainous Hath-Set, a figure inspired by Egyptian folklore/canon. Clooney stated that he was a big fan of dystopia-oriented film character presentations (e.g., Michael Douglas's sharkish Gordon Gekko in Oliver Stone's colored film Wall Street) and wanted to add a new complement with the character of Hath-Set in Sam Raimi's film about a modern world sullied and deformed by deranged ambitions. Clooney had already made a relevant/symbolic modernism film called Money Monster and was excited to play opposite Leo's Hawkman. Raimi was very happy and called this new opus Hawkman: Modern Time."


"Clooney wanted to portray Hath-Set with a certain vigor so the symbolic villain would come off as a figure of great terror and anti-social fury. After all, Raimi wanted to give film-audiences a taste of colorful dystopian storytelling. Leo, meanwhile, prepared to present Hawkman as an idealized figure of great Wall Street and TrumpUSA patriotism. Clooney wanted Hath-Set to be compared to Captain Hook (Peter Pan) or Nuclear Man (Superman IV: The Quest for Peace)."


"One scene in Raimi's comics-adapted dystopian film, inspired directly from a Looney Tunes cartoon about Wile E. Coyote lifting and placing a rope-tied boulder in mid-air as the elusive/speedy Road Runner ran by underneath so the Coyote could drop the giant rock on top of the running-bird and eat him for dinner, would see Hath-Set trying to drop a giant boulder from the top of the Empire State Building (carried there from Hath-Set's jumbo-jet) on New Year's Eve. Leo stated in an interview that Raimi envisioned a modernization film filled with images/ideas of complete traffic paranoia. This was dystopia-storytelling at its most entertaining!"


"Of course, we all know that paranoia-folklore is a hallmark of new age entertainment, and Americans' love of pure dread horror-films such as A Nightmare on Elm Street, Friday the 13th, and Candyman made Raimi even more motivated to create a tale about modernization spiritualism being undermined by the forces of darkness, terror, dread, and conspiracy. Raimi wanted Leo's Hawkman to remind film audiences of Mighty Mouse and Clooney's Hath-Set to remind them of Satan himself. Modernization is complex, so Raimi wanted new age storytelling to reflect this new age 'diarism-paranoia'."


"Money is the root of all evil, as we've been reminded in proverbs, and 'money is everything' as we've read in Ecclesiastes (Christian Bible). Clooney's modernization-paranoia film Money Monster and Leo's modernism-symbolic film The Wolf of Wall Street would serve as handsome background for this Raimi film about Hawkman trying to salvage humanity's optimism towards traffic complexity/intrigue. Leo's Hawkman would be a stockbroker by day and the heroic Hawkman in his double-life. Would Clooney's Hath-Set offer the right dose of pure insidious fun?"


"Film censors were concerned about Raimi trying to construct the graphic/descriptive scene of the villainous Hath-Set trying to drop a giant boulder off the Empire State Building, since such a scene would only serve to remind film-audiences of the haunting trauma of 9/11, something everyone simply wanted to forget/transcend. However, Raimi insisted his new Hawkman (DC Comics) film would balance such dramatic dystopian paranoia themes with the right dose of spiritualism and optimism, and perhaps remind audiences of his earlier work on similar films such as Army of Darkness. Clooney, meanwhile, stated he had no problem with portraying characters of great modernism significance, since he'd already portrayed a modern sharkish problem-fixer for the wealthy/political in the film Michael Clayton. Would Raimi pull off this pseudo-religious project?"


TRUMP: I'm excited for Raimi's Hawkman film, Carter!
CARTER: Yes, Leo and Clooney are terrific in it, Mr. President.
TRUMP: There're numerous entertaining dystopian films now...
CARTER: Yes, I like Blade Runner 2049.
TRUMP: I like I, Robot!
CARTER: Maybe Raimi wants us to think fondly of George Orwell.
TRUMP: Orwellian lore seemed to be dying down before The Matrix!
CARTER: Yes, The Matrix revived dystopian film-making, I think.
TRUMP: Americans want to be stimulated about modernism intrigue.
CARTER: Maybe Raimi will capture his first Oscar!
TRUMP: Maybe Clooney will grab a Best Actor award...
CARTER: Hail to modern vision.
TRUMP: 'Modern vision' always benefits capitalism.
CARTER: Yes, it promotes 'pulp-fiction consumerism.'




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